The best proof that Joe Biden can successfully run our country.

He is successfully running our country.

As you can again see, the Left is GASLIGHTING you, lol. He COULD very well be running the country, but I doubt it. As far as successfully, lol. Only if he is trying to run it into the ground.

DECREPIDUS and his friends need a few Joe Biden illegal aliens living next door, or maybe above or below them. And trust me---------->they will be able to afford it after our hero Joe, gives them money from the S.S. fund, while giving them free healthcare from Medicaid.
He is successfully running our country.

De Crepitus privately knows he is a guaranteed loser and Piss Pot is almost certain to be withdrawn .

But our OP personifies being a Denier .

With you being totally wrong about Covid , Killer Shots and Ukraine this further disaster could take you over the edge
Here's hoping for more laughs De Crappy. .
Next you will be trying to convince people that the sky is falling because there are clouds.
Got to hand it to you your ability to reason does not really exist

"The best proof that Joe Biden can successfully run our country."​


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