The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

Jar Jar Binks is just waiting to come save you.

The believe in extraterrestrials by you morons is identical to the belief in angels and demons by the morons in the dark ages.
That's stupid. Believing in gods and angels is dumb because it requires you to suspend common sense and science and use magical thinking. BELIEVING in something that couldn't possibly be true, like a god. Now that's dumb.

But believing that there are other planets that hold life is nothing close to believing in fairy tails. It's completely different. Mathamatically, there MUST be life on other planets. We aren't saying we believe one day we are going to magically be taken to a place called heaven. We are just saying based on the numbers, we believe there must be life on other planets. And who are we to decide there isn't when we know so little? You seem CERTAIN there isn't. Now that's a stupid BELIEF if you ask me. I mean, just based on all the facts. How life got started here, how there is water in Europa. How there was life once on Mars. If these things are true, it's logical that life exists on other planets.

You know billions of years ago Earth didn't have any life on it? And in billions of years, there won't be any life on earth. So if one day life evolves on another planet in another solar system after we are gone, and they look at earth, they'll say, "see, no life in that solar system" but they won't know that a billion years ago there was.

They will think a god poofed them on that planet and they are special. Gods only children. That's what those stupid bastards will think. Can you believe it?
That's stupid. Believing in gods and angels is dumb because it requires you to suspend common sense and science and use magical thinking. BELIEVING in something that couldn't possibly be true, like a god. Now that's dumb.

But believing that there are other planets that hold life is nothing close to believing in fairy tails. It's completely different. Mathamatically, there MUST be life on other planets. We aren't saying we believe one day we are going to magically be taken to a place called heaven. We are just saying based on the numbers, we believe there must be life on other planets. And who are we to decide there isn't when we know so little? You seem CERTAIN there isn't. Now that's a stupid BELIEF if you ask me. I mean, just based on all the facts. How life got started here, how there is water in Europa. How there was life once on Mars. If these things are true, it's logical that life exists on other planets.

You know billions of years ago Earth didn't have any life on it? And in billions of years, there won't be any life on earth. So if one day life evolves on another planet in another solar system after we are gone, and they look at earth, they'll say, "see, no life in that solar system" but they won't know that a billion years ago there was.

They will think a god poofed them on that planet and they are special. Gods only children. That's what those stupid bastards will think. Can you believe it?
So you believe it's just a coincidence that the universe popped into existence being hardwired for life and intelligence?
So you believe it's just a coincidence that the universe popped into existence being hardwired for life and intelligence?
Coincidence? What does that even mean? Universes pop into existence. It's natural. Some things we don't know but I don't know what you mean by coincidence?
Coincidence? What does that even mean? Universes pop into existence. It's natural. Some things we don't know but I don't know what you mean by coincidence?
Coincidence as in accidental. You believe it is just a coincidence or an accident that the very fabric of matter just happens to hardwire the universe for life and intelligence.
Coincidence as in accidental. You believe it is just a coincidence or an accident that the very fabric of matter just happens to hardwire the universe for life and intelligence.
Accidental? What does that even mean? Is it an accident when a meteor hits the earth or when a star goes supernova?

You sound like my dad. He says, "look at the human body, it's so perfect, all this happened by itself?"

No dad, a god invented us in the fucking lab.
That's stupid. Believing in gods and angels is dumb because it requires you to suspend common sense and science and use magical thinking. BELIEVING in something that couldn't possibly be true, like a god. Now that's dumb.

So, just like belief in space men then :thup:

But believing that there are other planets that hold life is nothing close to believing in fairy tails.

But believing that there are other lands and dimensions that hold magical life is nothing close to believing in fairytales....


It's completely different.

Oh, right. I mean - your angels come from outer space. not heaven.

Wait, where is heaven again? :rofl:

Mathamatically, there MUST be life on other planets.

Zat rite sploogy?

Because you want to BLEEVE

We aren't saying we believe one day we are going to magically be taken to a place called heaven.

No, just that you're going to magically be taken to the spaceship of super beings - which is basically heaven...

We are just saying based on the numbers, we believe there must be life on other planets.

How fun.

If there is, mankind will never know.

Because that life is unlikely to ever develop past single cell - if it develops at all.

And who are we to decide there isn't when we know so little?

You can have whatever fantasy you like - but it is just a fantasy.

Where I blast you is the hypocrisy of claiming your absurd and baseless fantasy is somehow superior to the absurd and baseless fantasy of peasants in the dark ages.

You've done nothing but trade one superstition for another.

You seem CERTAIN there isn't. Now that's a stupid BELIEF if you ask me. I mean, just based on all the facts. How life got started here, how there is water in Europa. How there was life once on Mars. If these things are true, it's logical that life exists on other planets.

There could be life on other planets - it's irrelevant since we have no way of EVER coming in contact with that life.

Unlike you, I actually DO follow the science.

Reality isn't as fun as fantasy.

You know billions of years ago Earth didn't have any life on it? And in billions of years, there won't be any life on earth. So if one day life evolves on another planet in another solar system after we are gone, and they look at earth, they'll say, "see, no life in that solar system" but they won't know that a billion years ago there was.

They will think a god poofed them on that planet and they are special. Gods only children. That's what those stupid bastards will think. Can you believe it?

Irrelevant. The fantasy that Mr. Spock is going to beam down and show us all how Communism is the real true way ain't gunna happen.

What you can't grasp is the distances involved, the radiation involved, the effects of zero gravity.

There is never going to be a Star Wars universe - ever. You are just engaged in magical thinking.
Accidental? What does that even mean? Is it an accident when a meteor hits the earth or when a star goes supernova?

You sound like my dad. He says, "look at the human body, it's so perfect, all this happened by itself?"

No dad, a god invented us in the fucking lab.
Accidental as in unintentional. You believe the complexity of life is a coincidence, an accident, unintentional. As opposed to preordained by the laws of nature.
So, just like belief in space men then :thup:

But believing that there are other lands and dimensions that hold magical life is nothing close to believing in fairytales....


Oh, right. I mean - your angels come from outer space. not heaven.

Wait, where in heaven again. :rofl:

Zat rite sploogy?

Because you want to BLEEVE

No, just that you're going to magically be taken to the spaceship of super beings - which is basically heaven...

How fun.

If there is, mankind will never know.

Because that life is unlikely to ever develop past single cell - if it develops at all.

You can have whatever fantasy you like - but it is just a fantasy.

Where I blast you is the hypocrisy of claiming your absurd and baseless fantasy is somehow superior to the absurd and baseless fantasy of peasants in the dark ages.

You've done nothing but trade one superstition for another.

There could be life on other planets - it's irrelevant since we have no way of EVER coming in contact with that life.

Unlike you, I actually DO follow the science.

Reality isn't as fun as fantasy.

Irrelevant. The fantasy that Mr. Spock is going to beam down and show us all how Communism is the real true way ain't gunna happen.

What you can't grasp is the distances involved, the radiation involved, the effects of zero gravity.

There is never going to be a Star Wars universe - ever. You are just engaged in magical thinking.
Who said the creatures I'm referring to are coming here? Why are you calling them spacemen? Are you a spaceman? No. You're an animal living on this one small planet in one solar system in an entire universe. And you don't have the technology to determine if there is or isn't life on other planets, yet.

But you are certain that there isn't another rock somewhere in the entire universe that has life on it.

BUT, you do believe in a rhelm called heaven where you become a god after you die. What a joke. This is how primitive we still are. You're only 2 steps out of the cave bro. Time to start evolving.
Accidental as in unintentional. You believe the complexity of life is a coincidence, an accident, unintentional. As opposed to preordained by the laws of nature.
Yes, when the earth was just in the right spot and the chemicals came together, whammo, life happened. NOT intentional. Intentional would suggest god moved the earth, sent the meteor and put the moon where it is. Do you believe a god did all that to make earth habitable for humans?
No dad, a god invented us in the fucking lab.
Not exactly.

Going back to the two possibilities; spirit creating the material world versus everything proceeding from the material, the key distinction is no thing versus thing. So if we assume that everything is just an accidental coincidence of the properties of matter, the logical conclusion is that matter and energy are just doing what matter and energy do which makes sense. The problem is that for matter and energy to do what matter and energy do, there has to be rules in place for matter and energy to obey. The formation of space and time followed rules. Specifically the law of conservation and quantum mechanics. These laws existed before space and time and defined the potential of everything which was possible. These laws are no thing. So we literally have an example of no thing existing before the material world. The creation of space and time from nothing is literally correct. Space and time were created from no thing. Spirit is no thing. No thing created space and time.

Given that everything is made manifest by mind one must recognize that the physical world is entirely abstract and without ‘actuality’ apart from its linkage to consciousness. Mind, rather than emerging as a late outgrowth in the evolution of life, has existed always as the matrix, the source and condition of physical reality - that the stuff of which physical reality is composed is mind-stuff.

It is Mind that has composed a physical universe that breeds life, and so eventually evolves creatures that know and create. This is a life‑breeding universe because the constant presence of mind made it so and imbued His creation with His attributes.
They do? Because a Spiderman comic book says so?

It is?

Can you demonstrate some other universes so we can compare them to ours?

And that which you don't know, you just make up to promote your idiotic fantasies.
I don't need to show you another universe. Look at the one you're in now. The planets all were made naturally, the moons, meteors, all can be explained how it all happened.

And no, god did not POOF it into existence.

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