The Big Lie

Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
He waited days to condemn the perpetrators of the violence. He just can't bring himself to say bad things about his supporters no matter how heinous they are. (Without intense public pressure)


I was not trying to trick you into that gotcha, You did that to yourself.

Days later, when he was more sure of the details, he got more specific.

The ws are a pathetic fringe in this society. Who have not had a voice in national politics since the early 60s.

Trump's supporters are working class and middle class whites, mostly. That you want to smear them as ws, is you being a racist asshole.
Man, you got it's kind of sickening to watch. We watched him do it again and again...

Also disgusting that you would downplay a serious threat to our national security.

Cool. You found people that agree with you.

What Trump really says about ws.

Trump: "Those people -- all of those people – excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis.

Trump: ...the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally.

Trump: ...rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them.
So it's the Proud Boys and neo-Confederates who are "very fine people."

Thanks for clearing that up.

You are stonewalling. You have been stone cold busted as a liar.

The election was not legitimate because of your lies. YOu stonewalling will not change that.
Nope, Trump never condemned them. That must be who he was talking about since there were no "very fine people" among the Unite the Right racists.

Trump was clear that he was referring to non ws who supported the historical statues.

Your belief that everyone that was there was a ws, is fine.

The bit were you LIE and say he said something he did not say, is you lying.

That you pretend to not understand this, is another lie.
I'm going by what he said and didn't say. He didn't condemn the Proud Boys or the neo-Confederates. He said there were "very fine people on both sides." Now we know who he was talking about on the right. Thanks again for clearing that up.
And you could tell he was being very careful what he said and didn't say. Because what he really wanted to say would frighten you.

And don't forget what he did say made Proud Boys very proud

How come they see it Faun but Correll doesn't? It's because he's lying to us and Proud Boys is telling the truth.

And if they get it and we get it how come Correll pretends not to get it? What's he not clear on? Sure Trump said the right thing one day it's what he said the day before and after.
Correll's just a Trump sycophant. There's almost nothing Trump can say he won't defend. See my signature for further details.

You are a faggot. I have disagreed with what Trump has said, many times or what Trump has done many times. I have often discussed them on this site. But they get buried under the idiocy you people throw out there, like monkeys throwing shit.
Oh, well there you go then. It's up to you what a libertarian would do. Thanks for settling that, George. There'll be a little extra thank you pay in your Chinese disinformation paycheck. Shhh, the other Chinese disinformation officers will get jealous ...

It's not really necessary for you to sign your posts. The forum already knows who you are.

Another playground insult! It's the domain you live
Poor baby, do you ever stop crying?



Your post does not contradict my point.

You lied about what he said. You lied about what he meant.

I quoted him, kazzer.

No shit, angry little boy. But you said what he was talking about, which wasn't the purpose of the march and wasn't part of his quote. You lied about what he was referring to.

My God you're stupid. No wonder you're constantly just maxing out at playground insults and posting like an eight year old

It was a racist rally, ya kazzer. Who among those racists are "very fine people?"

You see everything as racist, it's because you are one

I note you don't want to answer that question... who among the Unite the Right is a very fine person?

Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

I directly answered that question. You are a liar, Trump never said that.

Why do you hate black people? So?

You're kazzing again.

I didn't ask you what Trump said. I asked you who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I'm asking you again... this makes 4 times I'm asking. Your reluctance to answer reveals you're full of shit.

Were these very fine people...?

Evasion. I asked you why you are a racist. Answer the question I asked
The answer to you're question is I'm not a racist.

5th time... who among the Unite the Right was a very fine person?

I find that hard to believe. Don't you support many racist policies?

You don't support discriminating if favor of traditionally disadvantaged minorities to make up for past injustices?
No, I don't. I believe it was necessary back in the day but I believe it's no longer necessary.
I disagree. Women and minorities still face discrimination and bias in the business world.
Discrimination cases can be handled by the courts.
Hard to prove. And by the way, this is another bias against women and blacks, and too often it's true. You can't fire them like you can a white dude. White dudes never sue. But women and blacks do and a lot of times they get settlements. Not because it's true but because the company doesn't want a bad rep or to go to court over it. So they pay. But that right there is a bias that us white men have against blacks and women.

I don't like it when they are discriminated against but I also don't like it that they can't be let go like us white guys are because the company is afraid of being sued.
That's a different subject. Now you're talking about protected classes. I have no problem with those.

But programs like affirmative action; I feel it's time to get rid of. Programs like that were absolutely necessary when they were implemented. After having a boot on the necks of blacks for hundreds of years, we could just lift that boot and expect them to compete. They were too far behind others financially and educationally. Programs like affirmative action were put in place to help level the playing field. But it's been more than half a century and I feel the playing field, while not entirely level, is level enough for them to compete now. It's time to end those programs. They would have to work harder than they do now but that would make them have to work as hard as everyone else to compete. It's not the 1960's anymore. They now have the tools, the education, and the finances to compete like everyone else.
Here is a great example of what I'm talking about. Does one person here agree with Monique?

Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.

How sad and troubling that you really believe that.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
He waited days to condemn the perpetrators of the violence. He just can't bring himself to say bad things about his supporters no matter how heinous they are. (Without intense public pressure)


I was not trying to trick you into that gotcha, You did that to yourself.

Days later, when he was more sure of the details, he got more specific.

The ws are a pathetic fringe in this society. Who have not had a voice in national politics since the early 60s.

Trump's supporters are working class and middle class whites, mostly. That you want to smear them as ws, is you being a racist asshole.
Man, you got it's kind of sickening to watch. We watched him do it again and again...

Also disgusting that you would downplay a serious threat to our national security.

Cool. You found people that agree with you.

What Trump really says about ws.

Trump: "Those people -- all of those people – excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis.

Trump: ...the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally.

Trump: ...rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them.
So it's the Proud Boys and neo-Confederates who are "very fine people."

Thanks for clearing that up.

You are stonewalling. You have been stone cold busted as a liar.

The election was not legitimate because of your lies. YOu stonewalling will not change that.
Nope, Trump never condemned them. That must be who he was talking about since there were no "very fine people" among the Unite the Right racists.

Trump was clear that he was referring to non ws who supported the historical statues.

Your belief that everyone that was there was a ws, is fine.

The bit were you LIE and say he said something he did not say, is you lying.

That you pretend to not understand this, is another lie.
I'm going by what he said and didn't say. He didn't condemn the Proud Boys or the neo-Confederates. He said there were "very fine people on both sides." Now we know who he was talking about on the right. Thanks again for clearing that up.
And you could tell he was being very careful what he said and didn't say. Because what he really wanted to say would frighten you.


So, which is it? DId he SAY it or did he "didn't say it", but you know he meant it?



That is not what he said.

You BELIEVE, that that is what he meant, But when you tell people that he said, what you THINK he meant, that is you LYING.
He said it, but then didn't say it soon enough. And he said something different the day before and after. Or he didn't say anything, which sometimes is saying something.

In the Greek community we have a saying. My silence is your answer
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
Well Trump did a lot of shady things to win and while he was president. So don't be surprised if we don't always go high when you go low.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
Just like Germans shouldn't praise the Nazi's southerners shouldn't celebrate their traitor ancestors even if they were Democrats.

Don't forget the south lost. We should celebrate how we kicked their asses and we should rub it in their faces with statues of Grant and Lincoln in their cities. Would they object? Why?
You assholes want to tear down those statues too.

I agree with the proposal to put them in museums. They are works of art

What other group is not allowed to publicly celebrate their heritage?

So no other racial or ethnic or regional groups who's right to celebrate their heritage is subject to veto by others, other than whites?

Based on race? That makes it racism and you a racist and a supporter of racism.
Nazi isn't a race, ya moron. :cuckoo:

Correct. Seawytch was dumb to post that as an answer.
Nope, you're the moron. Nazi's are a group. Her call was correct. You're the idiot who referenced them as a race.

I did not refer to them as a race. We were discussing a racial group, and I asked for other examples of racial groups, and the lib said, "nazis". not me.

My position is that his statement was senseless idiocy. I am ignoring it. Your desire to have me defend a statement that some dishonest lib said, is denied.
Of course you referred to nazis as a race. You really are that retarded.

Correll: Does that mean that you think that Southerns today do or do NOT have the right to celebrate their heritage?
sealybobo: Just like Germans shouldn't praise the Nazi's southerners shouldn't celebrate their traitor ancestors
Correll: What other group is not allowed to publicly celebrate their heritage?
Seawytch: Nazis
Correll: So no other racial or ethnic or regional groups who's right to celebrate their heritage is subject to veto by others, other than whites?
Faun: Nazi isn't a race, ya moron. :cuckoo:
[emphasis added to highlight your ignorance]

See that? You didn't ask for a "racial group." You just asked for a "group." And you were given one -- nazis. And no, "Southerns" is not a racial group either. And you claim that whites can't celebrate their heritage is utter bullshit. I'm white. My heritage is from the north. I can proudly celebrate it. Southerns can't. They fucking seceded from the United States and then fought against us. Even worse, they did so to sanctify slavery. Then they got their asses kicked. There is no pride in any of that.

I dismiss your pretense of being too retarded to understand that I was referring to southern whites as a regional subset of the racial groups whites.

You are retarded, YES, I'm npot calling you a liar.

BUT, you are not THAT retarded.

(I admit that I might be being dishonest here. You are really retarded.)

The Southern Whites rose up in rebellion and fought long and hard and bravely against great odds to protect their homeland from invasion.

There is plenty to be proud of there. That you cannot grant that to your enemies is you being intellectually immature.
Southern whites were traitors to their nation and they lost.

Correct. And afterwards, the nation as a whole chose a policy of reconciliation. Part of that was the acceptance of the South celebrating it's Southern and/or Confederate heritage as a harmless expression of regional pride as part of the larger national Identity.

Today, under the concept of multiculturalism, every culture is expected to live together in harmony, with each of us, retaining and celebrating our distinct differences while tolerating the celebrations and cultures of others.

EXCEPT, for whites. Sometimes, their celebrations are deemed BAD and they are NOT allowed to do it.
No, victim, not "whites". Traitors and perpetrators of mass genocide don't get to "celebrate their heritage" in public. What they do on the dark web in their racist fan fictions is up to them as long as it stays there and out of the public square. Put all those monuments to traitors in a museum like the holocaust museum and set it as an example of what NOT to do.

What about slavery? Is slavery a good enough reason to cancel someone or something?
:lol: No one and nothing is being "cancelled" . Where, except in deep dark places like the dark web where the racists play their cosplay, is slavery NOT condemed?

So, to be clear. SLAVERY is enough reason for something to be "condemned"?
To be clear, slavery is condemned. Yeah, the founding fathers were slave owners. That is not to be celebrated, but neither does it erase their contributions...more like balances it.

Interesting. I mention slavery, and you immediately go specifically to our Founding Fathers, with no mention of the many brown or black cultures or groups that have also practiced slavery.

YOu just demonstrated my point. That only whites' celebration are subject to veto from anyone with a whine, everyone else, is just allowed to celebrate as they see fit.

That is different rules based on race, and that makes you, for supporting it, a racist.
How many are revered by anyone? How many of these "black and brown" cultures have statues erected of them in public squares?

Racism and genocide aren't cultures.

How many are revered by anyone? Plenty.

Ancient Egypt, Ancient Africa, Ancient Latin American Empires, just about every racial or cultural group that celebrates any ancient history, is celebrating slavers.

"We wuz kings"? Those kings owned slaves.

And no one says boo about it, because people are given the right to celebrate their heritage and by the rules of multiculturalism, we are all supposed to tolerate it.

Except it seems, for whites. They sometimes, if someone wants to complain, they can be vetoed by others.

Because whites have different rules, less rights, based on their race.

It is called, racism.

Are you suffering?

Some. Thanks for asking. But I see this as connected to an overall anti-white racism, that needs to be fought against.

Why not jump on the bandwagon? Everyone is competing for victim status these days with Trumpies in the lead.

Are you suggesting that I exaggerate my personal suffering, or that doing so would give my arguments more moral power?

Are you implying that, in your mind, that is the way things are done?

I have never experienced discrimination or persecution and I lived in the Middle East for 2 decades.
Are you a Muslim?
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

Trump lost because of incompetence. If he hadn't been incompetent, he would have probably been re-elected.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

Trump lost because of incompetence. If he hadn't been incompetent, he would have probably been re-elected.
You're both right. We all know if no covid Trump probably would have won enough states where he would have had to steal one or two states but not 5.
Any day now. :itsok:
Any day now what? You'll finally get Trump for that russian collusion thingy?


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Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

Trump lost because of incompetence. If he hadn't been incompetent, he would have probably been re-elected.
Well yes, I meant his incompetence in response to COVID.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
He waited days to condemn the perpetrators of the violence. He just can't bring himself to say bad things about his supporters no matter how heinous they are. (Without intense public pressure)


I was not trying to trick you into that gotcha, You did that to yourself.

Days later, when he was more sure of the details, he got more specific.

The ws are a pathetic fringe in this society. Who have not had a voice in national politics since the early 60s.

Trump's supporters are working class and middle class whites, mostly. That you want to smear them as ws, is you being a racist asshole.
Man, you got it's kind of sickening to watch. We watched him do it again and again...

Also disgusting that you would downplay a serious threat to our national security.

Cool. You found people that agree with you.

What Trump really says about ws.

Trump: "Those people -- all of those people – excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis.

Trump: ...the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally.

Trump: ...rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them.
So it's the Proud Boys and neo-Confederates who are "very fine people."

Thanks for clearing that up.

You are stonewalling. You have been stone cold busted as a liar.

The election was not legitimate because of your lies. YOu stonewalling will not change that.
Nope, Trump never condemned them. That must be who he was talking about since there were no "very fine people" among the Unite the Right racists.

Trump was clear that he was referring to non ws who supported the historical statues.

Your belief that everyone that was there was a ws, is fine.

The bit were you LIE and say he said something he did not say, is you lying.

That you pretend to not understand this, is another lie.
I'm going by what he said and didn't say. He didn't condemn the Proud Boys or the neo-Confederates. He said there were "very fine people on both sides." Now we know who he was talking about on the right. Thanks again for clearing that up.
And you could tell he was being very careful what he said and didn't say. Because what he really wanted to say would frighten you.

And don't forget what he did say made Proud Boys very proud

How come they see it Faun but Correll doesn't? It's because he's lying to us and Proud Boys is telling the truth.

And if they get it and we get it how come Correll pretends not to get it? What's he not clear on? Sure Trump said the right thing one day it's what he said the day before and after.
Correll's just a Trump sycophant. There's almost nothing Trump can say he won't defend. See my signature for further details.

You are a faggot. I have disagreed with what Trump has said, many times or what Trump has done many times. I have often discussed them on this site. But they get buried under the idiocy you people throw out there, like monkeys throwing shit.

Want to see Republicans be hypocrites? Ask them if they want to make Juneteenth a holiday. It should be.

Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. On June 19, 1865, a Union General rode into Galveston, Texas to announce that the Civil War had ended, and slaves had been freed.

Do a search for how Republicans feel about celebrating this holiday. They're against it. But they want to celebrate Robert E Lee? Seems like they didn't learn their lesson all these years later. Makes me think Republicans would still own blacks if they could. Slave owners didn't all stay down south. Some migrated north after the free ride was over on the backs of slaves. They had to fend for themselves. Today you can see their kin at Trump rallies all over the country.

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