The Cappucino Corral

Time to finish some pruning and place outdoor decorations. I really got behind on personal landscape work this year.
Hey, some of my favorite cat loving posters! Once we get the decorations under control and gifts wrapped I will feel more festive. I have to work a five foot lighted snowman into the outdoor electrical system. I don't think I have enough amps.
Hey, some of my favorite cat loving posters! Once we get the decorations under control and gifts wrapped I will feel more festive. I have to work a five foot lighted snowman into the outdoor electrical system. I don't think I have enough amps.

My late husband made an angel with pvc pipe one year. It must have been 12 foot tall, if not taller. Covered it with tiny white lights, and it was just beautiful. It was one dimensional, so had to be securely anchored, and storage was a problem.
To those who watched "The Amazing Race" - just want to say I'm so glad that Joey and Kelsey won........and not Justin and Diana. Justin was such a blowhard, I couldn't stand him claiming all along that they were going to win. It was good to see Joey and Kelsey finally come in first after so many times coming in second to Justin & Diane.
Oh I was hoping that crybaby Justin wouldn't win too. I'll bet he thinks he has a lot of fans out here just because they won seven legs.

He was a sore winner and he didn't treat Diana very well either.

I liked Joey and Kelsey too.

That's too funny.....I guess we weren't the only ones that felt that way about Justin & Diana. During the final episode I was even hoping that if Kelsey and Joey weren't able to win it, that Chris and Logan would win it.....and I wasn't even that fond of those two!
I make it a tradition not to recognize Christmas in any way. No gifts, no decorations, no cards, not parties, no special dinners. I sometimes make the single exception of ordering a fruitcake from some monks in Oregon.

IMO, Christmas is for kids, and I loved doing it with them, but as an adult with no kids, or grandkids, it is just a pain in the ass. Long lines in stores. Forget about going to the post office. The same damned music everywhere, every year, everything closed on Christmas day except Denny's. It was a major weight off my shoulders to take all the decorations down to the local charity shop.

I get the added bonus of not participating in the ridiculous commercialization of the whole thing.

On the other hand, occasionally something like this crosses my path, and I feel a small tug on my heart:

Thanks....that was beautiful.

I know what you mean about Christmas...I'm glad when I don't have to decorate. We live out in the country and you can barely see our house from the road, so there's no point in putting up the decorations unless my kids are coming to visit. Last year we went to Tennessee and this year we're going on a cruise, so I was glad I didn't have to decorate. Still, buying gifts for family members and very close friends is always a hassle. I had to hurry up and do it before we leave, next week, but I finally got it all done.

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