The caged don't want Trump, they want the yoke.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
One of the biggest things exposed by the election of Donald Trump is that the entire US government is, and has been, a corrupt fraud for much of its modern existence. The greatest danger of any democracy is that a small nucleus of control authority will rise and trick the people into believing that an ever-expanding government is necessary to maintain that democracy.

Trump was not elected by virtue of his ability to sway people with intellectual arguments about the importance of keeping an aristocracy of academics and political leaders in charge when they’ve already corroded the core of US society to the point where opioids and chemical dependence are controlling mechanisms out of control. Some major American cities already resemble Bombay or Calcutta.

The US educational system has been co-opted not to educate but to indoctrinate young, innocent minds to hate their parents and grandparents with final-solution lessons of white privilege and ethnic-cleansing recruitment policies designed to promote self-loathing and racial guilt.

White and black US brethren have been set against one another as a ploy to keep academic aristocrats and socialist political operatives at the helm proselytizing mistrust and promoting the notion that the people can never get along without the iron hand of an embedded deep state swinging the sword of fairness.

Freedom and liberty have been swindled from the people by convincing them they must be at constant war, not just with enemies abroad but with each other. The government, of course, has it all under control with fellow-traveling media propaganda incessantly drumming the failures of the state as grand successes under attack by Trump and his “deplorables”.

In prison populations rats and snitches can keep an advantage by giving up fellow prisoners to their keepers. In Trump’s administration they are called “whistle blowers”. For decades, huge swaths of the US population have been under the influence of a kind of keeper-Stockholm Syndrome and Trump laid this bare. The embarrassment and humiliation are hard to deal with and the foolishness can never be rectified in the minds of the fooled. So, they see Trump as a monster out to destroy their caged world.

Sometimes real freedom can be scary; the people must learn to live with it. But like in Iraq, the people have been under the yoke for so long they run right back to it. Don’t be one of those people-re-elect Trump.
The Trump administration is the most corrupt of the modern era. Beat the rush and start pretending you never supported him now just like everyone did with George Bush.
The Trump administration is the most corrupt of the modern era. Beat the rush and start pretending you never supported him now just like everyone did with George Bush.

I bet you claimed he conspired with Russia and Mueller was going to prove it.
the entire US government is, and has been, a corrupt fraud for much of its modern existence

which most politically savvy folks have know all along...

The greatest danger of any democracy is that a small nucleus of control authority will rise and trick the people into believing that an ever-expanding government is necessary to maintain that democracy.

which most politically savvy folks have know all along...

Trump was not elected by virtue of his ability to sway people with intellectual arguments

which he's obviously incapable of

Don’t be one of those people-re-elect Trump.

Trump's part of the problem, not solution

I didn't vote for him the first time and I won't again, I will vote for any Democrat over him.
The Trump administration is the most corrupt of the modern era. Beat the rush and start pretending you never supported him now just like everyone did with George Bush.

Trump will beat the democrats like baby seals in November. Even if the MSM goes nuts like in 2016, remember this?
The Trump administration is the most corrupt of the modern era. Beat the rush and start pretending you never supported him now just like everyone did with George Bush.

I bet you claimed he conspired with Russia and Mueller was going to prove it.
The Mueller report cited a reluctance on the part of the White House to provide evidence to the investigation. Just like now you took stonewalling as a lack of evidence when obstruction is a clear indication of guilt.
The Trump administration is the most corrupt of the modern era. Beat the rush and start pretending you never supported him now just like everyone did with George Bush.

I bet you claimed he conspired with Russia and Mueller was going to prove it.
The Mueller report cited a reluctance on the part of the White House to provide evidence to the investigation. Just like now you took stonewalling as a lack of evidence when obstruction is a clear indication of guilt.

Come gotta let that pipe dream go. Nothing is there. It was a set up by Obama’s DOJ. The FISA WARRANTS WERE FALSELY OBTAINED. Obama’s FBI illegally spied on Trump.

That’s the story.
The Trump administration is the most corrupt of the modern era. Beat the rush and start pretending you never supported him now just like everyone did with George Bush.
I didn't vote for him the first time and I won't again, I will vote for any Democrat over him.

The whip and the yoke are waiting for you.

its happening.jpg
One of the biggest things exposed by the election of Donald Trump is that the entire US government is, and has been, a corrupt fraud for much of its modern existence. The greatest danger of any democracy is that a small nucleus of control authority will rise and trick the people into believing that an ever-expanding government is necessary to maintain that democracy.

Trump was not elected by virtue of his ability to sway people with intellectual arguments about the importance of keeping an aristocracy of academics and political leaders in charge when they’ve already corroded the core of US society to the point where opioids and chemical dependence are controlling mechanisms out of control. Some major American cities already resemble Bombay or Calcutta.

The US educational system has been co-opted not to educate but to indoctrinate young, innocent minds to hate their parents and grandparents with final-solution lessons of white privilege and ethnic-cleansing recruitment policies designed to promote self-loathing and racial guilt.

White and black US brethren have been set against one another as a ploy to keep academic aristocrats and socialist political operatives at the helm proselytizing mistrust and promoting the notion that the people can never get along without the iron hand of an embedded deep state swinging the sword of fairness.

Freedom and liberty have been swindled from the people by convincing them they must be at constant war, not just with enemies abroad but with each other. The government, of course, has it all under control with fellow-traveling media propaganda incessantly drumming the failures of the state as grand successes under attack by Trump and his “deplorables”.

In prison populations rats and snitches can keep an advantage by giving up fellow prisoners to their keepers. In Trump’s administration they are called “whistle blowers”. For decades, huge swaths of the US population have been under the influence of a kind of keeper-Stockholm Syndrome and Trump laid this bare. The embarrassment and humiliation are hard to deal with and the foolishness can never be rectified in the minds of the fooled. So, they see Trump as a monster out to destroy their caged world.

Sometimes real freedom can be scary; the people must learn to live with it. But like in Iraq, the people have been under the yoke for so long they run right back to it. Don’t be one of those people-re-elect Trump.
tRump was elected on hatred and Russian assistance.
I voted for him precisely because he was not the usual, run of the mill politican. We have had so many carrer politicians in office for so many years and they have done nothing but enrich themselves.
The Democrats have been pushing for more and more taxes and more and more government in our everyday lives. It is as if we don't want you to own anything and we want you to report your every move to us so we can decide if you are allowed to do that.
The Republicans on the other hand did not seem that involved in reversing or increasing the government. They seemed fine with leaving Democrat policies in place. It was more of a don't rock the boat kind of strategy. Their biggest worry was keeping democrats out of office.

Each member of each party was only in it for the self serving intrest of I am recognizable and I'm filling my pockets.
I felt we needed someone that was not interested in creating more government, was not interested in career politics. It was a nice bonus that he had enough money that special intrest groups would have less of an attraction compared to our congress critters that sell votes for a weekend in the Caribbean.
It didn't hurt that he spoke plain and didn't pull punches. The last guy was a disaster but he could load up on flowery phrases as long as he was reading of A Telepromter. Other wise he sounded like a stammering fool.

Does he do everything the way I wish he would? No, not even close, but we have no new wars unlike past head rats. We are experiencing low unemployment of actual jobs not just part time and promises of shovel ready jobs that never show up. Unlike those that predicted terrible economic collapse then and now the economy is chugging along. Funny that it did not collapse just because he wasn't a politician with zero bussiness sense that it didn't. He has done things that other politicians have paid lip service to for many years.

All in all not bad for someone that took on something only those with many years of being on the government dole have.
The Trump administration is the most corrupt of the modern era. Beat the rush and start pretending you never supported him now just like everyone did with George Bush.

I bet you claimed he conspired with Russia and Mueller was going to prove it.
The Mueller report cited a reluctance on the part of the White House to provide evidence to the investigation. Just like now you took stonewalling as a lack of evidence when obstruction is a clear indication of guilt.

Come gotta let that pipe dream go. Nothing is there. It was a set up by Obama’s DOJ. The FISA WARRANTS WERE FALSELY OBTAINED. Obama’s FBI illegally spied on Trump.

That’s the story.
The above is a perfect example of fake news.
One of the biggest things exposed by the election of Donald Trump is that the entire US government is, and has been, a corrupt fraud for much of its modern existence. The greatest danger of any democracy is that a small nucleus of control authority will rise and trick the people into believing that an ever-expanding government is necessary to maintain that democracy.

Trump was not elected by virtue of his ability to sway people with intellectual arguments about the importance of keeping an aristocracy of academics and political leaders in charge when they’ve already corroded the core of US society to the point where opioids and chemical dependence are controlling mechanisms out of control. Some major American cities already resemble Bombay or Calcutta.

The US educational system has been co-opted not to educate but to indoctrinate young, innocent minds to hate their parents and grandparents with final-solution lessons of white privilege and ethnic-cleansing recruitment policies designed to promote self-loathing and racial guilt.

White and black US brethren have been set against one another as a ploy to keep academic aristocrats and socialist political operatives at the helm proselytizing mistrust and promoting the notion that the people can never get along without the iron hand of an embedded deep state swinging the sword of fairness.

Freedom and liberty have been swindled from the people by convincing them they must be at constant war, not just with enemies abroad but with each other. The government, of course, has it all under control with fellow-traveling media propaganda incessantly drumming the failures of the state as grand successes under attack by Trump and his “deplorables”.

In prison populations rats and snitches can keep an advantage by giving up fellow prisoners to their keepers. In Trump’s administration they are called “whistle blowers”. For decades, huge swaths of the US population have been under the influence of a kind of keeper-Stockholm Syndrome and Trump laid this bare. The embarrassment and humiliation are hard to deal with and the foolishness can never be rectified in the minds of the fooled. So, they see Trump as a monster out to destroy their caged world.

Sometimes real freedom can be scary; the people must learn to live with it. But like in Iraq, the people have been under the yoke for so long they run right back to it. Don’t be one of those people-re-elect Trump.
tRump was elected on hatred and Russian assistance.
Reported for Trolling. Russian crap was debunked as a hoax paid for by Obama and Clinton.

But you are voting for crazy Bernie or corrupt Quid Pro Joe, right?

Nothing Crazy about wanting to arrest Billionaires and putting them in work camps and making them dig mass graves and build roads with a shovel and rake?

Nothing Crazy about wanting to build Guillotines to behead Christians and Conservatives?

Nothing Crazy about wanting to put Conservatives in Concentration Camps and Work Camps and work them and starve them to death?

If Bernie Sanders is not a Nazi what is he?

Socialist Math

Hitler killed 20 Million
Stalin killed 60 Million
Mao killed 100 Million
Roe v Wade killed 60 Million


The Democrat Party if they are given too much power?
If they were warming up at 60 million, just how many can they actually kill?
One of the biggest things exposed by the election of Donald Trump is that the entire US government is, and has been, a corrupt fraud for much of its modern existence. The greatest danger of any democracy is that a small nucleus of control authority will rise and trick the people into believing that an ever-expanding government is necessary to maintain that democracy.

Trump was not elected by virtue of his ability to sway people with intellectual arguments about the importance of keeping an aristocracy of academics and political leaders in charge when they’ve already corroded the core of US society to the point where opioids and chemical dependence are controlling mechanisms out of control. Some major American cities already resemble Bombay or Calcutta.

The US educational system has been co-opted not to educate but to indoctrinate young, innocent minds to hate their parents and grandparents with final-solution lessons of white privilege and ethnic-cleansing recruitment policies designed to promote self-loathing and racial guilt.

White and black US brethren have been set against one another as a ploy to keep academic aristocrats and socialist political operatives at the helm proselytizing mistrust and promoting the notion that the people can never get along without the iron hand of an embedded deep state swinging the sword of fairness.

Freedom and liberty have been swindled from the people by convincing them they must be at constant war, not just with enemies abroad but with each other. The government, of course, has it all under control with fellow-traveling media propaganda incessantly drumming the failures of the state as grand successes under attack by Trump and his “deplorables”.

In prison populations rats and snitches can keep an advantage by giving up fellow prisoners to their keepers. In Trump’s administration they are called “whistle blowers”. For decades, huge swaths of the US population have been under the influence of a kind of keeper-Stockholm Syndrome and Trump laid this bare. The embarrassment and humiliation are hard to deal with and the foolishness can never be rectified in the minds of the fooled. So, they see Trump as a monster out to destroy their caged world.

Sometimes real freedom can be scary; the people must learn to live with it. But like in Iraq, the people have been under the yoke for so long they run right back to it. Don’t be one of those people-re-elect Trump.
tRump was elected on hatred and Russian assistance.
Got to love it. Officially Trump recieved $0.00 dollars in campaign contributions. Clinton received millions to the Clinton foundation. Mueller and a host of democrats spent years looking into Russian collusion and yet that is still parroted. If an ad that cost less the Clintons coffee fund influenced anyones vote they probably could not have found their way to the voting booth without help.
The real hate seems to be coming from those that did not vote Trump.
The Trump administration is the most corrupt of the modern era. Beat the rush and start pretending you never supported him now just like everyone did with George Bush.

I bet you claimed he conspired with Russia and Mueller was going to prove it.
The Mueller report cited a reluctance on the part of the White House to provide evidence to the investigation. Just like now you took stonewalling as a lack of evidence when obstruction is a clear indication of guilt.

Why do you lie?

Herr Mueller testified that no one obstructed his investigation.


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