The Benefits of a UC Berkeley Education


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
What you get for $40,191 a year:
What you get for $40,191 a year:
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My daughter is at Berkeley now working on her PhD. She's in the vicinity of where the constant demonstrations are, they are often outside her window. Here's her comment on yesterday she sent me this morning:

"Nothing like fire, broken windows and pointy rocks to demonstrate love toward fellow man "
Granny says, "Dat's right - The Donald gonna cut off dey's federal funds...

Trump threatens Berkeley funds after protests stop Yiannopoulos speech
Thursday, Feb. 02, 2017 - U.S. President Donald Trump threatened on Thursday to cut funding to the University of California at Berkeley after protesters smashed windows and set fires at the school, forcing the cancellation of an appearance by a far-right Breitbart News editor.
Trump’s threat in a tweet provoked a response from California lawmakers, who in discussions on the floor of the state senate called it distasteful and an abuse of power, marking the latest clash between the Republican president and officials in the Democratic-majority state. “If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view - NO FEDERAL FUNDS?” Trump wrote on Twitter at 6:13 a.m. EST (1113 GMT). It was not immediately clear what action Trump could take without authorization from Congress, or without risking legal action.

In California, a mostly Democratic state where lawmakers have already begun preparing legislation to combat Trump’s policies on immigration and climate change, the response was swift. “To have the man at the helm of the most powerful nation of the world tweeting and threatening the University of California and talking about withholding funds, that’s unique and I find that very distasteful,” said Senate leader Kevin de Leon, a Los Angeles Democrat.


People protesting controversial Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos take to the streets on February 1, 2017 in Berkeley, California.​

Lawmakers said they would look into whether President Trump could actually take funds from the university which receives $400 to $450 million in funding for research annually. In 2016, the university also received $216 million in federal student aid, a legislative official said. “All we have to go on now is another angry tweet,” said Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, a Democrat from the Los Angeles suburb of Paramount.

He said lawmakers would continue to seek ways to protect the state, a Democratic stronghold where voters went two-to-one for Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton in the November, 2016 election. “We have been having ongoing discussions on how to protect California from potential harm from the Trump Administration - those discussions will continue,” Rendon said. Trump’s tweet came in response to violence that broke out on the Unversity’s flagship campus amid demonstrations against the appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart News, the right-wing website formerly headed by presidential adviser Steve Bannon.


See also:

Can Trump cut funds to UC Berkeley? Experts say not really
Friday 3rd February, 2017.: U.S. President Donald Trump does not have the authority to withhold funding from the University of California at Berkeley where violent protests led to the cancellation of a speech by a far-right editor, academics and experts said on Thursday.
Trump threatened to cut funds for the university's flagship Berkeley campus in a Twitter posting accusing the institution of failing to support free speech and practicing violence against innocent people. But academics and experts interviewed by Reuters said state universities mostly receive federal funds in the form of research grants and financial aid to students, and these cannot be revoked for reasons related to freedom of speech. "There is nothing in current legislation that would allow President Trump to do that," said Don Heller, a provost at the University of San Francisco and an expert in public education financing.

UC Berkeley receives between US$400 million (£319 million) and US$450 million annually in federal funding for research, and about US$216 million for student financial aid, officials said. Some of that can be withheld but only in very specific circumstances, such as the publication of fraudulent research or the refusal of a university to comply with the Title IX law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs. To add freedom of speech to that list of offences would take new legislation in Congress, Heller and other experts said.

And even if such a law were passed, Berkeley's situation would be highly unlikely to be affected, said Terry Hartle, vice president for Government and Public Affairs at the American Council on Education. That is because in Berkeley's case, the university had attempted to facilitate the speech on Wednesday night, cancelling it only after police became concerned about safety. “Because the crowd had grown so violent and agitated, it was our recommendation to the speaker that his public safety was in jeopardy,” UC Berkeley police department spokeswoman Sergeant Sabrina Reich said in a telephone interview.


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