The attack on Bannon begins, from Mike Huckabee on twitter...diary notes from Bannons diary

The Republicans are doing their 'big pretend' to move to the center because the 2018 midterm election is approaching. They've decided Lying Donald needs to distance himself from his base, the alt-right and white supremacists, quick. What better way than for him to pretend he now doesn't like Bannon.

It won't matter cons, you'll take the beating that is coming to you in November and like it. You can't hide your batshit anymore, you've outed yourselves for good. Fake president Trump aligns with Bannon, white supremacists, the alt-right, and Alex Jones. These are YOUR people now.
I warned you guys. This is no longer childs play, this is very big business, with big consequences and I guarantee you this is only the beginning. From twitter today from Mike Huckabee:

Gov. Mike Huckabee‏Verified account @GovMikeHuckabee
Breaking news! I will NOT be on CNN tonight (THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!) but I WILL be on @seanhannity on @FoxNews at 9pm ET to reveal private notes from Steven Bannon's diary that I got on eBay.

it was never child's play. that is why Donald never let anyone see his tax returns.

normal people know this

Will you show us your returns? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. :biggrin:

am I president?

I pay a lot of money in taxes. probably far more than you. but whatever.

but thanks for the type of post that only someone dumb enough not yo know that Ayn rand died broke and living on social security would write. :thup:
The Republicans are doing their 'big pretend' to move to the center because the 2018 midterm election is approaching. They've decided Lying Donald needs to distance himself from his base, the alt-right and white supremacists, quick. What better way than for him to pretend he now doesn't like Bannon.

It won't matter cons, you'll take the beating that is coming to you in November and like it. You can't hide your batshit anymore, you've outed yourselves for good. Fake president Trump aligns with Bannon, white supremacists, the alt-right, and Alex Jones. These are YOUR people now.

Anyone that isn't a fabian socialist is a "racist" to those like you. Remember the ass kicking the leftards got in 2010, 2014 and 2016? What you fail to grasp (among many others) is to why people wanted President Trump even though the Hildebeast had the media in her backpocket and outspent President Trump by a 2 to 1 margin.

The majority WANT our border secured and they don't want oppressive rules and regulations that make it hard to do business here. We don't want higher taxes or told what we must buy..........
I warned you guys. This is no longer childs play, this is very big business, with big consequences and I guarantee you this is only the beginning. From twitter today from Mike Huckabee:

Gov. Mike Huckabee‏Verified account @GovMikeHuckabee
Breaking news! I will NOT be on CNN tonight (THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!) but I WILL be on @seanhannity on @FoxNews at 9pm ET to reveal private notes from Steven Bannon's diary that I got on eBay.

it was never child's play. that is why Donald never let anyone see his tax returns.

normal people know this

Will you show us your returns? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. :biggrin:

am I president?

I pay a lot of money in taxes. probably far more than you. but whatever.

but thanks for the type of post that only someone dumb enough not yo know that Ayn rand died broke and living on social security would write. :thup:

We all pay a lot in taxes because almost everything we purchase is taxed.... but paying a tax on one's labor was the furthest thing from the minds of our founding fathers. It's no different than what the Lords did to the serfs when they took a percentage of the harvest. The income tax is the biggest scam in the history of the planet. The majority of people labor (in one hour increments) for something of value in order to eek out an how in the fuck do you have this belief that this corporate entity that we refer to as "gubermint" is entitled to 20 to 25 percent of the fruits of one's labor?
The Coup d'état participants finally show their heads...Let the shooting begin..Fucking rich people feuds.... and the right tried to say it was Soros and Oblama, why they was high af on goofballs when they said that...
The Coup d'état participants finally show their heads...Let the shooting begin..Fucking rich people feuds.... and the right tried to say it was Soros and Oblama, why they was high af on goofballs when they said that...
I don't think there will be shooting, just arrests. Unless those sanctuary state officials draw down.
I think this from Macbeth describes this Bannon deal perfectly.
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage. And then is heard no more. It is a tale. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,. Signifying nothing.
I warned you guys. This is no longer childs play, this is very big business, with big consequences and I guarantee you this is only the beginning. From twitter today from Mike Huckabee:

Gov. Mike Huckabee‏Verified account @GovMikeHuckabee
Breaking news! I will NOT be on CNN tonight (THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!) but I WILL be on @seanhannity on @FoxNews at 9pm ET to reveal private notes from Steven Bannon's diary that I got on eBay.

Mike Huckabee is the biggest phony. The idea that he is a man of God is a bad joke. Trash hangs out with trash.
I warned you guys. This is no longer childs play, this is very big business, with big consequences and I guarantee you this is only the beginning. From twitter today from Mike Huckabee:

Gov. Mike Huckabee‏Verified account @GovMikeHuckabee
Breaking news! I will NOT be on CNN tonight (THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!) but I WILL be on @seanhannity on @FoxNews at 9pm ET to reveal private notes from Steven Bannon's diary that I got on eBay.

it was never child's play. that is why Donald never let anyone see his tax returns.

normal people know this

Well what "other" normal people should understand, is that in the dirty world of politics voters have decided that it's best to vote on self interest over a cookie cutter politician. Better to vote for someone who will put America First and most of his positions even if he isn't entirely transparent or polite, or politically correct.

I understand how some Democrats can be convinced to support their positions, why others can't understand why Trumps policies make sense and are supported by so many is beyond me.

trumptards voted against their own self interested.

there is a reason most trumptards were uneducated angry white males.
They aren't angry anymore. Now it's the overweight white females who are frenzied.

Overweight white females? Project much??? Why just the overweight women? Do those of us who are skinny bitches just stay calmer? Or is it just your basic low character misogyny which causes you to Project this non-existent frenzy you speak of?

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