The Bible And It's Commands Have Done So Very Much

You still are ignorant.

Folks who actually believe that ancient myth are the ignorant among us. Anybody who's fallen for a promise of a life after death is in bad shape.

Dying is death....thats why they call it dead.

And you know this how? Your obviously not dead... in body anyway. How do you know it's the end? How do you know it's not the begining of another life? Baby in the womb thinks thats it to life until it's born and then discoveres there's a whole other world. Butterfly changes from worm to butterfly. How do you know when we shed our skin we don't become something else? Human spirit has, and may very well be energy. Can energy be destroyed? No, but it can change forms. How do you know there isn't a creator? Humans create things, how do you know someone with a higher intelligence didn't create us? You don't. Most Mythology has a grain of truth in it somewhere. If you take all the combined mythology of the world, there is a general consensus that there is a Creator somewhere.

I know the difference in YOU'RE and YOUR

The bible is bullshit and most people know it. One doesn't have to be the sharpest tool in the shed to know leprosy isn't cured by touching and raising from the dead is very difficult. Fine wine from water is a difficult feat too. Walking on water, feeding 5000 hungry pilgrims plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers................Give Me A Break!!

Add the hanging and bleeding to death of a man just to see him fit as a fiddle two days later LOL

It makes no difference.........the people who claim to be Christians would have to live different than they do for anybody to believe they are. The bible says, "Be Ye Therefore Perfect Even As The Father Is Perfect."

It says "Sell What You Have And Give It To The Poor"

It says "Faith Without Works Is Dead"

The only way one can spot a Christian is Sunday mornings when their new SUV's are in the church parking lot and they're inside dressed in their finest, dropping off their money so the preacher can pay his travel expenses and spend 45 minutes learning another Sermon for next week.

The church spends most of the donated funds for tall steeples, new buildings, oak or mahagony pews, carpeting, stained glass, building expansion, expensive sound systems and musical instruments, youth programs, religious retreats, a cut for the convention or headquarters of their faith, missionaires in foreign countries. In other words " The Poor Be Damned"
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MMMMMM Catfish

When I have something to say and spend 5 minutes keying it I don't appreciate somebody bumping the thread and hiding it:

The bible is bullshit and most people know it. One doesn't have to be the sharpest tool in the shed to know leprosy isn't cured by touching and raising from the dead is very difficult. Fine wine from water is a difficult feat too. Walking on water, feeding 5000 hungry pilgrims plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers................Give Me A Break!!

Add the hanging and bleeding to death of a man just to see him fit as a fiddle two days later LOL

It makes no difference.........the people who claim to be Christians would have to live different than they do for anybody to believe they are. The bible says, "Be Ye Therefore Perfect Even As The Father Is Perfect."

It says "Sell What You Have And Give It To The Poor"

It says "Faith Without Works Is Dead"

The only way one can spot a Christian is Sunday mornings when their new SUV's are in the church parking lot and they're inside dressed in their finest, dropping off their money so the preacher can pay his travel expenses and spend 45 minutes learning another Sermon for next week.

The church spends most of the donated funds for tall steeples, new buildings, oak or mahagony pews, carpeting, stained glass, building expansion, expensive sound systems and musical instruments, youth programs, religious retreats, a cut for the convention or headquarters of their faith, missionaires in foreign countries. In other words " The Poor Be Damned"
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Folks who actually believe that ancient myth are the ignorant among us. Anybody who's fallen for a promise of a life after death is in bad shape.

Dying is death....thats why they call it dead.

And you know this how? Your obviously not dead... in body anyway. How do you know it's the end? How do you know it's not the begining of another life? Baby in the womb thinks thats it to life until it's born and then discoveres there's a whole other world. Butterfly changes from worm to butterfly. How do you know when we shed our skin we don't become something else? Human spirit has, and may very well be energy. Can energy be destroyed? No, but it can change forms. How do you know there isn't a creator? Humans create things, how do you know someone with a higher intelligence didn't create us? You don't. Most Mythology has a grain of truth in it somewhere. If you take all the combined mythology of the world, there is a general consensus that there is a Creator somewhere.

I know the difference in YOU'RE and YOUR

The bible is bullshit and most people know it. One doesn't have to be the sharpest tool in the shed to know leprosy isn't cured by touching and raising from the dead is very difficult. Fine wine from water is a difficult feat too. Walking on water, feeding 5000 hungry pilgrims plus women and children who also ate with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers................Give Me A Break!!

Add the hanging and bleeding to death of a man just to see him fit as a fiddle two days later LOL

It makes no difference.........the people who claim to be Christians would have to live different than they do for anybody to believe they are. The bible says, "Be Ye Therefore Perfect Even As The Father Is Perfect."

It says "Sell What You Have And Give It To The Poor"

It says "Faith Without Works Is Dead"

The only way one can spot a Christian is Sunday mornings when their new SUV's are in the church parking lot and they're inside dressed in their finest, dropping off their money so the preacher can pay his travel expenses and spend 45 minutes learning another Sermon for next week.

The church spends most of the donated funds for tall steeples, new buildings, oak or mahagony pews, carpeting, stained glass, building expansion, expensive sound systems and musical instruments, youth programs, religious retreats, a cut for the convention or headquarters of their faith, missionaires in foreign countries. In other words " The Poor Be Damned"

Wow your arguement sucks so you whip out the grammer police? Lame.

Maybe your church was like that but mines not, change churchs.

As far as the miracles they happen every day. If you told someone 150 years ago if they took a pink pill for 7 to 10 days their infection would be cured they would have laughed. Today we call that Penicillin. 100 years ago if you told people they could travel across the Atlantic Ocean in a matter or Hours instead of weeks they would have laughed. Yet today it's common practice. Hell they would have laughed at the idea of anything metal flying through the air for that matter. We still don't know how the various Pyramids were made or Stonehenge and yet it happened and it exsists. How did Christ do it? IDK, but there are things outside modern comprehension and obviously he knew it because the crowds followed him for doing it.

As far as Jesus being "fit as a fiddle" when he appeared to the apostles he had the wounds of his crucifixion still evident.

John 20:27
Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.
John 20:26-28 (in Context) John 20 (Whole Chapter)
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And the Crystal Cathedral an American protestant Icon bankrupt over infighting among the Schuler dynasty.
And the Crystal Cathedral an American protestant Icon bankrupt over infighting among the Schuler dynasty.

I'm not saying that extravagant churches don't exsist, they do, but if it offends you,find another church. Mine is a simple building, no stained glass, no statues or fine art work, no pews we have removable chairs so the santuary can be used for other things like games during youth group. The church is the people not the building. My last church didn't have a building at all. We went to truck stops,nursing homes,parks ect and spread the gospel. It was a rare church,about 12 members in all but we got stuff done. I do try to find churches that are like it because I do find all the trappings a waste. They are out there if you look. If you can't find one, find like minded people and make one.
Every church I knowe of has had political infighting going on.
How un-christlike.
You still are ignorant.

Folks who actually believe that ancient myth are the ignorant among us. Anybody who's fallen for a promise of a life after death is in bad shape.

Dying is death....thats why they call it dead.

And you know this how? Your obviously not dead... in body anyway. How do you know it's the end? How do you know it's not the begining of another life? Baby in the womb thinks thats it to life until it's born and then discoveres there's a whole other world. Butterfly changes from worm to butterfly. How do you know when we shed our skin we don't become something else? Human spirit has, and may very well be energy. Can energy be destroyed? No, but it can change forms. How do you know there isn't a creator? Humans create things, how do you know someone with a higher intelligence didn't create us? You don't. Most Mythology has a grain of truth in it somewhere. If you take all the combined mythology of the world, there is a general consensus that there is a Creator somewhere.

Horse's all horse shit:

The universe was created in six days about 6000 years ago

Two naked teens and a snake in garden determined the fate of the whole human race

There was a flood in which the water level reached a height of 29.000 ft and evaporated within a few weeks

Big fish puked up live men

Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

A virgin gave birth to the god of the universe fathered by himself and the holy ghost

A man was able to walk on water

People were healed of leprosy by laying hands on them

Water was turned into fine wine

5000 hungry men plus women and children who also ate were fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers were collected

A man was hung on a cross and bled like a hog only to show up two days later fit as a fiddle

There were basically six acknowledged historians in the world at that time. Not a one of them documented any part of this. It would be like somebody down the street telling you that they were taken to the planet Visarouis and examined by aliens. It would be like Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris never being mentioned in the NY Times.
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Folks who actually believe that ancient myth are the ignorant among us. Anybody who's fallen for a promise of a life after death is in bad shape.

Dying is death....thats why they call it dead.

And you know this how? Your obviously not dead... in body anyway. How do you know it's the end? How do you know it's not the begining of another life? Baby in the womb thinks thats it to life until it's born and then discoveres there's a whole other world. Butterfly changes from worm to butterfly. How do you know when we shed our skin we don't become something else? Human spirit has, and may very well be energy. Can energy be destroyed? No, but it can change forms. How do you know there isn't a creator? Humans create things, how do you know someone with a higher intelligence didn't create us? You don't. Most Mythology has a grain of truth in it somewhere. If you take all the combined mythology of the world, there is a general consensus that there is a Creator somewhere.

Horse's all horse shit:

The universe was created in six days about 6000 years ago

Two naked teens and a snake in garden determined the fate of the whole human race

There was a flood in which the water level reached a height of 29.000 ft and evaporated within a few weeks

Big fish puked up live men

Walls came tumbling at the sound of a trumpet

A virgin gave birth to the god of the universe fathered by himself and the holy ghost

A man was able to walk on water

People were healed of leprosy by laying hands on them

Water was turned into fine wine

5000 hungry men plus women and children who also ate were fed with two fish and five loaves then 12 baskets of leftovers were collected

A man was hung on a cross and bled like a hog only to show up two days later fit as a fiddle

There were basically six acknowledged historians in the world at that time. Not a one of them documented any part of this. It would be like somebody down the street telling you that they were taken to the planet Visarouis and examined by aliens. It would be like Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris never being mentioned in the NY Times.

How was it all done? Again IDK it's a matter of faith. How could it have been done lets see.

If Adam and Eve were the first two humans then yes ANYTHING they did effected the human race.

1000 years is like a day to God so who knows what God considered six days. It doesn't necessarily mean six days human time.

Loaves and fishes. Jesus might have just been very aware of human nature. If my dad came to my mom and said "hon there is a new speaker in town, pack up the kids so we can go listen to him" my mother would have made a jug of koolaid and packed some sandwiches and snacks because you just know hubby and the kids are going to get hungry. Now the Apostles were obviously hungry and it must have been around lunch or dinner time cause they ask Jesus to let the people go to eat. Jesus breaks out his food and that automatically sends the signal for all assembled to break out their food. What Would a first century woman grab at the last minute? If their hubbys were fisherman, bread and fish. Women always tend to pack more than what is needed hence the leftover baskets.
When everyone is mandated to belong to (and donate to) the Church of State Human Secularism, all these religious differences will be gone.
Thou shalt not kill. could you imagine not having that one?

I love it when someone tries to lie about what is or is not in the bible. Talk about a major load of bullshit:

There are forty-two death-penalty sins in the Old Testament:

Murder - Gen. 9:6; Ex. 21:12-14,20,23; Lev. 24:17,21; Num. 35:16-34; Deut. 19

Failing to circumcise - Gen. 17:14; Ex. 4:24,25

Eating leavened bread during feast of unleavened bread - Ex. 2:15,19

Smiting Parents- Ex. 21:15

Kidnapping - Ex. 21:16; Deut. 24:7

Cursing Parents - Ex. 21:17; Lev. 20:9

Negligence with animal that kill - Ex. 21:28-32

Witchcraft - Ex. 22:18

Bestiality - Ex. 22:19; Lev. 18:23-29; 20:15,16

Idolatry - Ex. 22:20

Making holy anointing oil - Ex. 30:33

Putting holy anointing oil on strangers - Ex. 30:33

Making the holy perfume - Ex. 30:38

Defiling the Sabbath - Ex. 31:14

Working on the Sabbath - Ex. 35:2

Eating the flesh of the peace offerings in uncleanness - Lev. 7:20,21

Eating the fat of sacrifices - Lev. 7:25

Killing sacrifices other than at the door of the tabernacle - Lev. 17:1-9

Eating blood - Lev. 17:10-14

Incest - Lev. 18:6-29; 20:11-22

Eating sacrifices at the wrong time - Lev. 19:5-8

Consecration of children to idols - Lev. 20:1-5

Spiritualism - Lev. 20:6,27

Adultery - Lev. 20:10; Deut. 22:22-30

Sodomy/Homosexuality - Lev. 20:13.

Relationship with a menstruous woman Lev. 20:18

Whoredom - Lev. 21:9; Deut. 22:21,22

Sacrilege - Lev. 22:3

Refusing to fast on day of atonement - Lev. 23:29

Working on atonement - Lev. 23:30.

Blasphemy - Lev. 24:11-16

Failure to keep the Passover - Num. 9:13

Presumptuousness - Num. 15:30,31

Gathering firewood on the Sabbath - Num. 15:32,36

Failure to purify self before worship - Num. 19:13,20

False prophecy - Deut. 13:1-18; 18:20

Leading men away from God - Deut. 13:6-18

Stubbornness and rebelliousness - Deut. 21:18-23

Gluttony - Deut. 21:20-23

Drunkenness - Deut. 21:20-23

Backbiting - Deut. 17:2-7

False dreams and visions - Deut. 13:1-18.

You're missing the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Who He is, and God's Grace. But since you'll ignore those facts, lets just talk about the human race. Such as some liberal ideologies that some have, such as yourself. Let's talk about who is "holier than thou", since you seem to think you know better than God Himself. Perhaps it's better to kill the people before they have a chance to live?

Abortion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Number of abortions in United States
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), since 1973, roughly 50 million legal induced abortions have been performed in the United States

Reasons for abortions
Another study, in 1998, revealed that in 1987-1988 women reported the following as their primary reasons for choosing an abortion:[40]
25.9% Want to postpone childbearing
21.3% Cannot afford a baby
14.1% Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy
12.2% Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy
10.8% Having a child will disrupt education or job
7.9% Want no (more) children
3.3% Risk to fetal health
2.8% Risk to maternal health
2.1% Other

Yes, the human race has the upper hand when it comes to God, aye? Better to murder people before they are born, right? Oh wait, since we are all evolved from some primordial soup - it doesn't matter, perhaps? Kill them in the womb, kill them in the womb! That's ok, really!!

So go on now, with your liberal lies, foolishness and hypocrisy. Keep telling lies about how God is so evil, and youuuuu oh dear one, are so so very righteous.

You are not fooling anyone, most importantly the Lord God Himself.

You must face it, Cammmpbell - you are going to die someday. And guess what? We are all sinners - no one is "righteous". The rules of the planet may be confused and skewed by man for a time (and twist the hell out of God's Word), but the One Who Made all things and is True, will be the Ultimate Judge of all our souls.

Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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Thou shalt not kill. could you imagine not having that one?

I love it when someone tries to lie about what is or is not in the bible. Talk about a major load of bullshit:

There are forty-two death-penalty sins in the Old Testament:

Murder - Gen. 9:6; Ex. 21:12-14,20,23; Lev. 24:17,21; Num. 35:16-34; Deut. 19

Failing to circumcise - Gen. 17:14; Ex. 4:24,25

Eating leavened bread during feast of unleavened bread - Ex. 2:15,19

Smiting Parents- Ex. 21:15

Kidnapping - Ex. 21:16; Deut. 24:7

Cursing Parents - Ex. 21:17; Lev. 20:9

Negligence with animal that kill - Ex. 21:28-32

Witchcraft - Ex. 22:18

Bestiality - Ex. 22:19; Lev. 18:23-29; 20:15,16

Idolatry - Ex. 22:20

Making holy anointing oil - Ex. 30:33

Putting holy anointing oil on strangers - Ex. 30:33

Making the holy perfume - Ex. 30:38

Defiling the Sabbath - Ex. 31:14

Working on the Sabbath - Ex. 35:2

Eating the flesh of the peace offerings in uncleanness - Lev. 7:20,21

Eating the fat of sacrifices - Lev. 7:25

Killing sacrifices other than at the door of the tabernacle - Lev. 17:1-9

Eating blood - Lev. 17:10-14

Incest - Lev. 18:6-29; 20:11-22

Eating sacrifices at the wrong time - Lev. 19:5-8

Consecration of children to idols - Lev. 20:1-5

Spiritualism - Lev. 20:6,27

Adultery - Lev. 20:10; Deut. 22:22-30

Sodomy/Homosexuality - Lev. 20:13.

Relationship with a menstruous woman Lev. 20:18

Whoredom - Lev. 21:9; Deut. 22:21,22

Sacrilege - Lev. 22:3

Refusing to fast on day of atonement - Lev. 23:29

Working on atonement - Lev. 23:30.

Blasphemy - Lev. 24:11-16

Failure to keep the Passover - Num. 9:13

Presumptuousness - Num. 15:30,31

Gathering firewood on the Sabbath - Num. 15:32,36

Failure to purify self before worship - Num. 19:13,20

False prophecy - Deut. 13:1-18; 18:20

Leading men away from God - Deut. 13:6-18

Stubbornness and rebelliousness - Deut. 21:18-23

Gluttony - Deut. 21:20-23

Drunkenness - Deut. 21:20-23

Backbiting - Deut. 17:2-7

False dreams and visions - Deut. 13:1-18.

You're missing the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Who He is, and God's Grace. But since you'll ignore those facts, lets just talk about the human race. Such as some liberal ideologies that some have, such as yourself. Let's talk about who is "holier than thou", since you seem to think you know better than God Himself. Perhaps it's better to kill the people before they have a chance to live?

Abortion in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, the human race has the upper hand when it comes to God, aye? Better to murder people before they are born, right? Oh wait, since we are all evolved from some primordial soup - it doesn't matter, perhaps? Kill them in the womb, kill them in the womb! That's ok, really!!

So go on now, with your liberal lies, foolishness and hypocrisy. Keep telling lies about how God is so evil, and youuuuu oh dear one, are so so very righteous.

You are not fooling anyone, most importantly the Lord God Himself.

You must face it, Cammmpbell - you are going to die someday. And guess what? We are all sinners - no one is "righteous". The rules of the planet may be confused and skewed by man for a time (and twist the hell out of God's Word), but the One Who Made all things and is True, will be the Ultimate Judge of all our souls.

Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.


If he dropped off the only keys to the kingdom with a bunch of primitive folks who had to start a fire to see at night, believed in witches and thought the earth was flat..........Screw Him!

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