The Black Man’s Guilt


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
In varying measures, modern Western education, films, and television programmes, not to mention Black activist organisations and academics, burden White folk with guilt for their ancestors’ alleged involvement with slavery. For obvious reasons, this is particularly the case in the United States. The accepted popular notion among far too many is that the White man enslaved the Black man; that all Whites did it or were and are still complicit; that all Whites grew rich off the scarred backs of African slaves; and that the descendants of White slave masters today have a moral responsibility to atone and compensate for their historical evils.
When one looks more deeply into the matter, however, one finds that the opposite is the case.


Yet it must not be forgotten that it was the Whites who also created the conditions for, and indeed legislated and enforced, emancipation; that it was the Whites who decreed that all men are equal under law; that it was the Whites who turned against themselves in the effort to create an egalitarian society and abolish the evil practice of slavery; and that, had it not been for the revolutionary activism of White idealists in Europe, it is quite possible that the Black slaves of Saint-Domingue would have remained slaves. Conditions in the island may have provided fertile soil, but the uprisings of the Blacks and of mulattoes after 1789 were ultimately the result of European, Jacobin propaganda.


And it must not be forgotten either, that once the Blacks attained independence from their former White masters, they immediately enslaved each other again, and in a much harsher and brutal manner than the Whites had ever done.

Any view of history based on race is racist. The "Black Race" did this and the "White Race" did that . ."

History is not made by races. It is made by individuals.

A group of people claiming they have a right to "compensation" based upon their racial status, are making an invalid and racist claim.

A White man today trying to take credit for the invention of the lightbulb, just because Thomas Edison was a White man, is making a false and racist claim.
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