The avg is on the track to be much lower this decade


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
So let's say decade after decade has been warming .14 to .2c.

1980-1989 avged out at .176c
1990-1999 avged out at .313c
2000-2009 avged out at .513c

Let's say the UAH thinking turns out to be the warming we see this decade because of the pause.

.513+.14c = .653c avged....From 2010-2019.

2010 .67c
2011 .55c
2012 .57c
2013 Probably below .60c

For 2010-2012 = 1.79/3=.59666c

If you add .59c for 2013 that number remains near .595c for the first 4 years.

Unless the 2014-2019 period is above nearly all remaining years .653c = probably a very low avg warming for this decade.

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I'll straight out admit that the pause we're seeing right now is slowing down the warming. Either the aerosols are blocking some of the energy or the pdo is absorbing the energy into the ocean.

Yes..You skeptics for the short term can have your fun.
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The aerosols are at all time lows so that is not an excuse when the AGW bible tells you the more CO2 the higher the temperature.

Just admit, as always, you are arguing from a belief system not actual science.

Thus this proves once and for all that AGW is bunk.

CO2 does not drive climate.
We're on track for 564 ppm by 2100

Probably 580 as things appear to be increasing slightly faster over time...

So we started around 275x2=550 for a doubling....Plus the economics will kill fossil fuels by mid this century for renewables like wind, solar and possibly fusion. Humanity saved by our own system ;)
I don't give a rats ass about the warming if the planet. We humans can do nothing about it. The real question is not wether it's warming or not, it's wether we are causing it or not and there is absolutely zero proof that we are.
The aerosols are at all time lows so that is not an excuse when the AGW bible tells you the more CO2 the higher the temperature.

Just admit, as always, you are arguing from a belief system not actual science.

Thus this proves once and for all that AGW is bunk.

CO2 does not drive climate.

What planet are you living on?

Aerosol- and moonsoon-related droughts and floods are two of the most serious environmental hazards confronting more than 60% of the population of the world living in the Asian monsoon countries. In recent years, thanks to improved satellite and in situ observations, and better models, great strides have been made in aerosol and monsoon research, respectively. There is now a growing body of evidence suggesting that interaction of aerosol forcing with monsoon dynamics may alter the redistribution of energy in the atmosphere and at the Earth's surface, thereby influencing monsoon water cycle and climate. In this article, the authors describe the scientific rationale and challenges for an integrated approach to study the interactions between aerosol and monsoon water cycle dynamics. A Joint Aerosol–Monsoon Experiment (JAMEX) is proposed for 2007–11, with enhanced observations of the physical and chemical properties, sources and sinks, and long-range transport of aerosols, in conjunction with meteorological and oceanographic observations in the Indo-Pacific continental and oceanic regions. JAMEX will leverage on coordination among many ongoing and planned national research programs on aerosols and monsoons in China, India, Japan, Nepal, Italy, and the United States, as well as international research programs of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and the World Meteorological Organization
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