The average monthly payment for a new car was $733 in the second quarter of 2023. That could rise if auto workers strike long enough

And they did just that, during the Great Recession.

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Yeah... no they didn't. You show me where a single employed autoworker got a pay cut. Not new employees starting wage, an existing employee that got an hourly wage decrease.
I am having a hard time believing the $733 figure for the average car payment.

We are currently making 3 car payments (we are making our son's till he is out of college) and all 3 of them together are under 800.
We should have a system here in America like we had in the 20th century for decades on end. folks should be able to get a great job right out of high school. And that does require some mechanical aptitude. One can’t just work at a steel plant or Ford motor company with no or min mechanical skills.

Those type of unskilled jobs are found at McDonald’s, Walmart, and perhaps Amazon. And they pay accordingly.

The writings on the wall. We’ve lost millions of jobs in industry since the 1980s. They’ve never been replaced and it they have been replaced maybe 2% of them have been replaced. That’s what we see today. New factories opening with 200 positions instead of 15,000.

The current status quo America is no good. On top of it all we have the far left Biden Democrats, who are anti-American, racist against white people, it’s a recipe for disaster, and it has to be turned around.

I don’t know what will come of the UAW strikes. But I do know that the CEOs of today are not like they used to be. So we need another Henry Ford. And we should have better unions.
Starting pay at Ford is $37,000/yr. Average pay is $66,000/yr. Ford has many good paying jobs, for skilled workers. One problem is that people aren't preparing themselves for those higher paying jobs. They're all going to college to study socialism.
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I am having a hard time believing the $733 figure for the average car payment.

We are currently making 3 car payments (we are making our son's till he is out of college) and all 3 of them together are under 800.
The average NEW car payment in 2022
Yeah... no they didn't. You show me where a single employed autoworker got a pay cut. Not new employees starting wage, an existing employee that got an hourly wage decrease.
You just admitted to being uninformed. The union made many concessions after the recession. Many of those concessions still exist, like the two-tired wage system.
You just admitted to being uninformed. The union made many concessions after the recession. Many of those concessions still exist, like the two-tired wage system.
So in other words - not one existing employee received a pay cut.
Thanks for confirming
I worked in a non-union supermarket as a meat cutter. I was paid union scale but the grocery workers were paid less than the 'grocery union' scale. The owner confessed to me that we meat cutters often made more than he did. He was barely keeping his head above water. The grocery union came in an 'organized' his workers, a strike ensued and after a short time he capitulated. Six months later he closed the store. A dozen full time workers, most of which had families, lost their jobs, as well as dozens of part time workers. The neighborhood lost a great supermarket and became a 'food desert'.
Jesus that’s dumb. Are you anti-union and as such, unable to comprehend the facts?
No, I don't fall for tactics. You did not provide anything showing that a single already employed autoworker had their wages cut.
That didn't happen.
What? Are you unaware of the wage concessions made after the GD? This alone blows up your entire position.
Show me, I don't believe it - if you are right you get the satisfaction of me saying you were right.
Show me where a single autoworker got their wages cut.
And they did just that, during the Great Recession.

Get informed.
If I'm not mistaken, they were offered 20% raise over the 4 year contract.
I would have been happy with that....but, that's just me.
Wow! I had some healthy raises during my career, but I don't recall ever getting 20%! This is what gives unions a bad name, and rightly so.

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