The Banking Collapse of 2023 is now bigger than the 2008 “banking crisis”

Just wait for the fireworks .
As certain as tomorrrow will soon be Bonfire day.
Hundreds , if not thousands , of small local US banks ready to go under .
Then it is Domino time .

How long can the JPMs prop up the collapsing system and fool the Sheeple?

For the Nth time , get out of the market and cash and flee to Commodities .Then watch the system burn .
I suspect the only thing burning is your candle, hoping our country suffers.

It is important to recognize that is the NOTIONAL value of derivatives. And it is an estimate. No one really knows how much is out there in the dark pools.

No one dislikes unregulated out of control derivatives more than me. I have often wondered these past few months about all the interest rate swaps out there in this climate of rising interest rates.

It's gotta be ugly.
AGREED. I just don't want to see our banking system shrink to where small banks are out leaving us just a few mega-banks left standing in charge.
True, but how many times have you had a loan or mortgage with a smaller bank, purposely made to deal with a local smaller bank and people you know, but within a year or two at most, that note was sold to a much larger bank? I have seen it several times in my life. It is money and the way money flows, as banks of all sizes support their own business models, and deposit levels, sometimes good, some irritating, but selling the note for cash on hand, a better choice of the moment for the selling bank.
You have to ask yourself, are they this stupid to or was it all a plan all along?

Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.

-Herbert Hoover

Digital currency anyone? Now that is true government power that a coming reset will lead us all to kicking and screaming.
You already use digital currency. I very rarely use cash. Cash is for hookers and blow.
The owners of the Federal Reserve at the time as it was voted in by our Congress in 1913 used the recession scares of our gold and silver backed currency to promise there would not be recessions and depressions with a fiat currency. They caused the Great Depression! We are used to living with a Fiat Currency. We are not as hearty as those under Gold and Silver backed currency. Someone somewhere is losing in this deal.
Before the Fed, recessions and depression were more frequent, deeper, and longer lasting.

No one promised there would never be another business cycle downturn. Don't be silly.
O'rly? All the Amazon shareholders are Democrats? Link?

Amazon as a company in whole contributes 77% of their political donations to democrats.

Screen Shot 2023-05-02 at 6.33.02 PM.png

The picture is less clear with Walmart, changing over time with the Walton family leaning left but overall, seeming a bit more balanced than Amazon.
To me, a basic question is “Should every bank have enough reserves to handle a run on the bank?” Is that a reasonable expectation of small and medium-sized banks? Perhaps we should be looking more at who, if anyone, is orchestrating bank runs for their own profit. I suspect the culprits may be holders of deflated cryptocurrency who hope a collapse of the dollar will renew interest in crypto.
And Biden is encouraging more bank/lending institution failures with his insane policy of giving high risk borrowers lower interest rates and making those with great credit scores pay more. That only encourages many more high risk loans which was a primary factor in the housing crash of 2008.
False. The policy is about fees, not interest rates.

The fee on borrowers with good credit is about an extra $625 for a $500,000 loan. The low risk borrower is not paying a higher interest rate.

Don't be so histrionic.
You already use digital currency. I very rarely use cash. Cash is for hookers and blow.
They have been discouraging the use of cash for years. They want a banking trail, for whatever reason. That is why we still have "Civil Asset Forfieture", where it can take months or years to get your money back, even if no charges of any kind of criminal activity are even charged. Don't get caught on I-40 with cash. The locals get a cut, it get shifted to the Fed, changing juridiction over the money and your dream of getting a deal on an otherwise legitimate cash transaction, are blown, and you have legal fees to pay just to get your life savings back.
Amazon as a company in whole contributes 77% of their political donations to democrats.

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The picture is less clear with Walmart, changing over time with the Walton family leaning left but overall, seeming a bit more balanced than Amazon.
Isn't Citizens United a wonderful thing?
Amazon as a company in whole contributes 77% of their political donations to democrats.

View attachment 781660

The picture is less clear with Walmart, changing over time with the Walton family leaning left but overall, seeming a bit more balanced than Amazon.
You shop based on what charities or political parties your vendors support, not price, quality, delivery and consistent service? Wow! You have real "go to hell" money when the vendor donations are driving your purchasing decisions. That's pretty cool. Congrats. I still have to get the most for my money.
To me, a basic question is “Should every bank have enough reserves to handle a run on the bank?” Is that a reasonable expectation of small and medium-sized banks? Perhaps we should be looking more at who, if anyone, is orchestrating bank runs for their own profit. I suspect the culprits may be holders of deflated cryptocurrency who hope a collapse of the dollar will renew interest in crypto.
The run on SVB was by depositors whose deposits were well above the insured amount.

There was no conspiracy.
They have been discouraging the use of cash for years. They want a banking trail, for whatever reason. That is why we still have "Civil Asset Forfieture", where it can take months or years to get your money back, even if no charges of any kind of criminal activity are even charged. Don't get caught on I-40 with cash. The locals get a cut, it get shifted to the Fed, changing juridiction over the money and your dream of getting a deal on an otherwise legitimate cash transaction, are blown, and you have legal fees to pay just to get your life savings back.
Which has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.

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