The Bastard Just Had To Do It: Obama In Hiroshima Apologizes For America's Actions During WW2

Please provide Obamas quotes apologizing. I have noticed you have a terrible time with reading comprehension so I want to see where you got confused.

Why would anyone in there right mind supply you with anything? All you will do is continue to misrepresent the facts and lie.
To prove their claim. Since you cant even spell "their" correctly i can see why you would get confused and ask such an illiterate question.
It's a waste of time to engage in reasonable debate with you, because you're too stupid to understand how it works.

“Hitler’s concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America’s extermination – by starvation and uneven combat – of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity.”

— P. 202, “Adolph Hitler” by John Toland

"The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was, far and away, the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world." David E. Stannard. 4
"This violent corruption needn't define us.... We can say, yes, this happened, and we are ashamed. We repudiate the greed. We recognize and condemn the evil. And we see how the harm has been perpetuated. But, five hundred years later, we intend to mean something else in the world." Barry Lopez. 3
"By then [1891] the native population had been reduced to 2.5% of its original numbers and 97.5% of the aboriginal land base had been expropriated....Hundreds upon hundreds of native tribes with unique languages, learning, customs, and cultures had simply been erased from the face of the earth, most often without even the pretense of justice or law." Peter Montague 1
native american genocide in america

An example of a genocidal event that has featured prominently in the field's historiography is the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864. On the morning of November 29, 1864, the Colorado Third Cavalry, under the command of Colonel John M. Chivington, attacked the sleeping encampment of Chief Black Kettle's Cheyenne and Arapaho at Sand Creek. The resulting scene left a large number of unarmed Native American men, women, and children dead, their bodies mutilated by Chivington's men. This horrific event has received considerable attention from scholars due to certain statements made previous to the attack. In authorizing Chivington's Third Cavalry in their 100-day tour of duty, Colorado Governor John Evans gave instructions to "kill and destroy, as enemies of the country, wherever they may be found, all such hostile Indians" (U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, 1865, p. 47). It was later reported that Chivington echoed this policy by pronouncing his goal to "kill and scalp all, little and big; that nits made lice" (U.S. Congress, Senate, 1865, p. 71). Taken together, a specific group was singled out for utter destruction, and the actions of the Colorado Third Cavalry on the cold morning of November 29, 1864, indicate that such intent was actualized in the massacre of members of that defined group.

Genocide of Native Americans Reading Room - Genocide in America

"To call American Holocaust a polemic rather than a sound historical study would be to understate seriously Stannard's animus against Christianity and the West, and his treacly view of Indian life and culture. The book's three main parts, "Before Columbus," "Pestilence and Genocide," and "Sex, Race, and Holy War," are towering in their ambition, but so skewed is their author's vision that they end up so grossly misshapen as to be useless as either propaganda or history."

So much for Stannard's ridiculous work, and the theory of the "Indian genocidal campaign" that never was...

"Professor Stannard...has become his own "wild man," fleeing rational historical inquiry and discourse to follow the ignis fatuus of "genocide" into the fever swamps of "Holocaust studies." Since Stannard has dared to give conditional endorsement to the recognition by Arno Mayer, a Holocaust believer (but dissident), that more Jews died at Auschwitz from natural causes than from purposeful killing (p. 254), he risks an untimely end to his scholarly career, for, as Revisionist researchers could tell him, the rotting stumps and phosphorescent toadstools of the Exterminationist quagmire are infested by as nasty a species of swamp adders and alligators as populate any of the groves of academe. Few proud red men, and even fewer proud whites, will mourn the demise of American studies a la Stannard.

JHR Archive — A Failed Look at Europe's Impact on America's Native Peoples (review)
OLD Testament, Ass...

Again, TODAY Islam is the only religion who believes they have such a license.

10 commandments are Old Testament. Why do righties want them posted in all our schools ?

Basically mass ignorance!!

The bible says, "Till Heaven and Earth Pass Away, Not One Jot or Tittle of the Law Will Be changed."

Here's Some Of It's Wisdom.

Death Penalty Sins:

Adultery (Lev 20:10-12, (man and woman).
  • Lying about virginity. Applies to girls who are still in their fathers' homes, who lie about their virginity, and are presented to their husband as a virgin. The accused is guilty until proved innocent. (Deut 22:20-21).Making love to a virgin pledged to be married to another. Applies to man who deflowers virgin pledged to be married, and to the virgin if she does not call for help. (Deut 22:23-24).The daughter of a priest practicing prostitution (death by fire) (Lev 21:9).Rape of someone who is engaged. If she is not engaged you only have to marry her and give her father 50 shekels. No mention is made of the girl’s opinion. (Deut 22:25).Men practicing bestiality. (Both man and animal die). (Lev 20:15)Women practicing bestiality (Both woman and animal die). (Lev 20:16)Having sex with your father’s wife, as distinct from "your mother", as it was common practice for men at the time to have several wives. (both die). (Lev 20:20).Having sex with your daughter in law. (Lev 20:30)Incest. (Lev 20:17)
  • Male homosexuality. The girls seem to get a free .. errrr ...ride on this one. (Lev 20:13).
  • Marrying a woman and her daughter. They are all burnt to death (Lev 20:14)
  • Worshiping idols (Ex 22:20, Lev 20:1-5, Deut 17:2-7).
  • Blasphemy (Lev 24:14-16,23).
  • Breaking the Sabbath (Ex 31:14, Numb 15:32-36).
  • Practicing magic (Ex 22:18).
  • Being a medium or spiritualist. (stoning) (Lev 20:27).
  • Trying to convert people to another religion. (stoning) (Deut 13:1-11, 18:20).
  • Apostasy - If most people in a town come to believe in a different god. (Kill everybody, including animals, and burn the town.) (Deut 13:12-15)
  • Giving one of your descents to Molech. Probably refers to human sacrifice and is not now commonly practiced in the west. (Lev 20:2)
  • Non-priests going near the tabernacle when it is being moved. (Numb 1:51)
  • Being a false prophet. (Deut 132:5, Deut 18:20, Zech 13:2-3)
  • Striking your parents (Ex 21:15).
  • Cursing your parents (Ex 21:17, Lev 20:9).
  • Being a stubborn and rebellious son. And being a profligate and a drunkard. (stoning) (Quite a few of us might have a problem with this one)(Deut 21:18-21)
  • Murder. However if a slave is beaten to death the owner is “punished” — not necessarily killed. If the slave survives the beating then there is no punishment. (Gen 9:6, Ex 21:12, Numb 35:16-21). This is part of a wide range of slavery laws in the Old and New Testament.
  • Kidnapping and selling a man. This is really a law against making an Israelite a slave against his will. (Ex 21:16).
  • Perjury (in certain cases) (Deut 19:15 - 21). Deut 19:20 explicitly identifies that the purpose of this is deterrence. "The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing (malicious and false testimony by one man against another) be done among you." Presumably all the other death penalties are assumed to be for deterrence as well.
  • Ignoring the verdict of a judge – (or a priest!) (Deut 17:8-13).
  • Not penning up a known dangerous bull, if the bull subsequently kills a man or a woman. (Ex 21:29) Both the animal and the reckless owner of the dangerous bull are to be put to death.
  • Living in a city that failed to surrender to the Israelites. (Kill all the men, make the women and children slaves.) Deut 20:12-14.
  • The following carry the punishment of being "cut off from his people". Some people seem to feel that this is the same as the death penalty.
  • A male who is not circumcised. Genesis 17:14
  • Eating leavened bread during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Exodus 12:15
  • Manufacturing anointing oil. Exodus 30:33
  • Engaging in ritual animal sacrifices other than at the temple. Leviticus 17:1-9
  • Sexual activity with a woman who is menstruating: Leviticus 20:18
  • Consuming blood: This would presumably include eating rare meat and black pudding. Also see above. Leviticus 17:10.
  • Eating peace offerings while ritually unclean: Leviticus 7:20
  • Waiting too long before consuming sacrifices: Leviticus 19:5-8
  • Going to the temple in an unclean state: Numbers 19:13
Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", or question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people

7. Lie

8. Play race card

9. Play gender card

10. Play gay/lesbian card

11. Make up shit.

12. Deny it constantly

13. Reword and repeat
Did President Obama apologize for Hiroshima or not?
Again, this is what happens when you have a non-natural born Citizen as president born without sole allegiance to America.

Obama Ignores Japanese Atrocities in Hiroshima: US Decision to Drop Atom Bomb Arose from "Humanity's Worst Instincts"
Another post from the resident asshole racist who does nothing but lie, lie and lie some more. Eat shit and die you lying liar.

Obama says no apology for A-bomb on Hiroshima visit

Asked if an apology would be included in remarks he plans to make there, he said: "No, because I think that it's important to recognise that in the midst of war, leaders make all kinds of decisions.

"It's a job of historians to ask questions and examine them, but I know as somebody who has now sat in this position for the last seven and a half years, that every leader makes very difficult decisions, particularly during war time."

Can't you fucking retards understand what the word "NO" means?
I'm waiting for a Japanese president to go to Pearl Harbor, and every island in the Pacific to beg for forgiveness.
A Japanese President? :lol:
I think he is embarrassed he fell for the propaganda.
He's not smart enough to be embarrassed .
Well maybe when he looks in the mirror.
Could you type what the headline says and the date of the paper for us, Einstein?

View attachment 76200

for god and country war - Google Search

September 2, 1945
And thanks for the google link.

"The surrender of the Empire of Japan was announced by Imperial Japan on August 15"
Youre welcome.

You do realize an announcement is not the same as actually surrendering right? i bet if a guy had a gun and said he surrendered you wouldnt relax.
Please provide Obamas quotes apologizing. I have noticed you have a terrible time with reading comprehension so I want to see where you got confused.

Why would anyone in there right mind supply you with anything? All you will do is continue to misrepresent the facts and lie.
To prove their claim. Since you cant even spell "their" correctly i can see why you would get confused and ask such an illiterate question.
It's a waste of time to engage in reasonable debate with you, because you're too stupid to understand how it works.

“Hitler’s concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America’s extermination – by starvation and uneven combat – of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity.”

— P. 202, “Adolph Hitler” by John Toland

"The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was, far and away, the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world." David E. Stannard. 4
"This violent corruption needn't define us.... We can say, yes, this happened, and we are ashamed. We repudiate the greed. We recognize and condemn the evil. And we see how the harm has been perpetuated. But, five hundred years later, we intend to mean something else in the world." Barry Lopez. 3
"By then [1891] the native population had been reduced to 2.5% of its original numbers and 97.5% of the aboriginal land base had been expropriated....Hundreds upon hundreds of native tribes with unique languages, learning, customs, and cultures had simply been erased from the face of the earth, most often without even the pretense of justice or law." Peter Montague 1
native american genocide in america

An example of a genocidal event that has featured prominently in the field's historiography is the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864. On the morning of November 29, 1864, the Colorado Third Cavalry, under the command of Colonel John M. Chivington, attacked the sleeping encampment of Chief Black Kettle's Cheyenne and Arapaho at Sand Creek. The resulting scene left a large number of unarmed Native American men, women, and children dead, their bodies mutilated by Chivington's men. This horrific event has received considerable attention from scholars due to certain statements made previous to the attack. In authorizing Chivington's Third Cavalry in their 100-day tour of duty, Colorado Governor John Evans gave instructions to "kill and destroy, as enemies of the country, wherever they may be found, all such hostile Indians" (U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, 1865, p. 47). It was later reported that Chivington echoed this policy by pronouncing his goal to "kill and scalp all, little and big; that nits made lice" (U.S. Congress, Senate, 1865, p. 71). Taken together, a specific group was singled out for utter destruction, and the actions of the Colorado Third Cavalry on the cold morning of November 29, 1864, indicate that such intent was actualized in the massacre of members of that defined group.

Genocide of Native Americans Reading Room - Genocide in America

So what? So he studied death. That doesn't change history...or the fact that the deaths of Indians, while deplorable, was a CAMPAIGN OF GENOCIDE.

Lot of material there, not just one guy, not just studying "death" but american genocide of the native american peoples.

And you're correct, "That doesn't change history...or the fact that the deaths of Indians, while deplorable, was a CAMPAIGN OF GENOCIDE."
Once again just for asslips, crazy people feel justified killing and maiming, doesn't mean they REALLY were justified, just like what ever perverted reason Islamist felt justified trying to murder `10's of thousand by bringing buildings down in a city was not really a justification either.
Who told you they didnt feel justified?

Bin Laden claims responsibility for 9/11
Once again for the slow and stupid they feeling justified does not mean they ACTUALLY were justified. I never claimed they did not claim it I said they did not actually have justification. Unless as you keep arguing that any person or group claims a justification they are right.
Like i asked red minnow who told you they werent actually justified?
So it is back to you saying YOU think they were justified, since you referenced the claim and you keep claiming we are wrong for saying they were not. Thanks for proving you are not only a racist but a Islamist terrorist apologist and supporter.
America apologizes for being the victim of Japanese aggression and having the temerity to kick their ass. How dare we?
Once again just for asslips, crazy people feel justified killing and maiming, doesn't mean they REALLY were justified, just like what ever perverted reason Islamist felt justified trying to murder `10's of thousand by bringing buildings down in a city was not really a justification either.
Who told you they didnt feel justified?

Bin Laden claims responsibility for 9/11
Once again for the slow and stupid they feeling justified does not mean they ACTUALLY were justified. I never claimed they did not claim it I said they did not actually have justification. Unless as you keep arguing that any person or group claims a justification they are right.
Like i asked red minnow who told you they werent actually justified?
So it is back to you saying YOU think they were justified, since you referenced the claim and you keep claiming we are wrong for saying they were not. Thanks for proving you are not only a racist but a Islamist terrorist apologist and supporter.
Who told you they were not justified?
America apologizes for being the victim of Japanese aggression and having the temerity to kick their ass. How dare we?

He said no such thing. Try listening again. This time perhaps with someone who can explain things to you in smaller words.
It seems a lot of conservatives have dementia which causes them to see and hear things that are just not there. You can post "I ate some soup" and their minds will turn it into "I hate using soap"
I think he is embarrassed he fell for the propaganda.
He's not smart enough to be embarrassed .
Well maybe when he looks in the mirror.
Could you type what the headline says and the date of the paper for us, Einstein?

View attachment 76200

for god and country war - Google Search

September 2, 1945
And thanks for the google link.

"The surrender of the Empire of Japan was announced by Imperial Japan on August 15"
Youre welcome.

You do realize an announcement is not the same as actually surrendering right? i bet if a guy had a gun and said he surrendered you wouldnt relax.
Don't confuse him with the facts.
Why would anyone in there right mind supply you with anything? All you will do is continue to misrepresent the facts and lie.
To prove their claim. Since you cant even spell "their" correctly i can see why you would get confused and ask such an illiterate question.
It's a waste of time to engage in reasonable debate with you, because you're too stupid to understand how it works.

“Hitler’s concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America’s extermination – by starvation and uneven combat – of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity.”

— P. 202, “Adolph Hitler” by John Toland

"The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was, far and away, the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world." David E. Stannard. 4
"This violent corruption needn't define us.... We can say, yes, this happened, and we are ashamed. We repudiate the greed. We recognize and condemn the evil. And we see how the harm has been perpetuated. But, five hundred years later, we intend to mean something else in the world." Barry Lopez. 3
"By then [1891] the native population had been reduced to 2.5% of its original numbers and 97.5% of the aboriginal land base had been expropriated....Hundreds upon hundreds of native tribes with unique languages, learning, customs, and cultures had simply been erased from the face of the earth, most often without even the pretense of justice or law." Peter Montague 1
native american genocide in america

An example of a genocidal event that has featured prominently in the field's historiography is the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864. On the morning of November 29, 1864, the Colorado Third Cavalry, under the command of Colonel John M. Chivington, attacked the sleeping encampment of Chief Black Kettle's Cheyenne and Arapaho at Sand Creek. The resulting scene left a large number of unarmed Native American men, women, and children dead, their bodies mutilated by Chivington's men. This horrific event has received considerable attention from scholars due to certain statements made previous to the attack. In authorizing Chivington's Third Cavalry in their 100-day tour of duty, Colorado Governor John Evans gave instructions to "kill and destroy, as enemies of the country, wherever they may be found, all such hostile Indians" (U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, 1865, p. 47). It was later reported that Chivington echoed this policy by pronouncing his goal to "kill and scalp all, little and big; that nits made lice" (U.S. Congress, Senate, 1865, p. 71). Taken together, a specific group was singled out for utter destruction, and the actions of the Colorado Third Cavalry on the cold morning of November 29, 1864, indicate that such intent was actualized in the massacre of members of that defined group.

Genocide of Native Americans Reading Room - Genocide in America

So what? So he studied death. That doesn't change history...or the fact that the deaths of Indians, while deplorable, was a CAMPAIGN OF GENOCIDE.

Lot of material there, not just one guy, not just studying "death" but american genocide of the native american peoples.

And you're correct, "That doesn't change history...or the fact that the deaths of Indians, while deplorable, was a CAMPAIGN OF GENOCIDE."
Wasn't, meh.

Sorry, it wasn't genocide.
Once again just for asslips, crazy people feel justified killing and maiming, doesn't mean they REALLY were justified, just like what ever perverted reason Islamist felt justified trying to murder `10's of thousand by bringing buildings down in a city was not really a justification either.
Who told you they didnt feel justified?

Bin Laden claims responsibility for 9/11
Once again for the slow and stupid they feeling justified does not mean they ACTUALLY were justified. I never claimed they did not claim it I said they did not actually have justification. Unless as you keep arguing that any person or group claims a justification they are right.
Like i asked red minnow who told you they werent actually justified?
So it is back to you saying YOU think they were justified, since you referenced the claim and you keep claiming we are wrong for saying they were not. Thanks for proving you are not only a racist but a Islamist terrorist apologist and supporter.
Well so much for that vaunted Mormon forgiveness.
To prove their claim. Since you cant even spell "their" correctly i can see why you would get confused and ask such an illiterate question.
It's a waste of time to engage in reasonable debate with you, because you're too stupid to understand how it works.

“Hitler’s concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America’s extermination – by starvation and uneven combat – of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity.”

— P. 202, “Adolph Hitler” by John Toland

"The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was, far and away, the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world." David E. Stannard. 4
"This violent corruption needn't define us.... We can say, yes, this happened, and we are ashamed. We repudiate the greed. We recognize and condemn the evil. And we see how the harm has been perpetuated. But, five hundred years later, we intend to mean something else in the world." Barry Lopez. 3
"By then [1891] the native population had been reduced to 2.5% of its original numbers and 97.5% of the aboriginal land base had been expropriated....Hundreds upon hundreds of native tribes with unique languages, learning, customs, and cultures had simply been erased from the face of the earth, most often without even the pretense of justice or law." Peter Montague 1
native american genocide in america

An example of a genocidal event that has featured prominently in the field's historiography is the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864. On the morning of November 29, 1864, the Colorado Third Cavalry, under the command of Colonel John M. Chivington, attacked the sleeping encampment of Chief Black Kettle's Cheyenne and Arapaho at Sand Creek. The resulting scene left a large number of unarmed Native American men, women, and children dead, their bodies mutilated by Chivington's men. This horrific event has received considerable attention from scholars due to certain statements made previous to the attack. In authorizing Chivington's Third Cavalry in their 100-day tour of duty, Colorado Governor John Evans gave instructions to "kill and destroy, as enemies of the country, wherever they may be found, all such hostile Indians" (U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, 1865, p. 47). It was later reported that Chivington echoed this policy by pronouncing his goal to "kill and scalp all, little and big; that nits made lice" (U.S. Congress, Senate, 1865, p. 71). Taken together, a specific group was singled out for utter destruction, and the actions of the Colorado Third Cavalry on the cold morning of November 29, 1864, indicate that such intent was actualized in the massacre of members of that defined group.

Genocide of Native Americans Reading Room - Genocide in America

So what? So he studied death. That doesn't change history...or the fact that the deaths of Indians, while deplorable, was a CAMPAIGN OF GENOCIDE.

Lot of material there, not just one guy, not just studying "death" but american genocide of the native american peoples.

And you're correct, "That doesn't change history...or the fact that the deaths of Indians, while deplorable, was a CAMPAIGN OF GENOCIDE."
Wasn't, meh.

Sorry, it wasn't genocide.
If it wasnt meth then it had to be crack you were smoking.

Yes it was genocide.
To prove their claim. Since you cant even spell "their" correctly i can see why you would get confused and ask such an illiterate question.
It's a waste of time to engage in reasonable debate with you, because you're too stupid to understand how it works.

“Hitler’s concept of concentration camps as well as the practicality of genocide owed much, so he claimed, to his studies of English and United States history. He admired the camps for Boer prisoners in South Africa and for the Indians in the wild west; and often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America’s extermination – by starvation and uneven combat – of the red savages who could not be tamed by captivity.”

— P. 202, “Adolph Hitler” by John Toland

"The destruction of the Indians of the Americas was, far and away, the most massive act of genocide in the history of the world." David E. Stannard. 4
"This violent corruption needn't define us.... We can say, yes, this happened, and we are ashamed. We repudiate the greed. We recognize and condemn the evil. And we see how the harm has been perpetuated. But, five hundred years later, we intend to mean something else in the world." Barry Lopez. 3
"By then [1891] the native population had been reduced to 2.5% of its original numbers and 97.5% of the aboriginal land base had been expropriated....Hundreds upon hundreds of native tribes with unique languages, learning, customs, and cultures had simply been erased from the face of the earth, most often without even the pretense of justice or law." Peter Montague 1
native american genocide in america

An example of a genocidal event that has featured prominently in the field's historiography is the Sand Creek Massacre of 1864. On the morning of November 29, 1864, the Colorado Third Cavalry, under the command of Colonel John M. Chivington, attacked the sleeping encampment of Chief Black Kettle's Cheyenne and Arapaho at Sand Creek. The resulting scene left a large number of unarmed Native American men, women, and children dead, their bodies mutilated by Chivington's men. This horrific event has received considerable attention from scholars due to certain statements made previous to the attack. In authorizing Chivington's Third Cavalry in their 100-day tour of duty, Colorado Governor John Evans gave instructions to "kill and destroy, as enemies of the country, wherever they may be found, all such hostile Indians" (U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, 1865, p. 47). It was later reported that Chivington echoed this policy by pronouncing his goal to "kill and scalp all, little and big; that nits made lice" (U.S. Congress, Senate, 1865, p. 71). Taken together, a specific group was singled out for utter destruction, and the actions of the Colorado Third Cavalry on the cold morning of November 29, 1864, indicate that such intent was actualized in the massacre of members of that defined group.

Genocide of Native Americans Reading Room - Genocide in America

So what? So he studied death. That doesn't change history...or the fact that the deaths of Indians, while deplorable, was a CAMPAIGN OF GENOCIDE.

Lot of material there, not just one guy, not just studying "death" but american genocide of the native american peoples.

And you're correct, "That doesn't change history...or the fact that the deaths of Indians, while deplorable, was a CAMPAIGN OF GENOCIDE."
Wasn't, meh.

Sorry, it wasn't genocide.

The Native American Genocide and the Teaching of US History
America apologizes for being the victim of Japanese aggression and having the temerity to kick their ass. How dare we?

He said no such thing. Try listening again. This time perhaps with someone who can explain things to you in smaller words.
It seems a lot of conservatives have dementia which causes them to see and hear things that are just not there. You can post "I ate some soup" and their minds will turn it into "I hate using soap"
America apologizes for being the victim of Japanese aggression and having the temerity to kick their ass. How dare we?

He said no such thing. Try listening again. This time perhaps with someone who can explain things to you in smaller words.
I never said Obama was apologizing, read my post again.
Once again just for asslips, crazy people feel justified killing and maiming, doesn't mean they REALLY were justified, just like what ever perverted reason Islamist felt justified trying to murder `10's of thousand by bringing buildings down in a city was not really a justification either.
Who told you they didnt feel justified?

Bin Laden claims responsibility for 9/11
Once again for the slow and stupid they feeling justified does not mean they ACTUALLY were justified. I never claimed they did not claim it I said they did not actually have justification. Unless as you keep arguing that any person or group claims a justification they are right.
Like i asked red minnow who told you they werent actually justified?
So it is back to you saying YOU think they were justified, since you referenced the claim and you keep claiming we are wrong for saying they were not. Thanks for proving you are not only a racist but a Islamist terrorist apologist and supporter.
Well so much for that vaunted Mormon forgiveness.
I like when I am giving them a beat down they desperately claim I said things so they can deflect.

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