The Buffett Rule

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Senate Democrats To Push 'Buffett Rule' Bill This Week

aka, The Fair Share Rule.

Brace yourselves. All you 1% here are gonna hate this.

It would require people who make more than $1 million to pay a 30 percent effective tax rate. Tax loopholes now allow some of the wealthiest Americans to pay lower tax rates than people in the middle class.

Don't worry. The pubs will filibuster it because, as we all know, they are owned by the 1%.
If someone is in the 1% and they post here, they have bigger problems than their taxes.
If someone is in the 1% and they post here, they have bigger problems than their taxes.

Who else would be against this?

Its an effective tax rate of 3-4% more than I pay.

WHO would be against this? Except, of course, the pubs.
Senate Democrats To Push 'Buffett Rule' Bill This Week

aka, The Fair Share Rule.

Brace yourselves. All you 1% here are gonna hate this.

It would require people who make more than $1 million to pay a 30 percent effective tax rate. Tax loopholes now allow some of the wealthiest Americans to pay lower tax rates than people in the middle class.

Don't worry. The pubs will filibuster it because, as we all know, they are owned by the 1%.

Unconstitutional since it would necessitate illegally changing other codes the law does not apply to. The rich already PAY more then 30 percent on interest and income.
Senate Democrats To Push 'Buffett Rule' Bill This Week

aka, The Fair Share Rule.

Brace yourselves. All you 1% here are gonna hate this.

It would require people who make more than $1 million to pay a 30 percent effective tax rate. Tax loopholes now allow some of the wealthiest Americans to pay lower tax rates than people in the middle class.

Don't worry. The pubs will filibuster it because, as we all know, they are owned by the 1%.

Unconstitutional since it would necessitate illegally changing other codes the law does not apply to. The rich already PAY more then 30 percent on interest and income.

No, they don't. No one does.

The richest 0.1% pay, on average, 24%.

The Tax Foundation - Summary of Latest Federal Individual Income Tax Data
Raise the country's top 1% earners to a 100% tax rate on ALL income for all I care. This country's budget concerns will still be fucked.

...go swallow a razor blade you simpleton.
Senate Democrats To Push 'Buffett Rule' Bill This Week

aka, The Fair Share Rule.

Brace yourselves. All you 1% here are gonna hate this.

It would require people who make more than $1 million to pay a 30 percent effective tax rate. Tax loopholes now allow some of the wealthiest Americans to pay lower tax rates than people in the middle class.

Don't worry. The pubs will filibuster it because, as we all know, they are owned by the 1%.

Fuck you and communism. If you dont earn it,IT DOESNT BELONG TO YOU.GO WITH THAT GARBAGE TO CHINA OR RUSSIA.FUCKING COMMIE CRYBABIES.GET AEDUCATION.SKILLS.EARN IT. CAUSE I HAVE A FAMILY TO SUPPORT,AND I SURE AS HELL AM NOT SUPPORTING YOU,OR YOUR OWS GARBAGE. GET A FUCKING JOB. IF PEOPLE ARE RICH,THEY FUCKING EARNED IT.STOP CRYING.WORK HARDER.NOBODY ON THIS PLANET IS ENTITLED TO SHIT except to take responsibility and do for themselves. If someones poor,its their own damn fault. If as an ordinary citizen take responsibility and not blame others,so cant every fucking body elae.
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Raise the country's top 1% earners to a 100% tax rate on ALL income for all I care. This country's budget concerns will still be fucked.

...go swallow a razor blade you simpleton.

Eliminate spending to foreign aid,welfare,and bullshit green and scientific projects,and our problems pretty much well as getting rid of illegal aliens,their support,and useless federal agencies.
Senate Democrats To Push 'Buffett Rule' Bill This Week

aka, The Fair Share Rule.

Brace yourselves. All you 1% here are gonna hate this.

It would require people who make more than $1 million to pay a 30 percent effective tax rate. Tax loopholes now allow some of the wealthiest Americans to pay lower tax rates than people in the middle class.

Don't worry. The pubs will filibuster it because, as we all know, they are owned by the 1%.

I am definitely NOT a 1% but I definitely HATE idiots and people who are too f..king lazy to do just a little fact finding !

Down load this file from the IRS AND LEARN!!
SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income


THOSE FILTHY EVIL people that stole $5 million to $10 million or more a year???
those 14,236 people PAID 29.1% of their INCOME in taxes!!!

BUT of course you ignorant selfish greedy portion of the lazy bastards you are
don't deal with FACTS do you?

FACTS like IF BUFFET's secretary paid more then 15% of her salary in TAXES
SHE WOULD BE MAKING over $200,000 a year!
AGAIN look it up and you 'll see 13,370,297 tax returns with adjusted taxable income between $100,000 and $200,000 paid 16.3% of their taxable income in taxes!

THESE ARE cold hard FACTS that you idiots keep IGNORING and that's what I hate!
Again... I want the truth and you idiots don't take just a little time to find the truth as I have that
A) Obama the dick that he is WROTE OFF of his taxable income for the last 3 years
over $100,000 lowering his tax bill ...yet this hypocrite is out there telling you idiots
something entirely different! AND YOU believe it cause like the little kids you are you believe in fairy tales!
B) Obama wrote off TAX LOOP HOLE $245,000 in donations! YUP that's a loop hole!
C) Obama paid ONLY 24% of his tax able income!
THIS DICK keeps complaining WHY NOT PAY THE FULL 39% he wants the rest of the world to pay??

D) BUFFET's companies OWE OWE THE IRS over $1 billion!!

Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway, has a decade-old dispute with the IRS over its corporate tax bill, an obligation worth $1 billion dollars, so far.

“The company has been short-changing the tax collection agency for much of the past decade. Mr. Buffett’s company has not fully settled its tax bills from 2002-2009. Yet he says he’d happily pay more. Except the IRS has apparently been asking him to pay more going on nine years.”
Warren Buffet owes IRS federal taxes « Romanticpoet's Weblog

AND THIS IS THE SAME DICK complaining HE 's paying less then his SECRETARY who has to be making according to the IRS over $100,000 or more a year IF she's paying over 15% in taxes which is what BUFFET supposedly PAYS!

AGAIN... I just HATE YOU idiots who mouth these memes and idiotic MSM biased inaccurate stories!
BUFFET's Secretary makes over $100,000!
BUFFET OWES the IRS $1 billion pay up!
Obama TAKES TAX LOOP holes over $400,000 and you idiots stupidly don't see the hypocrisy and THAT's WHAT I really hate!

YOU idiots ignoring these glaring FACTS and yet you go on repeating 100% LIES!
The liberal Democrat creed:

"We want MORE
of the other guy's money!"​
Well, Insurance folks want people to buy their insurance and pay them premiums.
Grocers, store owners, filling stations, mechanics, restaurants, everybody--we all depend on each other to take care of ourselves and our families. It's against the law for us to print our own money, so we either have to inherit a lot of it or work for it to keep families clothed, fed, educated, exercised, and entertained.

We all want somebody else to pay us for doing our share, or taking care of us when our bodies or minds aren't doing so well.

And one way or another, we get by. Or not.

It's the "Or not" cases that cause us to pitch in and help those who have greater needs than others have.

The trouble with having people to vote and make choices is that if they're shortchanged in society, they have certain rights through redress via the courts, the same as those who worked to have something nice in their old age--independence, steady income, etc.

And you have to go along with those who are allowed to vote as part of a minority or sway enough independents.

We help and we depend on other people.

AT least, until someone legalizes printing presses to make money, which likely ain't gonna happen. :D
The problem with doubling the capital gains tax rate from 15% up to 30% is twofold:

Firstly, the "capital" has already been taxed once- making the actual rate of taxation around 40%. That does not entice anyone to invest, well, at least not here. The wealthy will invest offshore.

Secondly, the income derived from the higher rate will be minimal at first and over the long run, the treasury will actually take in less. This is because capital gains are optional in many cases. I can choose to hold on to appreciated assets rather than sell them - tax rate = ZERO. Then when I die, my heirs will inherit these assets on a stepped up basis- tax rate= ZERO.

"Eat the rich" is the new "hope and change".
Calling it the Fair Rule is a lie.

They are paying their fair share now. By definition, their fair share is the amount set by law that they need to pay. If they didnt pay that, they would be in jail.

How about we just lower taxes to a flat tax below 10%? That way everyone pays their fair share and none is over taxed.
The problem with doubling the capital gains tax rate from 15% up to 30% is twofold:

Firstly, the "capital" has already been taxed once- making the actual rate of taxation around 40%. That does not entice anyone to invest, well, at least not here. The wealthy will invest offshore.

Secondly, the income derived from the higher rate will be minimal at first and over the long run, the treasury will actually take in less. This is because capital gains are optional in many cases. I can choose to hold on to appreciated assets rather than sell them - tax rate = ZERO. Then when I die, my heirs will inherit these assets on a stepped up basis- tax rate= ZERO.

"Eat the rich" is the new "hope and change".

Very few corporations pay much in taxes, and wages, which are taxed at a higher rate, come from the same net income as capital gain.

So if wages and capital gain have already been taxed, IT IS STILL UNFAIR FOR THE IDLE RICH TO BE TAXED AT A LOWER RATE THAN PEOPLE WHO WORK.
Calling it the Fair Rule is a lie.

They are paying their fair share now. By definition, their fair share is the amount set by law that they need to pay. If they didnt pay that, they would be in jail.

How about we just lower taxes to a flat tax below 10%? That way everyone pays their fair share and none is over taxed.

Very few corporations pay much in taxes, and wages, which are taxed at a higher rate, come from the same net income as capital gain.

So if wages and capital gain have already been taxed, IT IS STILL UNFAIR FOR THE IDLE RICH TO BE TAXED AT A LOWER RATE THAN PEOPLE WHO WORK.

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