The Biden Administration Knows What They're Doing

What they did in Afghanistan was ruthlessly methodical, it was engineered specifically to deal a death blow to the credibility of the United States as an ally, while simultaneously fracturing, or destroying Nato! The engineers are all communist embracing silicon valley tech billionaires with very familiar names, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Pichai, ect....

You will find that about 80 some billionaires control everything in the United States, except of course Donald Trump, those billionaires have sunk trillions of dollars into creating the Chinese economy, which is forecast to be five times larger than the USA economy at its peak under Trump.

That is what this is all about, Obama and the democrats, which includes the Bush family by the way, were carefully managing the decline of the USA, it was all intentional, we were told repeatedly by Obama, the jobs and industry are gone, they are never coming back, except they fucked up, and Trump got elected.

Trump managed to reignite the US economy by deregulating it, China and those billionaires, were crushed like insects upon windshield of automobile, the tariff's he signed literally scared the shit out of them all, this is why they launched the bio-attack, this is exactly why Fauci suckered Trump into backing a total shutdown, and calling for Governors to do just that!

This is why they did what they did in Afghanistan, the intent is the total take down of the United States, and the death of Nato, Afghanistan, like every other thing the fake Biden administration has done in just under 8 months, benefits only one nation, everything, every single thing he has done in those 8 months has dealt egregious blows, both economic, and politically, to the United States while nakedly working to communist China's benefit!
What they did in Afghanistan was ruthlessly methodical, it was engineered specifically to deal a death blow to the credibility of the United States as an ally, while simultaneously fracturing, or destroying Nato! The engineers are all communist embracing silicon valley tech billionaires with very familiar names, Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Pichai, ect....

You will find that about 80 some billionaires control everything in the United States, except of course Donald Trump, those billionaires have sunk trillions of dollars into creating the Chinese economy, which is forecast to be five times larger than the USA economy at its peak under Trump.

That is what this is all about, Obama and the democrats, which includes the Bush family by the way, were carefully managing the decline of the USA, it was all intentional, we were told repeatedly by Obama, the jobs and industry are gone, they are never coming back, except they fucked up, and Trump got elected.

Trump managed to reignite the US economy by deregulating it, China and those billionaires, were crushed like insects upon windshield of automobile, the tariff's he signed literally scared the shit out of them all, this is why they launched the bio-attack, this is exactly why Fauci suckered Trump into backing a total shutdown, and calling for Governors to do just that!

This is why they did what they did in Afghanistan, the intent is the total take down of the United States, and the death of Nato, Afghanistan, like every other thing the fake Biden administration has done in just under 8 months, benefits only one nation, everything, every single thing he has done in those 8 months has dealt egregious blows, both economic, and politically, to the United States while nakedly working to communist China's benefit!
Big, big changes are coming
Bidens administration stunts are so stupid, that they aren't by accident---they are be designed.
If you watched the video, her sources say he abandoned these Americans and allies as an excuse to PAY THE TALIBAN.

The man really is a traitor and belongs in Gitmo
Xiden is also Putin's Whore. The guy is busy if not competent. Money talks, even through Hunter.
Not really, Russia should be a good ally to the United States, Trump envisioned such, and it should be, this is why they relentlessly scapegoated Russia, while slandering Trump, continuously portraying Trump as Putin's bitch, because an allied Russia and United States would be the death of those billionaires and communist China's dreams of a fascist world super-economy married to worldwide totalitarian fascist rule.

All roads lead to China, and its silicon valley billionaire toe suckers.....

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