The Biggest Foreign Hacking / Spy Case Democrats Are Trying to Keep hidden...Because They Allowed It


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Released Evidence shows that DNC Party Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the Democratic Party House Members who hired them NEVER COMPLETED ANY TYPE OF BACKGROUND CHECK on the Pakistani Spies who were hired to work for them.

HAD they have conducted such a background check they would have quickly found - when they finally did do a background check they found:

$1.1 Million Bankruptcy

6 Lawsuits Against Him

3 Misdemeanor Convictions

Took $100,ooo from an Iraqi Govt Official who is a fugitive from the US Law

His car dealership business is tied to known terrorists

Numerous members of the family were tied to cryptic LLCs such as New Dawn 2001, operated out of Imran’s residence

Target of multiple Police complaints by numerous women

Long History of witness intimidation and Evidence Tampering

multiple misdemeanor convictions for driving offenses

Running a car dealership known to the CIA as having tied to terrorists

Questionable circumstances surrounding their father's death, kidnapping / holding their mother hostage while they spent their father's money.

Needless to say all of this - or just about any of it by themselves, would have prevented theses spies from being hired,,,

So how did the Awan's get extremely PART-TIME jobs working for Democratic party members of the House without having a background check done on them, especially when NO ONE gets a US govt job without a background check being done?

‘Option B’

There is an option - which should not exist, as this case is the perfect example of why that is the case - that allows someone to 'vouch' for hew hires:

“I have verified that a trustworthiness determination has been made on behalf of this shared resource by another Member.”

Although it does not ay who vouched for them, but it had to be Wasserman Schultz, who hired them.

44 Dems, Including Wasserman Schultz, Exempted Pakistani IT Aides From Background Checks
So AFTER they were hired, what happened?

They were...

Caught Logging into classified House servers using Congressmen’s personal usernames / passwords given to him by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz –

Caught logging into classified files / House Servers of Congressmen they did not even work for

Caught downloading TERA-bytes of information

US IG states in his report, :the Pakistanis were “behaving in ways that suggested “nefarious purposes” and that “steps are being taken to conceal their activity.”

Behaving in ways that suggested “nefarious purposes” and that “steps are being taken to conceal their activity.”

They were caught illegally accessing CLASSIFIED House Files, ransacking House Intel, House Foreign Affairs, and personal House Democrat files - USING USERNAMES AND PASSWORDS THEY WERE GIVEN DNC CHAIRWOMAN DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ!

As mentioned, they were caught downloading right on site terabytes of data and stealing it. The Awans said the data were family photos and thgeir kids homework (no shit)...that for some reason was on classified House files on Congressmen's personal and Committee servers / e-mails...?!

Police banned the suspects from the network after the IG report, but Wasserman Schultz kept Imran on staff anyway. He was in the building and in possession of a laptop with the username 'RepDWS'months later, according to an April 6, 2017 police report.
'Evidence of Illegal Foreign Collusion'? Yeah, we got it:

"Terrorist-connected Imran was determined to have a ‘longstanding personal relationship’ with Wasserman-Schultz, Rep. Ted Lieu of California on the Foreign Affairs Committee and three members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Reps. Andre Carson of Indiana, Jackie Speier of California and Joaquin Castro of Texas..."

It appears violating guidelines, rules, and laws regarding the handling and safe-keeping of Classified information:

“The HISPOL16 policy was created in September 2015 and says “As privileged accounts have a greater potential impact on information and information systems than general user accounts, organizations must promote trustworthiness of users of privileged accounts. Authorization officials must check the backgrounds of users of privileged accounts for elements that might make trustworthiness of a user questionable… The Office of the CISO suggests that Hiring Officers and their designees use the rigorous criminal history records search services provided by the United States Capitol Police.”

Democrats blew off the policy in hiring these terrorist spies …but that’s not all… There were glaring warning signs Democrats did not simply fail to notice - They DID notice, but aided and abetted by writing them off as tax payer losses / helping cover them up instead of reporting it / them. . .

More alarming is this:

“Xavier Becerra, now attorney general of California, ran the House Democratic Caucus, and his server was physically stolen shortly after the IG report named it as evidence in a hacking probe, three senior government officials said.”

SOMEONE did not want that evidence released / used.
Where is the Press on this scandal?
Oh, they are Democrats.
Never mind.
Democrats are allowed to get away with anything.
The IG also found and reported the following:

IG: FBI allowed a Congressional Hacking suspect leave the country.

IG: Intel Committee Dems ‘Dangerous,’ ‘Negligent’ In Handling Of Breach By Their Own IT Aide

Intel Committee Dems ‘Dangerous,’ ‘Negligent’ In Handling Of Breach By Their Own IT Aide

Internal Probe Reported 'Unauthorized Access' To Data; Officials Misrepresented Findings As 'Theft'

Hard Drive Tied to Wasserman Schultz Is Central To Imran Awan Case

18 Months In, Dem IT Aides Not Charged With Hill Crimes Despite Evidence

Gotta love a good Democratic Party / Democrat COVER-UP! :p

You would think as often as they try to cover up crimes they would eventually get better at it ... or just stop betraying this country, stop committing sedition / treason, endangering our national security, aiding and abetting terrorists and foreign enemies......

So AFTER they were hired, what happened?

They were...

Caught Logging into classified House servers using Congressmen’s personal usernames / passwords given to him by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz –

Caught logging into classified files / House Servers of Congressmen they did not even work for

Caught downloading TERA-bytes of information

US IG states in his report, :the Pakistanis were “behaving in ways that suggested “nefarious purposes” and that “steps are being taken to conceal their activity.”

Behaving in ways that suggested “nefarious purposes” and that “steps are being taken to conceal their activity.”

They were caught illegally accessing CLASSIFIED House Files, ransacking House Intel, House Foreign Affairs, and personal House Democrat files - USING USERNAMES AND PASSWORDS THEY WERE GIVEN DNC CHAIRWOMAN DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ!

As mentioned, they were caught downloading right on site terabytes of data and stealing it. The Awans said the data were family photos and thgeir kids homework (no shit)...that for some reason was on classified House files on Congressmen's personal and Committee servers / e-mails...?!

Police banned the suspects from the network after the IG report, but Wasserman Schultz kept Imran on staff anyway. He was in the building and in possession of a laptop with the username 'RepDWS'months later, according to an April 6, 2017 police report.
Personally, I think some blackmail was involved.
As reported, once the Awans were caught illegally accessing SECRET House files and downloading terabytes of data they were banned from the House and from accessing Govt computers...

- Some Democrats who these spies were working for - after hearing that their aides had been illegally accessing files, stealing govt secrets, possibly stealing personal information that could be used for blackmail, and that an Espionage Case was being opened up against them- refused to fire them, refused to press charges, and left them on the payroll.

- DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, the woman who had hired them / vouched for them in order to prevent a background check from being conducted on them, re-hired Awan - despite the fact that he had been banned form the House, had illegally accessed House files ,had illegally downloaded / stolen terabytes of data from the House's classified server, despite knowing he was under investigation for espionage.

Not only did she re-hire him, she gave him illegal access to the DNC's server, gave him access to all the DNC's members' e-mails as well as their usernames and passwords.

:wtf:Is it still considered 'illegal access' / 'hacking' if you are GIVEN access to the servers and e-mail and are provided with the usernames and passwords to get into every personal e-mail?

Not long after this the Keystone, Capitol Police realized what DWS had done and that Awan still had illegal access to servers and data. Awan was again Fired...and so was DWS.

Interestingly enough, the woman whose husband illegally collected FBI files on all of his political enemies while president, the man who was the 1st (of 2, he and Barry) to weaponize the IRS and use it against his political enemies, the woman who collaborated with and paid a foreign spy working with Russians for a debunked report that she used illegally in a US election and that the FBI used illegally to obtain FISA Warrants to spy on the opposing political candidate...Interestingly enough THIS woman IMMEDIATELY HIRED - that same day - DWS when she was fired for her running / participation in the Pakistani spy ring.
Personally, I think some blackmail was involved.
The US IG and several House and Senate members who were not embroiled in all of this have the same opinion.

They made the argument that 'when you find a terrorist-connected IT spy has / had illegal access to classified information that could hurt this country AND had illegal access to your personal files you DON'T hesitate to fire them, you do not hesitate to put distance between yourself and them for political benefit / damage control, and you DO file complaints / charges....which these Democrats did not. Some still have not.
Released Evidence shows that DNC Party Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the Democratic Party House Members who hired them NEVER COMPLETED ANY TYPE OF BACKGROUND CHECK on the Pakistani Spies who were hired to work for them.

HAD they have conducted such a background check they would have quickly found - when they finally did do a background check they found:

$1.1 Million Bankruptcy

6 Lawsuits Against Him

3 Misdemeanor Convictions

Took $100,ooo from an Iraqi Govt Official who is a fugitive from the US Law

His car dealership business is tied to known terrorists

Numerous members of the family were tied to cryptic LLCs such as New Dawn 2001, operated out of Imran’s residence

Target of multiple Police complaints by numerous women

Long History of witness intimidation and Evidence Tampering

multiple misdemeanor convictions for driving offenses

Running a car dealership known to the CIA as having tied to terrorists

Questionable circumstances surrounding their father's death, kidnapping / holding their mother hostage while they spent their father's money.

Needless to say all of this - or just about any of it by themselves, would have prevented theses spies from being hired,,,

So how did the Awan's get extremely PART-TIME jobs working for Democratic party members of the House without having a background check done on them, especially when NO ONE gets a US govt job without a background check being done?

‘Option B’

There is an option - which should not exist, as this case is the perfect example of why that is the case - that allows someone to 'vouch' for hew hires:

“I have verified that a trustworthiness determination has been made on behalf of this shared resource by another Member.”

Although it does not ay who vouched for them, but it had to be Wasserman Schultz, who hired them.

44 Dems, Including Wasserman Schultz, Exempted Pakistani IT Aides From Background Checks
/----/ Further proof liberals are evil.
The US IG, much like in the Witch Hunt against the President, has found a LOT of incriminating evidence ... against DEMOCRATS....

The US AG has remained silent and has taken no action...

The FBI has not said one word about the espionage...

Democrats remain silent...

The media remains silent...
....perhaps for the good of the country, for our National Security, perhaps Congress should consider passing legislation or maybe the President should consider signing an EO that calls for the immediate banning of any Democrat from accessing, handling, and / or having in their possession ANY classified information as well as NO ACCESS to classified ... due to the fact they have proven repeatedly they can not handle the responsibility of being entrusted with classified information.

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