The Cappucino Corral

Today is my birthday. Sixty years young.
Flying to Las Vegas later today to celebrate the whole weekend with my entire family. We all staying at Aria casino.




So what are your plans for your next 60 years? :D
Thought you all might get a chuckle out of this one:

A honeymooning couple was passing through Louisiana. When they were approaching Lafayette, they started arguing about the pronunciation of the town. They argued back and forth until they got to the town, where they decided to stop for lunch.

As they stood at the counter, the man said, "Before we order, could you please settle an argument for us. Would you very slowly pronounce where we are."

The guy behind the corner leaned over and said, "Burrrrrrrr gerrrrrrr Kiiiiing"
LOL, Drifter! I can visualize everyone from the neighborhood gathered round this....just to get warm. :cool-45: The one with the giant 'cigarette', I mean.
ooo ooo Love the pumpkins drifter. I've always really enjoyed painting them instead of carving.

In the past, we have painted permanent pumpkins for our g-kids and their school classes. Or painted rocks to look like something or other. This year, we found the perfect rock and painted it to be a family of ghosts - two parents, two kids, two cats and painted each to look like who they represented.

Should-a taken pics before we sent it.

There has to be a place in USMB where every member can hang his hat and be himself.

The Cappucino Corral, which is open to EVERYONE of all persuasions to come, put yer feet up, chat, make friends and the like.

No matter how much some people may "hate" each other on the open board, even those people should be able to communicate with each other and have some fun here.

If you are a Conservative, you are heartily welcomed here.
If you are Liberal, you are heartily welcomed here.
If you are totally unaffiliated, you are heartily welcomed here.

In fact, I plan to invite some people to the CORRAL who don't necessarily like me on the open board at all. I hope to bury some axes and get to know the other side of some people where there has been a lot of friction.

Your race, your gender, your sexual orientation, your religion and your politics play absolutely no role in the CAPPUCINO CORRAL. Being a living, breathing human being who wants to communicate with others is what counts here!

The CAPPUCINO CORRAL abides by the rules on the Lounge and we will keep those rules:

-no religion
-no politics
-no racism
-no trolling

The rest is free and fair game. :D


I work a lot and cannot always be here, so it's incumbent upon all of us to keep the place fun, clean and entertaining.

And enjoy a nice Cappucino!


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