The best case a lay person can make against AGW

“We have at most ten years—not ten years to decide upon action, but ten years to alter fundamentally the trajectory of global greenhouse emissions” he wrote in his July 2006 review of Al Gore’s book/movie, An Inconvenient Truth. “We have reached a critical tipping point,” he assured readers, adding “it will soon be impossible to avoid climate change with far-ranging undesirable consequences.”

feel like a fool liberal now?

Obviously not, given you just confirmed you lied about what he said.

What is it about the word "far-ranging" that has you declaring it means "right now"?

Again, are you being stupid, or deliberately dishonest?
Al Gore predicted that polar ice caps would be completely melted by 2014....Hows that working out for ya?

can the liar tell us what region????????

North Atlantic, dumbass.

If you don't know such basics, you shouldn't be bothering the grownups. And if you had any decency, you'd thank me for taking the time out to educate a cultist like you.
how far east and west of north Atlantic??
Evidence from mountain glaciers does suggest increased glaciation in a number of widely spread regions outside Europe prior to the twentieth century, including Alaska, New Zealand and Patagonia. However, the timing of maximum glacial advances in these regions differs considerably, suggesting that they may represent largely independent regional climate changes, not a globally-synchronous increased glaciation.
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There isn't one shred of proof that man is residing temperatures by his actions. There is no science there all there is is agenda driven politics masquerading as science.
Either you are very stupid, or you are a liar. Most likely both is true. Here is what the American Institute of Physics has to say. They are the largest Scientific Society in the world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
“We have at most ten years—not ten years to decide upon action, but ten years to alter fundamentally the trajectory of global greenhouse emissions” he wrote in his July 2006 review of Al Gore’s book/movie, An Inconvenient Truth. “We have reached a critical tipping point,” he assured readers, adding “it will soon be impossible to avoid climate change with far-ranging undesirable consequences.”

feel like a fool liberal now?

Obviously not, given you just confirmed you lied about what he said.

What is it about the word "far-ranging" that has you declaring it means "right now"?

Again, are you being stupid, or deliberately dishonest?

did we fundamentally alter direction of carbon emissions in 10 years or are they still going up and yet we are talking hiatus not undesirable consequences? Notice how his wisdom about weather did not allow him to say how undesireable. What do you learn from that? We should alter the earths economy and stave millions to death to avoid undesireable consequences?
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I said the same thing to American airlines. The "pilot" said he could fly but since AA has had crashes in the past I said "I'll fly this thing" (btw I'm not a pilot).

But since theyve made mistakes before I figured that trusting any pilot is a bridge too far. The airline disagreed but that's because the establishment "pilots" sought to conspire against me.

Yeah too bad that isn't true, we wouldn't have to listen to your stupid drivel now.

Why not? You think only insiders can land planes? That's a clear indication you only trust big aviation.
I don't follow. they present 100's of papers that pass muster as science. So you would have to be a scientist and refute them all for your approach to be valid it seems to me.

Of course they do...and when I ask for a single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence supportingy?

as I said their evidence is in 1000's of scientific papers. You would have to be a scientist and refute them all for your approach to be useful

This appeal to authority is the hallmark of group think as is the notion of consensus. This is anti-science and political.

Lets say just one of the papers in your list of thousands is in error. It happened to be one of the very first papers on which everyone else built their work upon. Every single paper after that one is worthless.

The IPCC made their original assumptions in 1988. IN that work they gave estimates of warming which would occur. Ever since the original 4-6 deg C rise / doubling of CO2, they have continually lowered their estimates to the point that now they are near zero. They claimed that there would be a tropospheric hot spot due to a self re-enforcing energy loop of water and CO2, which never materialized and now cooling of that region is occurring as the sun cools and went quiet.

New science has now come out that water vapor is not acting as a positive forcing and is acting as a negative one.

But the faithful refuse to embrace the empirical evidence being presented and cling to the IPCC Man Made Global Warming meme even though it has been proven wrong.

Any one with a high school science background and the ability to think critically and cognitively can disprove this MMGW lie.
The IPCC made their original assumptions in 1988. IN that work they gave estimates of warming which would occur. Ever since the original 4-6 deg C rise / doubling of CO2

280 to 400 is a doubling?

God, you're stupid. You can't even divide. Or get the sensitivity right, being 3.0 is the generally agreed upon number.

And again, here's how good the models are. Note that they have _underpredicted_ the warming. That is, current global temps are a bit warmer than model predictions.

moyhu: Current global temps compared with CMIP 5

how far east and west of north Atlantic??

If you want any more of my education, you'll need to pay. I accept PayPal.

I educate those willing to learn for free. Those who expect me to do all the research for them, they have to pay.
Evidence from mountain glaciers does suggest increased glaciation in a number of widely spread regions outside Europe prior to the twentieth century, including Alaska, New Zealand and Patagonia. However, the timing of maximum glacial advances in these regions differs considerably, suggesting that they may represent largely independent regional climate changes, not a globally-synchronous increased glaciation.
A mistake isn't a reason to throw away all the science.

if its a huge mistake its the best reason to throw away what obviously was not science. Makes sense now?

So like, crashing a plane?

dear when you say co2 causes temperature to rise and then massive CO2 doesn't make it happen that a mistake. Do you understand now?

Yeah, I understans that you are against scientists but seem to give pilots a pass. I suspect it's because you support Big Aviation and are in on the scam to bilk flyers put of money claiming pilots, who clearly have a shoddy record, should be "Trained and Certified".
There isn't one shred of proof that man is residing temperatures by his actions. There is no science there all there is is agenda driven politics masquerading as science.

No, you're just an imbecile who knows nothing of the science.

Tell us, cultist, what do you make of the stratospheric cooling, the increase in backradiation, the changes in outgoing longwave radiation, all of which are smoking guns for human-caused global warming?

Oh, you mean you don't know what those big words mean? That means, idiot manchild, that you should stay out of the grownup conversations.

Now, I hear your masters calling. They need another coat of saliva applied. Run along, your services are required.

I know exactly what they mean, and you also have absolutely no proof that human activity is causing it. You only believe what you are spoon fed. You believe that it's a smoking gun for human activity because that is what you are told to say. Parroting replaces thinking for you.
A mistake isn't a reason to throw away all the science.

if its a huge mistake its the best reason to throw away what obviously was not science. Makes sense now?

So like, crashing a plane?

dear when you say co2 causes temperature to rise and then massive CO2 doesn't make it happen that a mistake. Do you understand now?

Yeah, I understans that you are against scientists but seem to give pilots a pass. I suspect it's because you support Big Aviation and are in on the scam to bilk flyers put of money claiming pilots, who clearly have a shoddy record, should be "Trained and Certified".

Still want to ignore my post what the fuck does worm scientist have to do with AGW?

Thought so

There isn't one shred of proof that man is residing temperatures by his actions. There is no science there all there is is agenda driven politics masquerading as science.
Either you are very stupid, or you are a liar. Most likely both is true. Here is what the American Institute of Physics has to say. They are the largest Scientific Society in the world.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

Like I very clearly stated, agenda driven politics masquerading as science. The greenhouse effect, like the hockey stick graph has been easily debunked. Try again.

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