The Book of Acts

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
Since I have trouble with a lot of reading sometimes and reading comprehension, I thought that it would be a good idea to start an online Bible study. What is the book of Acts really about? Maybe you can help me by helping me to break it down into chapters?

The Book of Acts​

The classic Stanislavski text, or something different?

It's about the Christian movement, and how the Church grew.

After Jesus ascended to Heaven of course.

Acts, action.

Faith without works is dead.

Being a Christian is not a name, it's an act.

Happy reading.
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Since I have trouble with a lot of reading sometimes and reading comprehension, I thought that it would be a good idea to start an online Bible study. What is the book of Acts really about? Maybe you can help me by helping me to break it down into chapters?

Have you ever tried an audio Bible? You don't have to "read" to read God's Word! You might really like an audio Bible.

I will give a broad overview: Acts is short for The Acts of the Apostles and gives an account of the very early Church, including how the Gospel was first spread in the early church. It is a VERY adventurous book of the Bible with shipwrecks, snake bites and prison breaks. So whereas Paul's letters etc in the Epistles are a lot of theology, Acts is a lot of ACTion!

I'm in John right now. I'm on a two year reading plan where I read the Bible in two years. Every day I read about one chapter of the Bible plus a chapter in Psalms or Proverbs. I think I have read the entire Bible three times now, but I like this plan so much I might just start it over on Jan 1st. I KNOW myself and I KNOW I need a plan. If I don't have a schedule my Bible reading just won't get done.
Have you ever tried an audio Bible? You don't have to "read" to read God's Word! You might really like an audio Bible.

I will give a broad overview: Acts is short for The Acts of the Apostles and gives an account of the very early Church, including how the Gospel was first spread in the early church. It is a VERY adventurous book of the Bible with shipwrecks, snake bites and prison breaks. So whereas Paul's letters etc in the Epistles are a lot of theology, Acts is a lot of ACTion!

I'm in John right now. I'm on a two year reading plan where I read the Bible in two years. Every day I read about one chapter of the Bible plus a chapter in Psalms or Proverbs. I think I have read the entire Bible three times now, but I like this plan so much I might just start it over on Jan 1st. I KNOW myself and I KNOW I need a plan. If I don't have a schedule my Bible reading just won't get done.
I did a one year plan like this some years ago. Twice.

I took two to three years to read the Bible chapter by chapter some years before that.

I too, need, and appreciate, the structure of a plan.

It is good to spend time in His Word.
Have you ever tried an audio Bible? You don't have to "read" to read God's Word! You might really like an audio Bible.

I will give a broad overview: Acts is short for The Acts of the Apostles and gives an account of the very early Church, including how the Gospel was first spread in the early church. It is a VERY adventurous book of the Bible with shipwrecks, snake bites and prison breaks. So whereas Paul's letters etc in the Epistles are a lot of theology, Acts is a lot of ACTion!

I'm in John right now. I'm on a two year reading plan where I read the Bible in two years. Every day I read about one chapter of the Bible plus a chapter in Psalms or Proverbs. I think I have read the entire Bible three times now, but I like this plan so much I might just start it over on Jan 1st. I KNOW myself and I KNOW I need a plan. If I don't have a schedule my Bible reading just won't get done.
I did a one year plan like this some years ago. Twice.

I took two to three years to read the Bible chapter by chapter some years before that.

I too, need, and appreciate, the structure of a plan.

It is good to spend time in His Word.
You can read it a million times, but what's the use if you don't believe ?
Acts affirms the whole purpose of God as the kingdom of heaven (20:25-27).

And in the kingdom, resurrection is not to land or tabernacle, as the Jews taught, but rather to God. Paul's accusers charged him with sedition, but they lied, of course, to both Festus and Agrippa (25:18-19; 26:6). Their interest in Paul was in regard to their own belief system and the preservation of their religious authority.

Paul taught what Jesus taught, that Adam did not forsake the flesh but rather the spirit. In the garden, man forsook God and nothing else. Christ reconciled that severed relationship, dying not for individual salvation, per se, as Christians teach, but for the church, as Acts 20:28 and Ephesians 5:25 aver.

Acts relates the realization of the kingdom on earth through the fulfillment of Israel's prophecies, such as Joel's prophecy (2:17-21).Shortly after his speech at Pentecost, Peter iterated the point he had made in the temple regarding Joel’s prophecy, that those were the days that the prophets had proclaimed (Acts 3:24). Likewise, James also hearkened to the fulfillment of prophecy at that time, as when he spoke before the Jerusalem Council that Amos’ prophecy was at that moment transpiring, that God had adopted into His family Simeon and his fellow Gentiles (15:13-18).

Jesus died for the church, and Acts seems to relate the events in the 40 days after his resurrection as his transformation to becoming the head of that church. It is finished.

As I read it, anyway.
Basically the Book of Acts is addressing the growth and expansion of the early Church that Christ built as accomplished through the Holy Spirit Baptized ACTS OF THE APOSTLES (that is the official title of this book, as written by LUKE) as personally commissioned by Jesus Christ.

During this time period covering about the 1st 10 years of the Church Acts demonstrates how the church exploded unto the scene, as it was first to evangelize the JEWS........after the very first gospel sermon introduced by Peter (whom the Christ had left the keys to the kingdom/church) about 3000 souls was added to the kingdom/church. The Church was born over 2000 years ago on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:41)

".....many of those who heard the Word believed; and the number of men came to be about 5,000" -- Acts 4:4

Believers were constantly being added to the church by the Multitude (Acts 5:14) That included a great many of the Jewish priests (Acts 6:7) Even in Samaria (once rejecting the Christ's message) the MULTITUDES heeded the things spoken by Philip (Acts 8:6)

The church all throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria continued to increase (Acts 9:31)

The Book of Acts addresses the causes of the this instant growth....that finally led to the First Gentile Covert some 10 years after the birth of the church. It address how a once persecutor of the church was personally converted by the Jew Saul became the Apostle to the Gentiles "PAUL". He was chosen because of his deep background knowledge of the Law of Moses and proved how Jesus indeed was the Christ of Prophecy. Only Paul was born out of season......yet still he was a personal witness of Christ's resurrection when Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus.

Some claim that Paul was not a true Apostle. But Peter verifies Pauls' apostleship (2 Peter 3:15-16) According to Peter Paul lacked in nothing as far as being an Apostle of Christ. Luke in the Book of Acts also confirms Paul's apostleship, describing how Paul miraculously healed the lame (Acts 14:9-10_

The Book of Acts demonstrates how gifts of the Holy Spirit was passed on through the laying on of hands by the Apostles of Christ......and how some wished to purchase that gift and was told you have neither lot nor part in this matter.

One the most important and uncomprehended passages in the Book of it explains with no ambiguity how the Apostles passed on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. "Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. And when Simon (basically a person that practiced the black arts) saw that through the laying on of the apostle's hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, saying 'Give me this power also, that anyone I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17-19) Simon was rebuked for suggesting such a thing and was plainly told YOU HAVE NEITHER LOT NOR PART IN THIS MATTER.

Paul goes on to explain this also, how the gifts of the Spirit are passed on by the laying on hands by an Apostle "Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of MY HANDS." -- 1 Tim. 1:6 And again in 1 Tim. 4:14.

The Book of Acts details the qualifications of being an Apostle of Christ. To be an Apostle of Christ one had to be a personal eyewitness of Jesus' resurrection and in the presence of the Christ. (Acts 1:21-22). There are none qualified today to claim that title. It was a duty of an Apostle to provide EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY and EVIDENCE of the majesty of Christ. (Acts 10:39-41) Anyone that claims that Jesus appears to them personally today is either Mentally unstable or an outright liar.

Beware of the wolves in sheep's clothing who tell you, "God loves you.......but....send your money to my address......"
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