The Banking Collapse of 2023 is now bigger than the 2008 “banking crisis”

I refuse to believe that you are so ignorant as to claim this is worse than 2008.

I just refuse. Period. No way.

Carry on.
He showed that the bailouts are already larger than the bailouts in 2008 and there are likely going to be more. Dispute that with facts if you can.
He showed that the bailouts are already larger than the bailouts in 2008 and there are likely going to be more. Dispute that with facts if you can.
Knowing, analyzing and acting on this stuff has been my profession for 22+ years.

You don't know what you are talking about, AND you are arrogant in your ignorance.

I explained it in post 10. You will not understand it. But you're welcome anyway.
I refuse to believe that you are so ignorant as to claim this is worse than 2008.

I just refuse. Period. No way.

Carry on.
Attaboy, just keep ignoring the bank failures. CNN isn’t headlining it so it isn’t happening.

Just like Vax injuries aren’t happening and the shot is totally Safe & Effective.
Just like Ukraine is “winning the war” against Russia.
Just like there is no border crisis.
Just like there is no inflation crisis.

Never question the government or the state run media.
Attaboy, just keep ignoring the bank failures. CNN isn’t headlining it so it isn’t happening.

Just like Vax injuries aren’t happening and the shot is totally Safe & Effective.
Just like Ukraine is “winning the war” against Russia.
Just like there is no border crisis.
Just like there is no inflation crisis.

Never question the government or the state run media.
Post 43 is for you, too.
Knowing, analyzing and acting on this stuff has been my profession for 22+ years.

You don't know what you are talking about, AND you are arrogant in your ignorance.

I explained it in post 10. You will not understand it. But you're welcome anyway.
Why do I doubt your experience in this field when just minimal cursory searches confirm the information is correct?
Why do I doubt your experience in this field when just minimal cursory searches confirm the information is correct?
It is not worse. I explained it, and this is not worse. We were literally hours from outright collapse in 2008. You don't know that, either. AND, the mechanics and conditions in 2008 were COMPLETELY, ENTIRELY different, NOT EVEN CLOSE.

I'm done. This is depressing.
The weak of heart think the Obama banking regs that Trump unsuccessfully tried to rub out are not working. Sit back and relax. The fed reserve has us all by the balls.
It is not worse. I explained it, and this is not worse. We were literally hours from outright collapse in 2008. You don't know that, either. AND, the mechanics and conditions in 2008 were COMPLETELY, ENTIRELY different, NOT EVEN CLOSE.

I'm done. This is depressing.
You haven't explained anything. All you have done is state your opinion about it disputing what the economists and experts are telling the rest of us.

You haven't explained anything. All you have done is state your opinion about it disputing what the economists and experts are telling the rest of us.

the fact is , one does not need be some fiscal guru to see bad news on the horizon Fox......~S~
the fact is , one does not need be some fiscal guru to see bad news on the horizon Fox......~S~
That's it. Even the experts can't say for certain how bad it will get. All they can do is read the tea leaves maybe with more expertise than we can and tell us their best conclusions they come up with. 2008 triggered the worst and, mostly because of Obama's ineptness in handling the economy, longest recession in U.S. history since the Great Depression. Significant ripples were felt around the world.

Could this one be worse? I think yes, unless we get the 'woke' Democrats out of power next year and elect somebody who knows what the hell he or she is doing.
It is not worse. I explained it, and this is not worse. We were literally hours from outright collapse in 2008. You don't know that, either. AND, the mechanics and conditions in 2008 were COMPLETELY, ENTIRELY different, NOT EVEN CLOSE.

I'm done. This is depressing.
They cannot stop it forever. The winds of war come when it hits the fan. Let's face it. What societies pay everyone off for perpetuity? And jealousies to who how much each receives. There are near morons y luck of employment privilege living the life of riley over people many times smarter not so fortunate. It accumulates and then the realization of not caring overtakes the will to keep a nation growing that is sapping resources from the ones trying to build it up by their production.
I am aware. It is still better for the banking industry and the depositors, creditors, businesses with lines of credit for operations, with that bank and that depend on the stability of the banking system, as when they receive control through acquisition of the assets, they also receive the debt, now both (supposedly) to be better managed, as that bank proved it was no good and handling the balanced management of both through sound conservative management.
Both parties, the government and the Fed are responsible for our debt, and down the line the citizens of the United States. I am just being pragmatic with the financial realities, no insisting on a world where that in unnecessary, as if shutting down and going out of business were a viable option at this time.
You prefer the callapse, now more than ever before? I saw that movie in 2008, 2009, thinking it poorly made and not enjoying the effects on business (factories shutting down), citizens (loss of jobs, homes, income), ripple effects across all markets world wide and the turmoil in the political circle, some opting for the pain to prove their theories of how crises should be managed, no matter the effects, while the majority actually did want stabilization and to avoid a depression.

AGREED. I just don't want to see our banking system shrink to where small banks are out leaving us just a few mega-banks left standing in charge.
Yet everyone is just acting as though nothing is wrong.

$532 billion in assets for the three banks failed so far, which is more than the $526 billion combined from the 25+ banks that failed in 2008.

I don't know if you noticed, or if you are suffering from amnesia of recent history, but the 2008 collapse was global.

What's more, if you look at the list of banks which failed in 2008, you will not see Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, or AIG on that list. Because they weren't banks, and yet they were the primary drivers of the economic collapse.

Complicating things even more where the endless trillions of derivatives on the books of these broker-dealers out there. No one knew what their counterparty risk was any more and so credit froze up, leading to a liquidity crisis.

And this was GLOBAL.

So we aren't even in the same ballpark as 2008.
Yet everyone is just acting as though nothing is wrong.

$532 billion in assets for the three banks failed so far, which is more than the $526 billion combined from the 25+ banks that failed in 2008.

That blogger is committing a massive lie of omission. Never trust them again.

Here is the list of bank failures for 2008: FDIC: Bank Failures in Brief

Notice NONE of the broker-dealers or AIG are on that list.
This will continue as long as we allow banking institutions to take unnecessary risks with depositor money.

These banks are not hedging their bond purchases, interest rates go up, their mark-to-market numbers shit the bed, depositors find out, freak out and run the bank, and the government has to fucking step in. Again. We REFUSE to LEARN.

This would not happen if the banks were required by regulation to include a certain degree of hedging when they buy intermediate to long term bonds. Instead, they're trying to avoid shaving off any of their profit margin, and this is what happens.

Proper, effective regulation is not the bane of capitalism. It's a CRITICAL COMPONENT of capitalism. And we wonder why so many now use this kind of self-inflicted shit as an excuse to attack capitalism and suggest shitty alternatives.
With every passing year, I find myself more and more in agreement with Michael Lewis that banks should never have gone public.

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