Good news! The Springfield Haitians are filing criminal charges against Trump and JD Vance!

Well, FFI has a point, it’s a citizen filing the suit on behalf of the haitian non citizens.
Nope. That’s not filing charges. Filing charges is a criminal matter. Alien or citizen: makes no difference. It’s a governmental action to file criminal charges.
So, if you feel another group has been threatened, you can sue on their behalf.

Hmm, didn’t Biden call maga people a threat to the nation? I think we need to sue him for generating hate and hostility.
If they want to file a civil suit of some kind, that’s ok. The case should never advance beyond the non criminal complaint stage unless they have a valid legal basis for such a filing.

They don’t.
I have never heard of this concept that the NAACP can sue on behalf of white peoples rights
It’s a novel feeling that one “party” can do that for another.
Is that based on the determination of a threatened feeling because your culture eats pets in America?
Well it wasn’t the naacp, it was the Haitian Bridge Alliance, and activist group.
That's not always apparent in general.
With millions of people claiming asylum, you’d think it would be easy to find out. That would be no small thing. If the Mexican and Honduran governments were so oppressive to the people where they feared for their lives from the government, and tens of millions of people were fleeing becaus of it, I think our government would know.
No, they are not. they are here illegally via the government abusing the asylum process.

Sorry that you were lied to, but these Haitians have been here for years, have green cards, are here legally, and were requested by the companies in the area that needed workers.
Criminal complaint, citizen charges. The point is, I don’t believe this will go anywhere. They would have to prove that trump acted with malice, in other words, they would have to show his intent was to cause these people harm

When you make harmful public statements such as the Haitians being illegal and eating cats and dogs, what you believe to be true is not a sufficient defense.
Legally you have to investigate and determine what is true before you make these public statements. So then Trump is guilty. He was wrong about Springfield, even if he at the time thought he was correct. He did not do the due diligence required before making harmful public statement.
Criminal complaint, citizen charges. The point is, I don’t believe this will go anywhere. They would have to prove that trump acted with malice, in other words, they would have to show his intent was to cause these people harm
Trump and Vance, a U.S. senator from Ohio, are charged with disrupting public services, making false alarms, telecommunications harassment, aggravated menacing and complicity."

There seems to be a little more than that involved.
Nope. That’s not filing charges. Filing charges is a criminal matter. Alien or citizen: makes no difference. It’s a governmental action to file criminal charges.

If they want to file a civil suit of some kind, that’s ok. The case should never advance beyond the non criminal complaint stage unless they have a valid legal basis for such a filing.

They don’t.

But they DO have a "valid legal basis for filing criminal charges".
The Haitians in Springfield are not here illegally and there are not instances of missing cats or dogs.
That means the videos claiming illegals are eating cats and dogs was deliberate hate speech intended to get Haitians murdered.
But they DO have a "valid legal basis for filing criminal charges".
False. Since they can’t do so, whatever they imagine their basis might be is of no value.
The Haitians in Springfield are not here illegally and there are not instances of missing cats or dogs.m
Some are. And you don’t know whether there have been instances of any of them eating some cats or dogs. You just make the baseless claim.
That means the videos claiming illegals are eating cats and dogs was deliberate hate speech intended to get Haitians murdered.
Nope. It means that he said out loud (nationally) what some Springfield locals had claimed.

And there was no intent (and certainly you have no evidence to support you baseless claim) about what was “intended.”

The calls making threats were all bullshit probably made up — by libturds making the calls just to stir up some shit. You fall for it.

18 U.S. Code § 373 - Solicitation to commit a crime of violence​

Whoever, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony that has as an element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against property or against the person of another in violation of the laws of the United States, and under circumstances strongly corroborative of that intent, solicits, commands, induces, or otherwise endeavors to persuade such other person to engage in such conduct, shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half of the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the crime solicited, or both; or if the crime solicited is punishable by life imprisonment or death, shall be imprisoned for not more than twenty years.
It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this section that, under circumstances manifesting a voluntary and complete renunciation of his criminal intent, the defendant prevented the commission of the crime solicited. A renunciation is not “voluntary and complete” if it is motivated in whole or in part by a decision to postpone the commission of the crime until another time or to substitute another victim or another but similar objective. If the defendant raises the affirmative defense at trial, the defendant has the burden of proving the defense by a preponderance of the evidence.
It is not a defense to a prosecution under this section that the person solicited could not be convicted of the crime because he lacked the state of mind required for its commission, because he was incompetent or irresponsible, or because he is immune from prosecution or is not subject to prosecution.

Falsely saying that the Haitians in Springfield were illegal and eating pets, is clearly criminal.

18 U.S. Code § 373 - Solicitation to commit a crime of violence​

Whoever, with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting a felony that has as an element the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against property or against the person of another in violation of the laws of the United States, and under circumstances strongly corroborative of that intent, solicits, commands, induces, or otherwise endeavors to persuade such other person to engage in such conduct, shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half of the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the crime solicited, or both; or if the crime solicited is punishable by life imprisonment or death, shall be imprisoned for not more than twenty years.
It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this section that, under circumstances manifesting a voluntary and complete renunciation of his criminal intent, the defendant prevented the commission of the crime solicited. A renunciation is not “voluntary and complete” if it is motivated in whole or in part by a decision to postpone the commission of the crime until another time or to substitute another victim or another but similar objective. If the defendant raises the affirmative defense at trial, the defendant has the burden of proving the defense by a preponderance of the evidence.
It is not a defense to a prosecution under this section that the person solicited could not be convicted of the crime because he lacked the state of mind required for its commission, because he was incompetent or irresponsible, or because he is immune from prosecution or is not subject to prosecution.

Falsely saying that the Haitians in Springfield were illegal and eating pets, is clearly criminal.

Not illegal at all.

Your claim is criminally retarded. As usual.
When you make harmful public statements such as the Haitians being illegal and eating cats and dogs, what you believe to be true is not a sufficient defense.
Legally you have to investigate and determine what is true before you make these public statements. So then Trump is guilty. He was wrong about Springfield, even if he at the time thought he was correct. He did not do the due diligence required before making harmful public statement.
If the Hatians being numbered at 20,000, and the report was that they were dumped into that community, then how is it that they've been there along time, and that they somehow hold green card's etc ?
False. Since they can’t do so, whatever they imagine their basis might be is of no value.

Some are. And you don’t know whether there have been instances of any of them eating some cats or dogs. You just make the baseless claim.

Nope. It means that he said out loud (nationally) what some Springfield locals had claimed.

And there was no intent (and certainly you have no evidence to support you baseless claim) about what was “intended.”

The calls making threats were all bullshit probably made up — by libturds making the calls just to stir up some shit. You fall for it.

Anyone can and often do "file charges".
Whether the police, prosecutors, or judges decide to not press the charges is irrelevant.

We all know that there have been not cats or dogs eaten because we know that no missing pets have been reported, and that the high uric acid content of dogs and cats would make it taste bad and make a person sick. It is very difficult to prepare any predator to be safely eaten.

You are not allowed to broadcast harmful claims about someone unless you have done due diligence to ensure the claims are correct.
There is a huge difference between saying to another person that you think a crime had been committed, and broadcasting on TV that you are sure of it.
That is a crime, deliberately inciting violence by falsely claiming something happened which did not really happen at all.

Not illegal at all.

Your claim is criminally retarded. As usual.

Trump lied and said it had been proven pets were eaten.
Turns out the cat in question returned home unharmed.
Turns out the Canadian goose images was killed by a car accident in a completely different state.
That is obvious proof of a deliberate slander intended to incite violence.
Anyone can and often do "file charges".

Whether the police, prosecutors, or judges decide to not press the charges is irrelevant.

The cops can arrest. Prosecutors alone file criminal charges. Judges don’t.
We all know that there have been not cats or dogs eaten

No. We don’t.
because we know that no missing pets have been reported,
Some folks don’t report missing pets, you dolt.
and that the high uric acid content of dogs and cats would make it taste bad and make a person sick.
Nonsense. Dogs are cooked in China on a regular basis, you ignorant dimwit.
It is very difficult to prepare any predator to be safely eaten.
And yet, it happens.
You are not allowed to broadcast harmful claims about someone unless you have done due diligence to ensure the claims are correct.
False. Stop just making shit up. You libturds are so fact free, by your metrics you could never post anything.
There is a huge difference between saying to another person that you think a crime had been committed, and broadcasting on TV that you are sure of it.
Which didn’t happen.
That is a crime,

No. It still isn’t a crime. At all.
deliberately inciting violenc
Nobody incited any violence.
e by falsely claiming something happened which did not really happen at all.
you don’t know that it didn’t happen. Just more of your fact free posting.
If the Hatians being numbered at 20,000, and the report was that they were dumped into that community, then how is it that they've been there along time, and that they somehow hold green card's etc ?

Do some reading.
The truth is they were solicited by companies years ago, who got them green cards, and it took years before they slowly swelled to 20,000.
The claim the Haitians were recently "dumped" there are deliberate lies.

How many Haitians are living in Springfield?​

There’s no official tally. Mayor Rob Rue told CNN the city’s population has grown about 25% over the past three years, in part due to the arrival of Haitian immigrants.

Between 12,000 and 15,000 immigrants are living in Clark County, which includes Springfield, according to estimates on the city’s website. Of that group, an estimated 10,000-12,000 are Haitian, according to a July presentation from the county’s health commissioner, who cited data from school and social services officials.

The 2020 Census estimated about 60,000 people were living in Springfield, and 2022 data from the American Community Survey indicated about 2% of the city’s population was born outside the US.

Did a government program send them there for resettlement?​

No. Immigrants have chosen to live in Springfield due to its low cost of living and available work, according to a city website, which notes that “no government entity is responsible for the influx of Haitians into Clark County.”

“Any system is going to struggle with the rapid population growth we have seen,” Clark County Health Commissioner Chris Cook told the Springfield City Council in July as he stressed the importance of getting more resources and funding to help.

“This is not part of a federal resettlement program. … It’s not someplace it was planned, and it’s not someplace those resources initially go by policy,” he said.

So how did they end up there? And why was Springfield their destination?​

Officials and Springfield residents who’ve spoken with CNN say employment opportunities and word of mouth drew an influx of immigrants to the city.

Koveleski, the interpreter and community activist in Springfield, said word that jobs were available spread quickly among Haitians’ family and friends.
“Before you know it,” she told CNN’s Omar Jimenez, “it was almost like, ‘If there’s a good Friday sale and you got a great deal at Macy’s, you tell all your friends, and the stores are packed.’”

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said businesses in the area are grateful to have the help of a growing labor force.
When you make harmful public statements such as the Haitians being illegal and eating cats and dogs, what you believe to be true is not a sufficient defense.
Legally you have to investigate and determine what is true before you make these public statements. So then Trump is guilty. He was wrong about Springfield, even if he at the time thought he was correct. He did not do the due diligence required before making harmful public statement.
i agree that trump shouldn’t have said it, but you have to prove damages and think you have to prove that his actions were willfully and knowingly done to harm someone. Still, the damages part might be tricky, because you’ll have to subpoena all those people in other countries to testify that the acted because of Trump.

even if he at the time thought he was correct

That’s the kicker. If he thought the statement was true and he wasn’t doing it to be intentionally it defamation? If you say it is, then free speech is a slippery slope, with people not being able to make accusations unless they can prove they are true before an investigation is done.

In fact, yesterday I was listening to lefty radio and the host said that the governor of Missouri allowed the execution of Williams because he “wanted to score political points”. So, the host has no clue, and given his reputation on the radio, it wouldn’t be hard to prove he made that statement with harmful intent. Does this mean he should be sued?
Do some reading.
The truth is they were solicited by companies years ago, who got them green cards, and it took years before they slowly swelled to 20,000.
The claim the Haitians were recently "dumped" there are deliberate lies.

How many Haitians are living in Springfield?​

There’s no official tally. Mayor Rob Rue told CNN the city’s population has grown about 25% over the past three years, in part due to the arrival of Haitian immigrants.

Between 12,000 and 15,000 immigrants are living in Clark County, which includes Springfield, according to estimates on the city’s website. Of that group, an estimated 10,000-12,000 are Haitian, according to a July presentation from the county’s health commissioner, who cited data from school and social services officials.

The 2020 Census estimated about 60,000 people were living in Springfield, and 2022 data from the American Community Survey indicated about 2% of the city’s population was born outside the US.

Did a government program send them there for resettlement?​

No. Immigrants have chosen to live in Springfield due to its low cost of living and available work, according to a city website, which notes that “no government entity is responsible for the influx of Haitians into Clark County.”

“Any system is going to struggle with the rapid population growth we have seen,” Clark County Health Commissioner Chris Cook told the Springfield City Council in July as he stressed the importance of getting more resources and funding to help.

“This is not part of a federal resettlement program. … It’s not someplace it was planned, and it’s not someplace those resources initially go by policy,” he said.

So how did they end up there? And why was Springfield their destination?​

Officials and Springfield residents who’ve spoken with CNN say employment opportunities and word of mouth drew an influx of immigrants to the city.

Koveleski, the interpreter and community activist in Springfield, said word that jobs were available spread quickly among Haitians’ family and friends.
“Before you know it,” she told CNN’s Omar Jimenez, “it was almost like, ‘If there’s a good Friday sale and you got a great deal at Macy’s, you tell all your friends, and the stores are packed.’”

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said businesses in the area are grateful to have the help of a growing labor force.
In short, they're cheap labor. It's no different from the Latin Americans that flood here as well.

Big business prefers to hire Third Worlders, since they work for lower wages. The same was true in the late 1800s and early 1900s with various Europeans that flooded here.

Before that, we had slavery, but cheap labor is only slightly different from slaves. And cheap labor is more expendable than slaves, since you don't have to feed or house cheap labor, whereas you do with slaves.

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