The Battle Of Evermore


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
The tug-of-war over congressional demands for everything Trump is, at its core, one of gov't power vs our 4th Amendment protection against unreasonable search & seizure. The comprehensive 2 yr, $35 million Mueller witch-hunt had the authority to do whatever it wanted but left our Hysterical House Dems without the happy ending they and their hysterical lemmings required … Trump's head on a stake.

Regardless of one's disdain for our prez it is incumbent on him to defend everyone's constitutional rights … even his own. Imagine the police state in which we would find ourselves if any gov't agency had the right to demand whatever it wanted, whenever it wanted, and for any reason they chose to apply.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!
Exactly! The FBI and intel agencies need to be reigned in, or else their deep state tactics, i.e. political dirty tricks, could end the democracy and install a permanent deep state. As it is there are enough patriots scattered about the government to track and report on the deep state conspirators.
Exactly! The FBI and intel agencies need to be reigned in, or else their deep state tactics, i.e. political dirty tricks, could end the democracy and install a permanent deep state. As it is there are enough patriots scattered about the government to track and report on the deep state conspirators.
It is reasonable to view the conflict as the self-serving WashDC swamp vs the American people. The swampers have worked furiously to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough but they only act in our best interests when they happen to align with their own.
The 4th amendment needs restored. The Patriot Act crapped all over the 4th amendment.
The DC swamp isn't attacking Trump, they are attacking the American people who voted Trump into office.
Elected to office at least in part to confront and dismantle the swamp but yeah … they are attacking Trump.
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The tug-of-war over congressional demands for everything Trump is, at its core, one of gov't power vs our 4th Amendment protection against unreasonable search & seizure. The comprehensive 2 yr, $35 million Mueller witch-hunt had the authority to do whatever it wanted but left our Hysterical House Dems without the happy ending they and their hysterical lemmings required … Trump's head on a stake.

Regardless of one's disdain for our prez it is incumbent on him to defend everyone's constitutional rights … even his own. Imagine the police state in which we would find ourselves if any gov't agency had the right to demand whatever it wanted, whenever it wanted, and for any reason they chose to apply.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!
Im a little confused why this thread is named after a classic Led Zepplin song
The tug-of-war over congressional demands for everything Trump is, at its core, one of gov't power vs our 4th Amendment protection against unreasonable search & seizure. The comprehensive 2 yr, $35 million Mueller witch-hunt had the authority to do whatever it wanted but left our Hysterical House Dems without the happy ending they and their hysterical lemmings required … Trump's head on a stake.

Regardless of one's disdain for our prez it is incumbent on him to defend everyone's constitutional rights … even his own. Imagine the police state in which we would find ourselves if any gov't agency had the right to demand whatever it wanted, whenever it wanted, and for any reason they chose to apply.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!
Im a little confused why this thread is named after a classic Led Zepplin song
I dunno … because it's a fine song?
Exactly! The FBI and intel agencies need to be reigned in, or else their deep state tactics, i.e. political dirty tricks, could end the democracy and install a permanent deep state. As it is there are enough patriots scattered about the government to track and report on the deep state conspirators.
It is reasonable to view the conflict as the self-serving WashDC swamp vs the American people. The swampers have worked furiously to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough but they only act in our best interests when they happen to align with their own.
And refusal to honor subpoenas, to avoid witnesses speaking of corruption , and obstruction , falls just where ?
IMO the crimes Trump and his people are avoiding make Nixon look like an altar boy
Exactly! The FBI and intel agencies need to be reigned in, or else their deep state tactics, i.e. political dirty tricks, could end the democracy and install a permanent deep state. As it is there are enough patriots scattered about the government to track and report on the deep state conspirators.
It is reasonable to view the conflict as the self-serving WashDC swamp vs the American people. The swampers have worked furiously to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough but they only act in our best interests when they happen to align with their own.
And refusal to honor subpoenas, to avoid witnesses speaking of corruption , and obstruction , falls just where ?

It falls on the House to Impeach, so get busy. Just in time for the roof to fall in when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz issue their reports on the illegitimacy of the Mueller Investigation into the Trump campaign. On one CSPAN channel will be the impeachment, on the other will be the trial of the deep state conspirators, followed by the Senate not putting Trump on trial, stuffing the dems.
Exactly! The FBI and intel agencies need to be reigned in, or else their deep state tactics, i.e. political dirty tricks, could end the democracy and install a permanent deep state. As it is there are enough patriots scattered about the government to track and report on the deep state conspirators.
It is reasonable to view the conflict as the self-serving WashDC swamp vs the American people. The swampers have worked furiously to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough but they only act in our best interests when they happen to align with their own.
And refusal to honor subpoenas, to avoid witnesses speaking of corruption , and obstruction , falls just where ?
Congress has the right to do what it will - in this case abuse their authority for political gain - which can be sorted out in court should they choose to pursue it. To this day they have not and none of the Dems authorized to read the less redacted report have bothered to do so.

The Muel Team had unlimited authority and resources and as part of their witch-hunt took sworn testimony from hundreds of witnesses. Mueller's 11 word summary is enough for any 1st year law student to have the case you need to believe is real and viable thrown out of any US court:

"...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

We do not prosecute and congress should not persecute any American for crimes he did not commit. Agreed?
Exactly! The FBI and intel agencies need to be reigned in, or else their deep state tactics, i.e. political dirty tricks, could end the democracy and install a permanent deep state. As it is there are enough patriots scattered about the government to track and report on the deep state conspirators.
It is reasonable to view the conflict as the self-serving WashDC swamp vs the American people. The swampers have worked furiously to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough but they only act in our best interests when they happen to align with their own.
And refusal to honor subpoenas, to avoid witnesses speaking of corruption , and obstruction , falls just where ?

It falls on the House to Impeach, so get busy. Just in time for the roof to fall in when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz issue their reports on the illegitimacy of the Mueller Investigation into the Trump campaign. On one CSPAN channel will be the impeachment, on the other will be the trial of the deep state conspirators, followed by the Senate not putting Trump on trial, stuffing the dems.
One can only wonder about the priorities of those who would continue the Mueller witch-hunt just because they are miserable about the results.

Meanwhile what could turn out to be the most heinous political scandal in a century is brewing and they still scream "obstruction!"
Exactly! The FBI and intel agencies need to be reigned in, or else their deep state tactics, i.e. political dirty tricks, could end the democracy and install a permanent deep state. As it is there are enough patriots scattered about the government to track and report on the deep state conspirators.
It is reasonable to view the conflict as the self-serving WashDC swamp vs the American people. The swampers have worked furiously to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough but they only act in our best interests when they happen to align with their own.
And refusal to honor subpoenas, to avoid witnesses speaking of corruption , and obstruction , falls just where ?

It falls on the House to Impeach, so get busy. Just in time for the roof to fall in when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz issue their reports on the illegitimacy of the Mueller Investigation into the Trump campaign. On one CSPAN channel will be the impeachment, on the other will be the trial of the deep state conspirators, followed by the Senate not putting Trump on trial, stuffing the dems.
Although there's no chance of an ass kissing senate to vote for impeachment many witnesses can now testify into the lies Trump has told and the lies he wanted others to make, and stringing it along hopefully will sink the trump boat That and tariff war with China when china won't kiss trump rump and Americans lose billions
Exactly! The FBI and intel agencies need to be reigned in, or else their deep state tactics, i.e. political dirty tricks, could end the democracy and install a permanent deep state. As it is there are enough patriots scattered about the government to track and report on the deep state conspirators.
It is reasonable to view the conflict as the self-serving WashDC swamp vs the American people. The swampers have worked furiously to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough but they only act in our best interests when they happen to align with their own.
And refusal to honor subpoenas, to avoid witnesses speaking of corruption , and obstruction , falls just where ?
Congress has the right to do what it will - in this case abuse their authority for political gain - which can be sorted out in court should they choose to pursue it. To this day they have not and none of the Dems authorized to read the less redacted report have bothered to do so.

The Muel Team had unlimited authority and resources and as part of their witch-hunt took sworn testimony from hundreds of witnesses. Mueller's 11 word summary is enough for any 1st year law student to have the case you need to believe is real and viable thrown out of any US court:

"...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

We do not prosecute and congress should not persecute any American for crimes he did not commit. Agreed?
Agree but then again Trump is making it hard almost impossible to get the evidence to hang him with
Exactly! The FBI and intel agencies need to be reigned in, or else their deep state tactics, i.e. political dirty tricks, could end the democracy and install a permanent deep state. As it is there are enough patriots scattered about the government to track and report on the deep state conspirators.
It is reasonable to view the conflict as the self-serving WashDC swamp vs the American people. The swampers have worked furiously to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough but they only act in our best interests when they happen to align with their own.
And refusal to honor subpoenas, to avoid witnesses speaking of corruption , and obstruction , falls just where ?
Congress has the right to do what it will - in this case abuse their authority for political gain - which can be sorted out in court should they choose to pursue it. To this day they have not and none of the Dems authorized to read the less redacted report have bothered to do so.

The Muel Team had unlimited authority and resources and as part of their witch-hunt took sworn testimony from hundreds of witnesses. Mueller's 11 word summary is enough for any 1st year law student to have the case you need to believe is real and viable thrown out of any US court:

"...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

We do not prosecute and congress should not persecute any American for crimes he did not commit. Agreed?
Agree but then again Trump is making it hard almost impossible to get the evidence to hang him with
You are not listening. Read this slowly:
The Muel Team had unlimited authority and resources and as part of their witch-hunt took sworn testimony from hundreds of witnesses. That is all the evidence there is and Mueller's 11 word summary is enough for any 1st year law student to have the case you need to believe is real and viable thrown out of any US court:

"...this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime..."

We do not prosecute and congress should not persecute any American for crimes he did not commit. Agreed?

The tug-of-war over congressional demands for everything Trump is, at its core, one of gov't power vs our 4th Amendment protection against unreasonable search & seizure. The comprehensive 2 yr, $35 million Mueller witch-hunt had the authority to do whatever it wanted but left our Hysterical House Dems without the happy ending they and their hysterical lemmings required … Trump's head on a stake.

Regardless of one's disdain for our prez it is incumbent on him to defend everyone's constitutional rights … even his own. Imagine the police state in which we would find ourselves if any gov't agency had the right to demand whatever it wanted, whenever it wanted, and for any reason they chose to apply.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!
It's a criminal investigation, not a witch hunt.

Attempted justifications dismissed.

Exactly! The FBI and intel agencies need to be reigned in, or else their deep state tactics, i.e. political dirty tricks, could end the democracy and install a permanent deep state. As it is there are enough patriots scattered about the government to track and report on the deep state conspirators.
It is reasonable to view the conflict as the self-serving WashDC swamp vs the American people. The swampers have worked furiously to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough but they only act in our best interests when they happen to align with their own.
And refusal to honor subpoenas, to avoid witnesses speaking of corruption , and obstruction , falls just where ?
Lawyers file that under "obstruction of Justice".
Exactly! The FBI and intel agencies need to be reigned in, or else their deep state tactics, i.e. political dirty tricks, could end the democracy and install a permanent deep state. As it is there are enough patriots scattered about the government to track and report on the deep state conspirators.
It is reasonable to view the conflict as the self-serving WashDC swamp vs the American people. The swampers have worked furiously to maintain their power, positions, and places at the trough but they only act in our best interests when they happen to align with their own.
And refusal to honor subpoenas, to avoid witnesses speaking of corruption , and obstruction , falls just where ?

It falls on the House to Impeach, so get busy. Just in time for the roof to fall in when Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz issue their reports on the illegitimacy of the Mueller Investigation into the Trump campaign. On one CSPAN channel will be the impeachment, on the other will be the trial of the deep state conspirators, followed by the Senate not putting Trump on trial, stuffing the dems.
Although there's no chance of an ass kissing senate to vote for impeachment many witnesses can now testify into the lies Trump has told and the lies he wanted others to make, and stringing it along hopefully will sink the trump boat That and tariff war with China when china won't kiss trump rump and Americans lose billions

The part that I can't get my head around is that the dems simply refuse to accept the truth.
1. There was no collusion and no obstruction. If there was, Mueller would have declared him guilty of a crime, even though the DOJ would not have prosecuted, the House would have righteously Impeached, the public would have approved, and the Senate would have him removed.
2. If Mueller found Trump guilty of high crimes we all would have wanted him removed.
3. Mueller did not find Trump guilty of any crimes, but many of the dems just won't accept that outcome?!

a. All presidents lie. (i.e. everyone will save $2,500 w/Obamacare) FACT CHECK: Obama's 50 Lies / Obama Not Exactly
b. Agreed he wanted others (McGhan) to lie, but they apparently did not follow orders, Trump is learning that he is not as smart as he thinks he is.
c. The tariff war is winnable, people should buy American and avoid the tariffs.
The dirty little secret is that people will tolerate violations of the 5th Amendment if the media condones it. Granted, people are better informed than they were during the FDR administration but democrats, liberal historians and most people still defend FDR for incarcerating American citizens and legal aliens without due process. Anything is possible when the media becomes the propaganda arm of a political party.

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