The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

Accidental as in unintentional. You believe the complexity of life is a coincidence, an accident, unintentional. As opposed to preordained by the laws of nature.

The idea that life is a coincidence, an accident, unintentional makes the odds of intelligent life developing elsewhere even more remote.

We can't even demonstrate that the most simple forms of life have developed elsewhere.

There is ZERO evidence to support the idea of intelligent life elsewhere. Wishes are not evidence.
Yes, when the earth was just in the right spot and the chemicals came together, whammo, life happened. NOT intentional. Intentional would suggest god moved the earth, sent the meteor and put the moon where it is. Do you believe a god did all that to make earth habitable for humans?
So it's just a coincidence that the structure and charge of atoms are exactly the right distances and charges for life to exist?
So, just like belief in space men then :thup:

But believing that there are other lands and dimensions that hold magical life is nothing close to believing in fairytales....


Oh, right. I mean - your angels come from outer space. not heaven.

Wait, where is heaven again? :rofl:

Zat rite sploogy?

Because you want to BLEEVE

No, just that you're going to magically be taken to the spaceship of super beings - which is basically heaven...

How fun.

If there is, mankind will never know.

Because that life is unlikely to ever develop past single cell - if it develops at all.

You can have whatever fantasy you like - but it is just a fantasy.

Where I blast you is the hypocrisy of claiming your absurd and baseless fantasy is somehow superior to the absurd and baseless fantasy of peasants in the dark ages.

You've done nothing but trade one superstition for another.

There could be life on other planets - it's irrelevant since we have no way of EVER coming in contact with that life.

Unlike you, I actually DO follow the science.

Reality isn't as fun as fantasy.

Irrelevant. The fantasy that Mr. Spock is going to beam down and show us all how Communism is the real true way ain't gunna happen.

What you can't grasp is the distances involved, the radiation involved, the effects of zero gravity.

There is never going to be a Star Wars universe - ever. You are just engaged in magical thinking.
I re read your entire post. What a fucking idiot you must be.
The idea that life is a coincidence, an accident, unintentional makes the odds of intelligent life developing elsewhere even more remote.

We can't even demonstrate that the most simple forms of life have developed elsewhere.

There is ZERO evidence to support the idea of intelligent life elsewhere. Wishes are not evidence.
That's what cavemen used to say. No way of telling if there is life on other planets. Then we invented telescopes and spaceships that can travel to go see if there is or ever was life on places like Europa and Mars. We still haven't gotten to Europa and we just got to Mars. We didn't know a few years ago there was water on Mars. Now we know there is.

So moron, it's too soon for you to decide there is no life and that we will never be able to find out. You're a fucking idiot based on your position on this subject. You sound so ignorant.

I'll tell you what we will never find. A heaven.

Oh, and I don't want to believe there's life on other planets. It does nothing for me if there is so why would I wish for that? But you WISH for a place called heaven. You WANT there to be a heaven. Wishful thinking. I don't wish there is life in Europa. I just think that would be pretty cool.
I don't need to show you another universe.

Of course not, you have your comic books.

Look at the one you're in now.


The planets all were made naturally,

You made the childish claim "Universes pop into existence."

That has nothing to do with the formation of planets.

We have evidence of the formation of planets, there is observable data. Life is a different situation.

the moons, meteors, all can be explained how it all happened.

No, they explain how those bodies formed, they have no bearing on "Universes pop into existence."

And no, god did not POOF it into existence.

There is equal evidence to support both claims - which is to say not a bit for either.

You've just replaced one god with another equally absurd god.
So it's just a coincidence that the structure and charge of atoms are exactly the right distances and charges for life to exist?
It's either coincidence or the way it's supposed to be. AKA Natural.

If it happened, it's natural. Oh, and one day the structure and charge of atoms won't be the exact right distance and humans on earth will die. Will that be a coincidence when that happens or did God decide to murder us all that day?
Of course not, you have your comic books.


You made the childish claim "Universes pop into existence."

That has nothing to do with the formation of planets.

We have evidence of the formation of planets, there is observable data. Life is a different situation.

No, they explain how those bodies formed, they have no bearing on "Universes pop into existence."

There is equal evidence to support both claims - which is to say not a bit for either.

You've just replaced one god with another equally absurd god.
Again, you're an idiot. Yes, this universe popped into existence. Something like 14 billion years ago. That's at least what scientists think. Of course you probably don't believe in science you give equal weight to the POOF hypothesis. Can't even call it a theory because it's not qualified to be a theory.
Yes, I don't have faith in your comic book fantasy, hence I must be an idiot.

Jar Jar Binks died for your sins.

Yes, you are an idiot. Because we know so little yet you assume so much. You're better off reading the bible and stay away from Science bro.
Of course not, you have your comic books.


You made the childish claim "Universes pop into existence."

That has nothing to do with the formation of planets.

We have evidence of the formation of planets, there is observable data. Life is a different situation.

No, they explain how those bodies formed, they have no bearing on "Universes pop into existence."

There is equal evidence to support both claims - which is to say not a bit for either.

You've just replaced one god with another equally absurd god.
What evidence do you have of the formation of planets?

What evidence do you have for the big bang?

What about before the big bang? Oh you have no evidence? Then say you don't know. Don't decide a god did it and then later, after he let planets evolve naturally, POOFED us into existence.

So you think god POOFED the universe into existence, everything else after that happened naturally, but then he had to POOF land animals onto earth to make his masterpiece? LOL
Again, you're an idiot.

Of course I am. I follow science where you follow science fiction. And reality isn't fun.

Yes, this universe popped into existence.


Something like 14 billion years ago. That's at least what scientists think.

So you know what scientists think? :lmao:

Other than I, have you ever even had a conversation with a real scientist.

Of course you probably don't believe in science you give equal weight to the POOF hypothesis. Can't even call it a theory because it's not qualified to be a theory.

Right, not agreeing with your comic book idiocy means I don't follow science...

Oh, and idiot - you JUST claimed a "poof" hypothesis. {Yes, this universe popped into existence. }

You just aren't smart, and you clearly failed 1st grade science.
That's what cavemen used to say. No way of telling if there is life on other planets. Then we invented telescopes and spaceships that can travel to go see if there is or ever was life on places like Europa and Mars.

Spoiler alert, there wasn't...

We still haven't gotten to Europa and we just got to Mars. We didn't know a few years ago there was water on Mars. Now we know there is.

More importantly, water on the moon, meaning fuel for deep space exploration.

So moron, it's too soon for you to decide there is no life and that we will never be able to find out. You're a fucking idiot based on your position on this subject. You sound so ignorant.

I've decided nothing. I simply poke holes in your comic book fantasy by pointing out that there is ZERO evidence to support your moronic fantasy.

I'll tell you what we will never find. A heaven.


You've traded one religion for another and think that should impress others.

Oh, and I don't want to believe there's life on other planets. It does nothing for me if there is so why would I wish for that? But you WISH for a place called heaven.

I do?

Prove that.

You are a religious fanatic and the only way you can grasp that I don't follow your comic book faith is if I am a heretic from a competing religion.

You WANT there to be a heaven. Wishful thinking. I don't wish there is life in Europa. I just think that would be pretty cool.


Such a foolish child you are.
Yes, you are an idiot. Because we know so little yet you assume so much. You're better off reading the bible and stay away from Science bro.


You'd be better off getting a 2nd grade book on what science is, and isn't.

Your comic books are not actually science.

What evidence do you have of the formation of planets?

quite a bit

What evidence do you have for the big bang?

For that, really very little.

It is speculation based on the observation that the universe is expanding. Though the hypothesis is less attractive at this point due to contrary evidence that suggests a pulsing universe.

What about before the big bang? Oh you have no evidence? Then say you don't know. Don't decide a god did it and then later, after he let planets evolve naturally, POOFED us into existence.

So you think god POOFED the universe into existence, everything else after that happened naturally, but then he had to POOF land animals onto earth to make his masterpiece? LOL

Show where I said some god did anything to the universe?

YOU are the moron who engages in magical thinking.
Just because there’s a lot of planets out there, that doesn’t mean extraterrestrial intelligent life is inevitable. Personally, the sheer number of stars, planets, etc. Only serves to make me doubt all the more that there’s intelligent life outside of earth. Fermi Paradox.

We’ve spent tremendous effort to detect intelligent life, and all we have to show for it is deafening silence.

Given the mind-boggling distance just between individual stars, I’ll admit that we can never know for sure. But with all those planets, for all these billions of years intelligent life could have been potentially transmitting radio waves, why hasn’t a single intelligent-made extraterrestrial broadcast of some sort been detected here on earth? Even with these distances, why hasn’t some sort of alien probe or artifact been discovered since a nearly infinite amount of planets have had a nearly infinite amount of time?

At the bare minimum this suggests that if intelligent life *is*out there, it’s so unimaginably far away that we could never possibly contact them within the lifespan of our solar system. Or that interstellar travel is impossible beyond the few nearest stars. Or, most likely, that it simply isn’t out there at all.

There is absolutely zero evidence of extraterrestrial intelligent life. So until such evidence presents itself the simplest assumption is that such life doesn’t exist. It’s not the most entertaining assumption, but it’s the most logical.

People love to concoct unnecessarily elaborate theories when they find reality and facts boring. That’s why conspiracy theories are popular.
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A guest on the tremendous Dan Bongino program yesterday explained how improbable it was that there was intelligent life anywhere else in the universe.
We know so little he's an idiot for coming to a conclusion especially one where he says it's improbable.

The good news: We know vastly more than any previous generation. Our galaxy is crowded with exoplanets – planets around other stars. A healthy percentage of them are small, rocky worlds, of a similar size and likely similar composition to our home planet.

The ingredients in the recipe for earthly life – water, elements associated with life, available sources of energy – appear to be almost everywhere we’ve looked.

Observing signs of possible microbial life in exoplanet atmospheres is currently just out of reach.

Life on planets around other stars also might be hidden in a subsurface ocean encased in ice, invisible even to our most powerful space telescopes. Moons of Jupiter and Saturn are known to harbor such oceans, some revealing through remote sensing at least a few of the characteristics we expect for habitable worlds.

Some “exo-moons” also might be habitable worlds, as in the film, “Avatar.” But even proposed, future instruments are unlikely to have sufficient power to detect atmospheres of moons around giant exoplanets.

Still, the habitable zone is a good start, a way to zero in on signs of life made familiar by our fellow organisms here on planet Earth.

Although this Oxford study agrees with you


Paper uses statistics to examine how long it took life to evolve on Earth and how likely each step was; concludes highly unlikely other intelligent civilizations out there​

What the paper doesn't take into account is billions of years. And maybe each step isn't necessary. Is life on earth impossible without the moon? Would intelligent life be on earth today if dinosaurs never went extinct?

In the paper, scientists from Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute, theorize that as life evolved on earth, in many cases it depended on a series of unlikely “revolutionary transitions.” Given how late intelligent life evolved on this planet, the chances of similar developments happening on other planets, before they are no longer able to sustain life, were highly unlikely, they said.

“It took approximately 4.5 billion years for a series of evolutionary transitions resulting in intelligent life to unfold on Earth,”

SO what? Maybe it took that long here but maybe it doesn't always take that long.

“In turn, this suggests that intelligent life is likely to be exceptionally rare.”

I would agree with that. Intelligent life is rare. But life is probably not rare. So there is tons of unintelligent life out there. To me, I can believe this. If there was a god, there'd be more intelligent life out there. God would not create an entire universe with only one planet with life on it. He would have had other children for sure. Intelligent children in his image. But in a natural world, intelligent life yes would be rare. But life would be everywhere.
You are correct, of course. Nonetheless, a certain asshole posting on this thread insists he does know for sure.
No one says they know for sure. I'm just yelling at the people who are so sure there is no other life anywhere else. Of course there is. Intelligent life might be very rare though I'll give them that. What does the Drake Equation say?

probably between 1000 and 100,000,000 planets with civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy.

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