The Big Lie

Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
Well you think the election was stolen so we aren't taking you at all seriously anymore. Anyone who thinks the election was rigged is an idiot.
Yeah, but you got to give him mad props for his unique explanation as to how it was “stolen”. :lol: Using his logic, Hillary Clinton had the election stolen from her in 2016 because of the outrageous lies Trump told about her her.
And didn't Trump steal the GOP nominee from Ted Cruz when he accused Ted's father of being involved in the Kennedy assassination?

Trump tried to steal the election from Biden too by trying to get Ukraine to lie about Biden. Don't think he did that? There's even tape of Rudy calling Ukraine and pressuring them days before Trump made that "perfect" call.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
Well you think the election was stolen so we aren't taking you at all seriously anymore. Anyone who thinks the election was rigged is an idiot.
Yeah, but you got to give him mad props for his unique explanation as to how it was “stolen”. :lol: Using his logic, Hillary Clinton had the election stolen from her in 2016 because of the outrageous lies Trump told about her her.
And didn't Trump steal the GOP nominee from Ted Cruz when he accused Ted's father of being involved in the Kennedy assassination?

“Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it,” Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted. “That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!”

Same dipshit, same batshit, different election. 'They stole it!!' is Trump's go to for any election he loses. Does this ring any bells?

“Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified,” Trump wrote.

Dipshits are gonna dip, I guess.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
Well you think the election was stolen so we aren't taking you at all seriously anymore. Anyone who thinks the election was rigged is an idiot.
Yeah, but you got to give him mad props for his unique explanation as to how it was “stolen”. :lol: Using his logic, Hillary Clinton had the election stolen from her in 2016 because of the outrageous lies Trump told about her her.
And didn't Trump steal the GOP nominee from Ted Cruz when he accused Ted's father of being involved in the Kennedy assassination?

“Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it,” Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted. “That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!”

Same dipshit, same batshit, different election. 'They stole it!!' is Trump's go to for any election he loses. Does this ring any bells?

“Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified,” Trump wrote.

Dipshits are gonna dip, I guess.
Yeah, but we have a whole new dipshit, Correll , claiming Trump lost because the “MSM” lied about Donald Trump and what he said in Charlottesville. That would mean Trump stole the primary from Cruz because he lied about Cruz’s father and it would mean that he stole the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton because he lied about her constantly.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
:lol: I absolutely adore how reporting exactly what Trump said is “lying” about him. :lol: Would you like more links about Trump’s tacit approval of racists? Okay!

The president was silent when journalists asked whether he rejected the support of nationalist groups.

That silence was cheered by the white supremacist website Daily Stormer: “When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.”

What does it tell you when the racists believe he supports them?
You are perpetuating a lie. Go get yourself a treat, and get off the internet. Thanks.
Nope, just reporting on what the former President said and did. Whether or not Trump actually is racist we may never know. There is plenty of evidence to support the theory that he is, but the racists believe he is. What does that say?

You will never "know" because you can interpret "not them" as "them", in your search for "evidence" to support your self serving conclusions.
Oh, I think we could know. Like if the Apprentice tapes get released. :lol:

It is a fact that the racists believe that Trump is one of them. What does that tell you?

No, you are too warped to tell the difference between, "not them" and "them". THe problem is not Trump but your fucked up thinking.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
Well you think the election was stolen so we aren't taking you at all seriously anymore. Anyone who thinks the election was rigged is an idiot.
Yeah, but you got to give him mad props for his unique explanation as to how it was “stolen”. :lol: Using his logic, Hillary Clinton had the election stolen from her in 2016 because of the outrageous lies Trump told about her her.
And didn't Trump steal the GOP nominee from Ted Cruz when he accused Ted's father of being involved in the Kennedy assassination?

“Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it,” Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted. “That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!”

Same dipshit, same batshit, different election. 'They stole it!!' is Trump's go to for any election he loses. Does this ring any bells?

“Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified,” Trump wrote.

Dipshits are gonna dip, I guess.
Yeah, but we have a whole new dipshit, Correll , claiming Trump lost because the “MSM” lied about Donald Trump and what he said in Charlottesville. That would mean Trump stole the primary from Cruz because he lied about Cruz’s father and it would mean that he stole the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton because he lied about her constantly.

Its the exact same reasoning from Trump: any election he loses, be it a caucus or a national stolen and must be nullified.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
:lol: I absolutely adore how reporting exactly what Trump said is “lying” about him. :lol: Would you like more links about Trump’s tacit approval of racists? Okay!

The president was silent when journalists asked whether he rejected the support of nationalist groups.

That silence was cheered by the white supremacist website Daily Stormer: “When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.”

What does it tell you when the racists believe he supports them?
You are perpetuating a lie. Go get yourself a treat, and get off the internet. Thanks.
Nope, just reporting on what the former President said and did. Whether or not Trump actually is racist we may never know. There is plenty of evidence to support the theory that he is, but the racists believe he is. What does that say?

You will never "know" because you can interpret "not them" as "them", in your search for "evidence" to support your self serving conclusions.
Oh, I think we could know. Like if the Apprentice tapes get released. :lol:

It is a fact that the racists believe that Trump is one of them. What does that tell you?
If there was anything on those tapes it would have been released before the election. And where are these racists at? Chicago, where the Black mayor refuses to talk to white reporters?
Oh, there is something on those tapes. Why else would he fight so hard to keep them secret? :lol:

At a guess, because he knows that dishonest assholes of the type that see "not w.s." as, "w.s.", will be going deep diving in them "looking" for shit to throw at the wall.

And by "looking" I mean, lying their leftard asses off about.
The Proud Boys weren't there.
Sell stupid elsewhere.


The Proud Boys were instructed by their leadership to NOT attend. Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys for being racist.

What part of this are you not getting?

Yes. ws would love to co-opt other groups because they are a fringe movement with no relevance of their own.

Why are you trying to help them?
And yet, they were still there. The Proud Boys don't get a pass just because they ignored their leader.

SUre they do. The few isolated individuals that disobeyed their leader, did not represent the group.

That you can't admit that, or anything, is because your entire position here, is bullshit build on top of lies.

You admit one gleam of truth, and you fear it will all come crashing down.
So Trump supporters get a pass for storming the Capitol if Trump opposed them doing so?

Trump supporters as a group do. THe individuals who did it themselves, are responsible for their actions.

Other people, who had nothing to do with it, either individually or as a group, are not responsible.

NOt sure what part of this, is hard for you to understand.
Great, then you admit the Proud Boys who attended the rally are responsible for their actions -- and Trump says they're"very fine people."

Why are you so focused on pretending that Proud Boys were a part of the event?
Because they were.

The Proud Boys weren't there.
Sell stupid elsewhere.


The Proud Boys were instructed by their leadership to NOT attend. Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys for being racist.

What part of this are you not getting?

Yes. ws would love to co-opt other groups because they are a fringe movement with no relevance of their own.

Why are you trying to help them?
And yet, they were still there. The Proud Boys don't get a pass just because they ignored their leader.

SUre they do. The few isolated individuals that disobeyed their leader, did not represent the group.

That you can't admit that, or anything, is because your entire position here, is bullshit build on top of lies.

You admit one gleam of truth, and you fear it will all come crashing down.
So Trump supporters get a pass for storming the Capitol if Trump opposed them doing so?

Trump supporters as a group do. THe individuals who did it themselves, are responsible for their actions.

Other people, who had nothing to do with it, either individually or as a group, are not responsible.

NOt sure what part of this, is hard for you to understand.
Great, then you admit the Proud Boys who attended the rally are responsible for their actions -- and Trump says they're"very fine people."

Why are you so focused on pretending that Proud Boys were a part of the event?
Because they were.


^^^ Dumbfuck is now denying photographic evidence.


A photo of a guy that was kicked out of the Proud Boys, for being racist, attending a ws event, that the Proud Boys were told to NOT attend, is not evidence that the "Proud Boys" attended.

You are a lying whore.
Dumbfuck, he wasn't alone....


The Proud Boys number, at least in the thousands. YOu show me ONE guy, who was kicked out, in a room with with like maybe 8 other guys, and what? I supposed to believe that they are all Proud BOys, and that they define the group, not the leadership or the thousands of other members, because, it is useful to you to pretend that?

And let's not forget, you are one of the people that can read, "not them" and believe you read "them", so your opinion is worthless garbage.

You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

Like it or not ... accept it or not ... there were Proud Boys there.

Even funnier, I notice for the last page or so, you've started a new thing about how Trump said, "not them," and how we don't know the difference between "not them" and "them."

Sooooo.... I scanned all three transcripts from Trump's press conferences; and whatdya know?? The words, "not them" cannot be found in any of them. You lied. You fucking made that up falsely claiming Trump said, "not them." He never did. YOU did. Why? Because even you know you're a fucking retard who lost this argument from the moment you first diverted the thread with it.


Right. Proud Boys, because they were flashing the ok symbol, which you believe to be a ws symbol.

View attachment 501815
You didn't read the article, did ya, dumbfuck?

Words from someone like you, that can read "not them" and think they read, "them"?

Why would I do that?
Because you're not just a retard, you're a liar too. You claim he said, "not them." I checked the transcripts -- he never said that. YOU said that and falsely attributed to him.

Just like your lie that Trump gained twice as much support from black males that was easy to disassemble, so was this.


You retard.

"I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally."

Lying dumbfuck, "not them" is not found in there. You lied. You said that, Trump didn't.

And I have many times agreed he condemned some of the racists. But he didn't condemn them all. He didn't condemn the Proud Boys or the Neo-Confederates. That must be who he thinks are "very fine people." What a sick fuck he is.

He condemned them as a category. Your denials are of a type of lie, crafted by retards designed to only be believed by fellow retards who don't mind lying to themselves.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
:lol: I absolutely adore how reporting exactly what Trump said is “lying” about him. :lol: Would you like more links about Trump’s tacit approval of racists? Okay!

The president was silent when journalists asked whether he rejected the support of nationalist groups.

That silence was cheered by the white supremacist website Daily Stormer: “When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.”

What does it tell you when the racists believe he supports them?
You are perpetuating a lie. Go get yourself a treat, and get off the internet. Thanks.
Nope, just reporting on what the former President said and did. Whether or not Trump actually is racist we may never know. There is plenty of evidence to support the theory that he is, but the racists believe he is. What does that say?

You will never "know" because you can interpret "not them" as "them", in your search for "evidence" to support your self serving conclusions.
Oh, I think we could know. Like if the Apprentice tapes get released. :lol:

It is a fact that the racists believe that Trump is one of them. What does that tell you?

No, you are too warped to tell the difference between, "not them" and "them". THe problem is not Trump but your fucked up thinking.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
He waited days to condemn the perpetrators of the violence. He just can't bring himself to say bad things about his supporters no matter how heinous they are. (Without intense public pressure)


I was not trying to trick you into that gotcha, You did that to yourself.

Days later, when he was more sure of the details, he got more specific.

The ws are a pathetic fringe in this society. Who have not had a voice in national politics since the early 60s.

Trump's supporters are working class and middle class whites, mostly. That you want to smear them as ws, is you being a racist asshole.
Man, you got it's kind of sickening to watch. We watched him do it again and again...

Also disgusting that you would downplay a serious threat to our national security.

Cool. You found people that agree with you.

What Trump really says about ws.

Trump: "Those people -- all of those people – excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis.

Trump: ...the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally.

Trump: ...rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them.
So it's the Proud Boys and neo-Confederates who are "very fine people."

Thanks for clearing that up.

You are stonewalling. You have been stone cold busted as a liar.

The election was not legitimate because of your lies. YOu stonewalling will not change that.
Nope, Trump never condemned them. That must be who he was talking about since there were no "very fine people" among the Unite the Right racists.

Trump was clear that he was referring to non ws who supported the historical statues.

Your belief that everyone that was there was a ws, is fine.

The bit were you LIE and say he said something he did not say, is you lying.

That you pretend to not understand this, is another lie.
I'm going by what he said and didn't say. He didn't condemn the Proud Boys or the neo-Confederates. He said there were "very fine people on both sides." Now we know who he was talking about on the right. Thanks again for clearing that up.
And you could tell he was being very careful what he said and didn't say. Because what he really wanted to say would frighten you.


So, which is it? DId he SAY it or did he "didn't say it", but you know he meant it?



That is not what he said.

You BELIEVE, that that is what he meant, But when you tell people that he said, what you THINK he meant, that is you LYING.
He said it, but then didn't say it soon enough. And he said something different the day before and after. Or he didn't say anything, which sometimes is saying something.

In the Greek community we have a saying. My silence is your answer

But that is not what you people have said, nor is it your standard position on this issue.

Your position is a lie, ie that he said something he did not say.

That you look at what he said, and deep down, you just "know" that he meant something else, does not give you the right to tell other people that he actually said what you THINK he meant.

AND, it is worth remembering that you are an extremely partisan and ideological lefty, who is probably not a fair judge of what your enemies are thinking.
It's not a lie, dumbfuck. There were 2 sides. One side was a bunch of racists who went to rally in an attempt to unite various factions of racists. Trump said some of them were "very fine people."

Trump: Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee."

Reporter: "Should that statue be taken down?"

Trump: "Excuse me. If you take a look at some of the groups, and you see -- and you’d know it if you were honest reporters, which in many cases you’re not -- but many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.
I don't know how many times we need to go over this ... but ... he didn't condemn the Proud Boys and he didn't condemn the neo-Confederates. So now we know who he thinks are "very fine people."

The Proud Boys weren't even there, and he was clear about condemning ws.

White Supremacist is not a group, it is a category of groups and people. That you focus on him not individually naming one small group of them,

is you grasping at straws.

It is pathetic and weak. Be a man. Admit that you have been stone cold busted as lying.
Members of the Proud Boys organization were there. Are you saying that the group is not responsible for the actions of individual members within that group? Do you apply the same standard to BLM?

Very few members, against the express direction of the group's leadership.

Your need to pretend that your enemies are w.s. if you being afraid of Truth.
Funny how you just blew right past the BLM reference. BLM has also condemned violence and the rioters at their protests and yet you want to associate those rioters to BLM.

I've found that liberals are very dishonest and if presented with multiple points, will ignore teh one that hurts them them most and respond to other points.

I've discussed blm at great length on this site. It is retarded to pretend that I am afraid to address ANYTHING about them.
Oh look, another dodge. Are the people that riot and do violence part of BLM despite BLM condemning the violence and rioting and telling people to protest peacefully, yes or no?

As I have stated before, imo, blm has a long record of calling for "protests" that "just happen" to turn violent.

So, yes, BLM is responsible for the violence in their name, for a number of reasons, that do NOT apply to the Proud Boys in this example.
You act like I couldn’t have guessed your answer. I knew you would be a raging fucking hypocrite. You really didn’t have to prove it.

Probably because it is obvious. You don't believe BLM either. And you know that the Proud Boys did order their members to not attend and they did kick out the one guy that did.

So, yeah, it would be easy to guess my answer.
Nope. Easy to guess you’d be a raging hypocrite.

Two different groups. One is credible, the other is not. That is not me being hypocritical.

That you don't understand that, is you playing stupid troll games.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
:lol: I absolutely adore how reporting exactly what Trump said is “lying” about him. :lol: Would you like more links about Trump’s tacit approval of racists? Okay!

The president was silent when journalists asked whether he rejected the support of nationalist groups.

That silence was cheered by the white supremacist website Daily Stormer: “When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.”

What does it tell you when the racists believe he supports them?
You are perpetuating a lie. Go get yourself a treat, and get off the internet. Thanks.
Nope, just reporting on what the former President said and did. Whether or not Trump actually is racist we may never know. There is plenty of evidence to support the theory that he is, but the racists believe he is. What does that say?

You will never "know" because you can interpret "not them" as "them", in your search for "evidence" to support your self serving conclusions.
Oh, I think we could know. Like if the Apprentice tapes get released. :lol:

It is a fact that the racists believe that Trump is one of them. What does that tell you?

No, you are too warped to tell the difference between, "not them" and "them". THe problem is not Trump but your fucked up thinking.
The racists believe Trump is on their side. Why?

You trust what w.s. say? Like when they claim to be endorsing various dems, as they sometimes do?
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
:lol: I absolutely adore how reporting exactly what Trump said is “lying” about him. :lol: Would you like more links about Trump’s tacit approval of racists? Okay!

The president was silent when journalists asked whether he rejected the support of nationalist groups.

That silence was cheered by the white supremacist website Daily Stormer: “When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.”

What does it tell you when the racists believe he supports them?
You are perpetuating a lie. Go get yourself a treat, and get off the internet. Thanks.
Nope, just reporting on what the former President said and did. Whether or not Trump actually is racist we may never know. There is plenty of evidence to support the theory that he is, but the racists believe he is. What does that say?

You will never "know" because you can interpret "not them" as "them", in your search for "evidence" to support your self serving conclusions.
Oh, I think we could know. Like if the Apprentice tapes get released. :lol:

It is a fact that the racists believe that Trump is one of them. What does that tell you?

No, you are too warped to tell the difference between, "not them" and "them". THe problem is not Trump but your fucked up thinking.
The racists believe Trump is on their side. Why?
Where are the racists hiding at? Do you see racists in your daily life or do you just hear about them 24/7 from a media intent on destroying this country? Wise up, this is not a racist country.

In the mouth of a leftard, it is a meaningless word. Anyone, well, any white person that... they have a reason to smear as wacist, is, in their mind, wacist.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
He waited days to condemn the perpetrators of the violence. He just can't bring himself to say bad things about his supporters no matter how heinous they are. (Without intense public pressure)


I was not trying to trick you into that gotcha, You did that to yourself.

Days later, when he was more sure of the details, he got more specific.

The ws are a pathetic fringe in this society. Who have not had a voice in national politics since the early 60s.

Trump's supporters are working class and middle class whites, mostly. That you want to smear them as ws, is you being a racist asshole.
Man, you got it's kind of sickening to watch. We watched him do it again and again...

Also disgusting that you would downplay a serious threat to our national security.

Cool. You found people that agree with you.

What Trump really says about ws.

Trump: "Those people -- all of those people – excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis.

Trump: ...the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally.

Trump: ...rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them.
So it's the Proud Boys and neo-Confederates who are "very fine people."

Thanks for clearing that up.

You are stonewalling. You have been stone cold busted as a liar.

The election was not legitimate because of your lies. YOu stonewalling will not change that.
Nope, Trump never condemned them. That must be who he was talking about since there were no "very fine people" among the Unite the Right racists.

Trump was clear that he was referring to non ws who supported the historical statues.

Your belief that everyone that was there was a ws, is fine.

The bit were you LIE and say he said something he did not say, is you lying.

That you pretend to not understand this, is another lie.
I'm going by what he said and didn't say. He didn't condemn the Proud Boys or the neo-Confederates. He said there were "very fine people on both sides." Now we know who he was talking about on the right. Thanks again for clearing that up.
And you could tell he was being very careful what he said and didn't say. Because what he really wanted to say would frighten you.


So, which is it? DId he SAY it or did he "didn't say it", but you know he meant it?



That is not what he said.

You BELIEVE, that that is what he meant, But when you tell people that he said, what you THINK he meant, that is you LYING.
He said it, but then didn't say it soon enough. And he said something different the day before and after. Or he didn't say anything, which sometimes is saying something.

In the Greek community we have a saying. My silence is your answer

But that is not what you people have said, nor is it your standard position on this issue.

Your position is a lie, ie that he said something he did not say.

That you look at what he said, and deep down, you just "know" that he meant something else, does not give you the right to tell other people that he actually said what you THINK he meant.

AND, it is worth remembering that you are an extremely partisan and ideological lefty, who is probably not a fair judge of what your enemies are thinking.
It's not a lie, dumbfuck. There were 2 sides. One side was a bunch of racists who went to rally in an attempt to unite various factions of racists. Trump said some of them were "very fine people."

Trump: Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee."

Reporter: "Should that statue be taken down?"

Trump: "Excuse me. If you take a look at some of the groups, and you see -- and you’d know it if you were honest reporters, which in many cases you’re not -- but many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.
I don't know how many times we need to go over this ... but ... he didn't condemn the Proud Boys and he didn't condemn the neo-Confederates. So now we know who he thinks are "very fine people."

The Proud Boys weren't even there, and he was clear about condemning ws.

White Supremacist is not a group, it is a category of groups and people. That you focus on him not individually naming one small group of them,

is you grasping at straws.

It is pathetic and weak. Be a man. Admit that you have been stone cold busted as lying.
Members of the Proud Boys organization were there. Are you saying that the group is not responsible for the actions of individual members within that group? Do you apply the same standard to BLM?

Very few members, against the express direction of the group's leadership.

Your need to pretend that your enemies are w.s. if you being afraid of Truth.
Funny how you just blew right past the BLM reference. BLM has also condemned violence and the rioters at their protests and yet you want to associate those rioters to BLM.

I've found that liberals are very dishonest and if presented with multiple points, will ignore teh one that hurts them them most and respond to other points.

I've discussed blm at great length on this site. It is retarded to pretend that I am afraid to address ANYTHING about them.
Oh look, another dodge. Are the people that riot and do violence part of BLM despite BLM condemning the violence and rioting and telling people to protest peacefully, yes or no?

As I have stated before, imo, blm has a long record of calling for "protests" that "just happen" to turn violent.

So, yes, BLM is responsible for the violence in their name, for a number of reasons, that do NOT apply to the Proud Boys in this example.
You act like I couldn’t have guessed your answer. I knew you would be a raging fucking hypocrite. You really didn’t have to prove it.

Probably because it is obvious. You don't believe BLM either. And you know that the Proud Boys did order their members to not attend and they did kick out the one guy that did.

So, yeah, it would be easy to guess my answer.
You're lying again, lying dumbfuck. There were more Proud Boys there besides Kessler. Kessler was thrown out because he organized the event. But He didn't go alone.


Are you trying to imply that all those people in that room, are all Proud Boys? Or are you just talking shit?

Cause, I didn't claim he was by himself at that rally. You say the stupidest shit.

And by "you" I mean "you libtards".

The Proud Boys were not, as an organization, part of the Charlottesville riot. Their leadership realized that it was being organized by w.s., and did not want to be part of it, and ordered their members to stay away.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
:lol: I absolutely adore how reporting exactly what Trump said is “lying” about him. :lol: Would you like more links about Trump’s tacit approval of racists? Okay!

The president was silent when journalists asked whether he rejected the support of nationalist groups.

That silence was cheered by the white supremacist website Daily Stormer: “When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.”

What does it tell you when the racists believe he supports them?
You are perpetuating a lie. Go get yourself a treat, and get off the internet. Thanks.
Nope, just reporting on what the former President said and did. Whether or not Trump actually is racist we may never know. There is plenty of evidence to support the theory that he is, but the racists believe he is. What does that say?

You will never "know" because you can interpret "not them" as "them", in your search for "evidence" to support your self serving conclusions.
Oh, I think we could know. Like if the Apprentice tapes get released. :lol:

It is a fact that the racists believe that Trump is one of them. What does that tell you?

No, you are too warped to tell the difference between, "not them" and "them". THe problem is not Trump but your fucked up thinking.
You're lying again, lying dumbfuck. Trump never said, "not them."

"and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally."

You, are retarded.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
:lol: I absolutely adore how reporting exactly what Trump said is “lying” about him. :lol: Would you like more links about Trump’s tacit approval of racists? Okay!

The president was silent when journalists asked whether he rejected the support of nationalist groups.

That silence was cheered by the white supremacist website Daily Stormer: “When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.”

What does it tell you when the racists believe he supports them?
You are perpetuating a lie. Go get yourself a treat, and get off the internet. Thanks.
Nope, just reporting on what the former President said and did. Whether or not Trump actually is racist we may never know. There is plenty of evidence to support the theory that he is, but the racists believe he is. What does that say?

You will never "know" because you can interpret "not them" as "them", in your search for "evidence" to support your self serving conclusions.
Oh, I think we could know. Like if the Apprentice tapes get released. :lol:

It is a fact that the racists believe that Trump is one of them. What does that tell you?
If there was anything on those tapes it would have been released before the election. And where are these racists at? Chicago, where the Black mayor refuses to talk to white reporters?
Oh, there is something on those tapes. Why else would he fight so hard to keep them secret? :lol:

At a guess, because he knows that dishonest assholes of the type that see "not w.s." as, "w.s.", will be going deep diving in them "looking" for shit to throw at the wall.

And by "looking" I mean, lying their leftard asses off about.

Or maybe we just don't consider watching youtube videos with our mouth open to be 'research'.

I'll stick with every official count, recount, hand count, forensic audit, official tally, certified result, and the actual electoral results, thank you.

As would any rational person.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
He waited days to condemn the perpetrators of the violence. He just can't bring himself to say bad things about his supporters no matter how heinous they are. (Without intense public pressure)


I was not trying to trick you into that gotcha, You did that to yourself.

Days later, when he was more sure of the details, he got more specific.

The ws are a pathetic fringe in this society. Who have not had a voice in national politics since the early 60s.

Trump's supporters are working class and middle class whites, mostly. That you want to smear them as ws, is you being a racist asshole.
Man, you got it's kind of sickening to watch. We watched him do it again and again...

Also disgusting that you would downplay a serious threat to our national security.

Cool. You found people that agree with you.

What Trump really says about ws.

Trump: "Those people -- all of those people – excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis.

Trump: ...the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally.

Trump: ...rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them.
So it's the Proud Boys and neo-Confederates who are "very fine people."

Thanks for clearing that up.

You are stonewalling. You have been stone cold busted as a liar.

The election was not legitimate because of your lies. YOu stonewalling will not change that.
Nope, Trump never condemned them. That must be who he was talking about since there were no "very fine people" among the Unite the Right racists.

Trump was clear that he was referring to non ws who supported the historical statues.

Your belief that everyone that was there was a ws, is fine.

The bit were you LIE and say he said something he did not say, is you lying.

That you pretend to not understand this, is another lie.
I'm going by what he said and didn't say. He didn't condemn the Proud Boys or the neo-Confederates. He said there were "very fine people on both sides." Now we know who he was talking about on the right. Thanks again for clearing that up.
And you could tell he was being very careful what he said and didn't say. Because what he really wanted to say would frighten you.


So, which is it? DId he SAY it or did he "didn't say it", but you know he meant it?



That is not what he said.

You BELIEVE, that that is what he meant, But when you tell people that he said, what you THINK he meant, that is you LYING.
He said it, but then didn't say it soon enough. And he said something different the day before and after. Or he didn't say anything, which sometimes is saying something.

In the Greek community we have a saying. My silence is your answer

But that is not what you people have said, nor is it your standard position on this issue.

Your position is a lie, ie that he said something he did not say.

That you look at what he said, and deep down, you just "know" that he meant something else, does not give you the right to tell other people that he actually said what you THINK he meant.

AND, it is worth remembering that you are an extremely partisan and ideological lefty, who is probably not a fair judge of what your enemies are thinking.
It's not a lie, dumbfuck. There were 2 sides. One side was a bunch of racists who went to rally in an attempt to unite various factions of racists. Trump said some of them were "very fine people."

Trump: Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee."

Reporter: "Should that statue be taken down?"

Trump: "Excuse me. If you take a look at some of the groups, and you see -- and you’d know it if you were honest reporters, which in many cases you’re not -- but many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.
I don't know how many times we need to go over this ... but ... he didn't condemn the Proud Boys and he didn't condemn the neo-Confederates. So now we know who he thinks are "very fine people."

The Proud Boys weren't even there, and he was clear about condemning ws.

White Supremacist is not a group, it is a category of groups and people. That you focus on him not individually naming one small group of them,

is you grasping at straws.

It is pathetic and weak. Be a man. Admit that you have been stone cold busted as lying.
Members of the Proud Boys organization were there. Are you saying that the group is not responsible for the actions of individual members within that group? Do you apply the same standard to BLM?

Very few members, against the express direction of the group's leadership.

Your need to pretend that your enemies are w.s. if you being afraid of Truth.
Funny how you just blew right past the BLM reference. BLM has also condemned violence and the rioters at their protests and yet you want to associate those rioters to BLM.

I've found that liberals are very dishonest and if presented with multiple points, will ignore teh one that hurts them them most and respond to other points.

I've discussed blm at great length on this site. It is retarded to pretend that I am afraid to address ANYTHING about them.
Oh look, another dodge. Are the people that riot and do violence part of BLM despite BLM condemning the violence and rioting and telling people to protest peacefully, yes or no?

As I have stated before, imo, blm has a long record of calling for "protests" that "just happen" to turn violent.

So, yes, BLM is responsible for the violence in their name, for a number of reasons, that do NOT apply to the Proud Boys in this example.
You act like I couldn’t have guessed your answer. I knew you would be a raging fucking hypocrite. You really didn’t have to prove it.

Probably because it is obvious. You don't believe BLM either. And you know that the Proud Boys did order their members to not attend and they did kick out the one guy that did.

So, yeah, it would be easy to guess my answer.
You're lying again, lying dumbfuck. There were more Proud Boys there besides Kessler. Kessler was thrown out because he organized the event. But He didn't go alone.

Proud Boys descended into dysfunction after US Capitol riot, new messages show
Proud Boys descended into dysfunction after US Capitol riot, new messages show

The discussion, right now, is focused on the Charlottesville Riot, which the Proud Boys were not part of, and has nothing to do with.

That you bring up another incident, more than three years later, makes no sense.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
Well you think the election was stolen so we aren't taking you at all seriously anymore. Anyone who thinks the election was rigged is an idiot.

Said the man that doesn't know what "not" means.
The Proud Boys weren't there.
Sell stupid elsewhere.


The Proud Boys were instructed by their leadership to NOT attend. Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys for being racist.

What part of this are you not getting?

Yes. ws would love to co-opt other groups because they are a fringe movement with no relevance of their own.

Why are you trying to help them?
And yet, they were still there. The Proud Boys don't get a pass just because they ignored their leader.

SUre they do. The few isolated individuals that disobeyed their leader, did not represent the group.

That you can't admit that, or anything, is because your entire position here, is bullshit build on top of lies.

You admit one gleam of truth, and you fear it will all come crashing down.
So Trump supporters get a pass for storming the Capitol if Trump opposed them doing so?

Trump supporters as a group do. THe individuals who did it themselves, are responsible for their actions.

Other people, who had nothing to do with it, either individually or as a group, are not responsible.

NOt sure what part of this, is hard for you to understand.
Great, then you admit the Proud Boys who attended the rally are responsible for their actions -- and Trump says they're"very fine people."

Why are you so focused on pretending that Proud Boys were a part of the event?
Because they were.

The Proud Boys weren't there.
Sell stupid elsewhere.


The Proud Boys were instructed by their leadership to NOT attend. Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys for being racist.

What part of this are you not getting?

Yes. ws would love to co-opt other groups because they are a fringe movement with no relevance of their own.

Why are you trying to help them?
And yet, they were still there. The Proud Boys don't get a pass just because they ignored their leader.

SUre they do. The few isolated individuals that disobeyed their leader, did not represent the group.

That you can't admit that, or anything, is because your entire position here, is bullshit build on top of lies.

You admit one gleam of truth, and you fear it will all come crashing down.
So Trump supporters get a pass for storming the Capitol if Trump opposed them doing so?

Trump supporters as a group do. THe individuals who did it themselves, are responsible for their actions.

Other people, who had nothing to do with it, either individually or as a group, are not responsible.

NOt sure what part of this, is hard for you to understand.
Great, then you admit the Proud Boys who attended the rally are responsible for their actions -- and Trump says they're"very fine people."

Why are you so focused on pretending that Proud Boys were a part of the event?
Because they were.


^^^ Dumbfuck is now denying photographic evidence.


A photo of a guy that was kicked out of the Proud Boys, for being racist, attending a ws event, that the Proud Boys were told to NOT attend, is not evidence that the "Proud Boys" attended.

You are a lying whore.
Dumbfuck, he wasn't alone....


The Proud Boys number, at least in the thousands. YOu show me ONE guy, who was kicked out, in a room with with like maybe 8 other guys, and what? I supposed to believe that they are all Proud BOys, and that they define the group, not the leadership or the thousands of other members, because, it is useful to you to pretend that?

And let's not forget, you are one of the people that can read, "not them" and believe you read "them", so your opinion is worthless garbage.

You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

Like it or not ... accept it or not ... there were Proud Boys there.

Even funnier, I notice for the last page or so, you've started a new thing about how Trump said, "not them," and how we don't know the difference between "not them" and "them."

Sooooo.... I scanned all three transcripts from Trump's press conferences; and whatdya know?? The words, "not them" cannot be found in any of them. You lied. You fucking made that up falsely claiming Trump said, "not them." He never did. YOU did. Why? Because even you know you're a fucking retard who lost this argument from the moment you first diverted the thread with it.


Right. Proud Boys, because they were flashing the ok symbol, which you believe to be a ws symbol.

View attachment 501815
You didn't read the article, did ya, dumbfuck?

Words from someone like you, that can read "not them" and think they read, "them"?

Why would I do that?
Because you're not just a retard, you're a liar too. You claim he said, "not them." I checked the transcripts -- he never said that. YOU said that and falsely attributed to him.

Just like your lie that Trump gained twice as much support from black males that was easy to disassemble, so was this.


You retard.

"I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally."
Do you agree there were a lot of very fine people at the Black Lives Matter protests last summer? Most of them were just there innocently and peacefully protesting in hopes of eradicating white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.

I am open to the possibility that some of them might be, "very fine people", but more importantly in the context of this discussion,

it is not whether or not I believe it to be true, but whether or not I can understand that TRUMP said it, regardless of whether or not I agree with him.

See, even if I disagreed with him, that would not change whether or not he said it. And I would not then claim that he did NOT say it, just because I did not agree with him.

That you don't understand this, is literally insane of you. ALL OF YOU.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
Well you think the election was stolen so we aren't taking you at all seriously anymore. Anyone who thinks the election was rigged is an idiot.
Yeah, but you got to give him mad props for his unique explanation as to how it was “stolen”. :lol: Using his logic, Hillary Clinton had the election stolen from her in 2016 because of the outrageous lies Trump told about her her.
And didn't Trump steal the GOP nominee from Ted Cruz when he accused Ted's father of being involved in the Kennedy assassination?

“Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it,” Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted. “That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad!”

Same dipshit, same batshit, different election. 'They stole it!!' is Trump's go to for any election he loses. Does this ring any bells?

“Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified,” Trump wrote.

Dipshits are gonna dip, I guess.
Yeah, but we have a whole new dipshit, Correll , claiming Trump lost because the “MSM” lied about Donald Trump and what he said in Charlottesville. That would mean Trump stole the primary from Cruz because he lied about Cruz’s father and it would mean that he stole the 2016 election from Hillary Clinton because he lied about her constantly.

Re:The OP, to make a BIG LIE stick, you need to control the means of information. Trump does not. He can talk some shit, that don't mean nothing.

YOU PEOPLE, can make it stick, even when it is the most absurd shit, like pretending that "not w.s." means, "w.s.".
The Proud Boys weren't there.
Sell stupid elsewhere.


The Proud Boys were instructed by their leadership to NOT attend. Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys for being racist.

What part of this are you not getting?

Yes. ws would love to co-opt other groups because they are a fringe movement with no relevance of their own.

Why are you trying to help them?
And yet, they were still there. The Proud Boys don't get a pass just because they ignored their leader.

SUre they do. The few isolated individuals that disobeyed their leader, did not represent the group.

That you can't admit that, or anything, is because your entire position here, is bullshit build on top of lies.

You admit one gleam of truth, and you fear it will all come crashing down.
So Trump supporters get a pass for storming the Capitol if Trump opposed them doing so?

Trump supporters as a group do. THe individuals who did it themselves, are responsible for their actions.

Other people, who had nothing to do with it, either individually or as a group, are not responsible.

NOt sure what part of this, is hard for you to understand.
Great, then you admit the Proud Boys who attended the rally are responsible for their actions -- and Trump says they're"very fine people."

Why are you so focused on pretending that Proud Boys were a part of the event?
Because they were.

The Proud Boys weren't there.
Sell stupid elsewhere.


The Proud Boys were instructed by their leadership to NOT attend. Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys for being racist.

What part of this are you not getting?

Yes. ws would love to co-opt other groups because they are a fringe movement with no relevance of their own.

Why are you trying to help them?
And yet, they were still there. The Proud Boys don't get a pass just because they ignored their leader.

SUre they do. The few isolated individuals that disobeyed their leader, did not represent the group.

That you can't admit that, or anything, is because your entire position here, is bullshit build on top of lies.

You admit one gleam of truth, and you fear it will all come crashing down.
So Trump supporters get a pass for storming the Capitol if Trump opposed them doing so?

Trump supporters as a group do. THe individuals who did it themselves, are responsible for their actions.

Other people, who had nothing to do with it, either individually or as a group, are not responsible.

NOt sure what part of this, is hard for you to understand.
Great, then you admit the Proud Boys who attended the rally are responsible for their actions -- and Trump says they're"very fine people."

Why are you so focused on pretending that Proud Boys were a part of the event?
Because they were.


^^^ Dumbfuck is now denying photographic evidence.


A photo of a guy that was kicked out of the Proud Boys, for being racist, attending a ws event, that the Proud Boys were told to NOT attend, is not evidence that the "Proud Boys" attended.

You are a lying whore.
Dumbfuck, he wasn't alone....


The Proud Boys number, at least in the thousands. YOu show me ONE guy, who was kicked out, in a room with with like maybe 8 other guys, and what? I supposed to believe that they are all Proud BOys, and that they define the group, not the leadership or the thousands of other members, because, it is useful to you to pretend that?

And let's not forget, you are one of the people that can read, "not them" and believe you read "them", so your opinion is worthless garbage.

You're fucking deranged, con. :cuckoo:

Like it or not ... accept it or not ... there were Proud Boys there.

Even funnier, I notice for the last page or so, you've started a new thing about how Trump said, "not them," and how we don't know the difference between "not them" and "them."

Sooooo.... I scanned all three transcripts from Trump's press conferences; and whatdya know?? The words, "not them" cannot be found in any of them. You lied. You fucking made that up falsely claiming Trump said, "not them." He never did. YOU did. Why? Because even you know you're a fucking retard who lost this argument from the moment you first diverted the thread with it.


"and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally."

Faun, with all due respect,

you are fucking retarded.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
He waited days to condemn the perpetrators of the violence. He just can't bring himself to say bad things about his supporters no matter how heinous they are. (Without intense public pressure)


I was not trying to trick you into that gotcha, You did that to yourself.

Days later, when he was more sure of the details, he got more specific.

The ws are a pathetic fringe in this society. Who have not had a voice in national politics since the early 60s.

Trump's supporters are working class and middle class whites, mostly. That you want to smear them as ws, is you being a racist asshole.
Man, you got it's kind of sickening to watch. We watched him do it again and again...

Also disgusting that you would downplay a serious threat to our national security.

Cool. You found people that agree with you.

What Trump really says about ws.

Trump: "Those people -- all of those people – excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis.

Trump: ...the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally.

Trump: ...rough, bad people -- neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them.
So it's the Proud Boys and neo-Confederates who are "very fine people."

Thanks for clearing that up.

You are stonewalling. You have been stone cold busted as a liar.

The election was not legitimate because of your lies. YOu stonewalling will not change that.
Nope, Trump never condemned them. That must be who he was talking about since there were no "very fine people" among the Unite the Right racists.

Trump was clear that he was referring to non ws who supported the historical statues.

Your belief that everyone that was there was a ws, is fine.

The bit were you LIE and say he said something he did not say, is you lying.

That you pretend to not understand this, is another lie.
I'm going by what he said and didn't say. He didn't condemn the Proud Boys or the neo-Confederates. He said there were "very fine people on both sides." Now we know who he was talking about on the right. Thanks again for clearing that up.
And you could tell he was being very careful what he said and didn't say. Because what he really wanted to say would frighten you.


So, which is it? DId he SAY it or did he "didn't say it", but you know he meant it?



That is not what he said.

You BELIEVE, that that is what he meant, But when you tell people that he said, what you THINK he meant, that is you LYING.
He said it, but then didn't say it soon enough. And he said something different the day before and after. Or he didn't say anything, which sometimes is saying something.

In the Greek community we have a saying. My silence is your answer

But that is not what you people have said, nor is it your standard position on this issue.

Your position is a lie, ie that he said something he did not say.

That you look at what he said, and deep down, you just "know" that he meant something else, does not give you the right to tell other people that he actually said what you THINK he meant.

AND, it is worth remembering that you are an extremely partisan and ideological lefty, who is probably not a fair judge of what your enemies are thinking.
It's not a lie, dumbfuck. There were 2 sides. One side was a bunch of racists who went to rally in an attempt to unite various factions of racists. Trump said some of them were "very fine people."

Trump: Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee."

Reporter: "Should that statue be taken down?"

Trump: "Excuse me. If you take a look at some of the groups, and you see -- and you’d know it if you were honest reporters, which in many cases you’re not -- but many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.
I don't know how many times we need to go over this ... but ... he didn't condemn the Proud Boys and he didn't condemn the neo-Confederates. So now we know who he thinks are "very fine people."

The Proud Boys weren't even there, and he was clear about condemning ws.

White Supremacist is not a group, it is a category of groups and people. That you focus on him not individually naming one small group of them,

is you grasping at straws.

It is pathetic and weak. Be a man. Admit that you have been stone cold busted as lying.
You can fall for your own lies but don't expect others to be as stupid as you. Again, there were Proud Boys at that racist rally.

Proud Boys are not hte only people who troll you morons like that.
Moron, they're bragging, not trolling.

The OK sign was never a ws symbol. That was always a troll. YOu are a moron.
It's a hand gesture commonly used by Proud Boys to identify themselves as Proud Boys.

Dayum, you're fucking retarted. :cuckoo:

Nope. It is the old symbol for OK, and some 4 chan trolls wanted to see if they could make fools of people like you.

Hey, look, A white supremacist.

View attachment 501811

You retard.


You sure about that? Cause you read "not w.s." and thought it meant "w.s.".

Was the person that wrote that a liberal? Cause you people are either profoundly retarded, or utterly soulless liars.
Faun said:
As many times as you're gonna claim Trump was too retarded to know that was a racist rally, organized by racists, sponsored by racists, promoted by racists, hosted by racists and attended by racists.

Got it. You think that someone would have to be retarded to not agree with you.
Nope, you don't "got it." I don't think that. There are many people who disagree with me here who I don't consider retarded.

That does not change the fact that you people lied and are still lying about what he said.
Nope, the liar is you. Most notably, I'm going by what he actually said. You're going by what you think he actually meant.

That means that the voters were voting, making their choice based on FALSE INFORMATION.
Nope, you're lying again as the information wasn't false. There was a racist rally which led to a confrontation to counter the racists. Racism is evil. Fighting it is noble. Trump equated the two sides and idiotically claimed there were "very fine people on both sides."

Fraud by deception. THe election is thus, not legitimate.
Nope, you're just crazy. :cuckoo:

Trump clearly condemned w.s. You are inventing confusion where there is none. To stonewall in defense of your big lie.

Trump: " -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America.
After how many days and a barrage of public pressure?I

His remarks occurred after the president came under fire for the way he handled Charlottesville two days ago. Mr. Trump on Saturday condemned hatred "on many sides," which prompted backlash from both Democrats and Republicans alike.​

After zero days. The riot occurred sat morning, to lunch time, Saturday. Expanded quote. I was not trying to trick you.

Trump: "As I said on -- remember, Saturday -- we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence.

See, here we will see that your complaints are bullshit. You made a point that he waited days to condemn the riot. I just proved that that was not true. Now you will ignore this new information and hold to your position, without any adjustment.

Because, your position is based, at best on blind faith, and at worst on knowingly lying in the fact of clear proof.
What was the display of bigotry from the left?

What was the display of bigotry from the left?

Oh, sorry I missed that post.

Well, are you asking my opinion, or asking me to specify what Trump was referring to?

REgardless, I'm glad you are not denying that Trump was right to denounce the violence and hatred from both sides, including from the left.

The point is, Trump denounced both sides for their bad behavior, the violent and hateful left (antifa/blm) and the violent and hateful right?, (w.s.).

As he well should have.
How about answering the question?

It was a riot. I have no idea what particular act(s) he was referring to.

He made a statement condemning the violence, bigotry and hate on BOTH sides.

Nit picking over which act of bigotry from the LEFT he was referring to, is fucking stupid.

You are just trying to avoid dealing with the fact that he condemned the violence, bigotry and hatred, as he well should have.

His response was nearly perfect and you are nit picking like the asshole you are.
So what was this display of bigotry on the left he was talking about?

Answered above.

And sure like all the people Trump used eventually he threw Proud Boys under the bus too. No surprise.

Members of the far-right group, who were among Donald Trump’s staunchest fans, are calling him “weak” as more of them were charged for storming the U.S. Capitol.

In a Nov. 8 post in a private channel of the messaging app Telegram, the group urged its followers to attend protests against an election that it said had been fraudulently stolen from Mr. Trump. “Hail Emperor Trump,” the Proud Boys wrote.

But by this week, the group’s attitude toward Mr. Trump had changed. “Trump will go down as a total failure,” the Proud Boys said in the same Telegram channel on Monday.

That has no relevance to anything in this thread. You are bringing it up, BECAUSE it has no relevance.

You people lied. You people lied A BIG LIE.

One big enough to swing the election.

Thus, the election is not legitimate.
There were exit polls…how many people listed Trump’s perceived ambivalence towards racists as a reason not to vote for him? (ambivalence he displayed over and over)
The blob did get the INCEL vote...
He got 99.9% of the racist vote. He wasn’t going to trade that for a minuscule increase in the black vote…he HAD to play footsie with the racists that supported him.

Trump lost because of COVID, period. If he had responded more effectively to the pandemic, he would’ve been reelected.

You people are delusional. White Racists have been completely marginalized since the mid 60s. Which is why you people are so focused on fighting them.

Trump would love to have more of the minority vote. Hell, it has been a common point of discussion that without being able to do that, republicans are doomed as a national party.

Your lie here, is part of a larger lie, that republicans are wacist, so that you people can keep your lock on the minority votes.

You are lying assholes like that.
He wasn’t willing to condemn racists because they supported him. We all know it.

All Republicans are not racist. Most racists VOTE Republican. That is nobody’s fault but Republicans.

He repeatedly and clearly condemned ws.

Your denial is you being a liar.

That you lie, shows that you fear that if the voters knew the Truth, they would vote against you.
Only after public pressure. Each and every time he was first asked to condemn someone or some thing having to do with white supremacy he equivocated. When public pressure over his equivocation would mount, then he would come out with a prepared statement. (Prepared by someone else)

if you can't be honest about this, "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

what are the odds you can be trusted to tell the truth about "only after public pressure" or " he equivocated"?

Rhetorical question. You are a horrific liar. Your words, your judgements, have no weight.
I posted links, cultist.

You people lied as a group and stuck and are sticking to your lies, even when the actual transcripts are repeatedly shoved in your face.

NOTHING YOU SAY, about any situation with any ambiguity has any credibility.

No, that is not strong enough,

Anything you say, in any situation with ANY ambiguity, has ANTI-CREDIBILITY.
:lol: I absolutely adore how reporting exactly what Trump said is “lying” about him. :lol: Would you like more links about Trump’s tacit approval of racists? Okay!

The president was silent when journalists asked whether he rejected the support of nationalist groups.

That silence was cheered by the white supremacist website Daily Stormer: “When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.”

What does it tell you when the racists believe he supports them?
You are perpetuating a lie. Go get yourself a treat, and get off the internet. Thanks.
Nope, just reporting on what the former President said and did. Whether or not Trump actually is racist we may never know. There is plenty of evidence to support the theory that he is, but the racists believe he is. What does that say?

You will never "know" because you can interpret "not them" as "them", in your search for "evidence" to support your self serving conclusions.
Oh, I think we could know. Like if the Apprentice tapes get released. :lol:

It is a fact that the racists believe that Trump is one of them. What does that tell you?
If there was anything on those tapes it would have been released before the election. And where are these racists at? Chicago, where the Black mayor refuses to talk to white reporters?
Oh, there is something on those tapes. Why else would he fight so hard to keep them secret? :lol:

At a guess, because he knows that dishonest assholes of the type that see "not w.s." as, "w.s.", will be going deep diving in them "looking" for shit to throw at the wall.

And by "looking" I mean, lying their leftard asses off about.

Or maybe we just don't consider watching youtube videos with our mouth open to be 'research'.

I'll stick with every official count, recount, hand count, forensic audit, official tally, certified result, and the actual electoral results, thank you.

As would any rational person.

Question, Mr Rational Person,

In this quote indicating that the person saying it, is talking about w.s., or NOT w.s.?

"and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists"

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