The Border Crisis: A Struggle Between Compassion and Justice

Yeah, and it severely damaged Reagan. He didn't regret the decision, but it cost him in the eyes of Americans. Yeah, I was born the year after he granted 5 million illegals amnesty.

This is not an issue young people can be expected to understand, and you don't, obviously...

Yes, agism as an argument. That didn't work on Reagan and it won't work on me. This is what you do when cornered.
There's no corner. It's a different plain of reality. You see the world as law and order, and that's not what it is. I can't explain it to you, no one can, you have to live it...
has to decide the fate of these children. I have to agree with TK, people of good conscience can be torn by this one. I don't think it has anything to do with disease or laws though, those are just an excuse to send them back when maybe your basic human instinct tells you that they are only children and must be matter what. And after all America at one time embraced this creed;

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Of course in 1886 when the Statue was dedicated the U.S. population was under 60 million and half a continent had more or less been cleared of it's native inhabitants and was waiting to be settled. And of course it was understood the immigrants to be welcomed should be white, preferably protestant. There wasn't much altruism involved in manifest destiny. I'm afraid todays situation is powered by the same dynamics, economy, race and not much morality. The decision won't be informed by altruism but by cold political reasoning. And really does it matter? Who honestly knows what is best for these kids. America isn't exactly an oasis for a large percentage of it's own children. As a matter of fact at times it is hell on earth in places like inner city Chigago. And what do these kids say if you give them a choice, stay, strangers in a strange land, or return to their parents?

And if you open the flood gates won't they eventually have to be slammed, creating an even bigger humanitarian crisis? Like I said, this is one time I'm glad my opinion doesn't matter.
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[MENTION=46872]SmedlyButler[/MENTION]. That was awesome. I agreed with every word. Thank you for explaining it so well.
For me the question is if we open this Pandora's box allowing "poverty" to become the new norm for true refugee status how on earth do you stem what will be a tsunami of souls from across the globe?

How does one sort out who is poorer? Are poor Haitians more deserving of refugee status than poor Somalis? Are Somalis in greater poverty than people from Mauritania?

How could you even function as a nation if millions descend on America claiming refugee status due to poverty? You couldn't.

And shouldn't the first obligation of the President and all elected officials of the United States of America be to their own citizens?

I'm afraid there is no option but to keep Pandora's Box closed.
My heart is heavy thinking about these babies. How on earth did this happen? I know that the media in Central America basically have been hyping the detention centers as nothing short of Club Med for children. And hyping the "Dream".

Obviously people bought in. And have for whatever reason sent their children. I still can't wrap my brain around this. What are we up to? 50,000 some odd separated from parents and siblings? They must be so afraid.

This is crazy.
These children were by no means in hell. Their country is plagued by violence and murderous gangs. They are not invading gangs. They are the fathers, brothers, uncles and cousins of those same children. They will find or make the culture here that they are used to. Thinking we can change them is infuckingsane. Many of the invaders are adults. Look at what's coming in. They aren't children. They are the fathers, uncles, brothers and cousins who made home the hell. That guy with the mustache is not 12 years old. Letting them stay isn't compassion. It's crazy.

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