The Cappucino Corral

Mertex which team do you like best so far, White Collar, Blue Collar or No Collar?

Well, that's a hard question. I was liking the no-collar, but they are decimating their own team. I didn't like Vince, he was way too controlling and paranoid, so even though I was glad he was voted off, I think Nina should have been voted off first. She is too emotional and worries too much about how she fits in, but she doesn't try to fit in. They only have 2 men left in the team, and Will is a weak player, so I don't see how they are going to win any more challenges.

I also like the blue-collar team, but they have a problem getting along. Mike is too bossy trying to get everybody to work, and Rodney is a loose cannon who doesn't like to be told what to do. Lindsey is kinda mouthy and will probably not last too long. I like Kelly, the state trooper and hope she remains long enough for the merge. The other gal, Sierra/Sienna seems okay, doesn't say much, probably playing it cool. Dan Foley is disgusting.....I wouldn't mind if they voted him off.

The White collar team seemed too snotty at first, and not organized, but seems to be getting a grip and are now winning competitions. I hope they vote Shirrin off....I don't like her attitude, running around naked in front of the guys, and some of them are married....just seems a little offensive to me. Joaquin, I don't care for much either, he chose to lie to the group....which I know is part of the game but I think it has cost him points in the social area.

Based on my observations, I think the White-collar team will probably be the one that comes out ahead...they don't seem to be feuding as much (at least from what we are able to see).

Which team do you like best?

I like white collar best so far. I only like the one boy from no collar, I don't like anyone else in that group.Blue collar is mixed, some of cool some aren't. I will write more later.
Started working on my planting beds in my vegetable garden.....didn't get too much done, though, it actually got too hot. I need to get up really early and do it in the cool of the morning. I'm getting all excited about planting tomatoes. I haven't bought any of my plants yet, but I think it will be safe from here on out to plant them.....I do believe we are done with winter........:banana:
You have a mean streak.

Confession: I don't care much for cake, pie, cookies (except hot-from-the-oven chocolate chip) but I LOVE that really thick, fatty, disgusting bakery frosting.

So, I'll just scrape off a bit and leave the rest to y'all.

You can have my bakery frosting, Luddly. I usually scrape off most of mine.
Started working on my planting beds in my vegetable garden.....didn't get too much done, though, it actually got too hot. I need to get up really early and do it in the cool of the morning. I'm getting all excited about planting tomatoes. I haven't bought any of my plants yet, but I think it will be safe from here on out to plant them.....I do believe we are done with winter........:banana:

What a beautiful day we had here and, like you, we've got the fever.

Really looking forward to those little yellow pear tomatoes. Fresh from the vine, brush off the dirt and just stand out there, scarfing them down.

Nothing better.

So what kind of tomatoes will you be planting?

We saved some seeds from some heirloom tomatoes and thinking we'll start the plants inside.
You have a mean streak.

Confession: I don't care much for cake, pie, cookies (except hot-from-the-oven chocolate chip) but I LOVE that really thick, fatty, disgusting bakery frosting.

So, I'll just scrape off a bit and leave the rest to y'all.

You can have my bakery frosting, Luddly. I usually scrape off most of mine.


I just want a couple small bites. Its so rich, a little goes a long way - and then you can have all the cake.

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