The Cappucino Corral

Finding something to do at Christmas and making it a tradition is what family probably remembers when we are gone.

I remember my grandma's Christmas bread, my dad playing chess with my cousin, ham, fudge and falling asleep in the car after three celebrations and 100 miles of travel in one day.

Normally I go out of town but this year I'm staying home. I'm going to cook dinner for my mom and step dad, other relatives will come visit this year so that will be fun.
I believe I saw Stat around here one day or was that an old thread. I was wondering about him and where he's been.

If you're still here, Stat. Happy Holidays to you and to all the Lounge posters.​


I messaged him a month ago but haven't seen him post at all. I hope all is ok too.
I make it a tradition not to recognize Christmas in any way. No gifts, no decorations, no cards, not parties, no special dinners. I sometimes make the single exception of ordering a fruitcake from some monks in Oregon.

IMO, Christmas is for kids, and I loved doing it with them, but as an adult with no kids, or grandkids, it is just a pain in the ass. Long lines in stores. Forget about going to the post office. The same damned music everywhere, every year, everything closed on Christmas day except Denny's. It was a major weight off my shoulders to take all the decorations down to the local charity shop.

I get the added bonus of not participating in the ridiculous commercialization of the whole thing.

On the other hand, occasionally something like this crosses my path, and I feel a small tug on my heart:

Vandalshandle, take a hundred dollar bill and stake out a Walmart Christmas Eve. Find that person who looks the most deserving with a couple of kids in tow. You will be filled with Christmas Spirit.
Near as I can tell general amnesty has been declared, so if it was a board issue, he should be along soon. Freedombecki was gone for almost a year and has reemrged, stay hopeful.
The lights are not going on the tree by themselves. Off to do that task. Hoping no bad connections.

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