The Banking Collapse of 2023 is now bigger than the 2008 “banking crisis”

Some how all of us survived 2008 and are still here.

I will assume most of us are far better off than we were prior to 2008.

I know that personally my family income is 6 times what it was in 2008.

But hey, you all keep on doing your best sponge bob routine...

Cool story bro...
You have to ask yourself, are they this stupid to or was it all a plan all along?

Every collectivist revolution rides in on a Trojan horse of 'emergency'. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler, and Mussolini. In the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe, it was the cry of men striving to get on horseback. And 'emergency' became the justification of the subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demagoguery attains.

-Herbert Hoover

Digital currency anyone? Now that is true government power that a coming reset will lead us all to kicking and screaming.
You have to ask yourself, are they this stupid to or was it all a plan all along?

Recessions/down turns are built into our system.

They are not accidents they are planned events to control growth and keep the rich getting even richer.
Recessions/down turns are built into our system.

They are not accidents they are planned events to control growth and keep the rich getting even richer.
The owners of the Federal Reserve at the time as it was voted in by our Congress in 1913 used the recession scares of our gold and silver backed currency to promise there would not be recessions and depressions with a fiat currency. They caused the Great Depression! We are used to living with a Fiat Currency. We are not as hearty as those under Gold and Silver backed currency. Someone somewhere is losing in this deal.
So, you are not better off now than you were prior to all the banks collapsing in 2008?

Damn, sucks to be you.
6X… Lol! Cool story bro. Cool story. Or maybe I should congratulate you on finally getting a job post 2008?
6X… Lol! Cool story bro. Cool story. Or maybe I should congratulate you on finally getting a job post 2008?

In 2008 I was the sole bread winner for the family and I was just a E7 in the Marine Corps.

Since then I retired from the Marines, have finished my Bachelor and my Masters and am making 3 times what I was as a Marine when you add in my monthly retirement from the Marines

My wife is also now working and making more than me minus my retirement.

Hell, between the two of us our income went up 21% from 2021 to 2022.

Sorry your life has not been as successful.
In 2008 I was the sole bread winner for the family and I was just a E7 in the Marine Corps.

Since then I retired from the Marines, have finished my Bachelor and my Masters and am making 3 times what I was as a Marine when you add in my monthly retirement from the Marines

My wife is also now working and making more than me minus my retirement.

Hell, between the two of us our income went up 21% from 2021 to 2022.

Sorry your life has not been as successful.
That is B&W reasoning. There is a whole spectrum of permutations between those two binary choices. After all, it isn't that the bank was bought or not bought that I'm complaining about, either way, it ultimately comes out of taxpayer's pockets anyway, it is the suggestion that all is good and that there is nothing to worry about. But interesting though isn't it that as more and more banks fail, the big banks buying them up all have ties to Biden, Washington, and the democrat party. Bet you didn't think that far on that neither.

And yet I'm told that it is the GOP that is the party of big government, and responsible for our debt.
I am aware. It is still better for the banking industry and the depositors, creditors, businesses with lines of credit for operations, with that bank and that depend on the stability of the banking system, as when they receive control through acquisition of the assets, they also receive the debt, now both (supposedly) to be better managed, as that bank proved it was no good and handling the balanced management of both through sound conservative management.
Both parties, the government and the Fed are responsible for our debt, and down the line the citizens of the United States. I am just being pragmatic with the financial realities, no insisting on a world where that in unnecessary, as if shutting down and going out of business were a viable option at this time.
You prefer the callapse, now more than ever before? I saw that movie in 2008, 2009, thinking it poorly made and not enjoying the effects on business (factories shutting down), citizens (loss of jobs, homes, income), ripple effects across all markets world wide and the turmoil in the political circle, some opting for the pain to prove their theories of how crises should be managed, no matter the effects, while the majority actually did want stabilization and to avoid a depression.
Yet everyone is just acting as though nothing is wrong.

$532 billion in assets for the three banks failed so far, which is more than the $526 billion combined from the 25+ banks that failed in 2008.

Geez the Hawk, you sure have chosen the wrong source to believe....

An article from a known conspiracy blog, whose author simply goes by Michael....where are your standards in news worthiness?

  • Overall, we rate Investment Watch Blog Right Biased as a strong conspiracy website based on promoting unproven or false claims.
Yet everyone is just acting as though nothing is wrong.

$532 billion in assets for the three banks failed so far, which is more than the $526 billion combined from the 25+ banks that failed in 2008.

And Biden is encouraging more bank/lending institution failures with his insane policy of giving high risk borrowers lower interest rates and making those with great credit scores pay more. That only encourages many more high risk loans which was a primary factor in the housing crash of 2008.
Geez the Hawk, you sure have chosen the wrong source to believe....

An article from a known conspiracy blog, whose author simply goes by Michael....where are your standards in news worthiness?

  • Overall, we rate Investment Watch Blog Right Biased as a strong conspiracy website based on promoting unproven or false claims.
Maybe the source can be suspect, but the information is correct. First Republic Bank's failure announced yesterday was another of several bank failures this year.
First Republic Bank fails: Was it a bailout?.
Geez the Hawk, you sure have chosen the wrong source to believe....

An article from a known conspiracy blog, whose author simply goes by Michael....where are your standards in news worthiness?

  • Overall, we rate Investment Watch Blog Right Biased as a strong conspiracy website based on promoting unproven or false claims.
So you are denying those three banks went under?

In today, PAC West bank is failing:

Nothing to see here, right? Because the sources I listed are ones you don’t like.
This crisis is definitely much bigger than 2008.

But will Dems acknowledge it or say it is “transitory”?

They’ve got to be able to blame it on Republicans somehow.
This crisis is definitely much bigger than 2008.

But will Dems acknowledge it or say it is “transitory”?

They’ve got to be able to blame it on Republicans somehow.
Yup. It's a given they'll blame it all on the Republicans and/or Trump.

So far 27 states, both Democrat and Republican majority states, have sent formal protests against Biden's policy of encouraging borrowers with lower interest rates while penalizing those with good credit with higher interest rates. That can only seriously exacerbate the problem.

Given that banks are already in trouble due mostly due to lack of confidence in Biden's insanely managed economy, there could be more bank failures and that could ensure that we have a severe recession if not depression.

God help us all if that man is re-elected to another four years. It isn't his fault. He probably doesn't know what a bank is half the time, but whoever is running the country is either deliberately sabotaging us or doesn't have a clue about economics.

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