The Biggest Threat to America...

Yes, somehow it was the same liberal mindset that said "taxed enough already" back then yet if people say the same thing today, liberals call them "racist". It was the same liberal mindset that sought to break away from European economic models and yet now liberals tell us we should emulate Europe. It was liberal and left leaning to put individual freedom above the collective or the State. Now the inverse is true. So, at what point did the modern day liberal revert and adopt the old conservative ways that it once abhorred?


all of these men talk of limited government..... Another liberal concept at the time.

Have an adult read it to you...
1) the liberal vote.....yup
The biggest threat to America is voters, period. Just look at what they've done to this once great nation over the past half century. And, folks, that says it all. Questions?

The biggest threat to America is the uneducated, uninformed voter. Those who Hillary Clinton is going after. Those who want free stuff. Those who feel entitled to free stuff. Those who don't realize there is not enough money in the coffers to continue supporting their lazy lifestyles.

Lady AquaAthena, as always, you are perfectly correct.

It sure is a tear to the eye nice, you being around....:smiliehug:
1) the liberal vote.....yup
My how original....Pretty much up to your apparent intelligence level though....:anj_stfu:

Just a few words and yet your so offended .. :laugh: .. I figure it's mostly guilt but didn't believe it was possibe...

We've been going down this liberal path for some time now, the failures of liberalism are now obvious.

Economic failure, moral failure, societal failure, lack of good jobs, constant international failure, crazy ass national debt, totally impossible federal unfunded liabilities, family destruction, drug infested inner cities, a fully dysfunctional and divisive political system .. the list goes on.... read over this link Frankee.

btw. you need friends little noobette and you're lucky I'm sooooo nice..:lol:

35 Shocking Statistics That Prove That Things Have Gotten Worse In America Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections
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I'm ready to rumble, to many Cokes is my guess.

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