The Business of Government is to Promote Happiness or Business?

When did I agree to pay any of those taxes?

Well, like when you bought the house, it's when you buy products or sell your services dummy

Nope. I never signed anything agreeing to pay any tax I've ever paid. Buying a product does not constitute agreeing to the taxes on it. Neither does selling one. That's pure statist boot-licking propaganda.

Fukking wingnutter, you AGREE by doing it

Don't like it, move to some 3rd world nation libertarian paradise

I agree by doing what, living here?

Wrong. Try using that argument in a court of law. The judge will throw your ass out of court.

LOL, PLEASE TRY IT. Just say you never agreed to be taxed!

People have protested taxation at various times in the history of the United States, sometimes violently.

Tax protester history in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

FBI mdash San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail - Forbes


Please try what?

Why don't you try using the argument in a court of law that someone agreed to a contract because they failed to move.

You're an imbecile.

The fact that the courts prosecute you for not paying taxes only proves that the government will prosecute you for not paying taxes. No where in your case was there discussion about whether the defendant agreed to pay it. The court just doesn't give a shit about whether you agreed to it.
When did I agree to pay any of those taxes?

Well, like when you bought the house, it's when you buy products or sell your services dummy

Nope. I never signed anything agreeing to pay any tax I've ever paid. Buying a product does not constitute agreeing to the taxes on it. Neither does selling one. That's pure statist boot-licking propaganda.

Fukking wingnutter, you AGREE by doing it

Don't like it, move to some 3rd world nation libertarian paradise

I agree by doing what, living here?

Wrong. Try using that argument in a court of law. The judge will throw your ass out of court.

"All Property, indeed, except the Savage's temporary Cabin, his Bow, his Matchcoat, and other little Acquisitions, absolutely necessary for his Subsistence, seems to me to be the Creature of public Convention. Hence the Public has the Right of Regulating Descents, and all other Conveyances of Property, and even of limiting the Quantity and the Uses of it. All the Property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other Laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."

Property Benjamin Franklin to Robert Morris

Appeal to authority - a logical fallacy.
Once again you struggle to provide any credible evidence to support your rant that Obamacare is Marxist/ Collectivist

ADHD in adults is treatable. Many times you can control it through diet and better sleep practices. In your case, medications are probably called for

Actually, I proved that Obamacare is Marxist/ Collectivist.

And, as a bonus...that you are a sleazy liar.

You can stop begging now.

10 Signs You May Have OCD -

I've exposed you as a liar....and your response is to make up another lie???


Simply deserve another Liberal merit badge.

Hey....let me give you the opportunity to serve your lord and master with another lie:

Is ObamaCare one more iteration of the medical totalitarianism that was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917?

Is it?

C'mon......Let all readers see your answer to that.
You have failed to demonstrate how government is running healthcare with private doctors, private hospitals and private insurance

Isn't it time for you to go into an FDR tirade?

I love making you lying Liberals cry....
Mean, huh?

It's my guilty pleasure.

Next time you'll know better than to try to slip your propaganda by.

OK, OK....I have to admit that you served up a real soft ball..." "Point to any Obama policy that could be considered Marxist Collectivist."

That one was soooooo easy to knock out of the park, what with the Bolsheviks instituting the same policy in 1917.

Come back soon, y'hear.

Totally bizarre response

Are you off your meds? You are starting to ramble like Sarah Palin
ocialism is central economic planning.
Tell me if the following conforms to your understanding of socialism?
"a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution,of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole."
Socialism Define Socialism at
Railing against central planning seems to contradict the fundamental unit of capitalism, i.e., the corporation.

Socialism says the control of land and labor belongs in the hands of the society, and not a few rich investors.

Socialism and Workers Self-Directed Enterprises Professor Richard D. Wolff
Define socialism

To you....socialism is any time the government does anything to help the people

sorry, asshole, your hero obozo the great is really more of a marxist collectivist----------look it up ya fricken jerk.


Point to any Obama policy that could be considered Marxist Collectivist

Do you even know what the words mean?

Obamacare, "I want to redistribute the wealth". "you didn't build that". "fair share" "free jr college" obamaphones.

I could go on for several paragraphs, but maybe you get it--------------probably not.

Do you even know what a Marxist collectivist is? Or is it just some word you picked up on a rightwing blog?

None of those things is either Marxist or collectivist, they are just functions of government

"to each in accordance with his needs, from each according to his abilities" Marx (and obama)

if the concept is too complex for you then that explains why you are on the govt dole.

You might remotely have a point if we even remotely had social programs like that. Instead we have a capitalist system that is allowing the wealthy to absorb more of the wealth than any time in modern history. Your comparison of this system to 1917 Russia is just plain nonsense
Actually, I proved that Obamacare is Marxist/ Collectivist.

And, as a bonus...that you are a sleazy liar.

You can stop begging now.

10 Signs You May Have OCD -

I've exposed you as a liar....and your response is to make up another lie???


Simply deserve another Liberal merit badge.

Hey....let me give you the opportunity to serve your lord and master with another lie:

Is ObamaCare one more iteration of the medical totalitarianism that was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917?

Is it?

C'mon......Let all readers see your answer to that.
You have failed to demonstrate how government is running healthcare with private doctors, private hospitals and private insurance

Isn't it time for you to go into an FDR tirade?

I love making you lying Liberals cry....
Mean, huh?

It's my guilty pleasure.

Next time you'll know better than to try to slip your propaganda by.

OK, OK....I have to admit that you served up a real soft ball..." "Point to any Obama policy that could be considered Marxist Collectivist."

That one was soooooo easy to knock out of the park, what with the Bolsheviks instituting the same policy in 1917.

Come back soon, y'hear.

Totally bizarre response

Are you off your meds? You are starting to ramble like Sarah Palin

Pleeeeezzzzeee....give me another Liberal lie that I can dismantle!!!!

I asked you this one yesterday"

Hey....let me give you the opportunity to serve your lord and master with another lie:

Is ObamaCare one more iteration of the medical totalitarianism that was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917?

Is it?

C'mon......Let all readers see your answer to that.

Jump right in!!!!
The thread is based on a false premiss of liberal misunderstanding about the US government in the first place. The happiness clause in the the DoI, not Constitution. The Declaration outlines values not law. The Constitution is the legal foundation we live under. What libs typically get wrong is they think it grants powers onto us and as such how much the government can do for us to get what we want.
You misunderstand the meaning of "happiness" as it's being used in this context:
"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do… By the principle of utility is meant that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever according to the tendency it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question: or, what is the same thing in other words to promote or to oppose that happiness. I say of every action whatsoever, and therefore not only of every action of a private individual, but of every measure of government."
Utilitarianism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Actually, I proved that Obamacare is Marxist/ Collectivist.

And, as a bonus...that you are a sleazy liar.

You can stop begging now.

10 Signs You May Have OCD -

I've exposed you as a liar....and your response is to make up another lie???


Simply deserve another Liberal merit badge.

Hey....let me give you the opportunity to serve your lord and master with another lie:

Is ObamaCare one more iteration of the medical totalitarianism that was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917?

Is it?

C'mon......Let all readers see your answer to that.
You have failed to demonstrate how government is running healthcare with private doctors, private hospitals and private insurance

Isn't it time for you to go into an FDR tirade?

I love making you lying Liberals cry....
Mean, huh?

It's my guilty pleasure.

Next time you'll know better than to try to slip your propaganda by.

OK, OK....I have to admit that you served up a real soft ball..." "Point to any Obama policy that could be considered Marxist Collectivist."

That one was soooooo easy to knock out of the park, what with the Bolsheviks instituting the same policy in 1917.

Come back soon, y'hear.

Totally bizarre response

Are you off your meds? You are starting to ramble like Sarah Palin

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
Well, like when you bought the house, it's when you buy products or sell your services dummy

Nope. I never signed anything agreeing to pay any tax I've ever paid. Buying a product does not constitute agreeing to the taxes on it. Neither does selling one. That's pure statist boot-licking propaganda.

Fukking wingnutter, you AGREE by doing it

Don't like it, move to some 3rd world nation libertarian paradise

I agree by doing what, living here?

Wrong. Try using that argument in a court of law. The judge will throw your ass out of court.

LOL, PLEASE TRY IT. Just say you never agreed to be taxed!

People have protested taxation at various times in the history of the United States, sometimes violently.

Tax protester history in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

FBI mdash San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail - Forbes


Please try what?

Why don't you try using the argument in a court of law that someone agreed to a contract because they failed to move.

You're an imbecile.

The fact that the courts prosecute you for not paying taxes only proves that the government will prosecute you for not paying taxes. No where in your case was there discussion about whether the defendant agreed to pay it. The court just doesn't give a shit about whether you agreed to it.

You agree to paying it by being a US citizen OR just living in OUR society Bubba. PLEASE go in front of a judge and tell him you never agreed to pay your payroll taxes, lol

You get to be crowned King of Wingernuttervill today Bubba

I've exposed you as a liar....and your response is to make up another lie???


Simply deserve another Liberal merit badge.

Hey....let me give you the opportunity to serve your lord and master with another lie:

Is ObamaCare one more iteration of the medical totalitarianism that was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917?

Is it?

C'mon......Let all readers see your answer to that.
You have failed to demonstrate how government is running healthcare with private doctors, private hospitals and private insurance

Isn't it time for you to go into an FDR tirade?

I love making you lying Liberals cry....
Mean, huh?

It's my guilty pleasure.

Next time you'll know better than to try to slip your propaganda by.

OK, OK....I have to admit that you served up a real soft ball..." "Point to any Obama policy that could be considered Marxist Collectivist."

That one was soooooo easy to knock out of the park, what with the Bolsheviks instituting the same policy in 1917.

Come back soon, y'hear.

Totally bizarre response

Are you off your meds? You are starting to ramble like Sarah Palin

Pleeeeezzzzeee....give me another Liberal lie that I can dismantle!!!!

I asked you this one yesterday"

Hey....let me give you the opportunity to serve your lord and master with another lie:

Is ObamaCare one more iteration of the medical totalitarianism that was one of the first programs enacted by the Bolsheviks after they seized power in 1917?

Is it?

C'mon......Let all readers see your answer to that.

Jump right in!!!!

Will note you've passed this up twice already

Winston Churchill was a Bolshevik
Guess who helped launch socialized healthcare in the U.K.? The ultimate conservative icon -- and he was proud of it

Winston Churchill was a Bolshevik -
Nope. I never signed anything agreeing to pay any tax I've ever paid. Buying a product does not constitute agreeing to the taxes on it. Neither does selling one. That's pure statist boot-licking propaganda.

Fukking wingnutter, you AGREE by doing it

Don't like it, move to some 3rd world nation libertarian paradise

I agree by doing what, living here?

Wrong. Try using that argument in a court of law. The judge will throw your ass out of court.

LOL, PLEASE TRY IT. Just say you never agreed to be taxed!

People have protested taxation at various times in the history of the United States, sometimes violently.

Tax protester history in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

FBI mdash San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail - Forbes


Please try what?

Why don't you try using the argument in a court of law that someone agreed to a contract because they failed to move.

You're an imbecile.

The fact that the courts prosecute you for not paying taxes only proves that the government will prosecute you for not paying taxes. No where in your case was there discussion about whether the defendant agreed to pay it. The court just doesn't give a shit about whether you agreed to it.

You agree to paying it by being a US citizen OR just living in OUR society Bubba. PLEASE go in front of a judge and tell him you never agreed to pay your payroll taxes, lol

You get to be crowned King of Wingernuttervill today Bubba

Wrong, asshole. By no moral, ethical or legal principle is that true. That's the moral code of a Mafia extortionist.

And like I told you, the issue of whether I agreed to pay taxes doesn't come up in a court of law because paying taxes isn't a contractual obligation. The judge doesn't give a shit whether you agreed to it or not. You're the one claiming I agreed, not some judge or the legal code of the United States.
The thread is based on a false premiss of liberal misunderstanding about the US government in the first place. The happiness clause in the the DoI, not Constitution. The Declaration outlines values not law. The Constitution is the legal foundation we live under. What libs typically get wrong is they think it grants powers onto us and as such how much the government can do for us to get what we want.
You misunderstand the meaning of "happiness" as it's being used in this context:
"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do… By the principle of utility is meant that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever according to the tendency it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question: or, what is the same thing in other words to promote or to oppose that happiness. I say of every action whatsoever, and therefore not only of every action of a private individual, but of every measure of government."
Utilitarianism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Happiness as defined by Wikipedia? The DoI isn't the governing document of the land, even if your Wikilink had any relevance.
The thread is based on a false premiss of liberal misunderstanding about the US government in the first place. The happiness clause in the the DoI, not Constitution. The Declaration outlines values not law. The Constitution is the legal foundation we live under. What libs typically get wrong is they think it grants powers onto us and as such how much the government can do for us to get what we want.
You misunderstand the meaning of "happiness" as it's being used in this context:
"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do… By the principle of utility is meant that principle which approves or disapproves of every action whatsoever according to the tendency it appears to have to augment or diminish the happiness of the party whose interest is in question: or, what is the same thing in other words to promote or to oppose that happiness. I say of every action whatsoever, and therefore not only of every action of a private individual, but of every measure of government."
Utilitarianism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Utilitarianism always struck me as fundamentally pointless for exactly this reason. It's certainly not anything I want government to follow.
Fukking wingnutter, you AGREE by doing it

Don't like it, move to some 3rd world nation libertarian paradise

I agree by doing what, living here?

Wrong. Try using that argument in a court of law. The judge will throw your ass out of court.

LOL, PLEASE TRY IT. Just say you never agreed to be taxed!

People have protested taxation at various times in the history of the United States, sometimes violently.

Tax protester history in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

FBI mdash San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail - Forbes


Please try what?

Why don't you try using the argument in a court of law that someone agreed to a contract because they failed to move.

You're an imbecile.

The fact that the courts prosecute you for not paying taxes only proves that the government will prosecute you for not paying taxes. No where in your case was there discussion about whether the defendant agreed to pay it. The court just doesn't give a shit about whether you agreed to it.

You agree to paying it by being a US citizen OR just living in OUR society Bubba. PLEASE go in front of a judge and tell him you never agreed to pay your payroll taxes, lol

You get to be crowned King of Wingernuttervill today Bubba

Wrong, asshole. By no moral, ethical or legal principle is that true. That's the moral code of a Mafia extortionist.

And like I told you, the issue of whether I agreed to pay taxes doesn't come up in a court of law because paying taxes isn't a contractual obligation. The judge doesn't give a shit whether you agreed to it or not. You're the one claiming I agreed, not some judge or the legal code of the United States.

OK, Glad I crowned you King of Wingnutters earlier since you 'think' Gov't is equated to the mafia, lol
I agree by doing what, living here?

Wrong. Try using that argument in a court of law. The judge will throw your ass out of court.

LOL, PLEASE TRY IT. Just say you never agreed to be taxed!

People have protested taxation at various times in the history of the United States, sometimes violently.

Tax protester history in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

FBI mdash San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail - Forbes


Please try what?

Why don't you try using the argument in a court of law that someone agreed to a contract because they failed to move.

You're an imbecile.

The fact that the courts prosecute you for not paying taxes only proves that the government will prosecute you for not paying taxes. No where in your case was there discussion about whether the defendant agreed to pay it. The court just doesn't give a shit about whether you agreed to it.

You agree to paying it by being a US citizen OR just living in OUR society Bubba. PLEASE go in front of a judge and tell him you never agreed to pay your payroll taxes, lol

You get to be crowned King of Wingernuttervill today Bubba

Wrong, asshole. By no moral, ethical or legal principle is that true. That's the moral code of a Mafia extortionist.

And like I told you, the issue of whether I agreed to pay taxes doesn't come up in a court of law because paying taxes isn't a contractual obligation. The judge doesn't give a shit whether you agreed to it or not. You're the one claiming I agreed, not some judge or the legal code of the United States.

OK, Glad I crowned you King of Wingnutters earlier since you 'think' Gov't is equated to the mafia, lol

The government is indistinguishable from an organized gang of criminals.
LOL, PLEASE TRY IT. Just say you never agreed to be taxed!

People have protested taxation at various times in the history of the United States, sometimes violently.

Tax protester history in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

FBI mdash San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail - Forbes


Please try what?

Why don't you try using the argument in a court of law that someone agreed to a contract because they failed to move.

You're an imbecile.

The fact that the courts prosecute you for not paying taxes only proves that the government will prosecute you for not paying taxes. No where in your case was there discussion about whether the defendant agreed to pay it. The court just doesn't give a shit about whether you agreed to it.

You agree to paying it by being a US citizen OR just living in OUR society Bubba. PLEASE go in front of a judge and tell him you never agreed to pay your payroll taxes, lol

You get to be crowned King of Wingernuttervill today Bubba

Wrong, asshole. By no moral, ethical or legal principle is that true. That's the moral code of a Mafia extortionist.

And like I told you, the issue of whether I agreed to pay taxes doesn't come up in a court of law because paying taxes isn't a contractual obligation. The judge doesn't give a shit whether you agreed to it or not. You're the one claiming I agreed, not some judge or the legal code of the United States.

OK, Glad I crowned you King of Wingnutters earlier since you 'think' Gov't is equated to the mafia, lol

The government is indistinguishable from an organized gang of criminals.
I disagree; they get paid with even public emoluments to take even the public blame.
Happiness as defined by Wikipedia? The DoI isn't the governing document of the land, even if your Wikilink had any relevance.
I never said the Declaration of Independence was the governing document of the did.
Utilitarianism always struck me as fundamentally pointless for exactly this reason. It's certainly not anything I want government to follow.
You find it pointless for government to maximize the utility of the greatest number of its citizens?
LOL, PLEASE TRY IT. Just say you never agreed to be taxed!

People have protested taxation at various times in the history of the United States, sometimes violently.

Tax protester history in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

FBI mdash San Antonio Tax Protester Sentenced to Federal Prison for Tax Evasion

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail

Ninth Circuit Rules 85-Year-Old Tax Protester Should Stay In Jail - Forbes


Please try what?

Why don't you try using the argument in a court of law that someone agreed to a contract because they failed to move.

You're an imbecile.

The fact that the courts prosecute you for not paying taxes only proves that the government will prosecute you for not paying taxes. No where in your case was there discussion about whether the defendant agreed to pay it. The court just doesn't give a shit about whether you agreed to it.

You agree to paying it by being a US citizen OR just living in OUR society Bubba. PLEASE go in front of a judge and tell him you never agreed to pay your payroll taxes, lol

You get to be crowned King of Wingernuttervill today Bubba

Wrong, asshole. By no moral, ethical or legal principle is that true. That's the moral code of a Mafia extortionist.

And like I told you, the issue of whether I agreed to pay taxes doesn't come up in a court of law because paying taxes isn't a contractual obligation. The judge doesn't give a shit whether you agreed to it or not. You're the one claiming I agreed, not some judge or the legal code of the United States.

OK, Glad I crowned you King of Wingnutters earlier since you 'think' Gov't is equated to the mafia, lol

The government is indistinguishable from an organized gang of criminals.

"OK, Glad I crowned you King of Wingnutters earlier"

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