The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

No one says they know for sure. I'm just yelling at the people who are so sure there is no other life anywhere else. Of course there is
so which is it? You say “no one knows for sure” then say “of course there is” in the very next sentence….
No one says they know for sure. I'm just yelling at the people who are so sure there is no other life anywhere else. Of course there is. Intelligent life might be very rare though I'll give them that. What does the Drake Equation say?

probably between 1000 and 100,000,000 planets with civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy.
And Fermi’s paradox responds by asking, if there’s such a high probability that they exist, then why is there such a total lack of evidence that they do?
This, according to some estimate, give or take quite a few zeroes I'm sure. A deeper philosophical question which goes beyond theology, though it certainly entangles it.

So, this number again, 1000000000000000000000 planets! According to The Institute of Astronomy at University of Cambridge. How many solar systems are there? | Institute of Astronomy

Putting the exact estimation aside. We would have to take a massive leap of faith to think that not only is there NOT other life in the universe, but, also of such existences, that there aren't many far more advanced than us.

Imagine a planet the size of Jupiter, 100's of billions of citizens. Imagine them not having our reptilian instincts of rage and violence, or developing weapons of war to be used against each other. Consider if they had the average brain power 250x that of our smartest humans, and existed for much longer, maybe lived on average 10000 years.

What would be the end result? Is there any religion that makes any consideration for this possibility (outside, I think Scientology)? It really is a daunting concept. We could be the most advanced by far, we might be Gods great creation. It would hardly seem we could be alone though based on the odds and even plain randomness.
Here we Go again. If it cant be explained or you don't believe something, out comes the usual god of gaps.
the Fermi Paradox:

The Fermi paradox is the conflict between the lack of clear, obvious evidence for extraterrestrial life and various high estimates for their existence.

As a 2015 article put it, "If life is so easy, someone from somewhere must have come calling by now”
It's either coincidence or the way it's supposed to be. AKA Natural.
That's my point. It is natural and not an accident. Life and intelligence are natural outcomes of consciousness. This is a life‑breeding universe because the constant presence of mind made it so and imbued His creation with His attributes.
If it happened, it's natural. Oh, and one day the structure and charge of atoms won't be the exact right distance and humans on earth will die. Will that be a coincidence when that happens or did God decide to murder us all that day?
It doesn't work like that. The fabric of matter doesn't change.
so which is it? You say “no one knows for sure” then say “of course there is” in the very next sentence….
No one knows yet but for fuck sakes the numbers and facts suggest life is everywhere. And just because you don't have the technology to see it, doesn't mean shit. It must means you are too stupid to know. Do you agree? You certainly don't have all the information to come to a conclusion.

But the Drake Equation looks at how many stars are out there and it says there's probably thousands.

I'll admit, intelligent life, especially without divine intervention, is probably rare. A lot has to happen for intelligent life to come to be. But even that, there has got to be more than just us.

Just us would be insane. And I'm sure a lot of you bible thumpers want to believe we are alone because then you can pretend that god put us here to be his favorite pet. NO, his ONLY pet.
No one knows yet but for fuck sakes the numbers and facts suggest life is everywhere. And just because you don't have the technology to see it, doesn't mean shit. It must means you are too stupid to know. Do you agree? You certainly don't have all the information to come to a conclusion.

But the Drake Equation looks at how many stars are out there and it says there's probably thousands.

I'll admit, intelligent life, especially without divine intervention, is probably rare. A lot has to happen for intelligent life to come to be. But even that, there has got to be more than just us.

Just us would be insane. And I'm sure a lot of you bible thumpers want to believe we are alone because then you can pretend that god put us here to be his favorite pet. NO, his ONLY pet.
I disagree that the numbers suggest life is everywhere. I do agree we don’t know for sure (though you seem to go back and forth on that point). Until I’m presented with clear evidence of extraterrestrial life, I see no reason to assume it “must” exist.

And what on earth makes you think I’m a Bible Thumper?
And Fermi’s paradox responds by asking, if there’s such a high probability that they exist, then why is there such a total lack of evidence that they do?
Why is there a lack of evidence?

1. We just invented telescopes that can see that far.
2. We can only see so much
3. We don't have the technology

For god sakes. Is there life in Europa? That's in our own tiny solar system and we don't even know yet.

Hell, we don't even know if there is a planet 9 in our own solar system. Many believe it exists but it's so far out in the darkest edge of our solar system, we still haven't seen it yet.

Further surveys of the remaining regions are ongoing using NEOWISE and the 8-meter Subaru Telescope. Unless Planet Nine is observed, its existence is purely conjectural.

Do you know how far out it is, if it exists? Pluto takes 248 Earth years to make one revolution around the sun.

So if you don't even know for sure if there is life in Europa or if we have a 9th planet in our own solar system, what makes you think we can know if there are living things on other planets?

Do you know how far the closest star is? You think they can look at our solar system and see little planet earth? They would look at us and only see the big gas planets.

We know so little, I can't stand idiots who are SURE we are all alone. They must want to believe that because them maybe it's true a god made us and we are his special chosen children. LOL
Why is there a lack of evidence?

1. We just invented telescopes that can see that far.
2. We can only see so much
3. We don't have the technology

For god sakes. Is there life in Europa? That's in our own tiny solar system and we don't even know yet.

Hell, we don't even know if there is a planet 9 in our own solar system. Many believe it exists but it's so far out in the darkest edge of our solar system, we still haven't seen it yet.

Further surveys of the remaining regions are ongoing using NEOWISE and the 8-meter Subaru Telescope. Unless Planet Nine is observed, its existence is purely conjectural.

Do you know how far out it is, if it exists? Pluto takes 248 Earth years to make one revolution around the sun.

So if you don't even know for sure if there is life in Europa or if we have a 9th planet in our own solar system, what makes you think we can know if there are living things on other planets?

Do you know how far the closest star is? You think they can look at our solar system and see little planet earth? They would look at us and only see the big gas planets.

We know so little, I can't stand idiots who are SURE we are all alone. They must want to believe that because them maybe it's true a god made us and we are his special chosen children. LOL
The paradox is just as much about “them” as us.

If they exist in the numbers the Drake Equation suggests, then why haven’t they contacted us somehow? Or at least left behind some sort of artifact? Why the complete radio silence? Even if they’re “smart enough not to let themselves be seen/heard”, surely they’d had to have gone through a phase in their development, like us, where they were shooting broadcasts out into space willy-nilly. If millions of planets have potentially been transmitting for billions of years (remember billions of planets have been born and died before earth existed) then even all the light years it would take such transmissions to reach us should mean little.

None of that lack of evidence rules out the possibility of intelligent life, but it’s certainly a large hurdle to leap and requires more than “the universe is really, really big so there must be aliens”
And Fermi’s paradox responds by asking, if there’s such a high probability that they exist, then why is there such a total lack of evidence that they do?
But that paradox is bunk. It can be ignored, now that we know how vast the universe is.
Maybe they have. We might be waiting another billion years for their message.
if they’re really that far away they might as well not exist for all practical purposes as far as we’re concerned.

It would also suggest that FTL space travel and stuff like ships that can travel via wormholes or hyperspace is truly just fiction.

If those vast distances could somehow be overcome, some civilization somewhere at some point would have.

The idea of there being other intelligent life, but we’re all *so* spread out across different times and across such vast space that we could never, ever possibly contact each other seems more lonely and depressing than the idea that we’re simply alone.
The paradox is just as much about “them” as us.

If they exist in the numbers the Drake Equation suggests, then why haven’t they contacted us somehow? Or at least left behind some sort of artifact? Why the complete radio silence? Even if they’re “smart enough not to let themselves be seen/heard”, surely they’d had to have gone through a phase in their development, like us, where they were shooting broadcasts out into space willy-nilly. If millions of planets have potentially been transmitting for billions of years (remember billions of planets have been born and died before earth existed) then even all the light years it would take such transmissions to reach us should mean little.

None of that lack of evidence rules out the possibility of intelligent life, but it’s certainly a large hurdle to leap and requires more than “the universe is really, really big so there must be aliens”
Why? Because maybe just like here on earth, we're the smartest thing out there. Maybe.

Or they are just as smart. So they aren't smart enough to find us yet either.

Do you know the stars are moving father apart as we speak? So every minute it gets harder and harder to find life on other planets, not easier.

We have only been smart for like a minute. Heck, we're still dumb as shit compared to what we will know and be able to do in 1000 years. We are only 2 steps out of the cave. Some of us are still living like we did 1000 years ago. Any farmers only dot com people here?
That's what he does. He just imagines what you are and what you think, then he 'argues' with that.

He's kinda stupid...
Well how come it's usually the bible thumpers who think we are alone? Could be maybe a small part of this guys thinking is rooted in the same belief that we were/are the center of the universe and everything is revolving around us. We didn't dream that we were just another rock rolling around too with all the other stars/planets/moons/asteroids/

Where is earth in our galaxy again?

And you think you know we are the only fucking life in the universe? Then you're a fucking moron. Everyone here suggesting it is. Insane.

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