The Blatant Lies of Bill O'Reilly Exposed, Right In Front Of Him

O'Reilly is an entertainer, not a 'journalist,' just as Fox is entertainment for conservatives, not 'news.' consequently both are at liberty to lie with impunity.

What is wrong with us that we tolerate TV networks that call themselves news outlets but according to you they may lie with impunity?
O'Reilly is an entertainer, not a 'journalist,' just as Fox is entertainment for conservatives, not 'news.' consequently both are at liberty to lie with impunity.

What is wrong with us that we tolerate TV networks that call themselves news outlets but according to you they may lie with impunity?
I know the answer to that.

Americans will not tolerate a loser, nor will individual Americans accept the blame for anything bad in their lives.

So elections are won by those who inspire outrage toward their opponents, and by publicizing it, the media gets larger audiences to tune in, and that increases their advertising revenue. The trick is doing that while offending the fewest amount of people
O'Reilly is an entertainer, not a 'journalist,' just as Fox is entertainment for conservatives, not 'news.' consequently both are at liberty to lie with impunity.

What is wrong with us that we tolerate TV networks that call themselves news outlets but according to you they may lie with impunity?
I know the answer to that.

Americans will not tolerate a loser, nor will individual Americans accept the blame for anything bad in their lives.

So elections are won by those who inspire outrage toward their opponents, and by publicizing it, the media gets larger audiences to tune in, and that increases their advertising revenue. The trick is doing that while offending the fewest amount of people

You may be right.

It shows in our congress. They seem to be there to promote their party or ideology rather than running the country.

The voters abet this destructive trend by electing unstable candidates. How else can we explain Bachman or Imhoff?
Al Franken has turned out to be a really excellent congressman but since its O'Reilly, its not really lying.

Really. We don't hold Fox to the same standards as true journalists. O'Reilly is no more a journalist than Breitbart or Limbaugh or Jones. He's on the payroll of the 1% (quite literally) and his job is to mix and stir and lie to the gullible RWs. They all do that very well.
O'Reilly, nope not a fan, is a commentator (talking head), not a journalist, big difference between the two. He did go to journalism school and for a time worked as a journalist but not since he started on The Factor (ultimately renamed the O'Reilly Factor) he's been a commentator. Calling O'Reilly a journalist is like calling Maddow a journalist, neither are.
O'Reilly went to journalism school?

He brags about going to Harvard, but he really just went to the Kennedy School on the Harvard campus. A school I might add, anyone can go to, if they are preparing for jobs in the public sector. Bill O'Reilly did not qualify to be a student at Harvard Univeristy proper.

Bill O'Reilly's degrees are in history, and his other degree in broadcast journalism from Boston College.
Bill-O is like a little boy-child who finds it necessary to run around trumping up stories about themselves to appear worthy to their elders.

This is a grown-ass man behaving in such a despicable, deplorable and dishonest manner.

Damn shame really.
O'Reilly is an entertainer, not a 'journalist,' just as Fox is entertainment for conservatives, not 'news.' consequently both are at liberty to lie with impunity.

What is wrong with us that we tolerate TV networks that call themselves news outlets but according to you they may lie with impunity?
I know the answer to that.

Americans will not tolerate a loser, nor will individual Americans accept the blame for anything bad in their lives.

So elections are won by those who inspire outrage toward their opponents, and by publicizing it, the media gets larger audiences to tune in, and that increases their advertising revenue. The trick is doing that while offending the fewest amount of people
Spot on.
It's not exactly rocket science pointing out the various lies, hypocrisies, distortions and (most prevalent) half-truths of partisan pundits.

When you listen to your favorite partisan pundit(s), do you really think you're getting the whole story? Really?

The sad thing is that what these people say is enough for so many of their followers, who have turned into incurious, intellectually lazy narcissists.

It's not exactly rocket science pointing out the various lies, hypocrisies, distortions and (most prevalent) half-truths of partisan pundits.

When you listen to your favorite partisan pundit(s), do you really think you're getting the whole story? Really?

The sad thing is that what these people say is enough for so many of their followers, who have turned into incurious, intellectually lazy narcissists.


I don't have a favorite partisan pundit. Whatever will I do?

Maybe I'll pretend that I don't listen to partisan pundits and then buy into their bullshit talking "you didn't build that" points. But what if I slip up and admit to listening to Mark Levin "just to see what the partisans are saying". This is all so complicated.
It's not exactly rocket science pointing out the various lies, hypocrisies, distortions and (most prevalent) half-truths of partisan pundits.

When you listen to your favorite partisan pundit(s), do you really think you're getting the whole story? Really?

The sad thing is that what these people say is enough for so many of their followers, who have turned into incurious, intellectually lazy narcissists.

Earlier I said "what Fox News did for TV News, is the same as what the National Inquirer did for newspapers"

Prior to 1996, the media was center left.

Increasingly since 1996, the news is migrating towards what I call "advocacy journalism"

Eisenhower warned of the Military Industrial Complex, and the threat it posed to democracy.

IMO, the rise of the "low information voter" is a direct result of advocacy journalism, and IMO that, which I call the "Media Political Complex", is the biggest threat to American prosperity we have.

Both the MIC and PMC, involve collusion at levels high enough to subvert the truth and economic equal opportunity
It's not exactly rocket science pointing out the various lies, hypocrisies, distortions and (most prevalent) half-truths of partisan pundits.

When you listen to your favorite partisan pundit(s), do you really think you're getting the whole story? Really?

The sad thing is that what these people say is enough for so many of their followers, who have turned into incurious, intellectually lazy narcissists.


I don't have a favorite partisan pundit. Whatever will I do?

Maybe I'll pretend that I don't listen to partisan pundits and then buy into their bullshit talking "you didn't build that" points. But what if I slip up and admit to listening to Mark Levin "just to see what the partisans are saying". This is all so complicated.
I think I've stumbled onto a simpler method for avoiding bias, but it's not exciting.

I read the proposed legislation from Washington in it's unspun form, on and, and form an opinion of it before I listen to what righty or lefty pundits tell me about it.

I read historical non fiction, with emphasis on unedited testimony from those who were there.

Then I watch what the pundits do with all of it, for giggles.

Politics in America is no different than sporting events. Teams become loyal to their side no matter what, because Americans want to win, and feel right.

The truth, and solutions, to our problems, all by themselves without the political theatre, are boring
Wow, it just keeps getting worse for Bill

But even this won't shake Fox News's support for Bill. If this had been a mainstream media personality like Chris Mathews, Fox would be calling down a shit storm of demands that he resign pending the outcome.

Remember...Fox cannot allow it's centerpiece to fall, no matter what is proven, or unproven about him. It would compromise the foundation of Fox News

PS, that article should be it's own thread
WoW! I I thought that was a joke, but it seems like Bill-O is ACTUALLY in the midst of a nasty divorce.

Oh...that can't be good for business at all.
Wow, it just keeps getting worse for Bill

But even this won't shake Fox News's support for Bill. If this had been a mainstream media personality like Chris Mathews, Fox would be calling down a shit storm of demands that he resign pending the outcome.

Remember...Fox cannot allow it's centerpiece to fall, no matter what is proven, or unproven about him. It would compromise the foundation of Fox News

PS, that article should be it's own thread
Which serves as further confirmation of the fact that Fox is not 'news,' and Bill O'Reilly is no 'journalist.'
WoW! I I thought that was a joke, but it seems like Bill-O is ACTUALLY in the midst of a nasty divorce.

Oh...that can't be good for business at all.

I wondered if the story was real too, it doesn't seem to be getting much coverage. Can Foxnews keep a wife beater on the air?
  • Thanks
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It sounds like Bill is calling his daughter a liar for testifying she saw the assault. Of course it is hard to tell who is telling the truth and what stories are real in these ugly divorce cases, but what kind of man would implicate his teenage daughter as being a liar?
It sounds like Bill is calling his daughter a liar for testifying she saw the assault. Of course it is hard to tell who is telling the truth and what stories are real in these ugly divorce cases, but what kind of man would implicate his teenage daughter as being a liar?

The kind of man who would protect his career at any cost. Put them both on lie detectors and see what happens.
It sounds like Bill is calling his daughter a liar for testifying she saw the assault. Of course it is hard to tell who is telling the truth and what stories are real in these ugly divorce cases, but what kind of man would implicate his teenage daughter as being a liar?

The kind of man who would protect his career at any cost. Put them both on lie detectors and see what happens.
Sadly, if you put 24 hour news cycle pundits, and the politicians who appear on them, on a lie detector. It would catch every last one of them, on both sides, lying their asses of in every sentence.

That's a double edged sword, and for that reason it'll never happen.

But it would be funny to watch
O'Reilly is an entertainer, not a 'journalist,' just as Fox is entertainment for conservatives, not 'news.' consequently both are at liberty to lie with impunity.

What is wrong with us that we tolerate TV networks that call themselves news outlets but according to you they may lie with impunity?
I know the answer to that.

Americans will not tolerate a loser, nor will individual Americans accept the blame for anything bad in their lives.

So elections are won by those who inspire outrage toward their opponents, and by publicizing it, the media gets larger audiences to tune in, and that increases their advertising revenue. The trick is doing that while offending the fewest amount of people

You may be right.

It shows in our congress. They seem to be there to promote their party or ideology rather than running the country.

The voters abet this destructive trend by electing unstable candidates. How else can we explain Bachman or Imhoff?
Or how else to explain Obama?
Or how else to explain Obama?

That's easy to explain.. After Bush people wanted change. They wanted a sensible administration and they wanted a square deal for the working folks.

Obama was promoted to fulfill these desires.

He turned out to be a centrist who didn't stray too far from the previous administration. But voters are easy to fool. Most cast their ballot based on emotion, not facts. And facts are hard to come by in this "dis-information age".

Campaign managers know that the average voter knows nothing and votes pretty much according to the ads. The candidate with the best ads wins.

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