Horrific: Obama To Honor WW2 Japanese Military War Dead When He Arrives At Hiroshima This Week

The Jap military drew blood first and were some of the ruthless kind when it came to treating American prisoners of war. They were the ISIS of their day beheading our boys and doing horrific human experiments on them while they were alive. For Obama to honor them is a slap in the face to all the servicemen who died for our sovereignty fighting these savage bastards. It is just another example of his non-natural born citizenship proving he doesn't have sole allegiance to the United States. He should only be Honoring OUR war dead, not the war dead of our adversaries military.

UNREAL. Obama Tells Reporters: His Trip to Hiroshima To Honor "All" War Dead (VIDEO)
Just how long does a war need to be over before it ends in your mind? It's already been 70 years. How much longer do you need?
When they pay us back.

Or alternately- when they have been our allies for over 50 years.
He is gong there to honor ALL war dead, racist!
He should not honor our adversaries military war dead, especially the japs while we still having Pacific theater war veterans still living. It's dishonorable, immoral and unethical.

I think it is dishonorable, immoral and unethical for you to pretend to speak for the heroic veterans of World War 2

I could not give a rats ass what YOU think.
He is gong there to honor ALL war dead, racist!
He should not honor our adversaries military war dead, especially the japs while we still having Pacific theater war veterans still living. It's dishonorable, immoral and unethical.

I think it is dishonorable, immoral and unethical for you to pretend to speak for the heroic veterans of World War 2

I could not give a rats ass what YOU think.

Who are you and why the hell should I care what you think?
He is gong there to honor ALL war dead, racist!
He should not honor our adversaries military war dead, especially the japs while we still having Pacific theater war veterans still living. It's dishonorable, immoral and unethical.

I think it is dishonorable, immoral and unethical for you to pretend to speak for the heroic veterans of World War 2
I have two of them in my immediate family who fought the slanty eye bastards and I assure you, they approve.... you fucking appeaser!
He is gong there to honor ALL war dead, racist!
He should not honor our adversaries military war dead, especially the japs while we still having Pacific theater war veterans still living. It's dishonorable, immoral and unethical.

I think it is dishonorable, immoral and unethical for you to pretend to speak for the heroic veterans of World War 2
I have two of them in my immediate family who fought the slanty eye bastards and I assure you, they approve.... you fucking appeaser!

Of course you do.....of course you do......LOL- fucking racist pig.

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