The capitalist network that runs the world


An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.

The study's assumptions have attracted some criticism, but complex systems analysts contacted by New Scientist say it is a unique effort to untangle control in the global economy. Pushing the analysis further, they say, could help to identify ways of making global capitalism more stable.

The idea that a few bankers control a large chunk of the global economy might not seem like news to New York's Occupy Wall Street movement and protesters elsewhere (see photo). But the study, by a trio of complex systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, is the first to go beyond ideology to empirically identify such a network of power. It combines the mathematics long used to model natural systems with comprehensive corporate data to map ownership among the world's transnational corporations (TNCs).

I bet all of this would have been stopped in it's tracks if only Booooosh would have put in those broker rules.

No, they did not. The federal reserve and congress brought down the the US economy. Then everyone applauded them for their efforts to "fix" the mess they made. Meanwhile blaming Wall St. for the problem.

Once again, government interference and central planning fuck everything up. Capitalism that doesn't exist gets the blame.

I believe by your logic the crisis started long before February, 2007. Please tell me when actually crisis started if before that date.

The Financial Crisis Timeline
February 27, 2007 | Freddie Mac Press Release

The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) announces that it will no longer buy the most risky subprime mortgages and mortgage-related securities.
Capitalism is the only economic system that deals with natural market mechanisms on their own terms. It does not question the supply/demand curve. It simply takes available inputs and moves them along. It is people who grow the food, process the materials, creates the products, market the products, and so on. Markets exist independent of capitalism. They existed before the system was ever dreamed up and advocated by the likes of Adam Smith. The second that government attempts to manipulate market mechanisms, it begins to move away from capitalism.

True capitalism has never really been practiced, and so it becomes an convenient scapegoat for those that would rather not understand it's mechanisms in favor of blaming the world problems on it. The general market mechanisms of capitalism, for all of it's imperfections, are what created most societal advancements in the last 200+ years. Good luck disputing that. Concentrations of wealth and power happen within the context of capitalism, but it is only through government intervention into these mechanisms that truly coercive corporate monopolies take place. This was true in the past, and it is true today.
Obviously, business needs to be replaced with governments who know better. Or, even better than that, a world elected body of Philosopher Kings who have spent their lives determining what's best for everyone. A Prince can preside over them! Let's call him obama! World peace, equality, the way forward.
The bubble started by legislation passed in the early 90s that ramped up lending through the GSEs. From there, after the doctcom bubble burst, also built in through the 90s, the federal reserve, once again lowered interest rates to spur lending. That lending ended up in real estate and investment firms using VaR models that are pure garbage made bad bundling on toxic mortgages without realizing until it was too late what kind of mess was created. Then the federal reserve pushed interest rates back up and POP GOES THE BUBBLE.

With so many "too big to fail", we propped up and bailed out terrible practice. And that was done because the government and the federal reserve were the culprits of the mess in the first place.
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Timing and Temporary Exemption
As adopted, Regulation R provides banks with a transitional exemption until the first day of their first fiscal year commencing after Sept. 30, 2008. This will give banks time to make any necessary changes in their systems and compliance programs and should ensure that banks have time to come into compliance with the Exchange Act provisions relating to the broker definition. This exemptive rule will become effective on the date that the Commission's current order expires, Sept. 28, 2007.

The SEC-only rules will become effective 30 days after their publication in the Federal Register.
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[ame=]President Bush's speech on the financial crisis 9/24/08 (1) - YouTube[/ame]

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One week before these broker rules came on line Bush had to annouce the coming crash
I love it! Neither house of Congress can't even get their 435 members (HOR) or 100 (Senate) to agree on anything! Yet 43K businesses with countless executives can agree on a single agenda to rule the world!!!! LOL impossible!

First, what happens when one of these so called rulers of the world like Bear Stearns goes belly up! Is that getting them kicked out the fraternity of evil world rulers?

When Walmart and Target put the Woolworth (previous biggest chain store) out of business, was that kicked out of the frat house of evil world rulers!

These scientist say wow these big corps work with these big banks! Earth to STUPID, the big corps have larger needs, meaning more profits, but also have larger pockets meaning more of an ability to pay and less risk!

I can tell your not a sales person, before I got into the legal department I worked in sales. I jizz in my pants over winning the mom and pop two employee account down the street, but I went NUTZ when I won a $10 mil contract with Quicken Loans!

Big players play with other big players.

Second, how would so called scientist know the internal connect. Are they privy to all 43K corp's books, meetings, sales calls etc. Not even the board of directors at all these companies know all this information! It's bogus science and nothing more than a conspiracy guess (not even worth the name conspiracy).

I know your comeback, these large corps get the unfair advantage and push the little guys to the curb. I know a big government person like you doesn't want to hear this, but the big corp advantage really comes from Big government regulations. Take Sarbanes–Oxley Act a huge account requirement. The big corps bitch, but were able to absorb the costs. The small guys couldn't absorb the costs and either went under or laid off so many key people the business lost it swagger! Dodd-Frank is caused the same shift to the bigger corps. Obaminationcare is a perfect example also. The large small businesses (btw 50-500 employees) are going to really struggle with the added costs, the large corps who will get hit also and are bitching will be able to adjust, pushes costs elsewhere, but gain an advantage over the little guys who don't have the means to adjust effectively!

Taxes and spending are a problem in this country for the business community, but over-regulation, expensive regulation and too much red tape is what has shifted the advantage so much to the large corps!
[ame=]Democrats were WARNED of Financial crisis and did NOTHING - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Ron Paul: "This real-estate bubble will burst, as all bubbles do" (part 3) - YouTube[/ame]
Timing and Temporary Exemption
As adopted, Regulation R provides banks with a transitional exemption until the first day of their first fiscal year commencing after Sept. 30, 2008. This will give banks time to make any necessary changes in their systems and compliance programs and should ensure that banks have time to come into compliance with the Exchange Act provisions relating to the broker definition. This exemptive rule will become effective on the date that the Commission's current order expires, Sept. 28, 2007.

The SEC-only rules will become effective 30 days after their publication in the Federal Register.

Bush had to go on TV and tell us we were about to crash one week before the rules were changed
Lets hear more about those Bilderbergers, the Illuminati, the Council on Foriegn Relations and the Tri-Lateral Commission............

Its all sooooooooooo globally
some one is going to rule.

You want corporations instead of governments run by the people to rule?

What we are ruled by is money. Can you get the basics of survival without it? Can you grow enough food on your own land? Can you get water? Will you be able to heat your home? How many people in the industrialized world can do that? 1%? 2%?

What do you absolutely need to be able to survive?

A JOB. Because that's how you acquire currency. And currency is what gets you all the basics.

When currency becomes nearly worthless because of incredible amounts of government debt (not just the US but everywhere), the leaders of government will take over, initiate a one-world currency, which will soon lead to a one-world government.

And money will mean nothing. And the people of the world will allow it to happen, because like the Germans in the 20's and 30's, financially, they will have no choice.

Lay down and die if you like.

Im not going to

What are you going to do? Move to rural Alaska and live on a homestead? You can if you want.

If you intend to live in the industrialized world, and use modern convienences, you won't have a choice.

Not gonna happen for 50-75 years, but this is where things are going. There are no new sources of the elements that make modern life possible. We cannot grow enough food to feed everyone on this planet without them. The price of everything will continue to escalate. Money will become worthless, even for the rich.

Which IS the plan. That's how you wrest power from them. Make their money worthless.
American deregulation caused the global capitalist network to run the world.

You heard it here first.


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