The Apocryphra Says Joseph Was 83 Years Older Than Mary When Jesus Was Born

Apparently Joseph (Jesus' humanoid father, although Yahweh was his real father which is actually himself) met Mary (who Catholics call the "mother of god")for the first time when she was 12! Joseph was 99 and Mary was 16 when Jesus was born as a humanoid, although Jesus says Joseph and Mary did not copulate! That her hymen was unbroken after the birth of Jesus was allegedly confirmed by a number of Hebrew priests after they thoroughly examined "the mother of god's" vagina and chopping off the foreskin of the "son of god"!

Apocrypha: Joseph the Carpenter : Interfaith
So you are saying that the trinity is really another Oedipus Rex complex with a sacramental twist??

Did priest always examine the vagina after the child was born? Cause I know that the circumcision didn't happen on the day of birth..A bris is held eight days after a childbirth...“The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, If a woman conceives and bears a male child, then she shall be unclean seven days. As at the time of her menstruation, she shall be unclean. And on the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised. Then she shall continue for thirty-three days in the blood of her purifying. She shall not touch anything holy, nor come into the sanctuary, until the days of her purifying are completed. But if she bears a female child, then she shall be unclean two weeks, as in her menstruation. And she shall continue in the blood of her purifying for sixty-six days. “And when the days of her purifying are completed, whether for a son or for a daughter, she shall bring to the priest at the entrance of the tent of meeting a lamb a year old for a burnt offering, and a pigeon or a turtledove for a sin offering, and he shall offer it before the Lord and make atonement for her. Then she shall be clean from the flow of her blood. This is the law for her who bears a child, either male or female. And if she cannot afford a lamb, then she shall take two turtledoves or two pigeons, one for a burnt offering and the other for a sin offering. And the priest shall make atonement for her, and she shall be clean.” Leviticus 12:1-8, ESV Literary Study Bible ...
Why are women considered unclean after childbirth in Leviticus?
The possibility of infection is very high. Because the reproduction organs are wide open and ragged she should refrain from sex also.

The rules of Leviticus seem silly now, but in context they make perfect sense.
So. According to warped theology, Yeshua went for over a month to pray to himself. DEEP.
Kinda like "kickin it up a notch !"
Two, two two.............uhn uh 3 in one !

Where does it say that? "God the Father'' '' God the Son" 2. Not 1.

As for the other......

"When Joseph was a young man, he was employed by Mary’s father in the work of building an addition to his house, and it was when Mary brought Joseph a cup of water, during a noontime meal, that the courtship of the pair who were destined to become the parents of Jesus really began.

"Joseph and Mary were married, in accordance with Jewish custom, at Mary’s home in the environs of Nazareth when Joseph was twenty-one years old. This marriage concluded a normal courtship of almost two years’ duration. Shortly thereafter they moved into their new home in Nazareth, which had been built by Joseph with the assistance of two of his brothers. The house was located near the foot of the near-by elevated land which so charmingly overlooked the surrounding countryside. In this home, especially prepared, these young and expectant parents had thought to welcome the child of promise, little realizing that this momentous event of a universe was to transpire while they would be absent from home in Bethlehem of Judea."

There's no mention in The Urantia Book of how long Mary and Joseph were married by the time Jesus was born; however, I think we can assume that it was not all that long. Even if they waited a few years, Joseph would still be under 25 years of age, since he was 21 when they married. But in those days, there was no thought of birth control, nor the means to do it reliably, so it seems that reason would conservatively say that Joseph was no older than 25 when Jesus was born.

How old was Joseph when Jesus was born?

See how that works? You can look long enough and find anything that says anything you want. I barely had to look to find the above.
That would be a tie between the Beatles Songbook and blues music, a battle between barbershop quartets with electricity and the weird white boy fascination with old, black, and babbling drunk men who can't tune guitars banging away like they're saying 'deep stuff' or something.

Interesting post!
You're the one who said 99...

Meh, neegah, according to the literature, Joseph was 99 years old at the time of the birth of Jesus. Do you have any follow up questions?

Long story short obviously Mary was not getting any. Mid 40's, sexual prime, along comes Jesus...But he hates his desire, and commands his followers to become eunuchs in his struggle to repress his God given sexuality that Yahweh hated. Sorry retards who think they are the bride, Catholic nuns for example, Mary was the bride. So sad religious folks literally wasted their lives in a delusion.
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I know. BUT. I'm in no way cute. I'm an old fart with a bad attitude.
Well, you have a cute avatar!
Apparently Joseph (Jesus' humanoid father, although Yahweh was his real father which is actually himself) met Mary (who Catholics call the "mother of god")for the first time when she was 12! Joseph was 99 and Mary was 16 when Jesus was born as a humanoid, although Jesus says Joseph and Mary did not copulate! That her hymen was unbroken after the birth of Jesus was allegedly confirmed by a number of Hebrew priests after they thoroughly examined "the mother of god's" vagina and chopping off the foreskin of the "son of god"!

Apocrypha: Joseph the Carpenter : Interfaith
The Apocrypha was written before Jesus was born. So why would it mention Jesus or Joseph, who weren't even born yet?

There are old testament Apocryphal and new testament Apocryphal which was written in the 2nd century A.D.
And anything written after the book of Revelation is not Scripture. In fact, anyone who adds or takes away from Scripture is condemned to Hell.

That is why the church took them out.
Apparently Joseph (Jesus' humanoid father, although Yahweh was his real father which is actually himself) met Mary (who Catholics call the "mother of god")for the first time when she was 12! Joseph was 99 and Mary was 16 when Jesus was born as a humanoid, although Jesus says Joseph and Mary did not copulate! That her hymen was unbroken after the birth of Jesus was allegedly confirmed by a number of Hebrew priests after they thoroughly examined "the mother of god's" vagina and chopping off the foreskin of the "son of god"!

Apocrypha: Joseph the Carpenter : Interfaith
The Apocrypha was written before Jesus was born. So why would it mention Jesus or Joseph, who weren't even born yet?

There are old testament Apocryphal and new testament Apocryphal which was written in the 2nd century A.D.
And anything written after the book of Revelation is not Scripture. In fact, anyone who adds or takes away from Scripture is condemned to Hell.

Well that rules out much of the New Testament. Most scholars believe Revelation was one of earliest books in the NT. And here's what the warning in Revelation actually says:

"...everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds anything to these, God will give that person the plagues written about in this book."

It's not a reference to the entire Bible. Only to the book of Revelation.
According to the OP the hymen of Mary was intact after the birth of Jeebus...Therefore I would like the OP to show us on this very scientific model below just where would da baby pass through if the hymen was intact after birth.. If dat vagina is not the route just what was? Immaculate delivery of a spirit which after it passed through the hymen transubstantiated itself into a human form?


And then, in a very suspicious way, three total strangers, men, show up with gifts.
Apparently Joseph (Jesus' humanoid father, although Yahweh was his real father which is actually himself) met Mary (who Catholics call the "mother of god")for the first time when she was 12! Joseph was 99 and Mary was 16 when Jesus was born as a humanoid, although Jesus says Joseph and Mary did not copulate! That her hymen was unbroken after the birth of Jesus was allegedly confirmed by a number of Hebrew priests after they thoroughly examined "the mother of god's" vagina and chopping off the foreskin of the "son of god"!

Apocrypha: Joseph the Carpenter : Interfaith
The Apocrypha was written before Jesus was born. So why would it mention Jesus or Joseph, who weren't even born yet?

There are old testament Apocryphal and new testament Apocryphal which was written in the 2nd century A.D.
And anything written after the book of Revelation is not Scripture. In fact, anyone who adds or takes away from Scripture is condemned to Hell.

Well that rules out much of the New Testament. Most scholars believe Revelation was one of earliest books in the NT. And here's what the warning in Revelation actually says:

"...everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds anything to these, God will give that person the plagues written about in this book."

It's not a reference to the entire Bible. Only to the book of Revelation.
None of that changes the fact that the apocrypha is not inspired by God. In fact, Jesus never once quoted from it, as He did from most of the rest of the old testament books.
According to the OP the hymen of Mary was intact after the birth of Jeebus...Therefore I would like the OP to show us on this very scientific model below just where would da baby pass through if the hymen was intact after birth.. If dat vagina is not the route just what was? Immaculate delivery of a spirit which after it passed through the hymen transubstantiated itself into a human form?


And then, in a very suspicious way, three total strangers, men, show up with gifts.
Traveling salesmen..
"Joseph and Mary were married, in accordance with Jewish custom, at Mary’s home in the environs of Nazareth when Joseph was twenty-one years old.

I have no idea where you got that (Google? :p). But it is obviously bogus. Joseph was 99 when Jesus was born. That is what Scripture says. That is if you believe Scripture. :p
As for the other......

"When Joseph was a young man, he was employed by Mary’s father in the work of building an addition to his house, and it was when Mary brought Joseph a cup of water, during a noontime meal, that the courtship of the pair who were destined to become the parents of Jesus really began.

"Joseph and Mary were married, in accordance with Jewish custom, at Mary’s home in the environs of Nazareth when Joseph was twenty-one years old. This marriage concluded a normal courtship of almost two years’ duration. Shortly thereafter they moved into their new home in Nazareth, which had been built by Joseph with the assistance of two of his brothers. The house was located near the foot of the near-by elevated land which so charmingly overlooked the surrounding countryside. In this home, especially prepared, these young and expectant parents had thought to welcome the child of promise, little realizing that this momentous event of a universe was to transpire while they would be absent from home in Bethlehem of Judea."

There's no mention in The Urantia Book of how long Mary and Joseph were married by the time Jesus was born; however, I think we can assume that it was not all that long. Even if they waited a few years, Joseph would still be under 25 years of age, since he was 21 when they married. But in those days, there was no thought of birth control, nor the means to do it reliably, so it seems that reason would conservatively say that Joseph was no older than 25 when Jesus was born.

How old was Joseph when Jesus was born?

I'm not familar with the Urantia book, but this would seem to be close to the case. One thing people get confused over is when some passage or other mentions a betrothal at some young age, like 12 or whatever, they assume that means a marriage, but that isn't the case, it merely means a promise or an arrangement; actual marriage and consummation came much later; they wouldn't necessarily have consummated their relationship at the time discussed here. Also, Mathew states Jesus had brothers and sisters, several in fact, Mathew names the brothers but not the sisters, so Jesus would have to have been the first, and that indicates a young age for both as well.

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