The Cappucino Corral

Good Morning and have a groovy one......
I have another joke for you all.

Blonde walking by a building one night sees a sign on a door that says: "Please ring bell for night watchman".

So, she rings the bell.

A few minutes later she sees a man coming forth, unlocking several doors before he gets to her and asks her how he can help her.

Well, for one thing, says the blonde, "why can't you ring the bell yourself?"
To those who watched "The Amazing Race" - just want to say I'm so glad that Joey and Kelsey won........and not Justin and Diana. Justin was such a blowhard, I couldn't stand him claiming all along that they were going to win. It was good to see Joey and Kelsey finally come in first after so many times coming in second to Justin & Diane.
Well I guess getting caught up with all of you is over due. My job duties were switched from sales to sales manager/nobody ever defined it in April. My prior manager told me two days before he left of his departure. No training, just here you go. The general mess is cleaned up, but the eight hundred pound gorilla remains.

We are blessed with 60 degree weather here in Michigan today. Trying to get outdoor stuff done I missed earlier in the Fall. The Christmas tree is assembled with light stringing next on the agenda. Tomorrow will be outdoor decorations and some pruning I missed. I cannot believe how green the grass is around here for December.

Most of the shopping is done, but wrapping is not even started yet. Hopefully we get to bake a few cookies before Christmas. Cards seem a bit too far of a goal for this year. Hope your plans are working out nicely.
Those white elephant gifts are interesting. Silly or sometimes lots of thought put into them. My oldest likes this part of Christmas the best.
Been a few years, but finishing a 1000 piece puzzle use to be a Christmas thing too.

We have little people again due to grandkids. Uno or Go Fish get a turn or two also.
To those who watched "The Amazing Race" - just want to say I'm so glad that Joey and Kelsey won........and not Justin and Diana. Justin was such a blowhard, I couldn't stand him claiming all along that they were going to win. It was good to see Joey and Kelsey finally come in first after so many times coming in second to Justin & Diane.
Oh I was hoping that crybaby Justin wouldn't win too. I'll bet he thinks he has a lot of fans out here just because they won seven legs.

He was a sore winner and he didn't treat Diana very well either.

I liked Joey and Kelsey too.
Finding something to do at Christmas and making it a tradition is what family probably remembers when we are gone.

I remember my grandma's Christmas bread, my dad playing chess with my cousin, ham, fudge and falling asleep in the car after three celebrations and 100 miles of travel in one day.
I believe I saw Stat around here one day or was that an old thread. I was wondering about him and where he's been.

If you're still here, Stat. Happy Holidays to you and to all the Lounge posters.​


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