The brilliance of our founding fathers is being revealed in today's world

There were millions of successful businesses every year Trump declared bankruptcy. A good business person knows how to deal with tough markets and whatever the government puts in front of them.
You obviously have no clue what it takes to be successful in business.
Oh fuck. Another clod who specialises in personal attacks. Just the kind of shit bird to fuck the place up.

I have not completely researched why the casinos failed but will examine weather and also other factors when I get around to it.

I recall many many failures. Such as Lockheed at one time. GM and Chrysler as well. Hell Bankruptcies are a dime a thousand.

Biden is kicking Bankruptcy into high gear.... And Democrats protest that Trump cheated lenders.... Hell, Biden encourages it.

So, what are you going to say when Trump basically skates on 91 indictments?
I wil admit he is a brilliant crook. Similar to Al Capone. Good criminals, like Trump, know how to stay one step ahead of the law.
I think he is cooked this time. Wwe will see.
Oh fuck. Another clod who specialises in personal attacks. Just the kind of shit bird to fuck the place up.

I have not completely researched why the casinos failed but will examine weather and also other factors when I get around to it.

I recall many many failures. Such as Lockheed at one time. GM and Chrysler as well. Hell Bankruptcies are a dime a thousand.

Biden is kicking Bankruptcy into high gear.... And Democrats protest that Trump cheated lenders.... Hell, Biden encourages it.

No personal attacks, just facts.
6 bankruptcies, you better research, 6 different circumstances of why Trump declared bankruptcies.
I wil admit he is a brilliant crook. Similar to Al Capone. Good criminals, like Trump, know how to stay one step ahead of the law.
I think he is cooked this time. Wwe will see.

No personal attacks, just facts.
6 bankruptcies, you better research, 6 different circumstances of why Trump declared bankruptcies.
And with all that he did super better at running the country than Biden has.
We have plenty of problems, pinning it on one person not smart. We need a United states of America.
Or we will have another War.
Joe may not ne the sharpest guy in the world but he is not a danger to the country our founding father built.
Fer Christ sake, remind us again, how many illegals has Biden let into this country.
I wil admit he is a brilliant crook. Similar to Al Capone. Good criminals, like Trump, know how to stay one step ahead of the law.
I think he is cooked this time. Wwe will see.

No personal attacks, just facts.
6 bankruptcies, you better research, 6 different circumstances of why Trump declared bankruptcies.
An honest person admits when he attacks. And sir, you definitely attacked in the post I cited. Trump was the victim of a poor economy the way I recall the story. However none of the bankruptcies were Trump's personal bankruptcies but were of the corporate Casinos Trump had his interest in. Say GM went bankrupt and you happened to have stock, you would not be blamed for the fate of GM.
An honest person admits when he attacks. And sir, you definitely attacked in the post I cited. Trump was the victim of a poor economy the way I recall the story. However none of the bankruptcies were Trump's personal bankruptcies but were of the corporate Casinos Trump had his interest in. Say GM went bankrupt and you happened to have stock, you would not be blamed for the fate of GM.
You, like Trump, always have to be the victim. Poor guy always feels attacked. Grow a couple and try handling the truth. Poor victim.
The brilliance of our founding fathers is being revealed in today's world.

A prophetic letter from Alexander Hamilton to George Washington articulated concerns of a Donald Trump someday.
The letter
"When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper,.... despotic in his ordinary demeanor, known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty, when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity, to join in the cry of danger to liberty, to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion, to flatter and fall in with all the nonsense of the zealots of the day, It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ‘ride the storm and direct the whirlwind,’" stated the letter from Hamilton.

AMAZING - Hamilton forsaw Trump in 1792.

You're a fucking dumbass. The founders would have hung your traitorous ass
Before that they would have beat your ass senseless for misquoting them.
You're a fucking dumbass. The founders would have hung your traitorous ass
Before that they would have beat your ass senseless for misquoting them.
You are quite the tough guy. At least you are trying to sound like one.
Whether you are a tough guy or not you are clueless on US history.
Dumb as a stump who tries to be a tough guy.
You are quite the tough guy. At least you are trying to sound like one.
Whether you are a tough guy or not you are clueless on US history.
Dumb as a stump who tries to be a tough guy.
Poor dumbass hates the truth. You're very lacking in historical knowledge
You, like Trump, always have to be the victim. Poor guy always feels attacked. Grow a couple and try handling the truth. Poor victim.
You are so damned insensitive you would slam an axe into a persons head and ask them to thank you.
You are quite the tough guy. At least you are trying to sound like one.
Whether you are a tough guy or not you are clueless on US history.
Dumb as a stump who tries to be a tough guy.
You call others talking as you talk, victims. Funny huh?
He ran the country better according to his cult followers. 7 more milliom voters said he did not.
Actually, Biden did not require that many votes. His 628 thousand votes gave him enough electors.

Take states where Trump whipped Biden. He had way more than enough votes to take Biden out.
Poor dumbass hates the truth. You're very lacking in historical knowledge
Let a dumbass school you.
First, Donald Trump is not a founding father of the US
Second, two founding fathers had a vision of a Donald Trump and mindless followers like you.
A key concern of James Madison and Alexander Hamilton was that demagogues would incite mobs and factions to defy the rule of law, overturn free and fair elections and undermine American democracy.
Third, one of our greatest Presidents ever, Abraham Lincoln, had a vision of a Donald Trump and mindless followers like you.
Lincoln was "worried about the fate of the republic if a leader of demagogic ambition arose who was not committed to the institutions built by the founding generation."
You are so damned insensitive you would slam an axe into a persons head and ask them to thank you.
Whoa, you are more of a victim than I thought. A few words you disagree with and you liken it to an axe in a persons head. That is way out there.
Let me help you.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
Let a dumbass school you.
First, Donald Trump is not a founding father of the US
Second, two founding fathers had a vision of a Donald Trump and mindless followers like you.
A key concern of James Madison and Alexander Hamilton was that demagogues would incite mobs and factions to defy the rule of law, overturn free and fair elections and undermine American democracy.
Third, one of our greatest Presidents ever, Abraham Lincoln, had a vision of a Donald Trump and mindless followers like you.
Lincoln was "worried about the fate of the republic if a leader of demagogic ambition arose who was not committed to the institutions built by the founding generation."
Dumbass you ain't schooling anyone but your rookie ass
No one but you claims Donald Trump is a founding father.ike I said dumbass the founders of this country would hang your treasonous ass. But Friday beat the shit out of you for misquoting them.

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