The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?

Until Obama ascended the thrown, America was one of the wealthiest countries on Earth, despite practising the values you blame for making countries "third world." It appears your theory is faulty.

You forgot the worst financial crash in history, 2008.
goober chirps ... "When did I agree to pay any of those taxes?"

when you decided to live here you dumbass.

rural developments exist with no streetlights, and more than a few too.
Sure they did. What kind of infrastructure did they have in the 1820s when they built all the textile mills in the North-East? There was virtually no government infrastructure until after WW II.

It's not 1820 you stupid Canadian.

You said it was impossible to build a business without government infrastructure. I proved you wrong. There was no government infrastructure until after WW II. Even now it's not impossible. Huge mines are often built where there are no roads or electricity. However, it's much easier to build a factor where there are already roads and electricity than build all that stuff yourself.
goober chirps ... "When did I agree to pay any of those taxes?"

when you decided to live here you dumbass.

Wrong again, asshole. I was born here. How does living here constitute agreeing to anything? No lawyer or judge would agree with such a notion.

rural developments exist with no streetlights, and more than a few too.

The term "rural development" is an oxymoron. There may be houses in rural areas where there are no street lights, but that's hardly the same thing. Furthermore, if the government didn't install them, then why are you holding private enterprise responsible? The claim was that government paid for street lights. Your example doesn't support that claim.
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You really think a developer would build a subdivision without street lights?

Would a developer do anything he's not required to do? Really?

Of course he would. Is the developer required to put in a community pool? Tennis courts? Tile roofs? Low E glass? 6 inch walls rated at R-19? Natural Gas?

Amenities sell. Luxury's you spout such as 6" wall, low E, Tile roofs, etc are generally because of energy requirements. ENERGY CALCS

Nope, they aren't required. Other developments in the area don't have them. People buy quality and they buy a low cost of ownership.

They are ADD ONS. Developers don't waste money. A local developer bought a subdivision I know of that had solar as a requirement. Halfway in the bumped it to 'optional', at the same time they stopped plumbing for AC systems (they saved $700 per house, and became 'optional', and IF you want to install the system later (because of new Cali requirements are going up, it's about $10,000 according to the AC contractor), lol

They aren't add ons. They're standard.
Hmmm, no, it's done with your CDD payments.

Which IS a tax on the homeowners. Specifically lighting and landscaping districts, in Calif it generally excludes roads.


It's not a tax because you agree to pay it.

"It's not a tax because you agree to pay it."

You agree to pay your income taxes, payroll, taxes, gas taxes, sales taxes. None of those are taxes either? MORON

When did I agree to pay any of those taxes?

Well, like when you bought the house, it's when you buy products or sell your services dummy

Nope. I never signed anything agreeing to pay any tax I've ever paid. Buying a product does not constitute agreeing to the taxes on it. Neither does selling one. That's pure statist boot-licking propaganda.
OK, OK, fool....if you insist, I'll beat you like a rented mule.

"I ask for a specific Obama policy blah blah blah...."

Liar, you can pretend that here is some implied restriction in the abstruse way you defined your request....but we know both know that this is but another lie Liberals tell when cornered.

...a definite course or method of action selected from among alternatives and in light of given conditions to guide and determine present and future decisions
Policy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

e.g., ObamaCare
The Case Against Obamacare: Health Care Policy
The Case Against Obamacare Health Care Policy Series for the 112th Congress

Once again:

1. Government control of private sector aptly described as Bolshevik- or Marxist, socialist, collectivist, statist, or, for that matter, fascist, too. Indeed, nationalized health care was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917 (Banks, insurance companies and means of communications were also taken over by Soviet authorities immediately. Dziewanowski, "A History of Soviet Russia," p. 107.

2. Obama wasn't the first Bolshevik to support socialized medicine. For context, there was Henry Sigerist: "He devoted himself to the study of history of medicine.Socialized Medicine in the Soviet Union(1937), andHistory of Medicinewere among his most important works. He emerged as a major spokesman for "compulsory health insurance". ...He attacked theAmerican Medical Associationbecause of his conflicting views onsocialized medicine." Henry E. Sigerist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

a. And, Sigerist was one of the apologists for Stalin, including his state-engineered famine in the Ukraine. 7 million perished (The History Place - Genocide in the 20th Century Stalin s Forced Famine 1932-33).

b. Sigerist "shared with the architects of Soviet health policy under Stalin an outlook best described as medical totalitarianism. He really believed that humanity would be better off if every individual were under the medical supervision of the state from cradle to grave....[and] Sigerist's belief in the necessity for state control over all aspects of medicine ultimately made him an apologist for state control over most aspects of human life." Fee and Brown, eds. "Making Medical History: The Life and Times of Henry E. Sigerist," p. 252

In your face.

Once again you struggle to provide any credible evidence to support your rant that Obamacare is Marxist/ Collectivist

ADHD in adults is treatable. Many times you can control it through diet and better sleep practices. In your case, medications are probably called for

Actually, I proved that Obamacare is Marxist/ Collectivist.

And, as a bonus...that you are a sleazy liar.

You can stop begging now.

10 Signs You May Have OCD -

I've exposed you as a liar....and your response is to make up another lie???


Simply deserve another Liberal merit badge.

Hey....let me give you the opportunity to serve your lord and master with another lie:

Is ObamaCare one more iteration of the medical totalitarianism that was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917?

Is it?

C'mon......Let all readers see your answer to that.
You have failed to demonstrate how government is running healthcare with private doctors, private hospitals and private insurance

Isn't it time for you to go into an FDR tirade?

I love making you lying Liberals cry....
Mean, huh?

It's my guilty pleasure.

Next time you'll know better than to try to slip your propaganda by.

OK, OK....I have to admit that you served up a real soft ball..." "Point to any Obama policy that could be considered Marxist Collectivist."

That one was soooooo easy to knock out of the park, what with the Bolsheviks instituting the same policy in 1917.

Come back soon, y'hear.
What happened was that Asia and Europe was able to rebuild and compete while Americans got fat, dumb and happy.
You really need to take a history class, not a 'hicktory' class.
Instead of answering you insulted. It's obvious who the mental midget here is, you dodge anything you can't deal with, which is a lot. BUT you think you fooled people. LOL.
thats true, but many times the damage is already done. the better solution is to elect people who understand what this country stands for------------------and its not socialism, winger/jake.
Define socialism

To you....socialism is any time the government does anything to help the people

sorry, asshole, your hero obozo the great is really more of a marxist collectivist----------look it up ya fricken jerk.


Point to any Obama policy that could be considered Marxist Collectivist

Do you even know what the words mean?

Obamacare, "I want to redistribute the wealth". "you didn't build that". "fair share" "free jr college" obamaphones.

I could go on for several paragraphs, but maybe you get it--------------probably not.

Do you even know what a Marxist collectivist is? Or is it just some word you picked up on a rightwing blog?

None of those things is either Marxist or collectivist, they are just functions of government

"to each in accordance with his needs, from each according to his abilities" Marx (and obama)

if the concept is too complex for you then that explains why you are on the govt dole.
"The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?"

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
I would define insure domestic Tranquility as happiness ... and to promote the general Welfare is to promote business ....
Define socialism

To you....socialism is any time the government does anything to help the people

sorry, asshole, your hero obozo the great is really more of a marxist collectivist----------look it up ya fricken jerk.


Point to any Obama policy that could be considered Marxist Collectivist

Do you even know what the words mean?

Obamacare, "I want to redistribute the wealth". "you didn't build that". "fair share" "free jr college" obamaphones.

I could go on for several paragraphs, but maybe you get it--------------probably not.

Do you even know what a Marxist collectivist is? Or is it just some word you picked up on a rightwing blog?

None of those things is either Marxist or collectivist, they are just functions of government

"to each in accordance with his needs, from each according to his abilities" Marx (and obama)

if the concept is too complex for you then that explains why you are on the govt dole.
does dead between the ears come to mind when you read this stuff...
wrote the first one to you, the second one not to you. What confused you about that?
Your reluctance to define "socialism"

I am? Am not. I've defined it repeatedly. I've defined it so many times, I need to start a thread to bring up another liberal asks this question I can quote like I have for guns and small government libertarianism. I'll do that when I get a chance.There are many forms it takes, but here is the difference between socialism and capitalism.

Capitalism is economic freedom. Consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals, we make our own choices for our own interest. That drives market efficiency which benefits everyone. The primary role of government in this is to provide civil courts to redress civil crimes (e.g., breach of contract) and criminal courts to redress crimes (e.g., fraud). I also believe an informed buyer/employee is best served with information. I consider it a legitimate role for government to require accurate disclosures. So for example I oppose government forcing a business to hire or serve blacks. However, I am in favor of government forcing them to disclose that clearly and accurately to other potential employees or customers. I also consider it legitimate for government to enforce accurate advertising, whether products were tested or not and how thoroughly, that sort of thing.

Socialism is central economic planning. Central economic planning means that consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals must make decisions that are not in their own interest. Otherwise central planning would not be required, capitalism would yield the same result. And the only way to get people to act against their own interest is force, and only the government can use force. Various forms of socialism are full socialism where all industry is owned by government, fascism where industry is technically in private ownership but all decisions are dictated or approved by government and crony capitalism where government helps the businesses in quid pro quo fashion where the businesses fund the politicians and the politicians write laws to assist those businesses. In all those cases, planning is central and enforced by government guns. To the people, they are the same, you have the choices government gives you.

With all the discussions we've been in together I can't believe you never saw this. I've explained it repeatedly.

Which IS a tax on the homeowners. Specifically lighting and landscaping districts, in Calif it generally excludes roads.


It's not a tax because you agree to pay it.

"It's not a tax because you agree to pay it."

You agree to pay your income taxes, payroll, taxes, gas taxes, sales taxes. None of those are taxes either? MORON

When did I agree to pay any of those taxes?

Well, like when you bought the house, it's when you buy products or sell your services dummy

Nope. I never signed anything agreeing to pay any tax I've ever paid. Buying a product does not constitute agreeing to the taxes on it. Neither does selling one. That's pure statist boot-licking propaganda.

Fukking wingnutter, you AGREE by doing it

Don't like it, move to some 3rd world nation libertarian paradise
Until Obama ascended the thrown, America was one of the wealthiest countries on Earth, despite practising the values you blame for making countries "third world." It appears your theory is faulty.

You forgot the worst financial crash in history, 2008.

Horseshit-------------------1929 was much much worse.

Agreed, Harding/Coolidge REALLY showed Dubya how to pump up an economy. Dubya's a lightweight next to those 2 'free market' guys...
It's not a tax because you agree to pay it.

"It's not a tax because you agree to pay it."

You agree to pay your income taxes, payroll, taxes, gas taxes, sales taxes. None of those are taxes either? MORON

When did I agree to pay any of those taxes?

Well, like when you bought the house, it's when you buy products or sell your services dummy

Nope. I never signed anything agreeing to pay any tax I've ever paid. Buying a product does not constitute agreeing to the taxes on it. Neither does selling one. That's pure statist boot-licking propaganda.

Fukking wingnutter, you AGREE by doing it

Don't like it, move to some 3rd world nation libertarian paradise

I agree by doing what, living here?

Wrong. Try using that argument in a court of law. The judge will throw your ass out of court.
"It's not a tax because you agree to pay it."

You agree to pay your income taxes, payroll, taxes, gas taxes, sales taxes. None of those are taxes either? MORON

When did I agree to pay any of those taxes?

Well, like when you bought the house, it's when you buy products or sell your services dummy

Nope. I never signed anything agreeing to pay any tax I've ever paid. Buying a product does not constitute agreeing to the taxes on it. Neither does selling one. That's pure statist boot-licking propaganda.

Fukking wingnutter, you AGREE by doing it

Don't like it, move to some 3rd world nation libertarian paradise

I agree by doing what, living here?

Wrong. Try using that argument in a court of law. The judge will throw your ass out of court.

LOL, PLEASE TRY IT. Just say you never agreed to be taxed!

People have protested taxation at various times in the history of the United States, sometimes violently.

Tax protester history in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

FBI mdash San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail - Forbes

"It's not a tax because you agree to pay it."

You agree to pay your income taxes, payroll, taxes, gas taxes, sales taxes. None of those are taxes either? MORON

When did I agree to pay any of those taxes?

Well, like when you bought the house, it's when you buy products or sell your services dummy

Nope. I never signed anything agreeing to pay any tax I've ever paid. Buying a product does not constitute agreeing to the taxes on it. Neither does selling one. That's pure statist boot-licking propaganda.

Fukking wingnutter, you AGREE by doing it

Don't like it, move to some 3rd world nation libertarian paradise

I agree by doing what, living here?

Wrong. Try using that argument in a court of law. The judge will throw your ass out of court.

"All Property, indeed, except the Savage's temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions, absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents, and all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity and the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."

Property Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris

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