The Art Of The Deal: Mexican Univision Agrees To Settle Lawsuit With Donald Trump

Trump sued. If he lost there would be no settlement because he got nothing. Since there's a settlement, he won although we don't know for how much.
The left has it a little skewed as usual. "Mexican Univision agrees to settle a lawsuit with Donald Trump" isn't quite accurate. It seems that Trump initiated the law suit and the Mex network caved in.. An international victory for the candidate before he even won the nomination?
What did Trump get out of it?

Trump lost. That's why, if you read the article, the terms were kept 'confidential'.

Wow Sherlock many settlements are kept confidential. Mostly the party that is PAYING makes that term. Thin when Suckerberg settles with the 3 partners who he stole the Facebook idea from.

Get a fucking clue!
Trump sued. If he lost there would be no settlement because he got nothing. Since there's a settlement, he won although we don't know for how much.
If he would have lost, the media would be reporting it non stop and Mexicans would be celebrating in the streets.

Mexican and other people who hate American, like our Progressives, would have been celebrating
Univision is owned by Haim Saban. Good friends with the Clintons. Mega D. American Israeli.

This will show you how deeply involved he is.

"In March 2008, Saban was among a group of major Jewish donors to sign a letter to Democratic Party house leader Nancy Pelosi warning her to "keep out of the Democratic presidential primaries."

The donors, who "were strong supporters of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton presidential campaign", "were incensed by a March 16 interview in which Pelosi said that party 'superdelegates' should heed the will of the majority in selecting a candidate."

The letter to Pelosi stated the donors "have been strong supporters of the DCCC" and implied, according to The Jewish Telegraphic Agency,that Pelosi could lose their financial support in important upcoming congressional elections."

Haim Saban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Upon further reading..... Based on the Trump attorney's legal argument presented in court that Univision should have known they were dealing with an asshole when they signed the contract, I could understand why Trump wanted to settle. Univision simply wanted the matter dropped in the first place. So I believe they both got what they wanted which I'm guessing amounted to nothing. Can't imagine Trump winning and wanting to keep any settlement quiet. Not his style.
The left has it a little skewed as usual. "Mexican Univision agrees to settle a lawsuit with Donald Trump" isn't quite accurate. It seems that Trump initiated the law suit and the Mex network caved in.. An international victory for the candidate before he even won the nomination?

So with no information whatsoever on the details of the settlement,

we're all supposed to automatically default to a 'Trump won' assumption?

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