The average monthly payment for a new car was $733 in the second quarter of 2023. That could rise if auto workers strike long enough

Two Wings of the Same Vulture

Guilt by association fallacy. In fact, that's why the Liberal agents of the laissez-faire lizards act like morons and degenerates. It's a Bad Cop/Good Cop scenario.
I was just pointing out how stupid these Democrat Senators are. The same Libtard assholes that take money from the filthy ass UAW.

You will love this. The CEOs of the Big Three are all overpaid and also they produce shitty vehicles so therefore I won't buy their products. See, I agree with you Moon Bats.

The fact that I am also boycotting the UAW is just icing on the cake.

The CEO of the company I buy vehicles from makes about 1/5th what the yahoos each make at the Big Three. He also produces better vehicles in a non UAW facility so he gets a big A++ from me.
I was just pointing out how stupid these Democrat Senators are. The same Libtard assholes that take money from the filthy ass UAW.

You will love this. The CEOs of the Big Three are all overpaid and also they produce shitty vehicles so therefore I won't buy their products. See, I agree with you Moon Bats.

The fact that I am also boycotting the UAW is just icing on the cake.

The CEO of the company I buy vehicles from makes about 1/5th what the yahoos each make at the Big Three. He also produces better vehicles in a non UAW facility so he gets a big A++ from me.
There ya go. I do the same for all our local businesses. Order from Amazon.
There ya go. I do the same for all our local businesses. Order from Amazon.
I'm not in the welfare business.

I buy the best product for the best price.

Occasionally I will use other criteria. For instance, I don't buy Disney products because they are despicably woke.

The UAW pukes will never get any of my money because they are the cash cow of the disgusting and disastrous Democrat Party. I also don't buy Ben and Jerry Ice Cream or watch the NFL Negroes.
The UAW supported that idiot Potatohead. They are itching to get their greedy little fingers on those billions in EV subsidies that Potatohead so graciously made available to them.

Now we have tremendous inflation and very high interest rates.

The cost of Ford F-150 trucks are approaching $100K and it looks like it is rising.

Potatohead really fucked this country when he stole the election, didn't he?
Democrats love to bash oil and car companies "record profits" and "selfishness" because they don't understand that when you have a REAL business, you have up years and down years. When you suckle at the gubmint teat your entire career, you have no clue what the real world is like.
I am having a hard time believing the $733 figure for the average car payment.

We are currently making 3 car payments (we are making our son's till he is out of college) and all 3 of them together are under 800.
It appears the cost of everything related to owning an automobile has gone up.
What stupid people?

The same stupid people you first referenced in your post #151, where you said "There are stupid people everywhere... at almost every level."

So then I asked in Post #152 "why stupid people should get a huge pay raise without doing anything to earn it."

We were talking about UAW workers striking for huge pay raises, no? Since as you say there are stupid people everywhere, why should stupid people get a huge pay raise when they are doing nothing to be more productive? Why should any employer do that, even for employees who are not stupid? It makes economic sense to pay your employees enough to avoid the costs and risks of a high turnover, I get that.
Yeah... jealousy fits you.
I have been in management since 1989. Became the youngest director in the corporations history.
Between 2005 and 2014 I operated a $40+M printing company. I took over the company that lost $487,000 the previous year
We Will Go Blind Unless We Quit Accepting What the Rulers Tell Us to Think

You contradict yourself. Obviously, the management before you was as incompetent as I say most of them are. College graduates have no right to the jobs that are given to them. They are freeloading off the achievements of self-educated founders. They are the reason our economy has been declining for decades. That is a truth that is never allowed to be told.

On the tombstone of America's dead economy, the epitaph will be "TO GET A GOOD JOB, GET A GOOD EDUCATION." Notice it doesn't say TO DO A GOOD JOB, and it doesn't say that all education means is working without pay in order to flatter your future bosses by showing how much you sacrificed in order to work for them.

The UAW pukes will never get any of my money because they are the cash cow of the disgusting and disastrous Democrat Party.
Government Is Where the Effete Elite Go to Meet

Despite what their Republican prep-school classmates preach, the Democrats are born-rich snobs with nothing but contempt for blue-collar workers. Unions have steadily declined since they started relying on those conceited know-it-alls, so the results contradict your claim. Richboy JFK put Jimmy Hoffa in prisoner as punishment for the Teamsters making their members highly paid blue-collar workers. Anyone born with a silver spoon in his mouth will always speak with a forked tongue. It is pathetic that Old School Democrats allowed spoiled preppy pukes to take over their party. They were obviously not the "Greatest Generation," as the ruling class makes us believe they were.

Hillary Rodham was typical of the change of leaders. She was the usual stuck-up, worker-hating rich girl who joined the union-busting Goldwater campaign. After he lost in a landslide, all those unAmerican creeps took over the formerly democratic party and perverted it. You know perfectly well that Preppy Progressives deplore and fear the working class. It's time for us to take over the Republican Party in turn for the Democrats' betrayal. Goldwater GOPers think they are using us; we should minimize them instead.
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Government Is Where the Effete Elite Go to Meet

Despite what their Republican prep-school classmates preach, the Democrats are born-rich snobs with nothing but contempt for blue-collar workers. Unions have steadily declined since they started relying on those conceited know-it-alls, so the results contradict your claim. So history contradicts your claim about Democrats. Richboy JFK put Jimmy Hoffa in prisoner because the Teamsters had made their members highly paid blue-collar workers.

Hillary Rodham was typical. She was the usual stuck-up, worker-hating rich girl who working for the union-busting Goldwater campaign. After he lost in a landslide, all those unAmerican creeps took over the formerly democratic party and perverted it. You know perfectly well that Preppy Progressives deplore and fear the working class.
Democrats hate White Blue Collar workers but love Black ghetto shits.
We Will Go Blind Unless We Quit Accepting What the Rulers Tell Us to Think

You contradict yourself. Obviously, the management before you was as incompetent as I say most of them are. College graduates have no right to the jobs that are given to them. They are freeloading off the achievements of self-educated founders. They are the reason our economy has been declining for decades. That is a truth that is never allowed to be told.

On the tombstone of America's dead economy, the epitaph will be "TO GET A GOOD JOB, GET A GOOD EDUCATION." Notice it doesn't say TO DO A GOOD JOB, and it doesn't say that all education means is working without pay in order to flatter your future bosses by showing how much you sacrificed in order to work for them.
You must be a millennial.
I became successful because I work hard, and just sayin... I am smart.
Taking a failing business and turning it into a money making machine is not easy. It is hard. Real hard.
You missed the first part where I said there are idiots everywhere, at every level. There are idiot managers and there are idiot workers. You can't call all managers idiots, just as you can't call all workers idiots.
Nobody owns a job or has a right to a job, because a job is basically an agreement between an employer and an employee to provide labor for a wage. The employee can quit anytime he/she wishes for a better, higher paying job and nobody disputes that. He/she may go to the employer and ask for a pay raise and nobody disputes that either. At which time the employer may extend the original agreement and change the terms, but that decision is solely the employer's to make. If the employer says no, then the onus falls back on the employee to make himself more valuable to the employer OR go find another job. This is the essence of capitalism, it's voluntary on both ends.

BUT - once the employees decide to strike, then a coercive force enters the picture. The employees tell the employee to pay us more money or we will shut down your business, and once one side attempts to use force or pressure to get their way it becomes immoral. Whatever profit the business makes is beside the point, in effort it is a shakedown, an extortion. And others are negatively impacted from the strike, from non-union employees to suppliers to complementary businesses and to consumers. At what point do we decide extortion is a moral thing to do? It's okay to extort money from this company cuz they made a trillion dollar profit, but not that company cuz they barely made any profit at all. Who the hell has the right to make that call? It may be legal, but IMHO it's also immoral.
Nobody owns a job or has a right to a job, because a job is basically an agreement between an employer and an employee to provide labor for a wage. The employee can quit anytime he/she wishes for a better, higher paying job and nobody disputes that. He/she may go to the employer and ask for a pay raise and nobody disputes that either. At which time the employer may extend the original agreement and change the terms, but that decision is solely the employer's to make. If the employer says no, then the onus falls back on the employee to make himself more valuable to the employer OR go find another job. This is the essence of capitalism, it's voluntary on both ends.

BUT - once the employees decide to strike, then a coercive force enters the picture. The employees tell the employee to pay us more money or we will shut down your business, and once one side attempts to use force or pressure to get their way it becomes immoral. Whatever profit the business makes is beside the point, in effort it is a shakedown, an extortion. And others are negatively impacted from the strike, from non-union employees to suppliers to complementary businesses and to consumers. At what point do we decide extortion is a moral thing to do? It's okay to extort money from this company cuz they made a trillion dollar profit, but not that company cuz they barely made any profit at all. Who the hell has the right to make that call? It may be legal, but IMHO it's also immoral.
The two sides will work it out. There's zero immorality involved. There's no extortion. I bet you believe 2 weeks notice of quitting is proper. I see it as wrong.
I bet you believe 2 weeks notice of quitting is proper. I see it as wrong.

There's zero immorality involved. There's no extortion.

Sure there is. When unions go on strike they form picket lines and deny access to the business property, thus harming the business from continuing their operations. You want to claim that anyone who attempts to cross that picket line isn't threatened or even attacked? Sounds like extortion to me.

Sure there is. When unions go on strike they form picket lines and deny access to the business property, thus harming the business from continuing their operations. You want to claim that anyone who attempts to cross that picket line isn't threatened or even attacked? Sounds like extortion to me.
The company signed the agreement...a contract. They should not in good faith break that. And no worker who quits owes a 2 week notice especially when it's beyond easy to find a replacements.
The company signed the agreement...a contract. They should not in good faith break that.

I thought the contract expired, am I mistaken about that? If so, then nobody broke anything, good faith or not.

And no worker who quits owes a 2 week notice especially when it's beyond easy to find a replacements.

Just because there's no obligation to give 2 weeks' notice does not mean it is wrong to do so. In fact it is a wise thing to do, if you want a good reference from them the next time you apply for a job somewhere.

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