The arctic sea ice and why we shouldn't expect this year or the next 3 to beat 2012.

The arctic sea ice and why we shouldn't expect this year or the next 3 to beat 2012.

Simple 2 reasons...1. 2012 was like 1998 was until 2016 is now in global temperatures. It is a huge fucking anomaly from hell and most years that don't have a perfect set-up aint going to do it. 2. Open oceans during the spring-summer = more energy to make stronger storms. What this occurs is such storms will make more clouds = blocking solar energy getting to the ice to melt it from June-Sept. I was reading a research paper a few years ago that suggested that this could be a negative feed back that prevented an ice free arctic in the short term.

So during the late fall through winter we will have polar amplification = super low sea ice. This is what we're seeing

Then as we enter summer the stronger storms will reflect more of the energy and prevent an ice free arctic.
Arctic temps have been below average by 1-2 deg C all year. Melt is far less than your fanatics predictions predicted last year and freeze up of the Northwest passage is already occurring. The cruise ship, accompanied by a state of the art ice breaker, made the passage as a publicity stunt and could not have made it on its own and was almost frozen into the ice where both ships would have remained for a very long time. The Captains logs were very telling.

Cooling of the Atlantic feed has already occurred and Greenland has had a record year of ice buildup, over 7 feet of new glacial ice. The Pacific feed has also gone cold so there is little heat to further melt the arctic. The massive ice increase of the arctic has already begun..

There isn't a damn thing anyone can do to stop it.. I find it funny that the articles you cite fail to mention this years buildups and ocean circulations changes.
LOL Is there not anything that Silly Billy will not lie about? He should run for President, he is as qualified at the present occupant of the White House.

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Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

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Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
The Arctic Has Been Crazy Warm All Year. This Is What It Means for Sea Ice

Melt season has begun in earnest in the Arctic. Scientists will spend the next few months watching sea ice turn into open water until the ice pack hits its nadir in early fall.

The vagaries of the weather and ocean currents will play a major role in determining where this year’s Arctic sea ice minimum ranks. But the steady drumbeat of climate change ensures that it will likely be among the lowest on record.

Total Arctic sea ice thickness and its departure from normal for June.
Credit: Zack Labe

New data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center show that sea ice extent was at its sixth-lowest mark for June. Sea ice was missing from 348,000 square miles of the Arctic Ocean, an area about three times the size of Arizona.

After the string of record- or near-record low months late last year and early this year, the sixth-lowest extent might sound like an improvement. It’s not. As of July 2, sea ice extent was on par with 2012, a year that went on to set the mark for lowest Arctic sea ice minimum on record. That year, a major storm in August helped churn the ocean and smash ice to smithereens.

The Arctic Has Been Crazy Warm All Year. This Is What It Means for Sea Ice

Another very warm year in the Arctic.
Actually we don't know what the effects will be, or who they may please and who they may make unhappy. Your OP already demonstrated that. And guess what, when the climate model du jour fails like every other model has, some "scientist" will trot out a new and improved version of the same failed science which explains why we should all still be scared of burning to death. And in 20,30 or 50 years when they are still trying to convince us that they have got the science nailed down, there will be some batshit crazy OLDROCKS running around like Chicken Little convinced that man can decide how warm it is, how much it rains or snows, and where all this occurs. I am already bored with you.
Well, for sure you are a moron. And the models have not failed in the manner you suggest. For the most part, most have been too conservative. Such as Dr. Hansen's very accurate predictions from 1981;

Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

The entire article is available at that site. Dr. Hansen's error was that he did not expect the Northwest Passage to open up as soon as 2007.

If it's "warming" why is the Northwest Passage closed?
Arctic ice has been declining for 12,000 years you moron.

No, it hasn't. Stop making everything up. I know it's what you cult tells you to do, but you need to understand that those outside of your cult are going to point out that you're just making crap up.

If and when the planet gets much warmer, it just means more water will be evaporated into the atmosphere, which will end up blocking sunlight. That's why the next phase in Earth climate will be another ice age.

Most deniers are ice age cultists. Their cult has been making these "ice age any day now!" predictions for 40 years straight now. That ice age never arrives, but it doesn't shake their faith at all. Their cult dogma says the HolyIceAge will arrive, so they BELIEVE.

In contrast, the scientists have been consistently predicting warming since the 1970s and have been proven to be correct. That's why climate science has such credibility, because it's been getting every prediction right for the past 40 years.

It's all happened before, and will happen again. So stop living in fear of it. Stop being a bedwetter.

Says the bedwetter who wants everyone to be terrified of his HolyIceAge.

As far as the OP goes, he's right. 2017 will not break the 2012 record. It's likely it will only make second lowest. 2012 was a perfect storm year -- consistent sunlight on the ice, constant strong ice export through the Fram Strait, all ended by a massive Arctic hurricane that churned the ice into the warm water.

You know you've lost an arguement when you have to lie about what someone else said. Did I say there would be an ice age "any day now"? No. It may start to happen in the next hundred years or a thousand years. There will undoubtedly be many years of the Earth being warmer, as has happened many times before. It won't be the end of the world when it's at the most extreme hot, and it won't be the end during the most extreme cold. Our planet is always changing, you're a fool for expecting it to stay the same.
Actually we don't know what the effects will be, or who they may please and who they may make unhappy. Your OP already demonstrated that. And guess what, when the climate model du jour fails like every other model has, some "scientist" will trot out a new and improved version of the same failed science which explains why we should all still be scared of burning to death. And in 20,30 or 50 years when they are still trying to convince us that they have got the science nailed down, there will be some batshit crazy OLDROCKS running around like Chicken Little convinced that man can decide how warm it is, how much it rains or snows, and where all this occurs. I am already bored with you.
Well, for sure you are a moron. And the models have not failed in the manner you suggest. For the most part, most have been too conservative. Such as Dr. Hansen's very accurate predictions from 1981;

Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and 1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the fabled Northwest Passage.

The entire article is available at that site. Dr. Hansen's error was that he did not expect the Northwest Passage to open up as soon as 2007.

If it's "warming" why is the Northwest Passage closed?
Old crock likes his meme and ignores the factual empirical evidence. That OBSERVED evidence to him is not real and only a model will do..
Silly Billy, how many glaciers have you walked on, how many have you observed for over 50 years? Ever been north of the Great Slave Lake? Have you ever actually met anyone that has studied the Arctic in the Arctic?

Oh, we all have seen your stupid claims concerning your education, and we all know them to be silly lies. You have proven that repeatedly on this board. I doubt that you graduated high school. If you did, you certainly wasted those years.

Decade by decade, the Arctic Sea Ice covers less area, and thins. Decade by decade the alpine glaciers recede and disappear. You can find evidence for this on the USGS sites. That is a real as it gets, no models needed.
Negative feedback? Declining sea ice to lead to cloudier Arctic

  • EFA method is valuable in providing quantitative assessment of feedback
  • Decrease in sea ice leads to increase in cloud
  • Further decline in sea ice will likely result in cloudier Arctic
Arctic sea ice has been declining over the past several decades as global climate has warmed. In fact, sea ice has declined more quickly than many models predicted, indicating that climate models may not be correctly representing some processes controlling sea ice.

One source of uncertainty in models is feedback from cloud cover. Sea ice can affect cloud cover, as melting sea ice and increased evaporation from the ocean surface can lead to more cloud formation. In the Arctic, clouds have an overall warming effect on the surface, so greater cloudiness in this region could lead to even more sea-ice melt.

Liu et al. analyzed satellite observations of cloud cover and sea ice from 2000 to 2010 to evaluate feedbacks between sea ice and cloud cover. They find that a 1 percent decrease in sea ice concentration leads to a 0.36–0.47 percent increase in cloud cover, and that 22–34 percent of variance in cloud cover can be explained by changes in sea ice. So as sea ice declines, the researchers predict that the Arctic will become cloudier.

Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2012GL051251, 2012 A cloudier Arctic expected with diminishing sea ice

So in other words, we still don't completely understand what is happening and new theories emerge on a fairly regular basis. I got it.
Well now, that is correct. We don't know all the factors. At the start of this century, we expected the Northwest Passage to open up towards the end of this century. It opened up in 2007. Last year, a luxury liner with 1000 passengers transited the Passage. The tickets are already sold for this years transit.

And the correct word is predictions, not theories. Who would have thought when Dr. Hansen made his accurate predictions in his 1981 paper on CO2 that a warmer arctic would have equaled colder winters for the Northeast? We don't yet understand the totality of the effects of global warming. But we do understand that most of them are not going to please us.

...and that's why Guam, Manhattan and the Maldives are now underwater




Hey Time Warner, if Global Warming is for real, why move to the Manhattan waterfront?


Five Pacific islands lost to rising seas as climate change hits
Six more islands have large swaths of land, and villages, washed into sea as coastline of Solomon Islands eroded and overwhelmed

The remains of one of six partially eroded islands in the Solomons. Photograph: HANDOUT/Reuters

Tuesday 10 May 2016 09.02 EDT First published on Monday 9 May 2016 21.47 EDT

Five tiny Pacific islands have disappeared due to rising seas and erosion, a discovery thought to be the first scientific confirmation of the impact of climate change on coastlines in the Pacific, according to Australian researchers.

The submerged islands were part of the Solomon Islands, an archipelago that over the last two decades has seen annual sea levels rise as much as 10mm (0.4in), according to research published in the May issue of the online journal Environmental Research Letters.

The missing islands, ranging in size from 1 to 5 hectares (2.5-12.4 acres) were not inhabited by humans.

But six other islands had large swaths of land washed into the sea and on two of those, entire villages were destroyed and people forced to relocate, the researchers found.

Nuatambu is an island in the Solomon Islands; it is located in Choiseul Province. Nuatambu is home to 25 families.[1]

In 1962, the island had an area of 30,080 square meters. In 2014, the area was measured as 13,980 square meters. The difference has been attributed to the rise in sea level due to climate change.[1][2]
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The arctic sea ice and why we shouldn't expect this year or the next 3 to beat 2012.

Simple 2 reasons...1. 2012 was like 1998 was until 2016 is now in global temperatures. It is a huge fucking anomaly from hell and most years that don't have a perfect set-up aint going to do it. 2. Open oceans during the spring-summer = more energy to make stronger storms. What this occurs is such storms will make more clouds = blocking solar energy getting to the ice to melt it from June-Sept. I was reading a research paper a few years ago that suggested that this could be a negative feed back that prevented an ice free arctic in the short term.

So during the late fall through winter we will have polar amplification = super low sea ice. This is what we're seeing

Then as we enter summer the stronger storms will reflect more of the energy and prevent an ice free arctic.
Arctic temps have been below average by 1-2 deg C all year. Melt is far less than your fanatics predictions predicted last year and freeze up of the Northwest passage is already occurring. The cruise ship, accompanied by a state of the art ice breaker, made the passage as a publicity stunt and could not have made it on its own and was almost frozen into the ice where both ships would have remained for a very long time. The Captains logs were very telling.

Cooling of the Atlantic feed has already occurred and Greenland has had a record year of ice buildup, over 7 feet of new glacial ice. The Pacific feed has also gone cold so there is little heat to further melt the arctic. The massive ice increase of the arctic has already begun..

There isn't a damn thing anyone can do to stop it.. I find it funny that the articles you cite fail to mention this years buildups and ocean circulations changes.

Hey, your stupid facts don't change the fact that some people just want to believe that man can alter the climate, so there.
Negative feedback? Declining sea ice to lead to cloudier Arctic

  • EFA method is valuable in providing quantitative assessment of feedback
  • Decrease in sea ice leads to increase in cloud
  • Further decline in sea ice will likely result in cloudier Arctic
Arctic sea ice has been declining over the past several decades as global climate has warmed. In fact, sea ice has declined more quickly than many models predicted, indicating that climate models may not be correctly representing some processes controlling sea ice.

One source of uncertainty in models is feedback from cloud cover. Sea ice can affect cloud cover, as melting sea ice and increased evaporation from the ocean surface can lead to more cloud formation. In the Arctic, clouds have an overall warming effect on the surface, so greater cloudiness in this region could lead to even more sea-ice melt.

Liu et al. analyzed satellite observations of cloud cover and sea ice from 2000 to 2010 to evaluate feedbacks between sea ice and cloud cover. They find that a 1 percent decrease in sea ice concentration leads to a 0.36–0.47 percent increase in cloud cover, and that 22–34 percent of variance in cloud cover can be explained by changes in sea ice. So as sea ice declines, the researchers predict that the Arctic will become cloudier.

Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2012GL051251, 2012 A cloudier Arctic expected with diminishing sea ice

So in other words, we still don't completely understand what is happening and new theories emerge on a fairly regular basis. I got it.
Well now, that is correct. We don't know all the factors. At the start of this century, we expected the Northwest Passage to open up towards the end of this century. It opened up in 2007. Last year, a luxury liner with 1000 passengers transited the Passage. The tickets are already sold for this years transit.

And the correct word is predictions, not theories. Who would have thought when Dr. Hansen made his accurate predictions in his 1981 paper on CO2 that a warmer arctic would have equaled colder winters for the Northeast? We don't yet understand the totality of the effects of global warming. But we do understand that most of them are not going to please us.

...and that's why Guam, Manhattan and the Maldives are now underwater




Hey Time Warner, if Global Warming is for real, why move to the Manhattan waterfront?


Five Pacific islands lost to rising seas as climate change hits
Six more islands have large swaths of land, and villages, washed into sea as coastline of Solomon Islands eroded and overwhelmed

The remains of one of six partially eroded islands in the Solomons. Photograph: HANDOUT/Reuters

Tuesday 10 May 2016 09.02 EDT First published on Monday 9 May 2016 21.47 EDT

Five tiny Pacific islands have disappeared due to rising seas and erosion, a discovery thought to be the first scientific confirmation of the impact of climate change on coastlines in the Pacific, according to Australian researchers.

The submerged islands were part of the Solomon Islands, an archipelago that over the last two decades has seen annual sea levels rise as much as 10mm (0.4in), according to research published in the May issue of the online journal Environmental Research Letters.

The missing islands, ranging in size from 1 to 5 hectares (2.5-12.4 acres) were not inhabited by humans.

But six other islands had large swaths of land washed into the sea and on two of those, entire villages were destroyed and people forced to relocate, the researchers found.

Nuatambu is an island in the Solomon Islands; it is located in Choiseul Province. Nuatambu is home to 25 families.[1]

In 1962, the island had an area of 30,080 square meters. In 2014, the area was measured as 13,980 square meters. The difference has been attributed to the rise in sea level due to climate change.[1][2]
Poures core volcanic rock is being washed away and the land is subsiding... its not due to global warming... Even USGS has it right...
Negative feedback? Declining sea ice to lead to cloudier Arctic

  • EFA method is valuable in providing quantitative assessment of feedback
  • Decrease in sea ice leads to increase in cloud
  • Further decline in sea ice will likely result in cloudier Arctic
Arctic sea ice has been declining over the past several decades as global climate has warmed. In fact, sea ice has declined more quickly than many models predicted, indicating that climate models may not be correctly representing some processes controlling sea ice.

One source of uncertainty in models is feedback from cloud cover. Sea ice can affect cloud cover, as melting sea ice and increased evaporation from the ocean surface can lead to more cloud formation. In the Arctic, clouds have an overall warming effect on the surface, so greater cloudiness in this region could lead to even more sea-ice melt.

Liu et al. analyzed satellite observations of cloud cover and sea ice from 2000 to 2010 to evaluate feedbacks between sea ice and cloud cover. They find that a 1 percent decrease in sea ice concentration leads to a 0.36–0.47 percent increase in cloud cover, and that 22–34 percent of variance in cloud cover can be explained by changes in sea ice. So as sea ice declines, the researchers predict that the Arctic will become cloudier.

Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1029/2012GL051251, 2012 A cloudier Arctic expected with diminishing sea ice

So in other words, we still don't completely understand what is happening and new theories emerge on a fairly regular basis. I got it.
Well now, that is correct. We don't know all the factors. At the start of this century, we expected the Northwest Passage to open up towards the end of this century. It opened up in 2007. Last year, a luxury liner with 1000 passengers transited the Passage. The tickets are already sold for this years transit.

And the correct word is predictions, not theories. Who would have thought when Dr. Hansen made his accurate predictions in his 1981 paper on CO2 that a warmer arctic would have equaled colder winters for the Northeast? We don't yet understand the totality of the effects of global warming. But we do understand that most of them are not going to please us.

...and that's why Guam, Manhattan and the Maldives are now underwater




Hey Time Warner, if Global Warming is for real, why move to the Manhattan waterfront?


Five Pacific islands lost to rising seas as climate change hits
Six more islands have large swaths of land, and villages, washed into sea as coastline of Solomon Islands eroded and overwhelmed

The remains of one of six partially eroded islands in the Solomons. Photograph: HANDOUT/Reuters

Tuesday 10 May 2016 09.02 EDT First published on Monday 9 May 2016 21.47 EDT

Five tiny Pacific islands have disappeared due to rising seas and erosion, a discovery thought to be the first scientific confirmation of the impact of climate change on coastlines in the Pacific, according to Australian researchers.

The submerged islands were part of the Solomon Islands, an archipelago that over the last two decades has seen annual sea levels rise as much as 10mm (0.4in), according to research published in the May issue of the online journal Environmental Research Letters.

The missing islands, ranging in size from 1 to 5 hectares (2.5-12.4 acres) were not inhabited by humans.

But six other islands had large swaths of land washed into the sea and on two of those, entire villages were destroyed and people forced to relocate, the researchers found.

Nuatambu is an island in the Solomon Islands; it is located in Choiseul Province. Nuatambu is home to 25 families.[1]

In 1962, the island had an area of 30,080 square meters. In 2014, the area was measured as 13,980 square meters. The difference has been attributed to the rise in sea level due to climate change.[1][2]

Nice try sport. Perhaps seeking more than one source for your conclusions would be a good idea.
Headlines 'exaggerated' climate link to sinking of Pacific islands
Headlines 'exaggerated' climate link to sinking of Pacific islands
The arctic sea ice and why we shouldn't expect this year or the next 3 to beat 2012.

Simple 2 reasons...1. 2012 was like 1998 was until 2016 is now in global temperatures. It is a huge fucking anomaly from hell and most years that don't have a perfect set-up aint going to do it. 2. Open oceans during the spring-summer = more energy to make stronger storms. What this occurs is such storms will make more clouds = blocking solar energy getting to the ice to melt it from June-Sept. I was reading a research paper a few years ago that suggested that this could be a negative feed back that prevented an ice free arctic in the short term.

So during the late fall through winter we will have polar amplification = super low sea ice. This is what we're seeing

Then as we enter summer the stronger storms will reflect more of the energy and prevent an ice free arctic.
Arctic temps have been below average by 1-2 deg C all year. Melt is far less than your fanatics predictions predicted last year and freeze up of the Northwest passage is already occurring. The cruise ship, accompanied by a state of the art ice breaker, made the passage as a publicity stunt and could not have made it on its own and was almost frozen into the ice where both ships would have remained for a very long time. The Captains logs were very telling.

Cooling of the Atlantic feed has already occurred and Greenland has had a record year of ice buildup, over 7 feet of new glacial ice. The Pacific feed has also gone cold so there is little heat to further melt the arctic. The massive ice increase of the arctic has already begun..

There isn't a damn thing anyone can do to stop it.. I find it funny that the articles you cite fail to mention this years buildups and ocean circulations changes.

Hey, your stupid facts don't change the fact that some people just want to believe that man can alter the climate, so there.
Dumb ass, you add over 120 ppm of CO2, over 1000 ppb of CH4, and, yes, you change the climate. You know a single celled algae completely changed the composition of the atmosphere a couple of billions of years ago. What makes you think that we cannot do what the algae did?
The arctic sea ice and why we shouldn't expect this year or the next 3 to beat 2012.

Simple 2 reasons...1. 2012 was like 1998 was until 2016 is now in global temperatures. It is a huge fucking anomaly from hell and most years that don't have a perfect set-up aint going to do it. 2. Open oceans during the spring-summer = more energy to make stronger storms. What this occurs is such storms will make more clouds = blocking solar energy getting to the ice to melt it from June-Sept. I was reading a research paper a few years ago that suggested that this could be a negative feed back that prevented an ice free arctic in the short term.

So during the late fall through winter we will have polar amplification = super low sea ice. This is what we're seeing

Then as we enter summer the stronger storms will reflect more of the energy and prevent an ice free arctic.
Arctic temps have been below average by 1-2 deg C all year. Melt is far less than your fanatics predictions predicted last year and freeze up of the Northwest passage is already occurring. The cruise ship, accompanied by a state of the art ice breaker, made the passage as a publicity stunt and could not have made it on its own and was almost frozen into the ice where both ships would have remained for a very long time. The Captains logs were very telling.

Cooling of the Atlantic feed has already occurred and Greenland has had a record year of ice buildup, over 7 feet of new glacial ice. The Pacific feed has also gone cold so there is little heat to further melt the arctic. The massive ice increase of the arctic has already begun..

There isn't a damn thing anyone can do to stop it.. I find it funny that the articles you cite fail to mention this years buildups and ocean circulations changes.

Hey, your stupid facts don't change the fact that some people just want to believe that man can alter the climate, so there.
Dumb ass, you add over 120 ppm of CO2, over 1000 ppb of CH4, and, yes, you change the climate. You know a single celled algae completely changed the composition of the atmosphere a couple of billions of years ago. What makes you think that we cannot do what the algae did?

Ok smart guy, let's crank the temperature of the world. We sacrifice the Polar Bears, or at least we alter their lifestyle and they adjust, but it will be better for man. So change your tune and start cheering for China to continue to lead the world in co2 emissions.

Why climate change is good for the world | The Spectator
Climate change has done more good than harm so far and is likely to continue doing so for most of this century. This is not some barmy, right-wing fantasy; it is the consensus of expert opinion. Yet almost nobody seems to know this.

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