The Benghazi Timeline

F#ck you.
and no, but f()ck you
no, f()ck you

So much for the phoney line that you are...

oh never mind. Most everyone knows you're a poor imitation of a troll
You are welcome to leave my thread ANY time.
You are the OP, but it is NOT your thread. You have no ownership you f()cking tool.
no, f()ck you

So much for the phoney line that you are...

oh never mind. Most everyone knows you're a poor imitation of a troll
You are welcome to leave my thread ANY time.
You are the OP, but it is NOT your thread. You have no ownership you f()cking tool.
YOU came HERE looking for me. NOBODY reads your sh8t.
My understanding of English??
And no, at the time, al qaeda was not decimated.
Because Obama said that al qeadia is dead.
really? I don't believe you
Just a few of his many quotes-
to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of <the army's attack decimated the enemy's defenses beyond repair>

One day after the Benghazi attack that occurred on the 11th anniversary of 9/11, Obama spoke at a campaign event in Las Vegas on Sept. 12.

“A day after 9/11, we are reminded that a new tower rises above the New York skyline, but al Qaeda is on the path to defeat and bin Laden is dead,” Obama said in Las Vegas.

On Sept. 13 in Golden, Colo., Obama said, “Four years ago, I promised to end the war in Iraq -- and we did. I said we’d wind down the war in Afghanistan -- and we are. And while a new tower rises above the New York skyline, al Qaeda is on the path to defeat, and Osama bin Laden is dead.” He repeated that line again on Sept. 17 in Cincinnati and again that day in Columbus, Ohio.

The next day at a fundraising event at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, Obama brought up the first 9/11 and used “decimated,” indicating past tense.

“We’ve got choices about war and peace,” Obama said. “I ended the war in Iraq, as I promised. We are transitioning out of Afghanistan. We have gone after the terrorists who actually attacked us 9/11 and decimated al Qaeda.”

You deny al Qaeda was on the path to defeat and that bin Laden was dead?

and your understanding of English is atrocious
the repeated claim that they were "covering-up" that it was "terrorism" is and has always been a completely laughable claim...

Falsely Claims President Said ‘Al Qaeda Has Been Defeated’

...apparently referring to an address that Obama delivered from Afghanistan in May on the one year anniversary of Osama Bin Laden’s death.

Here is what Obama said:

"And one year ago, from a base here in Afghanistan, our troops launched the operation that killed Osama bin Laden. The goal that I set — to defeat al Qaeda and deny it a chance to rebuild — is now within our reach.

Still, there will be difficult days ahead. The enormous sacrifices of our men and women are not over."

So, the truth is that Obama did not say al Qaeda had already been defeated and specifically acknowledged that there were “difficult days” and “enormous sacrifices” yet to come.

NBC’s David Gregory Misquotes Obama, Falsely Claims President Said ‘Al Qaeda Has Been Defeated’
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here's a quote from a well known usmb righty in that thread, the day after the attacks:

Even the State Department is now admitting that this was a planned and orchestrated attack. Random mob reaction doesn't include rocket and grenade launchers and it would be a coincidence beyond all reason that it would occur on 9/11 and include chants of "Obama, Obama, we ALL are Osama" and such as that.

benghazi was OBVIOUSLY ''a terrorist attack''.. ^ DUH

^ a week later the GOP completely fabricated a ''cover-up" talking point that has lasted 3 years now...
Right-wing version:

Stevens, who made the call, gets no blame.
Clinton, who didn't make the call, gets all the blame.
Repeat, endlessly.
You commented three minutes AFTER it was posted and the video is longer then that! You NEVER looked at the content. What a BOZO!
In their defense, there is NOTHING new in your partisan attacks and attempt to personally blame the Secretary of State.

The Benghazi thing is not about what happened in Libya, it's about going after Hillary Clinton. Your intellectual dishonesty here is what makes you suspect when it comes to credibility and being taken seriously
true. Its blatantly obvious. They had no trouble w/ 4,000+ dead in Iraq but have a serious problem with 4 in Libya because..... well.....a Repub wasn't in office
Right-wing version:

Stevens, who made the call, gets no blame.
Clinton, who didn't make the call, gets all the blame.
Repeat, endlessly.
You commented three minutes AFTER it was posted and the video is longer then that! You NEVER looked at the content. What a BOZO!
In their defense, there is NOTHING new in your partisan attacks and attempt to personally blame the Secretary of State.

The Benghazi thing is not about what happened in Libya, it's about going after Hillary Clinton. Your intellectual dishonesty here is what makes you suspect when it comes to credibility and being taken seriously
true. Its blatantly obvious. They had no trouble w/ 4,000+ dead in Iraq but have a serious problem with 4 in Libya because..... well.....a Repub wasn't in office
One was a war with armed men.
The other was NOT a war. Thank you for once again bringing the stupid.
Right-wing version:

Stevens, who made the call, gets no blame.
Clinton, who didn't make the call, gets all the blame.
Repeat, endlessly.
You commented three minutes AFTER it was posted and the video is longer then that! You NEVER looked at the content. What a BOZO!
In their defense, there is NOTHING new in your partisan attacks and attempt to personally blame the Secretary of State.

The Benghazi thing is not about what happened in Libya, it's about going after Hillary Clinton. Your intellectual dishonesty here is what makes you suspect when it comes to credibility and being taken seriously

Bullshit. Its all about four men who died because Hilbats State Department after months of warnings of an attack did nothing.

If you can't see that then your a bigger asshole then I imagined.

Hilbat was SOS so she gets the blame. Just like Bush will forever get the blame for 9-11 even though he was in office for eight months and the whole thing was planned on Clinton's watch.

Sound like you couldn't see the truth if it bit you in the ass.
Once you remove the rumors the maybe's you are let with the FACTS. Short video here puts ALL the KNOWN facts together in a time line. It's also going to leave you with a VERY strong idea of just how stupid and unable current White House leadership is.

And it speaks to the Clinton issue as to what did she know and when did she know it?

Time to make some lefties cry.

Linked in order as they are mentioned in the video.

In late March, 2012, former US Ambassador to Libya, Gene Cretz, calls for additional security assets from Secretary of State Clinton. These were ignored.

Docs Back Up Claims for More Security in Benghazi

On April 4th, terrorists threw an IED over the consulate wall Libya Security.pdf

--on June 6th, terrorist blow a large hole in the consulate gate.

On June 15 Charlene Lamb, the Deputy Assistant Secretary responsible for embassy security, tells the staff in Libya that the existing security team contract would not be renewed.

Ms. Lamb, yesterday you told us in testimony that you received from Mr. Nordstrom a recommendation but not a request for more security. And you admitted that, in fact, you had previously said that if he submitted a request, you would not support it. Is that correct?

Ms. Lamb. Sir, after our meeting last night, I went back and--at the time----

Chairman Issa. Well, first answer the question, then I will let you expand. Did you say that yesterday, that you would not support it if he gave you the request?

Ms. Lamb. Under the current conditions, yes.


On the 9th of July, Newly appointed Ambassador Christopher Stevens requests an additional 13 security personnel, citing the increasingly dangerous situation on the ground. On August 2nd he sends an urgent cable to Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, requesting a ‘protective detail bodyguard;’ three days later the State Department orders the removal of Ambassador Stevens existing SST – his security team – and by the 8th of August his SST has left Libya.

Drones were circling above U.S. consulate during Libya attack but officials decided NOT to mount a rescue mission

On August 16th, the Regional Security Officer sends an email to Secretary of State Clinton, warning of a dire security situation in Libya.

On Sept. 11, 2012, at 4:07 PM, Maria Sand, a special assistant to Clinton, forwarded an email to Mills, Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Jacob Sullivan, executive assistant Joseph McManus, and her fellow special assistants in the secretary’s office that said:

The Regional Security Officer reports the diplomatic mission is under attack. Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM [Chief of Mission] personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support.

Emails Show State Department Aides Knew Early On Benghazi Attack Had Terror Ties

On September 10th, top Al Qaeda leader Ayman Al Zawahiri calls for Libyans to avenge the death of his secretary

Pro-al Qaeda group seen behind deadly Benghazi attack -

and on the next day, September 11th, 2012, Ambassador Stevens sends a final warning about lax security.

Ambassador Stevens warned of Islamic extremism before Benghazi consulate attack

3:59 pm: The Defense Department orders an unmanned surveillance drone vectored to the consulate in response to first word of the attack.

4:05 pm: A State Department email officially notifies the Pentagon and the White House of the attack.

By 5:00 pm Eastern time, President Obama, Vice President Biden and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta are in the White House, and ten minutes later, the surveillance drone arrives overhead, providing real-time imagery of the events in Benghazi.

At 5:40 pm the request for FEST – the Foreign Emergency Support Team, a counter-terrorist unit specifically trained to rapidly respond to exactly these kinds of situations -- was officially refused by the State Department. CBS reporter Sheryl Attkisson, who left CBS when they would not cover the story, reported on May 17th of 2014 that a FEST counter-terrorism response was ruled out by the White House from the start, to the “puzzlement” – if not the outright despair – of State and Defense Department officials.

At 6:06 pm a State Department email said that the terrorist group Ansar al-Sharia claimed credit for the attack – within three hours of the first shots being fired.

By 8:00pm Eastern, Deputy Chief of the Libya Mission, Gregory Hicks, phones Hilary Clinton and tells her unequivocally that the Consulate in Benghazi was hit by a terrorist attack.

Two hours later, at around 10 pm. Clinton and Obama discuss the situation by phone, at about the same time as former SEALS Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed on the roof of the annex by enemy fire, six hours after the first shots were fired. They had been fighting, alone, under the eyes of the surveillance drone, for two and a half hours.

At 10:30 that evening, Secretary of State Hilary Clinton publically blames “inflammatory material on the internet” for the attacks.

Three days later, on September 15th, CNN’s Arwa Damon finds Ambassador Stevens diary, quote, "on the floor of the largely unsecured consulate compound where [Stevens] was fatally wounded." It, like the rest of the sensitive, classified documents, had not yet been secured three full days after the attack.

Benghazi Timeline

Three days later, on September 15th, CNN’s Arwa Damon finds Ambassador Stevens diary, quote, "on the floor of the largely unsecured consulate compound where [Stevens] was fatally wounded." It, like the rest of the sensitive, classified documents, had not yet been secured three full days after the attack.

CNN Reveals Finding Libya Ambassador's Journal

On September 12th, the State Department’s Elizabeth Jones prepared a summary of talks with the Libyan ambassador which concluded that Benghazi had been a terrorist attack.

Secret email reveals top official told Libya's U.S. Abmassador that terrorists were behind Benghazi attack - four days BEFORE U.S. Ambassador to UN said it was a spontaneous attack

On September 13th, White House spokesman Jay Carney blamed the attack on an obscure internet video, posted months before, on YouTube.

On the 14th, the first draft of an internal State Department memo blamed terrorists. 24 hours and twelve drafts later, it would be changed to place the blame of the attack on the internet video. Also on the 14th, standing with Hilary Clinton and the returning coffins, President Obama again blamed the internet video, while Secretary Clinton told Charles Woods, father of slain Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, quote, “We will make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.”

Report: White House ordered the Benghazi talking points changed for political reasons.

Father of ex-SEAL: Those who denied request for help at consulate 'murderers of my son'

On the 15th, President Obama once again blamed the video for the violence.

On the 16th, then UN Ambassador Susan Rice blamed the attack on the video, backed up the next day by a State Department official.

On the 18th, Carney again blamed the video for the violence. On the 19th he repeated the claim that there was no evidence the attack had been pre-planned.

9/16/12 Obama Administration Blaming YouTube Video for 9/11/12 Embassy Attacks

On the 20th, both Carney and President Obama blamed the video, and the White House on that same day spends $70,000 airing apology ads for the video.

US spends $70,000 on Pakistan ad denouncing anti-Muslim film - World News

Finally, on September 21st – a full ten days after the attack – Secretary of State Clinton finally publically admits what she had been told three hours after the shooting started: it was a terrorist attack. But that didn’t stop the President from announcing to the UN, three days later on the 25th, that the internet video was to blame, adding, 'The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander the Prophet of Islam.”

Clinton claims she had doubts about video explanation after Benghazi strike

On September 27th – the man who made the video that both President Obama and Secretary Clinton blamed for the attack, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, was placed under arrest for parole violations, and served almost a year in prison.

Producer of anti-Islam film arrested, ordered held without bail -

On September 6th, 2012, -- five days before the attack -- President Obama missed that briefing, but he did give a speech to the Democratic National Convention calling Mitt Romney inexperienced in foreign affairs. On September 7th, he did not attending the briefing, as he was campaigning. On the 8th, the President elected not to attend his daily intelligence briefing. On September 9th, President Obama decided not to attend his daily intelligence briefing. Nor did he attend it on the 10th. On September 11th, 2012, the eleventh anniversary of the attacks on New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, the President declined to attend his daily intelligence briefing. For six consecutive days prior to the Benghazi attacks, the President of the United States placed his campaign schedule ahead of his duty as Commander in Chief to remain informed of the critical intelligence issues of the day.

Marc Thiessen: Why is Obama skipping more than half of his daily intelligence meetings?
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