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The Cancer Pandemic

Note a recent Australian melanoma thread (high incidence of melanomas) and the revealing capitalist pathology in posts #4 & 5:

A Cancer Forum
Melanoma removed: Are all Skin clinics money gougers? - Melanoma and Skin Cancer Forum - Cancer Forums
'This forum is for discussion of cancer topics. If you are worried about car safety, find an automotive forum. If you are worried about government policies, find a political forum, write to your representative, etc.'

Melanoma mimics HIV-1 virus in that it profoundly suppresses the immune system. Sloan-Kettering has linked to New Mexico for the study mentioned above, because melanoma cases are now increasing in Hispanics. Today's sky is not yesterday's sky.
Off with you humans, you kill the sky and the animals too. Is there nothing we cook up for you to make you disintegrate? Not even your immune system?

By the way, putting ever lengthier commercials about cancer on tv, will infect you through your minds enough, hopefully, to finally be done with you.

Oh the viral universe, virus to virus as for the human swarm.
Herpes simplex 1 virus, the common cold-sore virus, can be oncolytic, meaning it can target and kill cancer cells. Along with Rv echovirus, these have been used against melanoma, so we must now link the other cancer thread because of the Australian connections.

Pokeweed (Phytolacca) mentioned in the other cancer thread links Australian aborigines to a member of the Phytolaccaceae family:

'Phytolaccaceae: Codonocarpus cotinifolius (Desf.), used by the aborigines of Western Australia (1960, National Cancer Institute Central Files)

C. cotinifolius, Common Name: Maroon, for tongue cancer, reputed cure of a Western Australian aborigine (1946).
(Hartwell JL, Plants Used Against Cancer: A Survey p. 441)
I wouldn't say the healthcare industry causes cancer. But they do profit from it.

Notice how cancer drugs increasingly you have to take for life, and cost millions. Where are the drugs that are just given over a period of time and actually cure cancer. Nowhere to be seen. This, despite the fact that cancer is so common, and so there is incentive to treat it.

But companies can make more money by "managing" it rather than curing it.
Last decade or so, managing rather than eradication is making quite good sense in many contexts. What we want to see is more forensics that clue up the hostage population as to just how these modern meds work, their chemical structure, etc. An example is ocular melanoma as it relates to prostate:

'The isotopes used for permanent prostate implants, 125I and103Pd, provide about equivalent tumor control. The purpose of this study is to investigate how characteristic x-rays may be used to raise the relative biological effeectiveness (RBE) of an iodine seed at short distances to increase the differential effect between tumor mand healthy tissue....The RBE dependence on distance is an interesting feature that could benefit other applicatioins such as ocular melanoma or coronary brachytherapy where a highly localized dose distribution is desired.'
(Taschereau, et al, Relative Biological Effectiveness Enhancement of a 134I Brachytherapy Seed with Characteristic x-rays from Its Constitutive Material, Medical Physics (July 2002) 29: 1397)

In other words, so that the ocular melanoma does not grow into the eye, a radoiodine seed is placed in position to inbtercept its growth. This seed also emits x-razys.
On the other hand, HepC drugs costing $27,000 per month rival Ipilimumab, which was developed at Berkeley:

Ipilimumab - Wikipedia
'....$120,000 for a course of treatment.'

What are the pharmacodynamics/pharmacokinetics of this antibody? Where are the visual graphics to depict this?
Japan and Fukushima link to Nivolumab, which is used in conjunction with Ipilimumab:

Nivolumab - Wikipedia
'....The first regulatory approval of a PD-1 inhibitor anywhere in the world.'
Hispanic Melanoma

'At the age of 22, Kaitlyn Julia was diagnosed with Stage 3 melanoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer. At age 23 it had moved to the 4th Stage. And by age 24 it had claimed her life....

During Kait's first week back in Kenosha, everyone wanted to stop by and visit....So, Ipilimumab it was, as a single agent and Kait was scheduled to begin in two weeks....December 22, 2012. My Kaitlyn lay in front of me on her bed, hardly able to move. For a week she had been confined to that bed as the tumors growing in the right portion of her brain cause complete paralysis on the left side of her body. He ability to comprehend anything was worsening by the day.'
(Ruhland T, Caring for Kait: A True Story ofr Young Love and Cancer)
''....I continued researching to locate a potential cancer deterrent for Kait. Atop my list was Hemp Oil, the liquid extracted from the marijuana plant., the one my brother said he had a dream about. From extensive reading, it seemed the most promising, as the oil had been shown to have medicinal and curative properties to combat not only cancer, but also numerous other ailments. Backed by thousands of people who have had success with the liquid, this method involves ingesting the oil as opposed to smoking it, which causes zero harm to a person's body, even if they take too much.
Unfortunately, though I tried for months, even extending my reach overseas, I failed in my attempt at acquiring the Cannabis medicine.'
(Ruhland T, Caring for Kait:A True Story of Young Love and Cancer)

One link between Hirschsprung's and Kait's melanoma is B-raf (BRAF).

Dec 2017 Hirschsprung's / BRAF Mutation
Haddad syndrome novel association with BRAF mutation. - PubMed - NCBI

As with Ruhland's frustration in obtaining the hemp oil, so too for investigators of the Hirschsprung-melanoma link: the Pubmed article above costs $27.50 to read. Thus, medical fascism goes esoteric as a buy-sell-trade 666 enterprise. The question is this: What is the value at the point of exchange?
As Ruhland states, the statistics for the Ipilimumab-Temodar combination were much better than either one alone, the problem was also one of being eligible for a clinical trial:

'Kaitlyn was on board with me. She heard the story about the woman and others who had received the Ipi/Temodar combo, and she really wanted to receive the two together. Kaitlyn agreed that if we were serious about fighting the disease, Temodar as a single agent would not be an option.....We had the exact treatment strategy in mind that we wanted, it wasn't like we were reaching. It was a well-known combination of drugs used by a number of doctors, and it had been garnering success. Why couldn't we get what we wanted?

Why wasn't this our choice? Now what were we to do? Kait's cancer seemed to be galloping as new tumors began popping up almost every day. Should we just go with Temodar alone, even if we had almost no confidence in it? I didn't think we should....The next day, I did some research and found out that once the cancer cells find a way around Zelboraf, it essentially becomes nourishment for the cancer cells and can cause them to grow faster.
As one example, Vitamin B17 is another alternative natural substance that has been touted as an effective cancer combatant. Many people from around the globe have claimed it to have successfully deteated their cancer. However, the FDA decided to put a ban on Vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile, in the United States with the justification that the substance is poisonous and, therefore, dangerous if taken in excessive amounts.....Just over the last 100 years, the methods of such practitiooners as Dr. Burzynski, Dr. Gonzalez, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, Rene Caisse, Dr. Max Gerson, Linus Pauling, John Hoxsey, and so many more, have been suppressed even though they've proven to be safer and less toxic than traditional chemotherapy.'
(Ruhland, Caring for Kait)
Cotellic and Zelboraf are used in combination and can cause the skin to become sensitive to sunlight. This sensitization links precisely to the compounds we have mentioned produced by grass-associated microorganisms against basal cell carcinoma (PDT, photodynamic therapy). Cotellic (cobimetinib) links precisely to the melanoma-Hirschsprung's assemblage for BRAF:

Cobimetinib - Wikipedia
We investigate the chemistry of these cancer meds:

Cobimetinib is GDC-0973, a methanone derivative:

Journal of Hematology and Oncology (2013) 6:27
MEK and the inhibitors: from bench to bedside | Journal of Hematology & Oncology | Full Text
'....GDC-0973, a derivative of methanone, is a potent, orally bioavailable, small molecule inhibitor of MEK2. Strong antineoplastic activity in B-Raf and K-Ras mutant cancer cell lines....DLTs (dose-limiting toxicities) for increased serum lipase and CK enzymes.'

= Benzophenone, 4-methyl
= (4-Methyl)phenyl-
= p-Benzoyltoluene
= p-Methylbenzophenone
= Phenyl p-tolyl ketone
Another med used in combination with Kait's Zelboraf (vemurafenib),'is called cobimetinib (GDC-0973), which is the methanone derivative with three flourine atoms and one iodine atom added on. We came across the same medicine found in Hemp Oil, which Travis could not obtain to help in Kait's cancer. Note the methanone moiety in the naturally-occurring compound:

Jan 2008 Cannabinoids Desensitize Capsaicin and Mustard Oil Responses in Sensory Neurons via TRPA1 Activation
Cannabinoids desensitize capsaicin and mustard oil responses in sensory neurons via TRPA1 activation. - PubMed - NCBI
'....methanone mesylate....
Travis Ruhland was on track when considering Hemp Oil for Kaitlyn. The very methanone moiety we have shown for GDC-0973 (cobimetinib) is also linked to Kait's vemurafenib. In the title, HSP90 = heat-shock protein 90:

2016: Vemurafenib-Methanone
Rodriguez-Lopez, (methanone) AT 13387, an HSP90 Inhibitor, Effective in Both Vemurafenib-Sensitive and -Resistant Melanoma"
It seems that the methanone derivative with the fluorine atoms (Kait's vemurafenib[Zelboraf]) diverges from the naturally occurring methanone in Cannabis.

We refer to Gibbs, C'hemotaxonomy of Flowering Plants, Volume I, p. 482:

'Fluorine (F). 'Fluorosis' due to high concentrations of F in plants has been reported from N. Africa, Tanganyika, S. Africa, the U.S.A., and (worst of all) Madras, India. Woody angiosperms have about 0.5 ppm. F has not been proven to be essential, though it has been much in the news in connection with the fluoridation of drinking water.

From the chemotaxonomic point of view, the most interesting thing about fluorine is its occurrence in (fatty acids [italics]).

Legum. Acacia georginae; seeds of this plant ('gidgie') are known to be toxic, and Oelrichs and McEwan (1961) have found them to contain fluroacetate. Gastrolobium grandiflorum leaves have fluoroacetate, too.

Dichapetal. Dichapetalum was for long thought to be the only source of F-containing fatty acids. Seeds of D. toxicarium have w-fluoropalmitate and w-fluroroacetate. D. cymosum leaves have fluoroacetate.

Rubi. Palicourea marcgravii is very toxic. Its leaves have been found (de Oliviera, 1963) to contain fluoroacetate.'
When retrieving the Gibbs excerpt, we also found evidence that Kai's melanoma-compromised brain was being made to look like a plant leaf when administered Zelboraf:

Fluorine Toxicity in Plants
Fluorine Toxicity in Plants
'....In general, soil fluorine is not available to plants....There are exceptions such as tea plants that are natural accumulators of fluoride. Gaseous uptake of fluorine by leaves is rapid due to its high solubility. Fluoride is an accumulative poison in plant foliage....include marginal and tip necrosis.'

' "Normally you only get one shot with brain radiation, and most doctors will refuse to do any more because it can cause necrosis, or brain cell death.'
(Ruhland T, Caring for Kait)
Immediately after having found the plant link to Kait's cancer meds, we tracked the Dichapetalum to Africa and found this:

'Dichapetalaceae. In East Africa, the bark and leaf of Dichapealum macrocarpum Engl. have been found to contain monofluroacetic acid. The fruit is said to be "deadly poisonous."

The bark and leaf of D. mossambicense Engl. has has caused field poisoning of the sheep and goat. On the other hand, the leaf is reported as being non-poisonous and the fruit edible.

In Tanganyika, D. ruhlandii Engl. is poisonous to the sheep and goat.

In Tanganyika another Dichapetalum sp., not fully determined, is used In Tanganykia, D. stuhlmannii is used by the African populace to poison the wild pig, the monkey, the rat and other vermin by mixing water in which the leafy twig has been bruised and stamped. The plant has been under suspicion of causing death in a woman to whom a preparation was administered as an abortifacient, and is regarded as toxic to man.

D. venenatum Engl. & Gilg. is said to contain cyanogenic glucoside....and closely parallel the effects of D. cymosum. The leaf and seed have proved very toxic to cattle, but the fruit pulp is edible.'
(Watt JM, Breyer-Brandwidjk MG, The Medicinal and Poisonous Plants of Southern and Eastern Africa Edinburgh and London: E.& S. Livingstone, Ltd. 1962)

Note the astonishing coincidence between Kait's husband-to-be and the botanist the plant was named after. Thus, suspicious are the three fluorine atoms attached to Zelboraf.
Gibbs mention of fatty acids (above) link to a major player in melanoma metastasis: CD36, which study from Spain is exemplary in explaining its lipid scavenging profile. Thus, the affinity of fluorine to fatty acids in plants parallels the affinity to melanoma-promoting CD36. Indeed, we will excerpt from Ruhland again to show that Kait's melanoma was remaining true to (CD36) form by its affinity to body fat.

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