The Ayn Rand Institute Gets A $350K To $1Million PPP Loan To Save Itself From The Free Market


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

Irony just dropped dead, and may be stored in a refrigerated tractor trailer.
The Ayn Rand Institute, a nonprofit(??) “devoted to applying Rand’s ideas to current issues and seeking to promote her philosophical principles of reason, rational self-interest and laissez-faire capitalism,” has recently accepted—I assume grudgingly—government assistance to the tune of a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan between $350K and $1 million, according to The Wall Street Journal‘s Pat Fitzgerald.


This seems like an Onion article!
Does anyone know if it is confirmed?
I confess I want this to be true....

“Irony just dropped dead, and may be stored in a refrigerated tractor trailer.” — just perfect.

; )
You care nothing that BLM and Antifa are killing people and burning things down, but you whine about this.

The govt forcing shutdowns isnt the free market. Its fascism.
"The irony" LOL idiots

Do they not advocate taking the benefits given that they pay taxes?

Bait not taken, libertarian will continue take all benefits in full.
You care nothing that BLM and Antifa are killing people and burning things down, but you whine about this...
Only hysterical and frightened people ...
Who have lost all sense of proportion and common sense ...
Could think this OP is ... “whining.”

A mind and a sense of humor
Are terrible things to lose.

: )
You care nothing that BLM and Antifa are killing people and burning things down, but you whine about this...
Only hysterical and frightened people ...
Who have lost all sense of proportion and common sense ...
Could think this OP is ... “whining.”

A mind and a sense of humor
Are terrible things to lose.

: )
What is funny about it? The govt forces places to shut down then has to use the fruits of our labor to pay them not to completely shut its doors
That's bullshit, not humor
Libertarians are a funny bunch. Lots of info below.

'Why libertarians are wrong' They don’t appreciate that the political crisis could come sooner than the economic one'

You care nothing that BLM and Antifa are killing people and burning things down, but you whine about this...
Only hysterical and frightened people ...
Who have lost all sense of proportion and common sense ...
Could think this OP is ... “whining.”

A mind and a sense of humor
Are terrible things to lose.

: )
I'm not hysterical or frightened.

You am saying you are a hypocrite, pointing out the splinter in another's eye, while ignoring the plank in your own.
Libertarians are a funny bunch. Lots of info below.

'Why libertarians are wrong' They don’t appreciate that the political crisis could come sooner than the economic one'

Nice criticisms, mostly coming from a somewhat conservative perspective, though I see you call yourself a liberal/progressive. Nothing wrong with that. The second article is perhaps easiest to “get.” I enjoyed reading it, and at least skimmed all of your other links.

I never waste much effort debating “Libertarians.” I just don’t take them seriously. As your first article explains, they are really only influential here in the USA as a crackpot philosophy where old colonial and post-colonial “pioneer spirit” mythologies of freedom, rebellion, exaggerated belief in individual rights absolutism, and apologies for or ignorance of how unfettered corporate power really works in society, get all mixed up in a stew of anti-government fanaticism and even Cold War anti-communism.

Ayn Rand “Objectivism” is only one cult version of Libertarianism, of course, and hardly the most influential, though even Federal Reserve chieftains have been know to celebrate her. Ayn Rand’s books are as terrible and adolescent as social philosophy as they are as literature. Libertarian theory would be funny if it weren’t also dangerous when used by powerful men to defend special interests.

Most Libertarian “theory” really is something like a “Marxist / Utopianian Philosophy of the American Right” — but it lacks any historical analysis of society. Marxism — as wrong as its assumptions and historical predictions proved to be, as totalitarian as “Marxists” like Stalin and Mao were — at least provided a methodology and historical analysis that could be usefully checked against real world developments.

As a critique of capitalism, if not as a guide to revolutionizing society, “scientific socialist” Marxism was provocative, novel and intellectually & politically important in the second half of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th. Today, in the 21st Century, neither “left“ nor “right” have much in the way of philosophical systems to rely on. But extraordinary national and international contradictions continue to plague our increasingly state capitalist world.
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