The brilliance of our drug laws.

There's no brilliance in drug laws that lock thousands of citizens up in jail, but ignore social responsible solutions.
Locking up dealers is minimally effective as other dealers quickly take their place. It's harder to replace customers however. They are the low hanging fruit, easy to catch. Of course, we need to enact laws that facilitate this.

Peruse any hardware store and you'll find hundreds of tools made specifically for a certain task, but you can go over our laws with divining rod and not find one that is adequate to deal with the drug problem.
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As long as drugs are illegal, the bad guys will be in control.
Legalizing the possession, sale, distribution & manufacture would be the drug cartels worst nightmare. Apply free market principles and the criminals power is broken or at least greatly diminished.

Many years ago, before cocaine caught on, the importation of marijuana was the major drug problem we had. It was run by criminal organizations & drove a lot of crime in our country.
Now, not so much.
I may not want to do it but I have no right to tell a fellow free person what they can or can't do if it does no harm to anyone else.
God gave us all free will. It's a beautiful thing but it can also carry consequences
Hit heavy on the taxation. Ukraine needs money !
Locking up dealers is minimally effective as other dealers quickly take their place. It's harder to replace customers however. They are the low hanging fruit, easy to catch. Of course, we need to enact laws that facilitate this.
No, but that's the answer that is expected from Americans.

The answer can only lie in reducing or eliminating the need for drugs in America. But socially responsible solutions are just dirty words in America.

The solution for the immediate future is more guns on the streets.
No, but that's the answer that is expected from Americans.

The answer can only lie in reducing or eliminating the need for drugs in America. But socially responsible solutions are just dirty words in America.

The solution for the immediate future is more guns on the streets.
The problem is that 'socially responsible solutions' are an invitation for more societal problems. You're dealing with people that don't give a rat's ass about the consequences their behavior. Their credo is "I'll make a mess, you clean it up."
if you cant find any proof of legal shops doing that then it doesnt exist....i googled a few topics on that,all i found were the illegal ones and a lot of them got shut down....
I appreciate that you looked into it. I think I may have seen it on an investigative journalism expose' on tv. I recall images of plastic bags full of various kinds of pot offered to buyers in the 'back room' of a legal shop.
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Not really

For too long we arrested the end user and not the distributors.
They aren't arrested for using drugs, but for possessing them, as well as other offenses. That's the paradox.

Drugs in your pocket: Guilty
Drugs in your system: Not guilty
The cartels exercise control right up to the street dealer level.

We have been fighting a false war on drugs. It's time to fight a real one.

There will be more bloodshed with legalization as cartels compete in an expanded market. They can undercut the price of legally produced drugs as is shown with the pot trade. Even legal pot retailers are now selling cheaper illegal pot out the back door.
Don’t know how much cheaper they can go without practically giving it away. Just got an Oz of some pretty good bud for $20 at a local dispensary.

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