The big question about life on other planets: 1000000000000000000000 planets in the universe

Ding tries to be nice but his real personality comes out. Unkotare tries to be a dick but he isn't smart enough to get into a debate with anyone, so it's just him flinging poop. YOURE A RACIST poop. LIAR poop.

But never explaining why. He's the biggest dick.

Ding's just a stupid bible thumper who thinks he's smart enough to have proof of a god.

Unk is the worse. It must be he agrees with you so you don't see what a tool he is. He never answers any questions. I may not agree with you but when I ask you a simple question, you'll answer it right? He won't. So trust me, he's the biggest fool on USMB.

Just do a search for his name. Titles only. You'll see how many have started threads about what an asshole loser he is.
Sorry to have encouraged more here. I know Unk. He's a teacher, so earns my respect for that if little else.
Really? I don't think I'm that smart. I think you guys think I'm smart.

Why else would you keep bringing it up?
I remember you posted this:

I'm smart enough not to speak for God or to think I was anything special.
I'm smart enough not to attack the faith of others.
I'm smart enough not to be a deceitful subversive.
I'm smart enough to spot a deceitful subversive when I see one.
And I am smart enough to know you don't worship, praise or believe in God.

You aren't smart enough to fool anyone.
Hey... look what I found.

Now what was it that you were saying again, fletcher? :lol:

Until you told JohnDB

Without having to explain all of the details, can you provide a summary explanation that a six year old could understand. I'm not very smart.
I remember you posted this:

I'm smart enough not to speak for God or to think I was anything special.
I'm smart enough not to attack the faith of others.
I'm smart enough not to be a deceitful subversive.
I'm smart enough to spot a deceitful subversive when I see one.
And I am smart enough to know you don't worship, praise or believe in God.

You aren't smart enough to fool anyone.
Yep. That all sounds like things I have said. What's the problem?
Yep. That all sounds like things I have said. What's the problem?
And then that one time you said

Physiologically speaking, we aren’t much different than we were 10,000 years ago. Just taller. Knowledge is not intelligence. They are two different things. If you cannot understand the distinction, you may not be very intelligent.

What an idiot! That's when I lost all respect for your dumb ass. lol
Until you told JohnDB

Without having to explain all of the details, can you provide a summary explanation that a six year old could understand. I'm not very smart.
And that's unreasonable? You know that's what Einstein said, right? That if you can't explain something such that a 6 year old can understand then maybe you don't understand it yourself.

Still not seeing a problem here. What's the problem?
And then that one time you said

Physiologically speaking, we aren’t much different than we were 10,000 years ago. Just taller. Knowledge is not intelligence. They are two different things. If you cannot understand the distinction, you may not be very intelligent.
That's a true statement. What's wrong with it?
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And then that one time you said

Physiologically speaking, we aren’t much different than we were 10,000 years ago. Just taller. Knowledge is not intelligence. They are two different things. If you cannot understand the distinction, you may not be very intelligent.

What an idiot! That's when I lost all respect for your dumb ass. lol
Can you explain why that makes me an idiot and why that would make you lose all respect for me?
sealybobo I am truly sorry if I offended you but I don't think you understand what it means to say someone is not very intelligent. It seems to me that you think that means that that is the same thing as calling someone stupid. It's not. Understanding the distinction between knowledge and intelligence is something that people who are VERY intelligent would be able to instantly distinguish. So what that statement was saying is that you aren't in the upper range of intelligence if you can't distinguish knowledge from intelligence. So if you are able to make that distinction then there is no cause to take that as an insult. And if you aren't, it's still not calling you stupid. I understand that you are intelligent. I have always enjoyed sparring with you.

I am truly impressed that you were able to quote my posts so accurately from memory. I do appreciate that too. I can't tell you how many times my posts get twisted into things I never said or meant. So I commend you for getting them right. Do you keep a file of my posts?
You tell him Freak! Notice

No. I listen to the scientists. They tell us what star and planets are made up of. And it turns out shit is the same no matter where you go in the universe. All the building blocks of life are everywhere. And when the conditions are right, and that could be a planet like ours in the goldylocks zone or a moon that has water inside it and it gets stretched so much that the water stays liquid, like Europa,

Or the fact that they believe life was once on mars.

From what it looks like to scientists, life is probably EVERYWHERE in the universe. Just cause you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.

It's you making the assumptions bro. Yes I am too but what I'm assuming is that if there are a trillion planets out there, and the building blocks of life are everyone, and cooked up in planets, and if it happened here, it probably happened elsewhere too.

Why are you so sure we are all there is? Does your bible have something to do with it? I have no bible telling me we are the only life in the universe. I have an open mind. You, maybe be brainwashed by a Christian cult. Just sayin
You write:
Why are you so sure we are all there is? Does your bible have something to do with it? I have no bible telling me we are the only life in the universe. I have an open mind. You, maybe be [sic] brainwashed by a Christian cult. Just sayin['.]​

I've already answered that question. My opinion is based on an extensive store of firsthand knowledge regarding the findings of abiogenetic research. My expert opinion is that abiogenesis via the natural means of ordinary chemistry is impossible. An instance of abiogenesis would necessarily entail a staggeringly complex array of synchronously instantaneous events that could have only been orchestrated by a superpowerful intelligence. There is no way in hell, not on Earth or any other place in the Universe, that life arose from nonliving material via an accumulative process of natural means.
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There is no way in hell, not on Earth or on any other planet in the Universe, that life arose from nonliving material via an accumulative process of natural means.
But your opinion means Jack shit. Like, less than nothing. What matters is evidence. And determinism. All you have is naysaying and magical proposals. Surely you don't think such a baseless, childish opinion deserves any deference or respect.
My expert opinion is that abiogenesis via the natural means of ordinary chemistry is impossible.

And still no direct counter. Why am I not surprised.
You made an unevidenced assertion that you base on magic.

Exactly what counter or refutation do you think such a stunted, childish, unsupported assertion deserves, besides "Nope, that's stupid and wrong."...?


If I claimed rainbown unicorns make ice cream in the 6th dimension, what is the appropriate "counter" to that?

You handicap yourself with your magical declarations. That's your problem, nobody else's
Can you explain why that makes me an idiot and why that would make you lose all respect for me?
No I can’t explain it. If I met you I think I would like and respect you enough despite your dopey beliefs.

Im watching that 1864 tv show. Yellowstone origin story. It’s crazy how different people were back then. Savages. Barbarians. Brutal. But I agree, people were people thousands of years ago. Not much different than we are now.

God you’re smart.
No I can’t explain it. If I met you I think I would like and respect you enough despite your dopey beliefs.

Im watching that 1864 tv show. Yellowstone origin story. It’s crazy how different people were back then. Savages. Barbarians. Brutal. But I agree, people were people thousands of years ago. Not much different than we are now.

God you’re smart.
Stop it.

You do know it's possible to disagree with someone without actually fighting, right? You probably did it all the time when you were growing up. It's OK to disagree. Everything doesn't have to be personal.
This is what pisses me off about people who think there is no other life out there.

So we take a telescope and we look at another star. What do we see? Let's try this. Let's go to another star and look at our solar system. What do we see?

View attachment 577739

We don't see earth. So anyone who was looking at our solar system would see Jupiter and Saturn, maybe Neptune and Uranus and say, "no life there"

Scientists have discovered a new object orbiting a Sun-like star that had been missed by previous searches.

Jar Jar Binks is just waiting to come save you.

The believe in extraterrestrials by you morons is identical to the belief in angels and demons by the morons in the dark ages.

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