The Big Lie

ou said that the "means by which the rabid right" got it's information was not effected.

I agreed with the point, though I dropped your partisan spin.

I went on to make a point that my original concern was more about the more moderate voters.

That was not a "backhanded insult". That was my conceding your point. There was no insult at all.

"might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you"

Then you besmirch and sow mistrust of my fellow Americans and try to instill faithlessness in our democratic elections with:

"they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate."

"And the election is thus not legitimate."

I completely disagree.

DO you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

I don't have to believe what he said, we have recordings.

Reporter: "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump: "I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs -- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch.

"But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left -- you just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.

Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --"

Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same."

Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner........"

And thank you for proving my point that you people are the ones pushing propaganda and lies.

That you can stand by that lie, after it has been so repeatedly and completely debunked, shows that you are beyond saving.

That you people SUCCESSFULLY pushed that lie, and made it stick, is incredible.

It was no lie, ya piece of shit. There was a rally of various racist rightwing groups, including, but not limited to, neonazis, neoconfederate, kkk, white nationalists and other assorted white supremacists. He condemned some of them but said others among them were "very fine people."

He clearly and explicitly stated that he was not referring to ws, but to the NON-ws who were there.

You know that. It has been repeatedly explained to you. YOU ARE LYING RIGHT NOW.

My point stands. IF the American voter had not been lied to, on such an epic scale, the vote would have been very different.

Different enough that the lie is effectively Fraud by Deception.
It was a racist rally, ya dumbfuck. There were no "NON-ws" there. There were no "very fine people" among the racists.

Trump clearly was on the opinion there were non-ws there, in support of the statues.

You know that. You are choosing to pretend to not know that, to lie.

That is my point.

You people sold the lie that one of the candidates was a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST.

That made the electorate, not INFORMED AND FREE, but MISINFORMED.

Nope, there were none nor was there any reason to believe there were. It was the Unite the Right rally. A rally by racists to unite various racist groups. It was conceived by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists. He condemned some racists but called others "very fine people."

That is your opinion. Trump clearly stated that he had another opinion.

You people did not attack him based on his opinion being wrong.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

You told the American voters, that the President said that ws were "very fine people:.

That if true, would be a valid and huge point AGAINST him by the vast majority of voters.

ANd you made it stick.

That makes the election, FRAUD BY DECEPTION.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.

In 2016 Trump claimed that 3-5 million illegals vote, That too was a lie.

How many was it?
Thousands, not millions...

THousands? Mm, starting to sound possibly significant.
That was thousands not validated. So not so significant. Number of convictions was in the tens.

Regardless, nowhere near the range of several million. Which is why Trump abandoned his search. He's a pathological liar.

Mmm, in your mind it is impossible for Trump to make a mistake?

Wow. I've never thought that of anyone. You must worship him as a god.
No, it's not a mistake to claim there were 3 million illegal votes. There was no evidence whatsoever to suggest there were 3 million illegal votes and there's never been a U.S. election with over 2% of fraudulent votes by an order of magnitude. It was an outright lie that only his sycophants swallowed.
Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

And I answered. You're not listening. As far as you're concerned - I'm not a libertarian. Clear?

You said you don't call yourself a libertarian. I asked what your views are. Just asking for a summary. Saying you don't call yourself a libertarian anymore doesn't answer that, no
A libertarian is just a spin off of Republican. Small government, less taxes, less regulations, less socialism like they would do away with public schools and social security/medicare.

I could go on and on but bottom line is they are Republicans.

I'm not a Democrat I'm a Curfuffle. I'm pro choice, believe in global warming, like public schools and unions, etc....but I don't like Democrats border policies so now I'm a Curfuffle. Not a Democrat. LOL

What don't you like about the Democrats border policies? You want a wall?
ou said that the "means by which the rabid right" got it's information was not effected.

I agreed with the point, though I dropped your partisan spin.

I went on to make a point that my original concern was more about the more moderate voters.

That was not a "backhanded insult". That was my conceding your point. There was no insult at all.

"might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you"

Then you besmirch and sow mistrust of my fellow Americans and try to instill faithlessness in our democratic elections with:

"they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate."

"And the election is thus not legitimate."

I completely disagree.

DO you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

I don't have to believe what he said, we have recordings.

Reporter: "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump: "I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs -- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch.

"But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left -- you just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.

Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --"

Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same."

Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner........"

And thank you for proving my point that you people are the ones pushing propaganda and lies.

That you can stand by that lie, after it has been so repeatedly and completely debunked, shows that you are beyond saving.

That you people SUCCESSFULLY pushed that lie, and made it stick, is incredible.

It was no lie, ya piece of shit. There was a rally of various racist rightwing groups, including, but not limited to, neonazis, neoconfederate, kkk, white nationalists and other assorted white supremacists. He condemned some of them but said others among them were "very fine people."

He clearly and explicitly stated that he was not referring to ws, but to the NON-ws who were there.

You know that. It has been repeatedly explained to you. YOU ARE LYING RIGHT NOW.

My point stands. IF the American voter had not been lied to, on such an epic scale, the vote would have been very different.

Different enough that the lie is effectively Fraud by Deception.
It was a racist rally, ya dumbfuck. There were no "NON-ws" there. There were no "very fine people" among the racists.

Trump clearly was on the opinion there were non-ws there, in support of the statues.

You know that. You are choosing to pretend to not know that, to lie.

That is my point.

You people sold the lie that one of the candidates was a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST.

That made the electorate, not INFORMED AND FREE, but MISINFORMED.

Nope, there were none nor was there any reason to believe there were. It was the Unite the Right rally. A rally by racists to unite various racist groups. It was conceived by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists. He condemned some racists but called others "very fine people."

That is your opinion. Trump clearly stated that he had another opinion.

You people did not attack him based on his opinion being wrong.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

You told the American voters, that the President said that ws were "very fine people:.

That if true, would be a valid and huge point AGAINST him by the vast majority of voters.

ANd you made it stick.

That makes the election, FRAUD BY DECEPTION.
You're lying. He never said he thought there were others there. All he said was there were "very fine people" on that side.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.

In 2016 Trump claimed that 3-5 million illegals vote, That too was a lie.

How many was it?
Thousands, not millions...

THousands? Mm, starting to sound possibly significant.
That was thousands not validated. So not so significant. Number of convictions was in the tens.

Regardless, nowhere near the range of several million. Which is why Trump abandoned his search. He's a pathological liar.

Mmm, in your mind it is impossible for Trump to make a mistake?

Wow. I've never thought that of anyone. You must worship him as a god.
No, it's not a mistake to claim there were 3 million illegal votes. There was no evidence whatsoever to suggest there were 3 million illegal votes and there's never been a U.S. election with over 2% of fraudulent votes by an order of magnitude. It was an outright lie that only his sycophants swallowed.

The point is that Trump WILL SAY ANYTHING.
ou said that the "means by which the rabid right" got it's information was not effected.

I agreed with the point, though I dropped your partisan spin.

I went on to make a point that my original concern was more about the more moderate voters.

That was not a "backhanded insult". That was my conceding your point. There was no insult at all.

"might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you"

Then you besmirch and sow mistrust of my fellow Americans and try to instill faithlessness in our democratic elections with:

"they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate."

"And the election is thus not legitimate."

I completely disagree.

DO you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

I don't have to believe what he said, we have recordings.

Reporter: "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump: "I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs -- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch.

"But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left -- you just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.

Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --"

Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same."

Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner........"

And thank you for proving my point that you people are the ones pushing propaganda and lies.

That you can stand by that lie, after it has been so repeatedly and completely debunked, shows that you are beyond saving.

That you people SUCCESSFULLY pushed that lie, and made it stick, is incredible.

It was no lie, ya piece of shit. There was a rally of various racist rightwing groups, including, but not limited to, neonazis, neoconfederate, kkk, white nationalists and other assorted white supremacists. He condemned some of them but said others among them were "very fine people."

He clearly and explicitly stated that he was not referring to ws, but to the NON-ws who were there.

You know that. It has been repeatedly explained to you. YOU ARE LYING RIGHT NOW.

My point stands. IF the American voter had not been lied to, on such an epic scale, the vote would have been very different.

Different enough that the lie is effectively Fraud by Deception.
It was a racist rally, ya dumbfuck. There were no "NON-ws" there. There were no "very fine people" among the racists.

Trump clearly was on the opinion there were non-ws there, in support of the statues.

You know that. You are choosing to pretend to not know that, to lie.

That is my point.

You people sold the lie that one of the candidates was a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST.

That made the electorate, not INFORMED AND FREE, but MISINFORMED.


Like this?

Your attempt at deflection is noted.

It is interesting that you choose to NOT address my point. I've made a dramatic claim. A very serious, and radical claim.

If true, it undermines this whole country.

If false, it is a threat of undermining this whole country, on false premises.

ANdd you passed it over to discuss one criminal case?


Trump claimed the 2016 election was fraud.. Then he claimed that if Biden won, it would be rigged. LOLOL.. He's really a one trick pony.

Funny, my claim is pretty radical. If not true, I would think it would be easy to refute.

But all of you, are employing different evasive tactics, instead of challenging me head on.
Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

And I answered. You're not listening. As far as you're concerned - I'm not a libertarian. Clear?

You said you don't call yourself a libertarian. I asked what your views are. Just asking for a summary. Saying you don't call yourself a libertarian anymore doesn't answer that, no
A libertarian is just a spin off of Republican. Small government, less taxes, less regulations, less socialism like they would do away with public schools and social security/medicare.

I could go on and on but bottom line is they are Republicans.

I'm not a Democrat I'm a Curfuffle. I'm pro choice, believe in global warming, like public schools and unions, etc....but I don't like Democrats border policies so now I'm a Curfuffle. Not a Democrat. LOL

What don't you like about the Democrats border policies? You want a wall?

Just fine employers who hire illegals.
ou said that the "means by which the rabid right" got it's information was not effected.

I agreed with the point, though I dropped your partisan spin.

I went on to make a point that my original concern was more about the more moderate voters.

That was not a "backhanded insult". That was my conceding your point. There was no insult at all.

"might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you"

Then you besmirch and sow mistrust of my fellow Americans and try to instill faithlessness in our democratic elections with:

"they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate."

"And the election is thus not legitimate."

I completely disagree.

DO you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

I don't have to believe what he said, we have recordings.

Reporter: "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump: "I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs -- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch.

"But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left -- you just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.

Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --"

Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same."

Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner........"

And thank you for proving my point that you people are the ones pushing propaganda and lies.

That you can stand by that lie, after it has been so repeatedly and completely debunked, shows that you are beyond saving.

That you people SUCCESSFULLY pushed that lie, and made it stick, is incredible.

It was no lie, ya piece of shit. There was a rally of various racist rightwing groups, including, but not limited to, neonazis, neoconfederate, kkk, white nationalists and other assorted white supremacists. He condemned some of them but said others among them were "very fine people."

He clearly and explicitly stated that he was not referring to ws, but to the NON-ws who were there.

You know that. It has been repeatedly explained to you. YOU ARE LYING RIGHT NOW.

My point stands. IF the American voter had not been lied to, on such an epic scale, the vote would have been very different.

Different enough that the lie is effectively Fraud by Deception.
It was a racist rally, ya dumbfuck. There were no "NON-ws" there. There were no "very fine people" among the racists.

Trump clearly was on the opinion there were non-ws there, in support of the statues.

You know that. You are choosing to pretend to not know that, to lie.

That is my point.

You people sold the lie that one of the candidates was a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST.

That made the electorate, not INFORMED AND FREE, but MISINFORMED.

Nope, there were none nor was there any reason to believe there were. It was the Unite the Right rally. A rally by racists to unite various racist groups. It was conceived by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists. He condemned some racists but called others "very fine people."

That is your opinion. Trump clearly stated that he had another opinion.

You people did not attack him based on his opinion being wrong.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

You told the American voters, that the President said that ws were "very fine people:.

That if true, would be a valid and huge point AGAINST him by the vast majority of voters.

ANd you made it stick.

That makes the election, FRAUD BY DECEPTION.
You're lying. He never said he thought there were others there. All he said was there were "very fine people" on that side.

YOur pretense of ignorance is dismissed. If you want to read the transcripts again, go have fun.

I'm done coddling you people.

Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

And I answered. You're not listening. As far as you're concerned - I'm not a libertarian. Clear?

You said you don't call yourself a libertarian. I asked what your views are. Just asking for a summary. Saying you don't call yourself a libertarian anymore doesn't answer that, no
A libertarian is just a spin off of Republican. Small government, less taxes, less regulations, less socialism like they would do away with public schools and social security/medicare.

I could go on and on but bottom line is they are Republicans.

I'm not a Democrat I'm a Curfuffle. I'm pro choice, believe in global warming, like public schools and unions, etc....but I don't like Democrats border policies so now I'm a Curfuffle. Not a Democrat. LOL

I think you might be underestimating the number of libertarians who are motivated by opposition to cultural or social norms.

Quite a lot of drug legalization types. Ann Coulter ran into some of that, when there was some discussion of having her run on a Libertarian ticket.

I call bull shit to this. While the Libertarian Party has proven they don't care about her not being a libertarian, she's been a bitch to libertarian groups and gets booed. She tells libertarians that government owning our bodies is libertarian, which is as stupid as JoeB131 who knows nothing about libertarians either
ou said that the "means by which the rabid right" got it's information was not effected.

I agreed with the point, though I dropped your partisan spin.

I went on to make a point that my original concern was more about the more moderate voters.

That was not a "backhanded insult". That was my conceding your point. There was no insult at all.

"might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you"

Then you besmirch and sow mistrust of my fellow Americans and try to instill faithlessness in our democratic elections with:

"they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate."

"And the election is thus not legitimate."

I completely disagree.

DO you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

I don't have to believe what he said, we have recordings.

Reporter: "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump: "I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs -- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch.

"But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left -- you just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.

Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --"

Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same."

Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner........"

And thank you for proving my point that you people are the ones pushing propaganda and lies.

That you can stand by that lie, after it has been so repeatedly and completely debunked, shows that you are beyond saving.

That you people SUCCESSFULLY pushed that lie, and made it stick, is incredible.

It was no lie, ya piece of shit. There was a rally of various racist rightwing groups, including, but not limited to, neonazis, neoconfederate, kkk, white nationalists and other assorted white supremacists. He condemned some of them but said others among them were "very fine people."

He clearly and explicitly stated that he was not referring to ws, but to the NON-ws who were there.

You know that. It has been repeatedly explained to you. YOU ARE LYING RIGHT NOW.

My point stands. IF the American voter had not been lied to, on such an epic scale, the vote would have been very different.

Different enough that the lie is effectively Fraud by Deception.
It was a racist rally, ya dumbfuck. There were no "NON-ws" there. There were no "very fine people" among the racists.

Trump clearly was on the opinion there were non-ws there, in support of the statues.

You know that. You are choosing to pretend to not know that, to lie.

That is my point.

You people sold the lie that one of the candidates was a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST.

That made the electorate, not INFORMED AND FREE, but MISINFORMED.


Like this?

Your attempt at deflection is noted.

It is interesting that you choose to NOT address my point. I've made a dramatic claim. A very serious, and radical claim.

If true, it undermines this whole country.

If false, it is a threat of undermining this whole country, on false premises.

ANdd you passed it over to discuss one criminal case?


Trump claimed the 2016 election was fraud.. Then he claimed that if Biden won, it would be rigged. LOLOL.. He's really a one trick pony.
And now America sees had he lost the election in 2016, he would have pulled the same Big Lie stunt he pulled in 2020. He set it up both times even before the elections.

It's testament to how stupid rightards are that they fall for this.
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.

In 2016 Trump claimed that 3-5 million illegals vote, That too was a lie.

How many was it?
Thousands, not millions...

THousands? Mm, starting to sound possibly significant.
That was thousands not validated. So not so significant. Number of convictions was in the tens.

Regardless, nowhere near the range of several million. Which is why Trump abandoned his search. He's a pathological liar.

Mmm, in your mind it is impossible for Trump to make a mistake?

Wow. I've never thought that of anyone. You must worship him as a god.
No, it's not a mistake to claim there were 3 million illegal votes. There was no evidence whatsoever to suggest there were 3 million illegal votes and there's never been a U.S. election with over 2% of fraudulent votes by an order of magnitude. It was an outright lie that only his sycophants swallowed.

The point is that Trump WILL SAY ANYTHING.

EVERYTHING HE HAS EVER SAID, pales in comparison to the lie you people told and made stick.

The President of the United States, in 2020, sympathetic to fucking WHITE SUPREMACISTS?

And you made that stick? you stood by it, even as it was repeatedly and easily debunked over and over again.

you people are vile soulless monsters.
ou said that the "means by which the rabid right" got it's information was not effected.

I agreed with the point, though I dropped your partisan spin.

I went on to make a point that my original concern was more about the more moderate voters.

That was not a "backhanded insult". That was my conceding your point. There was no insult at all.

"might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you"

Then you besmirch and sow mistrust of my fellow Americans and try to instill faithlessness in our democratic elections with:

"they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate."

"And the election is thus not legitimate."

I completely disagree.

DO you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

I don't have to believe what he said, we have recordings.

Reporter: "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump: "I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs -- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch.

"But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left -- you just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.

Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --"

Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same."

Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner........"

And thank you for proving my point that you people are the ones pushing propaganda and lies.

That you can stand by that lie, after it has been so repeatedly and completely debunked, shows that you are beyond saving.

That you people SUCCESSFULLY pushed that lie, and made it stick, is incredible.

It was no lie, ya piece of shit. There was a rally of various racist rightwing groups, including, but not limited to, neonazis, neoconfederate, kkk, white nationalists and other assorted white supremacists. He condemned some of them but said others among them were "very fine people."

He clearly and explicitly stated that he was not referring to ws, but to the NON-ws who were there.

You know that. It has been repeatedly explained to you. YOU ARE LYING RIGHT NOW.

My point stands. IF the American voter had not been lied to, on such an epic scale, the vote would have been very different.

Different enough that the lie is effectively Fraud by Deception.
It was a racist rally, ya dumbfuck. There were no "NON-ws" there. There were no "very fine people" among the racists.

Trump clearly was on the opinion there were non-ws there, in support of the statues.

You know that. You are choosing to pretend to not know that, to lie.

That is my point.

You people sold the lie that one of the candidates was a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST.

That made the electorate, not INFORMED AND FREE, but MISINFORMED.


Like this?

Your attempt at deflection is noted.

It is interesting that you choose to NOT address my point. I've made a dramatic claim. A very serious, and radical claim.

If true, it undermines this whole country.

If false, it is a threat of undermining this whole country, on false premises.

ANdd you passed it over to discuss one criminal case?


Trump claimed the 2016 election was fraud.. Then he claimed that if Biden won, it would be rigged. LOLOL.. He's really a one trick pony.
And now America sees had he lost the election in 2016, he would have pulled the same Big Lie stunt he pulled in 2020. He set it up both times even before the elections.

It's testament to how stupid rightards are that they fall for this.

Exactly.. Trump's penchant for bold lies is why people compare him to Hitler.
Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

And I answered. You're not listening. As far as you're concerned - I'm not a libertarian. Clear?

You said you don't call yourself a libertarian. I asked what your views are. Just asking for a summary. Saying you don't call yourself a libertarian anymore doesn't answer that, no
A libertarian is just a spin off of Republican. Small government, less taxes, less regulations, less socialism like they would do away with public schools and social security/medicare.

I could go on and on but bottom line is they are Republicans.

I'm not a Democrat I'm a Curfuffle. I'm pro choice, believe in global warming, like public schools and unions, etc....but I don't like Democrats border policies so now I'm a Curfuffle. Not a Democrat. LOL
"A libertarian is just a spin off of Republican."

Well, so economically we are certainly more Republican than Democrat. The main difference is that when it comes to fiscal conservatism we mean it.

Socially we are more Democrat than Republican. Except again unlike Democrats we mean it.

Militarily we aren't like either of you two war parties where the only difference between you is you both want to be behind the steering wheel.

So what about it, dblack ? You a Republican offshoot? Why or why not?
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.

In 2016 Trump claimed that 3-5 million illegals vote, That too was a lie.

How many was it?
Thousands, not millions...

THousands? Mm, starting to sound possibly significant.
That was thousands not validated. So not so significant. Number of convictions was in the tens.

Regardless, nowhere near the range of several million. Which is why Trump abandoned his search. He's a pathological liar.

Mmm, in your mind it is impossible for Trump to make a mistake?

Wow. I've never thought that of anyone. You must worship him as a god.
No, it's not a mistake to claim there were 3 million illegal votes. There was no evidence whatsoever to suggest there were 3 million illegal votes and there's never been a U.S. election with over 2% of fraudulent votes by an order of magnitude. It was an outright lie that only his sycophants swallowed.

The point is that Trump WILL SAY ANYTHING.

EVERYTHING HE HAS EVER SAID, pales in comparison to the lie you people told and made stick.

The President of the United States, in 2020, sympathetic to fucking WHITE SUPREMACISTS?

And you made that stick? you stood by it, even as it was repeatedly and easily debunked over and over again.

you people are vile soulless monsters.

Go argue with the video tape.
ou said that the "means by which the rabid right" got it's information was not effected.

I agreed with the point, though I dropped your partisan spin.

I went on to make a point that my original concern was more about the more moderate voters.

That was not a "backhanded insult". That was my conceding your point. There was no insult at all.

"might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you"

Then you besmirch and sow mistrust of my fellow Americans and try to instill faithlessness in our democratic elections with:

"they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate."

"And the election is thus not legitimate."

I completely disagree.

DO you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

I don't have to believe what he said, we have recordings.

Reporter: "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump: "I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs -- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch.

"But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left -- you just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.

Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --"

Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same."

Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner........"

And thank you for proving my point that you people are the ones pushing propaganda and lies.

That you can stand by that lie, after it has been so repeatedly and completely debunked, shows that you are beyond saving.

That you people SUCCESSFULLY pushed that lie, and made it stick, is incredible.

It was no lie, ya piece of shit. There was a rally of various racist rightwing groups, including, but not limited to, neonazis, neoconfederate, kkk, white nationalists and other assorted white supremacists. He condemned some of them but said others among them were "very fine people."

He clearly and explicitly stated that he was not referring to ws, but to the NON-ws who were there.

You know that. It has been repeatedly explained to you. YOU ARE LYING RIGHT NOW.

My point stands. IF the American voter had not been lied to, on such an epic scale, the vote would have been very different.

Different enough that the lie is effectively Fraud by Deception.
It was a racist rally, ya dumbfuck. There were no "NON-ws" there. There were no "very fine people" among the racists.

Trump clearly was on the opinion there were non-ws there, in support of the statues.

You know that. You are choosing to pretend to not know that, to lie.

That is my point.

You people sold the lie that one of the candidates was a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST.

That made the electorate, not INFORMED AND FREE, but MISINFORMED.

Nope, there were none nor was there any reason to believe there were. It was the Unite the Right rally. A rally by racists to unite various racist groups. It was conceived by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists. He condemned some racists but called others "very fine people."

That is your opinion. Trump clearly stated that he had another opinion.

You people did not attack him based on his opinion being wrong.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

You told the American voters, that the President said that ws were "very fine people:.

That if true, would be a valid and huge point AGAINST him by the vast majority of voters.

ANd you made it stick.

That makes the election, FRAUD BY DECEPTION.

You're whole argument has been thorough debunked by multiple posters and yet you're still clinging to it like a terrier with a rat.

You're the one who has been attempting to deflect from the basic dishonesty of the billionaire owned right wing media and their lies about Trump, Republicans, and the 2020 election. You keep trying to deflect to Charlottesville, and you refuse to address the basic dishonesty of the billionaire owned right wing media.

You refuse to address the propaganda and lies about the Trump Presidency and the Trump's economic record being promoted by the billionaire owned right wing media. They billionaire owners want the tax cuts, the donors want the cheap labour illegal immigrant provide, and to make all of it happen, FOX, Breitbart and the Sinclair stations are required to promote Republican lies.

And they do it relentlessly. But keep trying to deflect. It's utterly charming how persistently you keep trying to change the subject, every time we hand you your ass on a plate.
ou said that the "means by which the rabid right" got it's information was not effected.

I agreed with the point, though I dropped your partisan spin.

I went on to make a point that my original concern was more about the more moderate voters.

That was not a "backhanded insult". That was my conceding your point. There was no insult at all.

"might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you"

Then you besmirch and sow mistrust of my fellow Americans and try to instill faithlessness in our democratic elections with:

"they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate."

"And the election is thus not legitimate."

I completely disagree.

DO you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

I don't have to believe what he said, we have recordings.

Reporter: "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump: "I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs -- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch.

"But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left -- you just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.

Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --"

Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same."

Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner........"

And thank you for proving my point that you people are the ones pushing propaganda and lies.

That you can stand by that lie, after it has been so repeatedly and completely debunked, shows that you are beyond saving.

That you people SUCCESSFULLY pushed that lie, and made it stick, is incredible.

It was no lie, ya piece of shit. There was a rally of various racist rightwing groups, including, but not limited to, neonazis, neoconfederate, kkk, white nationalists and other assorted white supremacists. He condemned some of them but said others among them were "very fine people."

He clearly and explicitly stated that he was not referring to ws, but to the NON-ws who were there.

You know that. It has been repeatedly explained to you. YOU ARE LYING RIGHT NOW.

My point stands. IF the American voter had not been lied to, on such an epic scale, the vote would have been very different.

Different enough that the lie is effectively Fraud by Deception.
It was a racist rally, ya dumbfuck. There were no "NON-ws" there. There were no "very fine people" among the racists.

Trump clearly was on the opinion there were non-ws there, in support of the statues.

You know that. You are choosing to pretend to not know that, to lie.

That is my point.

You people sold the lie that one of the candidates was a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST.

That made the electorate, not INFORMED AND FREE, but MISINFORMED.

Nope, there were none nor was there any reason to believe there were. It was the Unite the Right rally. A rally by racists to unite various racist groups. It was conceived by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists. He condemned some racists but called others "very fine people."

That is your opinion. Trump clearly stated that he had another opinion.

You people did not attack him based on his opinion being wrong.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

You told the American voters, that the President said that ws were "very fine people:.

That if true, would be a valid and huge point AGAINST him by the vast majority of voters.

ANd you made it stick.

That makes the election, FRAUD BY DECEPTION.
Nope, that's not my opinion. It's historical fact...




Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

And I answered. You're not listening. As far as you're concerned - I'm not a libertarian. Clear?

You said you don't call yourself a libertarian. I asked what your views are. Just asking for a summary. Saying you don't call yourself a libertarian anymore doesn't answer that, no
A libertarian is just a spin off of Republican. Small government, less taxes, less regulations, less socialism like they would do away with public schools and social security/medicare.

I could go on and on but bottom line is they are Republicans.

I'm not a Democrat I'm a Curfuffle. I'm pro choice, believe in global warming, like public schools and unions, etc....but I don't like Democrats border policies so now I'm a Curfuffle. Not a Democrat. LOL

I think you might be underestimating the number of libertarians who are motivated by opposition to cultural or social norms.

Quite a lot of drug legalization types. Ann Coulter ran into some of that, when there was some discussion of having her run on a Libertarian ticket.
Yea that's a great example of how libertarians are just like Republicans only they are for legalizing pot. sorry that's not enough to make me like their mostly Republican/conservative policies.

Ann Coulter is a horrible person. Ever see her get roasted on Comedy Central? Funny shit. They tore her apart.

You just love boiling things down to meaningless bull shit tropes so you don't have to actually think, don't you?
This is not a conspiracy. These are things that have happened. THAT MAKES THEM FACTS.

At the same time, I noted, the 2020 presidential election violated internationally accepted criteria for a free and fair election. “Voters were denied the ‘absolute’ right to a secret ballot [through flawed vote-by-mail systems]. They were denied ‘equal opportunity of access to the media, particularly the mass communications media, in order to put forward their political views.’ They were denied ‘security with respect to their lives and property.’ And they were denied “freedom of movement, assembly, association and expression.’

Someone tell me that did not happen.
Maybe we should bring back the fairness doctrine.
We should not do what Democrats did after 2016, and spend four years chasing conspiracy theories.

In 2016 Trump claimed that 3-5 million illegals vote, That too was a lie.

How many was it?
Thousands, not millions...

THousands? Mm, starting to sound possibly significant.
That was thousands not validated. So not so significant. Number of convictions was in the tens.

Regardless, nowhere near the range of several million. Which is why Trump abandoned his search. He's a pathological liar.

Mmm, in your mind it is impossible for Trump to make a mistake?

Wow. I've never thought that of anyone. You must worship him as a god.
No, it's not a mistake to claim there were 3 million illegal votes. There was no evidence whatsoever to suggest there were 3 million illegal votes and there's never been a U.S. election with over 2% of fraudulent votes by an order of magnitude. It was an outright lie that only his sycophants swallowed.

The point is that Trump WILL SAY ANYTHING.
And his devoted base will believe ANYTHING he says.

Shit, there are still some repeating the obvious lie that his inauguration attendance was bigger than Obama's; despite photographic evidence proving that's utter bullshit.
Libertarian. That is singular.

And it's unclear how dblack is a libertarian, that's why I asked him.

And I answered. You're not listening. As far as you're concerned - I'm not a libertarian. Clear?

You said you don't call yourself a libertarian. I asked what your views are. Just asking for a summary. Saying you don't call yourself a libertarian anymore doesn't answer that, no
A libertarian is just a spin off of Republican. Small government, less taxes, less regulations, less socialism like they would do away with public schools and social security/medicare.

I could go on and on but bottom line is they are Republicans.

I'm not a Democrat I'm a Curfuffle. I'm pro choice, believe in global warming, like public schools and unions, etc....but I don't like Democrats border policies so now I'm a Curfuffle. Not a Democrat. LOL

I think you might be underestimating the number of libertarians who are motivated by opposition to cultural or social norms.

Quite a lot of drug legalization types. Ann Coulter ran into some of that, when there was some discussion of having her run on a Libertarian ticket.
Yea that's a great example of how libertarians are just like Republicans only they are for legalizing pot. sorry that's not enough to make me like their mostly Republican/conservative policies.

Ann Coulter is a horrible person. Ever see her get roasted on Comedy Central? Funny shit. They tore her apart.

IF the Libertarians were just like republicans like you claim, they would have been happy with Ann. The plan feel apart.

That roast? That was your people revealing themselves to be animals. Yes. They did tear her apart. Wow. What an accomplishment. A bunch of people get together and insult the shit out of a woman who is massively outnumbered.

And you consider that something to be proud of?

Sealy's issue is that he's only smart enough to learn one set of talking points. If we're just pot smoking Republicans, then he can use his Republican talking points.

If we're not, then we're like a ghost to him. We're vapor in the wind. He has no idea what talking points to use. So being a simpleton, post smoking Republican it is!
ou said that the "means by which the rabid right" got it's information was not effected.

I agreed with the point, though I dropped your partisan spin.

I went on to make a point that my original concern was more about the more moderate voters.

That was not a "backhanded insult". That was my conceding your point. There was no insult at all.

"might have learned to ignore the propaganda spouted by people like you"

Then you besmirch and sow mistrust of my fellow Americans and try to instill faithlessness in our democratic elections with:

"they are not an informed electorate, but a MISINFORMED electorate."

"And the election is thus not legitimate."

I completely disagree.

DO you believe that President Trump said that ws were "very fine people"?

I don't have to believe what he said, we have recordings.

Reporter: "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump: "I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs -- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch.

"But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left -- you just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.

Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --"

Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --"

Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."

Reporter: "George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same."

Trump: "George Washington was a slave owner........"

And thank you for proving my point that you people are the ones pushing propaganda and lies.

That you can stand by that lie, after it has been so repeatedly and completely debunked, shows that you are beyond saving.

That you people SUCCESSFULLY pushed that lie, and made it stick, is incredible.

It was no lie, ya piece of shit. There was a rally of various racist rightwing groups, including, but not limited to, neonazis, neoconfederate, kkk, white nationalists and other assorted white supremacists. He condemned some of them but said others among them were "very fine people."

He clearly and explicitly stated that he was not referring to ws, but to the NON-ws who were there.

You know that. It has been repeatedly explained to you. YOU ARE LYING RIGHT NOW.

My point stands. IF the American voter had not been lied to, on such an epic scale, the vote would have been very different.

Different enough that the lie is effectively Fraud by Deception.
It was a racist rally, ya dumbfuck. There were no "NON-ws" there. There were no "very fine people" among the racists.

Trump clearly was on the opinion there were non-ws there, in support of the statues.

You know that. You are choosing to pretend to not know that, to lie.

That is my point.

You people sold the lie that one of the candidates was a fucking WHITE SUPREMACIST.

That made the electorate, not INFORMED AND FREE, but MISINFORMED.

Nope, there were none nor was there any reason to believe there were. It was the Unite the Right rally. A rally by racists to unite various racist groups. It was conceived by racists, promoted by racists, sponsored by racists, and attended by racists. He condemned some racists but called others "very fine people."

That is your opinion. Trump clearly stated that he had another opinion.

You people did not attack him based on his opinion being wrong.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

You told the American voters, that the President said that ws were "very fine people:.

That if true, would be a valid and huge point AGAINST him by the vast majority of voters.

ANd you made it stick.

That makes the election, FRAUD BY DECEPTION.
You're lying. He never said he thought there were others there. All he said was there were "very fine people" on that side.

YOur pretense of ignorance is dismissed. If you want to read the transcripts again, go have fun.

I'm done coddling you people.

"Coddling" must be another word for "lying" to you.

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