The Big Marxist Picture: Destruction of America

Red Storm Rising

Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2021
It is said that World Communism pushed by the Soviet Union because of two institutions it could not overcome: Religion and the Family

In the 21st century the pews are now empty, and family is under attack from all directions.

This, by the way, is the only way that otherwise incomprehensible stories become comprehensible.
Why spend us into oblivion? Why destroy the military with woke perversions? Why fire 1,000’s of first responders at during a crime wave and a pandemic? Why give our greatest middle east base to the Taliban (and then to China)?

Once a crisis of massive proportions is created, thats when Marxists seize total power.

And the Democrats are the Marxists!

In some cases they already are:

Redskin groups are also Marxists

It is said that World Communism pushed by the Soviet Union because of two institutions it could not overcome: Religion and the Family

In the 21st century the pews are now empty, and family is under attack from all directions.

This, by the way, is the only way that otherwise incomprehensible stories become comprehensible.
Why spend us into oblivion? Why destroy the military with woke perversions? Why fire 1,000’s of first responders at during a crime wave and a pandemic? Why give our greatest middle east base to the Taliban (and then to China)?

Once a crisis of massive proportions is created, thats when Marxists seize total power.

And the Democrats are the Marxists!

In some cases they already are:

Democrats are Marxists like the Nazis were Jews.

Democrats DESPISE all things left, and in fact exist to hold the left in check and make sure its policies are never advanced.
Democrats are no longer for American freedom, whether it is in free-market capitalism, the freedom to choose whether to take certain medicines or not, the freedom to worship God according to conscience, the freedom to own guns, the freedom to express views contrary to democrat narratives, and so forth.

It’s time to eliminate the Democratic Party. This is no longer the Democratic Party of the John F. Kennedy era. The Democratic Party has transitioned into the Marxist and Socialist Party of America.
After reviewing the Democratic Party platform from the last presidential election, I found it exceptionally hard to comprehend how a Bible-believing Christian could have voted for a Democrat. The Democratic Party opposes basic principles of morality as set forth in Scripture. It has become the party of activism, obstructionism and violence. It’s easy to see why Communist Party USA “consistently” supports the Democrats.
While it accuses the Republican Party of racism and bigotry, it’s really the party of racism and bigotry. Its past history, and current actions of accusations, repeatedly corroborate this statement. It’s the party that promotes division and disunity, while pretending to actually care about the American people.
The Democratic Party doesn’t care about the Judeo-Christian values of America, nor the Constitution. They’re the party of globalism, and they’re anti-American, anti-sovereignty. They use people and causes to promote the godless agenda of the global elitists.
Lenin is reputed to have coined the phrase “useful idiots” to describe those in the West who acted as apologists for the political brutality and economic failure of Soviet communism. It seems that the Democratic Party could equally apply this term to their followers; although, they want their followers to feel enlightened.

With Satan I have struck my deal. He chalks the signs, beats time for me, I play the death march fast and free.
—Karl Marx, “The Fiddler”
The Radical Left is obviously erring on the side of criminals, to the detriment of innocent people, but I take the opposite tact: under which circumstances should someone arrested be put in jail until his trial, NO bail option.

1) Anyone who is arrested for a violent crime who has already been convicted of a prior violent crime.

2) Anyone who is arrested for mass murder when it is obvious that there was no self-defense involved (such as the SUV driver).

3) Anyone who is arrested for a non-violent felony (such as theft) who has already been convicted of two previous non-violent felonies.

Anyone else?

Just another piece of the puzzle

The Democrats are just the OTHER party of deranged, warmongering conservative corporatism.

It's not that they aren't EXTREMELY dangerous - we'll be at war with China (WW3) - by this time next year, but that's because this is what the totalitarian extremists who control both parties want.

So what will you say when we're at war with China (and thus Russia as well)?

How will you explain that?

The Democrats are just the OTHER party of deranged, warmongering conservative corporatism.

It's not that they aren't EXTREMELY dangerous - we'll be at war with China (WW3) - by this time next year, but that's because this is what the totalitarian extremists who control both parties want.

So what will you say when we're at war with China (and thus Russia as well)?

How will you explain that?

You are on crack. Thats how I explain your post. The only other answer is that you are retarded or the dumbest bastard on earth.
Have a nice day. I will cease conversing with you.
Being asked to address the ludicrous echo chamber of nonsense you've constructed could potentially take time away from your mindless forum spamming, so likely a *wise* choice.

This thread is a masterpiece of baseless idiocy, so congratulations on that. :)

Still curious how you'll react when war with China begins; that has the potential to blow the mind of even the most ardent dupe.

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