The Benghazi Timeline

No actually, it's about the lies that were told for no reason.
Even if true, which I do not believe:
What would that have to do with the attack itself?


Politically motivated witch hunt
Because Obama said that al qeadia is dead. Benghazi proved he was wrong. He had to lie to keep up his first lie. That is also politically motivated.
Another Timeline

September 2012 - Attack on Benghazi US Diplomatic Compound,
December 2012 - Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs report released,
April 2013 - House Committee on the Judiciary report released,
September 2013 - House Committee on Foreign Affairs report released,
September 2013 - House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform interim report released,
January 2014 - Senate Intelligence Committee report released,
February 2014 - House Committee on Armed Services report released,
November 2014 - House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence report released,
June 2015 - House Select Committee on Benghazi exceeds $3.5 million in costs
August 2015 - Rep. Kevin McCarthy admits that House Select Committee on Benghazi was formed to attack Hillary Clinton,
October 2015 - Rep. Hanna confirms that House Select Committee on Benghazi was formed to attack Hillary Clinton,
October 2015 - Major Bradley Podliska reveals that House Select Committee on Benghazi was focused on politically attacking Hillary Clinton,
September 2015 - House Select Committee on Benghazi exceeds Watergate investigation length,
YOU said it called out only Hillary for blame. If you had watched the video you would know that is NOT true. Which MEANS you never watched it either did you? Comment with no view of content. NEXT.
Dear Dumb as Dirt. Dante did NOT say it called out ONLY Hillary to blame and ...


this gets better,,,

Dante stated emphatically that he did NOT watch the video.

So, in reality what you have done is set up an argument with prepacked replies to caricatures that exist only in your mind and not on the printed page. The comment was about the content.

How dumb can you actually be?
By having the added security that was denied and the reduced security? Possibly they could have prevented the deaths.
And if Stevens had a heart attack the week before he would never have been in Benghazi when the attack occurred. What is the point of arguing with Dark Furball on this one? He refuses to listen and you are not posting anything no one is unaware of
Another Timeline

September 2012 - Attack on Benghazi US Diplomatic Compound,
December 2012 - Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs report released,
April 2013 - House Committee on the Judiciary report released,
September 2013 - House Committee on Foreign Affairs report released,
September 2013 - House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform interim report released,
January 2014 - Senate Intelligence Committee report released,
February 2014 - House Committee on Armed Services report released,
November 2014 - House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence report released,
June 2015 - House Select Committee on Benghazi exceeds $3.5 million in costs
August 2015 - Rep. Kevin McCarthy admits that House Select Committee on Benghazi was formed to attack Hillary Clinton,
October 2015 - Rep. Hanna confirms that House Select Committee on Benghazi was formed to attack Hillary Clinton,
October 2015 - Major Bradley Podliska reveals that House Select Committee on Benghazi was focused on politically attacking Hillary Clinton,
September 2015 - House Select Committee on Benghazi exceeds Watergate investigation length,
Why are you AFRAID to SEE what she knew and when she knew it? Oh, she makes you look like a liar or a fool you say? A liar if you don't and a fool if you do.
See? There you go again. :cuckoo:

Why would anyone in their right mind be afraid of what you posted?

Unless you have some new information, what is factual about the time line is well known.,
You ADMITTED to never viewing the content. And YOU want to judge? F#ck you.
F#ck you.
and no, but f()ck you
Just a few of his many quotes-

to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of <the army's attack decimated the enemy's defenses beyond repair>

One day after the Benghazi attack that occurred on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, Obama spoke at a campaign event in Las Vegas on Sept. 12.

“A day after 9/11, we are reminded that a new tower rises above the New York skyline, but al Qaeda is on the path to defeat and bin Laden is dead,” Obama said in Las Vegas.

On Sept. 13 in Golden, Colo., Obama said, “Four years ago, I promised to end the war in Iraq -- and we did. I said we’d wind down the war in Afghanistan -- and we are. And while a new tower rises above the New York skyline, al Qaeda is on the path to defeat, and Osama bin Laden is dead.” He repeated that line again on Sept. 17 in Cincinnati and again that day in Columbus, Ohio.

The next day at a fundraising event at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, Obama brought up the first 9/11 and used “decimated,” indicating past tense.

“We’ve got choices about war and peace,” Obama said. “I ended the war in Iraq, as I promised. We are transitioning out of Afghanistan. We have gone after the terrorists who actually attacked us 9/11 and decimated al Qaeda.”

Because Obama said that al qeadia is dead.
really? I don't believe you
Because Obama said that al qeadia is dead.
really? I don't believe you
Just a few of his many quotes-
to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of <the army's attack decimated the enemy's defenses beyond repair>

One day after the Benghazi attack that occurred on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, Obama spoke at a campaign event in Las Vegas on Sept. 12.

“A day after 9/11, we are reminded that a new tower rises above the New York skyline, but al Qaeda is on the path to defeat and bin Laden is dead,” Obama said in Las Vegas.

On Sept. 13 in Golden, Colo., Obama said, “Four years ago, I promised to end the war in Iraq -- and we did. I said we’d wind down the war in Afghanistan -- and we are. And while a new tower rises above the New York skyline, al Qaeda is on the path to defeat, and Osama bin Laden is dead.” He repeated that line again on Sept. 17 in Cincinnati and again that day in Columbus, Ohio.

The next day at a fundraising event at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, Obama brought up the first 9/11 and used “decimated,” indicating past tense.

“We’ve got choices about war and peace,” Obama said. “I ended the war in Iraq, as I promised. We are transitioning out of Afghanistan. We have gone after the terrorists who actually attacked us 9/11 and decimated al Qaeda.”

You deny al Qaeda was on the path to defeat and that bin Laden was dead?

and your understanding of English is atrocious

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