The Cappucino Corral

My style of breakfast. They do it so well here.

You have a mean streak.

Confession: I don't care much for cake, pie, cookies (except hot-from-the-oven chocolate chip) but I LOVE that really thick, fatty, disgusting bakery frosting.

So, I'll just scrape off a bit and leave the rest to y'all.

You can have my bakery frosting, Luddly. I usually scrape off most of mine.
Scrapping frosting is illegal in Florida ...I saw a kid get a ticket using his teeth to scrape the inside cream off an Oreo..
You have a mean streak.

Confession: I don't care much for cake, pie, cookies (except hot-from-the-oven chocolate chip) but I LOVE that really thick, fatty, disgusting bakery frosting.

So, I'll just scrape off a bit and leave the rest to y'all.

You can have my bakery frosting, Luddly. I usually scrape off most of mine.
Scrapping frosting is illegal in Florida ...I saw a kid get a ticket using his teeth to scrape the inside cream off an Oreo..

What we consenting adults choose to do in the privacy of our own closet, with the light off and the door locked ................................
Started working on my planting beds in my vegetable garden.....didn't get too much done, though, it actually got too hot. I need to get up really early and do it in the cool of the morning. I'm getting all excited about planting tomatoes. I haven't bought any of my plants yet, but I think it will be safe from here on out to plant them.....I do believe we are done with winter........:banana:

What a beautiful day we had here and, like you, we've got the fever.

Really looking forward to those little yellow pear tomatoes. Fresh from the vine, brush off the dirt and just stand out there, scarfing them down.

Nothing better.

So what kind of tomatoes will you be planting?

We saved some seeds from some heirloom tomatoes and thinking we'll start the plants inside.

I try to plant several different kinds. I look for the common variety, Celebrity, Beefmaster, but when I go shopping, I end up getting whatever they have available....I don't like to make several trips to different places.

Later, if I come across some specialties, like Heirloom, or other rare kinds, I like to buy a plant or two and try them out. I grew some that were almost black, they were a deep red, but found they weren't as juicy as I like them. I also plant some Rome tomatoes, they're good for Italian dishes.

Last year I grew some "yellow" ones, it was kind of strange....almost as strange as the yellow watermelons they sell here in Texas. I still have several packages in the freezer (I just diced them and froze them)....but I feel weird putting them in my pasta sauce, it seems they should be "red"!

I tried the "seed" routine a long time ago and decided it wasn't worth the trouble. They needed way too much attention, and the seedlings didn't seem as sturdy as the ones I buy already about 6" or 12" tall.
Started working on my planting beds in my vegetable garden.....didn't get too much done, though, it actually got too hot. I need to get up really early and do it in the cool of the morning. I'm getting all excited about planting tomatoes. I haven't bought any of my plants yet, but I think it will be safe from here on out to plant them.....I do believe we are done with winter........:banana:

What a beautiful day we had here and, like you, we've got the fever.

Really looking forward to those little yellow pear tomatoes. Fresh from the vine, brush off the dirt and just stand out there, scarfing them down.

Nothing better.

So what kind of tomatoes will you be planting?

We saved some seeds from some heirloom tomatoes and thinking we'll start the plants inside.

I try to plant several different kinds. I look for the common variety, Celebrity, Beefmaster, but when I go shopping, I end up getting whatever they have available....I don't like to make several trips to different places.

Later, if I come across some specialties, like Heirloom, or other rare kinds, I like to buy a plant or two and try them out. I grew some that were almost black, they were a deep red, but found they weren't as juicy as I like them. I also plant some Rome tomatoes, they're good for Italian dishes.

Last year I grew some "yellow" ones, it was kind of strange....almost as strange as the yellow watermelons they sell here in Texas. I still have several packages in the freezer (I just diced them and froze them)....but I feel weird putting them in my pasta sauce, it seems they should be "red"!

I tried the "seed" routine a long time ago and decided it wasn't worth the trouble. They needed way too much attention, and the seedlings didn't seem as sturdy as the ones I buy already about 6" or 12" tall.

I agree with Mertex -- starting seeds is just too much trouble when you have a good grower you can get seedligs from. That's what I do.

I'm very particular not to get the standard varieties for fear they may be GM infected. Actually the grower I get stuff from says they don't deal with GM, but in general.

We get a lot of heirlooms growing here including a purple variety. I love to try 'em all out for the subtle differences.

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